Scala implicitly vs implicit arguments - scala

I am new to Scala, and when I look at different projects, I see two styles for dealing with implicit arguments
scala]]>def sum[A](xs:List[A])(implicit m:Monoid[A]): A = xs.foldLeft(m.mzero)(m.mappend)
sum:[A](xs:List[A])(implicit m:Monoid[A])A
scala]]>def sum[A:Monoid](xs:List[A]): A ={
val m = implicitly[Monoid[A]]
sum:[A](xs:List[A])(implicit evidence$1:Monoid[A])A
Based off the type of both functions, they match. Is there a difference between the two? Why would you want to use implicitly over implicit arguments? In this simple example, it feels more verbose.
When I run the above in the REPL with something that doesn't have an implicit, I get the following errors
with implicit param
<console>:11: error: could not find implicit value for parameter m: Monoid[String]
with implicitly and a: Monoid
<console>:11: error: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type Monoid[String]

In some circumstances, the implicit formal parameter is not directly used in the body of the method that takes it as an argument. Rather, it simply becomes an implicit val to be passed on to another method that requires an implicit parameter of the same (or a compatible) type. In that case, not having the overt implicit parameter list is convenient.
In other cases, the context bound notation, which is strictly syntactic sugar for an overt implicit parameter, is considered aesthetically desirable and even though the actual parameter is needed and hence the implicitly method must be used to get it is considered preferable.
Given that there is no semantic difference between the two, the choice is predicated on fairly subjective criteria.
Do whichever you like. Lastly note that changing from one to the other will not break any code nor would require recompilation (though I don't know if SBT is discriminting enough to forgo re-compiling code that can see the changed definition).


Understanding type inferrence in Scala

I wrote the following simple program:
import java.util.{Set => JavaSet}
import java.util.Collections._
object Main extends App {
def test(set: JavaSet[String]) = ()
test(emptySet()) //fine
test(emptySet) //error
And was really surprised the the final line test(emptySet) was not compiled. Why? What is the difference between test(emptySet())? I thought in Scala we could omit parenthesis freely in such cases.
See Method Conversions in Scala specification:
The following four implicit conversions can be applied to methods which are not applied to some argument list.
A parameterless method m
of type => T is always converted to type T by evaluating the expression to which m is bound.
Implicit Application
If the method takes only implicit parameters, implicit arguments are passed following the rules here.
Eta Expansion
Otherwise, if the method is not a constructor, and the expected type pt
is a function type (Ts′)⇒T′, eta-expansion is performed on the expression e.
Empty Application
Otherwise, if e
has method type ()T, it is implicitly applied to the empty argument list, yielding e().
The one you want is "Empty Application", but it's only applied if none of the earlier conversions are, and in this case "Eta Expansion" happens instead.
EDIT: This was wrong and #Jasper-M's comment is right. No eta-expansion is happening, "Empty Application" is just inapplicable to generic methods currently.

def layout[A](x: A) = ... syntax in Scala

I'm a beginner of Scala who is struggling with Scala syntax.
I got the line of code from
I know (x: A) is an argument of layout function
( which means argument x of Type A)
But what is [A] between layout and (x: A)?
I've been googling scala function syntax, couldn't find it.
def layout[A](x: A) = "[" + x.toString() + "]"
It's a type parameter, meaning that the method is parameterised (some also say "generic"). Without it, compiler would think that x: A denotes a variable of some concrete type A, and when it wouldn't find any such type it would report a compile error.
This is a fairly common thing in statically typed languages; for example, Java has the same thing, only syntax is <A>.
Parameterized methods have rules where the types can occur which involve concepts of covariance and contravariance, denoted as [+A] and [-A]. Variance is definitely not in the scope of this question and is probably too much for you too handle right now, but it's an important concept so I figured I'd just mention it, at least to let you know what those plus and minus signs mean when you see them (and you will).
Also, type parameters can be upper or lower bounded, denoted as [A <: SomeType] and [A >: SomeType]. This means that generic parameter needs to be a subtype/supertype of another type, in this case a made-up type SomeType.
There are even more constructs that contribute extra information about the type (e.g. context bounds, denoted as [A : Foo], used for typeclass mechanism), but you'll learn about those later.
This means that the method is using a generic type as its parameter. Every type you pass that has the definition for .toString could be passed through layout.
For example, you could pass both int and string arguments to layout, since you could call .toString on both of them.
val i = 1
val s = "hi"
layout(i) // would give "[1]"
layout(s) // would give "[hi]"
Without the gereric parameter, for this example you would have to write two definitions for layout: one that accepts integers as param, and one that accepts string as param. Even worse: every time you need another type you'd have to write another definition that accepts it.
Take a look at this example here and you'll understand it better.
I also recomend you to take a look at generic classes here.
A is a type parameter. Rather than being a data type itself (Ex. case class A), it is generic to allow any data type to be accepted by the function. So both of these will work:
layout(123f) [Float datatype] will output: "[123]"
layout("hello world") [String datatype] will output: "[hello world]"
Hence, whichever datatype is passed, the function will allow. These type parameters can also specify rules. These are called contravariance and covariance. Read more about them here!

