Active Directory PowerShell creating users - powershell

New-ADUser -SamAccountName $user.SamAccountName -Name ($user.FirstName + " " + $user.LastName) `
-DisplayName ($user.FirstName + " " + $user.LastName) -GivenName $user.FirstName -Surname $user.LastName `
-EmailAddress ($user.FirstName + "_" + $user.LastName + $dnsroot) -UserPrincipalName ($user.SamAccountName + $dnsroot) `
-Title $user.title -manager $user.manager `
-Enabled $true -ChangePasswordAtLogon $false -PasswordNeverExpires $true `
-AccountPassword $defpassword -PassThru `
-AccountExpirationDate $expires -Path ''`
-telephoneNumber "9856"'
-LoginScript "es.cmd"'
-Description "etant"'
-Street "unt"`
I don't work with PowerShell much so I am unsure how to fix this error.
The error I get is: Missing expression after unary operator '-'

There are a few issues.
As mentioned, you need to have a space between your backticks and the end of a line for line continuation. Also, on some of your last lines, you use single quotes (') instead of backticks (`).
If your last line in the sample code is the last line of your command, having a backtick at the end of it will cause errors.
Additionally, -telephoneNumber is not a parameter of New-ADUser. The only default parameters that deal with phone numbers are -HomePhone, -OfficePhone, and -MobilePhone. Otherwise, you need to use the -OtherAttributes parameter.
In this case I think you want -OtherAttributes #{telephonenumber="9856"}

I'm pretty sure you need a space before the backtick.
New-ADUser -SamAccountName $user.SamAccountName -Name ($user.FirstName + " " + $user.LastName) `
-DisplayName ($user.FirstName + " " + $user.LastName) -GivenName $user.FirstName -Surname $user.LastName `
-EmailAddress ($user.FirstName + "_" + $user.LastName + $dnsroot) -UserPrincipalName ($user.SamAccountName + $dnsroot) `
-Title $user.title -manager $user.manager `
-Enabled $true -ChangePasswordAtLogon $false -PasswordNeverExpires $true `
-AccountPassword $defpassword -PassThru `
-AccountExpirationDate $expires -Path '' `
-telephoneNumber "9856" `
-LoginScript "es.cmd" `
-Description "etant" `
-Street "unt"


