Prevent render template in fuelphp - fuelphp

In fuelphp, we can render template from controller. But I want prevent render template from package.
Step 1: fuelphp run controlelr -> render template
Step 2: run package -> have a command to clear all data in step 1. and
render blank page.
Result with a blank page
$this->template->content = ...
I tried with
But it is not success. How can I do it?

You can always modify your template, inside the controller in every function just use
class Controller_lorem extends Controller_Main {
public $template = 'template_default';
public function action_ipsum()
//use customize template other than default
$this->template = View::forge('template_custom');

I found a solution. Rewrite \Fuel::finish()
public static function finishS()
if (\Config::get('caching', false))
if (static::$profiling and ! static::$is_cli)
// Grab the output buffer and flush it, we will rebuffer later
$output = ob_get_clean();
$headers = headers_list();
$show = true;
foreach ($headers as $header)
if (stripos($header, 'content-type') === 0 and stripos($header, 'text/html') === false)
$show = false;
if ($show)
\Profiler::mark('End of Fuel Execution');
if (preg_match("|</body>.*?</html>|is", $output))
$output = preg_replace("|</body>.*?</html>|is", '', $output);
$output .= \Profiler::output();
$output .= '</body></html>';
$output .= \Profiler::output();
// Restart the output buffer and send the new output
**/// Remove this line echo $output;**


output records in the form of html table from moodle database , custom block development

Please check this code for the custom block to be placed in the dashboard. We want to display an HTML table for the records. But it does not add up to the custom block, rather it appears on the top page.
enter image description here
class block_scorecard extends block_base {
function init() {
$this->title = get_string('pluginname', 'block_scorecard');
function get_content() {
global $DB;
if ($this->content !== NULL) {
return $this->content;
$content = '';
$courses = $DB->get_records('scorm_scoes_track', ['element' => 'cmi.core.total_time']);
$table=new html_table();
$table->head=array('No of attempts','Time modified','status');
foreach ($courses as $course) {
$timemodified=userdate($course->timemodified, get_string('strftimerecentfull'));
$table->data[]=array($attempt, $timemodified, $status);
echo html_writer::table($table);
$this->content = new stdClass;
$this->content->text = $content;
echo html_writer::table($table);
Should be
$content .= html_writer::table($table);

Moodle File Manager - Crucial part

I am trying to show the file uploaded from File Manager mform element. I could store the file to mdl_files. To get the file saved is a bit hard to program. I tried implementing few options from Moodle Forums, but was stuck here. I really hope that someone can provide a solution for Moodle File manager (a crucial part). Could anyone guide me where I went wrong and suggest me to get the fileurl.
class active_form extends moodleform {
function definition() {
$mform = $this->_form;
$fileoptions = $this->_customdata['fileoptions'];
$mform->addElement('filemanager', 'video', get_string('video', 'moodle'), null,
function validation($data, $files) {
$errors = parent::validation($data, $files);
return $errors;
// Function for local_statistics plugin.
function local_statistics_pluginfile($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload,
array $options=array()) {
global $DB;
if ($context->contextlevel != CONTEXT_SYSTEM) {
return false;
$itemid = (int)array_shift($args);
if ($itemid != 0) {
return false;
$fs = get_file_storage();
$filename = array_pop($args);
if (empty($args)) {
$filepath = '/';
} else {
$filepath = '/'.implode('/', $args).'/';
$file = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'local_statistics', $filearea, $itemid, $filepath,$filename);
if (!$file) {
return false;
// finally send the file
send_stored_file($file, 0, 0, true, $options); // download MUST be forced - security!
// Form Settings
$fileoptions = array('maxbytes' => 0, 'maxfiles' => 1, 'subdirs' => 0, 'context' =>
$data = new stdClass();
$data = file_prepare_standard_filemanager($data, 'video', $fileoptions, context_system::instance(),
'local_statistics', 'video', 0);
$mform = new active_form(null, array('fileoptions' => $fileoptions));
// Form Submission
if ($data = $mform->get_data()) {
$data = file_postupdate_standard_filemanager($data, 'video', $fileoptions,
context_system::instance(), 'local_statistics', 'video', 0);
$fs = get_file_storage();
$files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'local_statistics', 'video', '0', 'sortorder', false);
foreach ($files as $file) {
$fileurl = moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($file->get_contextid(), $file->get_component(),
$file->get_filearea(), $file->get_itemid(), $file->get_filepath(),
echo $fileurl;
I've had a quick look through your code and it all looks reasonable, but you've not included the code of the local_statistics_pluginfile() function in local/statistics/lib.php - without that function, Moodle is unable to authenticate any requests from the browser to serve files, so all files will return a 'file not found' message.
Have a look at the documentation for details of what the x_pluginfile function should look like (or look for examples in any of the core plugins in Moodle):