On Expanded Scala Method signatures

I am nearly completely new to Scala, a few months on. I noticed some wild signatures. I have worked through generics with contrapositive/copositive/extensions/invariance, and most of the basics. However, I continue to find some of the method signatures a bit confusing. While I find examples and know what the signatures produce, I am still a bit at a loss as to some of the functionality. Googling my questions has left me with no answers. I do have the general idea that people like to beat the basic CS 1 stuff to death. I have even tried to find answers on the scala website. Perhaps I am phrasing things like "expanded method signature" and "defining function use in scala signature" wrong. Can anyone explain this signature?
futureUsing[I <: Closeable, R](resource: I)(f: I => Future[R])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext):Future[R]
My guess is that after the initial generics and parameter declaration with a parameter of type I, the body is defined and the final portion is any objects specific to the function or that must be looked up in an implicit scope (are they destroyed afterwards?). Can anyone layout an expanded method signature so I know what code I am using? Is there a particular order the last two parts must be in?
After a bunch more searching, I found a few valid responses I can throw together:
-Scala - Currying and default arguments
-why in Scala a function type needs to be passed in separate group of arguments into a function
There is no set ordering just that implicits must be last. Placement is about dependency which flows left to right as someone down the list in one of the above answers pointed out. Why I cannot have implicits first and everything depending on them afterwards is odd since having nothing available causes an error and things will likely depend on a given implicit.
However, I am still a bit confused. When specifying f: I => Future[R], and needing to supply the last argument, lets pretend it would be any implicit, would I need to do something more like:
futureUsing(resourceOfI)({stuff => doStuff(stuff)})(myImplicit)
Is this even correct?
Could I do:
futureUsing(resourceOfI)(myImplicit)({stuff => doStuff(stuff)})
Why? I am really trying to get at the underlying reasons rather than just a binary yes or no.
Final Note
I just found this answer. It appears the order cannot be changed. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Scala: Preference among overloaded methods with implicits, currying and defaults
Can anyone explain this signature?
futureUsing[I <: Closeable, R]
futureUsing works with two separate types (two type parameters). We don't know exactly what types they are, but we'll call one I (input), which is a (or derived from) Closable, and the other R (result).
(resourse: I)
The 1st curried argument to futureUsing is of type I. We'll call it resourse.
(f: I => Future[R])
The 2nd curried argument, f, is a function that takes an argument of type I and returns a Future that will (eventually) contain something of type R.
(implicit ec: ExecutionContext)
The 3rd curried argument, ec, is of type ExecutionContext. This argument is implicit, meaning if it isn't supplied when futureUsing is invoked, the compiler will look for an ExecutionContext in scope that has been declared implicit and it will pull that in as the 3rd argument.
futureUsing returns a Future that contains the result of type R.
Is there a specific ordering to this?
Implicit parameters are required to be the last (right most) parameters. Other than that, no, resourse and f could have been declared in either order. When invoked, of course, the order of arguments must match the order as declared in the definition.
Do I need ... implicits to drag in?
In the case of ExecutionContext let the compiler use what's available from import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext. Only on rare occasions would you need something different. would Scala use the 2nd curried argument...
In the body of futureUsing I would expect to see f(resourse). f takes an argument of type I. resourse is of type I. f returns Future[R] and so does futureUsing so the line f(resourse) might be the last statement in the body of futureUsing.

What is the reasoning for the imbalance of Scala's regular value assignment vs extractor assignment?