How to resolve NewAD error with -Path $OU

I am currently trying to automate the creation of new users on my Active Directory.
However when I run my powershell here is the error that presents itself to me :
New-ADUser: Unable to validate argument on "Path" parameter. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not null or empty and try again.
At character Line: 23:19
+ -Path $ OR `
+ ~~~
+ CategoryInfo: InvalidData: (:) [New-ADUser], ParameterBindingValidationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId: ParameterArgumentValidationError, Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.NewADUser
What can i do ?
Thanks for your help !
This is my code
$ADUsers = Import-csv E:\SCRIPT\newusers.csv
foreach ($User in $ADUsers)
$Username = $User.username
$Password = $User.password
$Firstname = $User.firstname
$Lastname = $User.lastname
$Description = $User.description
$OU = $User.ou
New-ADUser `
-SamAccountName $Username `
-UserPrincipalName "$" `
-Name "$Firstname $Lastname" `
-GivenName $Firstname `
-Surname $Lastname `
-Enabled $True `
-ChangePasswordAtLogon $False `
-DisplayName "$Lastname, $Firstname" `
-Description $Description `
-AccountPassword $Password `
-Path $OU `
Your comment indicates the CSV file uses the ; semi-colon as delimiter character, but you neglect to add that to the Import-Csv cmdlet. Now it is trying to parse the data using the default comma , and because of that none of the fields have a correct value.
Replace the first line with
$ADUsers = Import-csv -Path 'E:\SCRIPT\newusers.csv' -Delimiter ';'
Other than that, have a look at using splatting, so you don't need those awkward backticks.

add AD account with custom attribute using powershell

I am trying to add an account using powershell along with a cutom attribute. Schema extension is done and from attribute editor i can see that value of custom attribute "test" is not set.
$pw = "jakdakjdJAKJKA123";
$spw = ConvertTo-SecureString $pw -AsPlainText -force;
$accountname = "mytest";
$des = "Description";
$otherAttributes = #{'test' = "testval"};
New-AdUser -UserPrincipalName "$accountname#testdomain.local" -path "OU=Services,OU=Users,OU=OrgA,DC=testdomain,DC=local" -Name "$accountname" -SamAccountName "$accountname" -GivenName "$accountname" -Description $des -CannotChangePassword $true -DisplayName "$accountname" -PasswordNeverExpires $true -AccountPassword $spw -Enabled $true -otherAttributes $otherAttributes
when i run above code i get an error.
New-AdUser : The parameter is incorrect
At line:6 char:1
+ New-AdUser -UserPrincipalName "$accountname#testdomain.local" -path "OU=S ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (CN=mytest...testdomain,DC=local:String) [New-ADUser], ADInvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryServer:87,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.NewADUser
if i remove "-otherAttributes $otherAttributes", account will be added successfully.
Question is how can i add account with custom attribute?
Take the email out of the UserPrincipalName
New-AdUser -UserPrincipalName "$accountname" -path "OU=Services,OU=Users,OU=OrgA,DC=testdomain,DC=local" -Name "$accountname" -SamAccountName "$accountname" -GivenName "$accountname" -Description $des -CannotChangePassword $true -DisplayName "$accountname" -PasswordNeverExpires $true -AccountPassword $spw -Enabled $true -otherAttributes $otherAttributes

How to add user in a Active directory Group using powershell

The code I have used to create user is:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$total = 2
for ($userIndex=0; $userIndex -lt $total; $userIndex++)
$userID = “{0:0000}” -f ($userIndex + 1)
$userName = “Super.admin$userID”
Write-Host “Creating user” ($userIndex + 1) “of” $total “:” $userName
New-ADUser `
-AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString “admin#123” -AsPlainText -Force) `
-City “City” `
-Company “Company” `
-Country “US” `
-Department “Department” `
-Description (“TEST ACCOUNT ” + $userID + “: This user account does not represent a real user and is meant for test purposes only”)`
-DisplayName “Test User ($userID)” `
-Division “Division” `
-EmailAddress “$userName#DESMOSEDICI.local” `
-EmployeeNumber “$userID” `
-EmployeeID “ISED$userID” `
-Enabled $true `
-Fax “703-555-$userID” `
-GivenName “Test” `
-HomePhone “703-556-$userID” `
-Initials “TU$userID” `
-MobilePhone “703-557-$userID” `
-Name “Super.Admin ($userID)” `
-Office “Office: $userID”`
-OfficePhone “703-558-$userID” `
-Organization “Organization” `
-Path "OU=BusinessUnit,DC=Domain,DC=com" `
-POBox “PO Box $userID”`
-PostalCode $userID `
-SamAccountName $userName `
-State “VA – Virginia” `
-StreetAddress “$userID Any Street” `
-Surname “User ($userID)” `
-Title “Title” `
-UserPrincipalName “$“
Under my business unit group HR is created. How can I add a user in this group or create the users and assign the HR group to the users using the above script?
I tried to change the -Path
-Path "CN=HR,OU=Utility,DC=DESMOSEDICI,DC=com"
But it is not working.
Path is the Organizational Unit (or Container) the account will be created in. It has nothing to do with Group membership.
Add-ADGroupMember "CN=HR,OU=Utility,DC=DESMOSEDICI,DC=com" -Member "$"
Edit: This shows the command in the context of your script:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$total = 2
