I have code like
private static Path file1; // reference file
public static void setUpBeforeClass()
Path file1 = Files.createTempFile(testFolder, "test-", ".txt");
public void testIdentical()
assertNotNull(file1); // fails
But file1 is null. I have been searching for answers to this problem, and while the issues are similar, no-one ever seams to explain clearly what exactly is going on, or how to do what I want to do: which is for file1 to not be null.
I am doing what https://github.com/junit-team/junit/wiki/Test-fixtures seems to indicate is correct, but I am not getting the results I expect.
You are assigning to a local variable here:
Path file1 = Files.createTempFile(testFolder, "test-", ".txt");
do this instead:
file1 = Files.createTempFile(testFolder, "test-", ".txt");
I have a text file in Assets/Resources that I'm trying to read into a TextAsset. For some reason it's not being loaded, resulting in a null reference exception. This is the code:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class LoadTextFile : MonoBehaviour
public string txtFile = "4.txt";
string txtContents;
void Start ()
TextAsset txtAssets = (TextAsset)Resources.Load(txtFile);
txtContents = txtAssets.text;
The last statement is where the null exception is reported. I don't understand why the file is not being loaded (I'm assuming it isn't), but it could be something else. The file is very small, as I'm just carrying out a test. Any help would be most welcome!
The parameter to Resources.Load, should be the fileNameWithoutExtension and not fileNameWithExtension.
A note from Resources.Load link stating:
Note that the path is case insensitive and must not contain a file
So seems like just change
public string txtFile = "4.txt";
public string txtFile = "4";
Just a word of advice, prefer not to start fileNames with digits or symbols.
I am having a weird problem with Rythm templates. Currently, I have these templates placed under
myPrj/src/main/java/resources/templates folder.
And all the Java source code is under myPrj/src/main/java folder.
When I try to render, sometimes Rythm is generating the XML file and sometimes I get the file name as is.
I have the home.template set to "templates" folder:
params.put("home.template", "templates");
String myTemplateString = Rythm.render("MyTemplate.xml", parameters);
Looks like Rythm is not able to locate MyTemplate.xml and resulting in emitting MyTemplate.xml as the output.
Can you please help me on how to solve this problem?? In addition, would appreciate if you can guide me on what should be the appropriate location to place these templates.
home.template is the configuration key to initialize template engine, not the parameter to render your template.
My implementation of your app looks like
public class App {
private static RythmEngine engine;
private static void echo(String msg, Object ... args) {
System.out.println(String.format(msg, args));
private static void init() {
echo("initializing rythmengine");
Map<String, Object> conf = new HashMap<String, Object>();
conf.put("home.template", "templates");
engine = new RythmEngine(conf);
echo("engine initialized");
private static void render() {
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("foo", "FOO");
params.put("bar", "BAR");
String result = engine.render("MyTemplate.xml", params);
private static void doJob() {
echo("start doing real job now...");
public static void main( String[] args ) {
The complete sample code could be found at https://github.com/greenlaw110/Rythm/tree/master/samples/demo_fo_SO_150529. Download the sample code and run mvn compile exec:java to see the result
It seems your problem lies within the path for the home.template. The example on their website might help.
If I'm not mistaken, you should use params.put("home.template", "resources/templates"); rather than params.put("home.template", "templates");.
Generally speaking, this kind of behaviour takes place any time Rythm can't find the template. I found it is best to check both, the path and file name. If necessary, simply use an absolute path to your template to make sure it points to the right directory. After you got the right path, you might want to change it back to be relative.
I want to attach a csv file in mail(grails)
The file in the path is already present. I am using the following code
sendMail {
multipart true
from "$senderName <$fromAddress>"
to toAddress
cc message.cc
subject message.subject
body content.plaintext
html content.html
attachBytes './web-app/ReadyOrdersFor-${vendor.name}','text/csv', new File('./web-app/ReadyOrdersFor-${vendor.name}').readBytes()
Error prompted is.
java.io.FileNotFoundException: ./web-app/ReadyOrdersFor-${vendor.name}.csv (No such file or directory)
neither this works prompting the same error
attachBytes './web-app/ReadyOrdersFor-${vendor.name}.csv','text/csv', new File('./web-app/ReadyOrdersFor-${vendor.name}.csv').readBytes()
The issue is that you trying you use the file path string as a GStringImpl, but the string is enclosed in single quotes. GStringImpl is natively supported in groovy in double quotes.