Scala appears to have different semantics for regular value assignment versus assignment during an extraction. This has created some very subtle runtime bugs for me as my codebase has migrated over time.
To illustrate:
case class Foo(s: String)
def anyRef(): AnyRef = { ... }
val Foo(x) = anyRef() // compiles but throws exception if anyRef() is not a Foo
val f: Foo = anyRef() // does not compile
I don't see why the two val assignment lines would be imbalanced with regard to compile/runtime behavior.
Some I am curious: Is there a reason for this behavior? Is it an undesirable artifact of the way the extraction is implemented?
(tested in Scala 2.11.7)
Yes, there is.
In the case of an extractor you are specifying a pattern that you expect to match at this position. This is translated to a call of an extractor method from Any to Option[String] and this method can be called with the value of type AnyRef you provide. You are just asserting, that you do indeed get a result and not "None".
In the other line you are using a type annotation, i.e. you are specifying the type of "f" explicitly. But then you are assigning an incompatible value.
Of course the compiler could add implicit type casts but making type casts so easy would not really suit a language like Scala.
You should also keep in mind that extractors have nothing to do with types. In the Pattern Foo(x) the name Foo has nothing to do with the type Foo. It is just the Name of an extractor method.
Using patterns in this way is of course a quite dynamic feature, but I think it is intentional.

Scala type system, constrain member's type by parameter of own type

Not really sure the standard terminology here, so I'll try to describe what I'm trying to do. In case you're curious, the app I'm actually trying to write is an asynchronous task queue similar to Resque or rq.
I have a type TaskDef[ArgsT <: AnyVal, ResultT <: AnyVal]. In case you're curious, TaskDef represents "how to execute an asynchronous task which takes argument type ArgsT and result type ResultT, or, the code behind a task".
I'm trying to define a type TaskInst[DefT <: TaskDef]. In case you're curious, TaskInst represents "a TaskDef and associated argument to run it with, or, an actual task instance being submitted to the queue". TaskInst has two members, definition: DefT and arguments whose type I cannot write in code.
In English, my desired constraint is: "For a given DefT, where DefT is some TaskDef[ArgsT, ResultT], TaskInst[DefT] should contain a DefT and an ArgsT". That is, the argument type of the task definition should match the type of the argument given to the task.
How do I express this in the Scala type system?
Alternatively, am I modeling my domain incorrectly and attempting to do something un-idiomatic? Would some alternative approach be more idiomatic?
Thanks in advance!
I think my historical self writing Java would probably have resorted to unchecked casts at this point. This is definitely feasible with some amount of unchecked casts and just leaving out the constraint between the type of the TaskInst's arguments vs the type of the embedded TaskDef's arguments. But, I do wonder whether this is something the compiler can enforce, and hopefully without too scary a syntax.
Define them as abstract types:
trait TaskDef {
type Arguments <: AnyVal
type Result <: AnyVal
Then use a type projection:
trait TaskInst[DefT <: TaskDef] {
def definition: DefT
def arguments: DefT#Arguments
Live Demo
An add-on to the answer that #rightfold gave:
If you are looking to use type parameters throughout, you will need to properly pass the type parameters through to the type constructors.
Excuse me, that's a bit ambiguous for me to say it that way, so let me use my current code as a concrete example.
trait TaskDef[ArgT_, ResT_] {
type ArgT = ArgT_
type ResT = ResT_
val name: String
def exec(arg: ArgT): String \/ ResT
class TaskInst[ArgT, ResT, DefT <: TaskDef[ArgT, ResT]] (
val id: UUID,
val defn: DefT,
val arg: ArgT
The main divergence of my current code from #rightfold's example is that TaskDef takes type parameters. Then, when TaskInst's declaration references TaskDef, it must provide appropriate types to the type constructor.
I initially made the mistake of passing in placeholders. That is, I was writing class TaskInst[DefT <: TaskDef[_, _]. Turns out, this doesn't mean what I thought it meant. (I don't know. Perhaps others might be inclined to follow the same line of thought. So, this is just a warning not to.) Don't do that, because then scalac will interpret the expected to mean a generated placeholder (which, as you might imagine, nothing matches), and then you get an obscure error message like the following.
[error] /Users/mingp/Code/scala-redis-queue/src/main/scala/io/mingp/srq/core/TaskInst.scala:8: type mismatch;
[error] found : TaskInst.this.arg.type (with underlying type _$1)
[error] required: _$1
[error] val arg: DefT#ArgT_
[error] ^
[error] one error found
Just posting this in hopes that future readers don't fall into the same hole I did.
As a further addendum, now that I've tried it out for a day, my impression is that this isn't actually a good data model for asynchronous tasks. You're better off combining, since stand-alone instances of TaskDef aren't really useful.