for ($userIndex=0; $userIndex -lt $total; $userIndex++) {
$userID = "{0:0000}" -f ($userIndex + 1)
$userName = "Super.admin$userID"
Write-Host "Creating user" ($userIndex + 1) "of" $total ":" $userName
New-ADUser `
-AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString "admin#123" -AsPlainText -Force) `
-City "City" `
-Company "Company" `
-Country "US" `
-Department "Department" `
-Description ("TEST ACCOUNT " + $userID + ": This user account does not represent a real user and is meant for test purposes only")`
-DisplayName "Test User ($userID)" `
-Division "Division" `
-EmailAddress "$userName#DESMOSEDICI.local" `
-EmployeeNumber "$userID" `
-EmployeeID "ISED$userID" `
-Enabled $true `
-Fax "703-555-$userID" `
-GivenName "Test" `
-HomePhone "703-556-$userID" `
-Initials "TU$userID" `
-MobilePhone "703-557-$userID" `
-Name "Super.Admin ($userID)" `
-Office "Office: $userID"`
-OfficePhone "703-558-$userID" `
-Organization "Organization" `
-Path "OU=BusinessUnit,DC=Domain,DC=com" `
-POBox "PO Box $userID"`
-PostalCode $userID `
-SamAccountName $userName `
-State "VA – Virginia" `
-StreetAddress "$userID Any Street" `
-Surname "User ($userID)" `
-Title "Title" `
-UserPrincipalName "$"
Add-ADGroupMember "CN=HR,OU=Utility,DC=DESMOSEDICI,DC=com" -Member "$"
If you are receiving errors from New-ADUser something is wrong with your existing script, the new command is entirely separate and must fall after New-ADUser has done its job.

Error running Powershell script from a .csv

I am trying to run a PowerShell script using the information contained within a .csv file.
My script is below:
Import-CSV \\chem-fp01\shared areas\IT\New IT Folder (Do Not Delete \\Powershell Scripts\Create New User.csv | ForEach-Object {
$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString $_.password -AsPlainText -Force
New-Mailbox -Name $_.Name
-FirstName $_.FirstName
-LastName $_.LastName
-Alias $_.Alias
-UserPrincipalName $_.UserPrincipalName
-Password $password
-ResetPasswordOnNextLogon $false
I am getting the error below and don't know what it means
Missing expression after unary operator '-'.
At C:\Scripts\CreateNewUser.psl:7 char:3
+ - <<<<LastName $_.LastName
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (-:String) [], ParseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingExpressionAfterOperator
You have to either, write all parameters to one line:
New-Mailbox -Name $_.Name -FirstName $_.FirstName -LastName $_.LastName -Alias $_.Alias -UserPrincipalName $_.UserPrincipalName -Password $password -ResetPasswordOnNextLogon $false
Or you can use splatting (Thanks Frode F.):
$parameters = #{
Name = $_.Name
FirstName = $_.FirstName
LastName = $_.LastName
Alias = $_.Alias
UserPrincipalName = $_.UserPrincipalName
Password = $password
ResetPasswordOnNextLogon = $false
New-Mailbox #parameters
Another solution would be to use the ` character at the end of the line (not recommended) :
New-Mailbox -Name $_.Name `
-FirstName $_.FirstName `
-LastName $_.LastName `
-Alias $_.Alias `
-UserPrincipalName $_.UserPrincipalName `
-Password $password `
-ResetPasswordOnNextLogon $false
The reason this command fails, is because your CSV file path contains spaces, and you are not surrounding it with double or single quotes.
Whenever your path contains blank spaces, just add quotes at the beginning and end of the path like this:
Import-CSV "\\chem-fp01\shared areas\IT\New IT Folder (Do Not Delete \\Powershell Scripts\Create New User.csv"

exchange 2013 bulk create mailboxes error

I am trying to import a list of users from a csv file and I get the following error:
PS C:\Software> import-csv C:\Software\lastDumpPolished.csv | % {
New-ADUser -Name $_.Name -SamAccountName $_.SamAccountName `
-DisplayName $_.Name -Surname $_.Sn -GivenName $_.GivenName `
-AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString password1234 `
-AsPlainText -Force) -Enabled:$true -Title $_.Title `
-Description $_.describtion -Company Myland `
-OfficePhone $_.Telephone -HomeDrive Z: `
-HomeDirectory $homedrive -ChangePasswordAtLogon:$true `
} | Enable-Mailbox -Identity $_.SamAccountName -Alias $_.SamAccountName
Enable-Mailbox : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Identity' because it is null.
At line:1 char:443
+ ... lbox -Identity $_.SamAccountName -Alias $_.SamAccountName
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Enable-Mailbox], ParameterBind
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,M
Powershell doesn't remember $_.SamAccountName for some reason.
It there an easy 'inline method' of setting it to a variable that can be used after the pipe?
How do I get rid of that error so I can create and enable the mailboxes in bulk?
import-csv C:\Software\lastDumpPolished.csv | % {
New-ADUser -Name $_.Name -SamAccountName $_.SamAccountName `
-DisplayName $_.Name -Surname $_.Sn -GivenName $_.GivenName `
-AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString password1234 `
-AsPlainText -Force) -Enabled:$true -Title $_.Title `
-Description $_.describtion -Company Myland `
-OfficePhone $_.Telephone -HomeDrive Z: `
-HomeDirectory $homedrive -ChangePasswordAtLogon:$true `
} | % { Enable-Mailbox -Identity $_.SamAccountName -Alias $_.SamAccountName }