You code should be
attachBytes "./web-app/ReadyOrdersFor-${vendor.name}",'text/csv', new File("./web-app/ReadyOrdersFor-${vendor.name}").readBytes()
This link should help you understand the difference between using single and double quotes in groovy.
Instead of trying to get a File reference using new File(path), use the Spring ResourceLoader interface. The ApplicationContext implements this interface, so you can get a reference to it from a controller (for example) like this:
class MyController implements ApplicationContextAware {
private ResourceLoader resourceLoader
void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
resourceLoader = applicationContext
def someAction() {
String path = "classpath:/ReadyOrdersFor-${vendor.name}"
File csvFile = resourceLoader.getResource(path).file
I'm not 100% sure the path value above is correct, you may need to remove the '/'
Some I do quite a lot of is read integers from AppSettings. What's the best way to do this?
Rather than do this every time:
int page_size;
if (int.TryParse( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PAGE_SIZE"], out page_size){
I'm thinking a method in my Helpers class like this:
int GetSettingInt(string key) {
int i;
return int.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key], out i) ? i : -1;
but this is just to save some keystrokes.
Ideally, I'd love to put them all into some kind of structure that I could use intellisense with so I don't end up with run-time errors, but I don't know how I'd approach this... or if this is even possible.
What's a best practices way of getting and reading integers from the AppSettings section of the Web.Config?
wouldn't it be a good idea to set this as readonly?
readonly int pageSize = Helpers.GetSettingInt("PAGE_SIZE") doesn't seem to work.
I've found an answer to my problem. It involves extra work at first, but in the end, it will reduce errors.
It is found at Scott Allen's blog OdeToCode and here's my implementation:
Create a static class called Config
public static class Config {
public static int PageSize {
get { return int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PAGE_SIZE"]); }
public static int HighlightedProductId {
get {
return int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HIGHLIGHT_PID"]);
Advantage of doing this are three-fold:
One breakpoint (DRY)
Since I only am writing the Config String ONCE, I do a regular int.Parse.
If someone changes the AppSetting Key, it will break, but I can handle that, as those values aren't changed and the performance is better than a TryParse and it can be fixed in one location.
The solution is so simple... I don't know why I didn't think of it before. Call the values like so:
I know that this question was asked many years ago, but maybe this answer could be useful for someone. Currently, if you're already receiving an IConfiguration reference in your class constructor, the best way to do it is using GetValue<int>("appsettings-key-goes-here"):
public class MyClass
private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
public MyClass(IConfiguration configuration)
_configuration = configuration;
public void MyMethod()
int value = _configuration.GetValue<int>("appsettings-key-goes-here");
Take a look at T4Config. I will generate an interface and concrete implementation of your appsettings and connectionstringsections of you web/app config using Lazyloading of the values in the proper data types. It uses a simple T4 template to auto generate things for you.
To avoid creating a bicycle class you could use the following:
In a previous question on Stack Overflow, I had run into an issue with returning an EF query to the DataGridView. Of course I'd run into an issue. However, I added an extension method that still has me baffled since it isn't working. It seems like it should, but for some reason it's not.
public static class BindingListEntityExtension
public static BindingList<T> ToBindingList<T>(this IEnumerable<T> entities)
BindingList<T> rtn = new BindingList<T>();
foreach (T obj in entities)
return rtn;
Any ideas what's going on? My implementation is like so:
MyEntities context = new MyEntities();
tempDataGridView.DataSource = context.Employees.ToBindingList();
Got it. As Ecyrb had suggested in a previous post, the BindingList does not sort. I did use the suggested site/ to get my list to sort. Thanks guys! My extension does work now.