Zend Framework view render takes a lot of memory

I try to create emails for next sending with my cron php script.
And I use Zend_View for rendering email template.
I have 50k users but 3000 emails was created with 64MB memory limit and 7200 with 128MB.
Code of rendering emails
public function prepareEmailBody($template, $templates)
$view = new Zend_View(array('basePath' => './application/views'));
$template_file_name = $template . '.phtml';
foreach ($templates as $key => $value) {
$view->$key = $value;
$body = $view->render('mails/' . $template_file_name);
return $body
And use this method in
foreach ($users as $user) {
$text = Mailer::getInstance()->prepareEmailBody($template, $vars);
Please advice how optimize code.
You could try using one View object and the partial helper instead, this might improve things (or might make it slower).
public function getView()
if (!$this->_view) {
$this->_view = new Zend_View(array('basePath' => './application/views'));
return $this->_view;
public function prepareEmailBody($template, $templates)
$template_file_name = $template . '.phtml';
$body = $this->getView()->partial($template_file_name, $templates);
return $body

Write config in Zend Framework with APPLICATION_PATH

For an application I'd like to create some kind of setup-steps. In one of the steps the database configuration is written to the application.ini file. This all works, but something very strange happens: All the paths to the directories (library, layout, ...) are changed from paths with APPLICATION_PATH . to full paths. As you can imagine, this isn't very systemfriendly. Any idea how I can prevent that?
I update the application.ini with this code:
# read existing configuration
$config = new Zend_Config_Ini(
array('skipExtends' => true,
'allowModifications' => true));
# add new values
$config->production->doctrine->connection = array();
$config->production->doctrine->connection->host = $data['server'];
$config->production->doctrine->connection->user = $data['username'];
$config->production->doctrine->connection->password = $data['password'];
$config->production->doctrine->connection->database = $data['database'];
# write new configuration
$writer = new Zend_Config_Writer_Ini(
'config' => $config,
'filename' => $location));
Since Zend_Config_Ini uses the default ini scanning mode (INI_SCANNER_NORMAL), it will parse all options and replace constants with their respective values. What you could do, is call parse_ini_file directly, using the INI_SCANNER_RAW mode, so the options aren't parsed.
ie. use
$config = parse_ini_file('/path/to/your.ini', TRUE, INI_SCANNER_RAW);
You will get an associative array that you can manipulate as you see fit, and afterwards you can write that back with the following snippet (from the comments):
function write_ini_file($assoc_arr, $path, $has_sections=FALSE) {
$content = "";
if ($has_sections) {
foreach ($assoc_arr as $key=>$elem) {
$content .= "[".$key."]\n";
foreach ($elem as $key2=>$elem2) {
$content .= $key2."[] = ".$elem2[$i]."\n";
else if($elem2=="") $content .= $key2." = \n";
else $content .= $key2." = ".$elem2."\n";
else {
foreach ($assoc_arr as $key=>$elem) {
$content .= $key2."[] = ".$elem[$i]."\n";
else if($elem=="") $content .= $key2." = \n";
else $content .= $key2." = ".$elem."\n";
if (!$handle = fopen($path, 'w')) {
return false;
if (!fwrite($handle, $content)) {
return false;
return true;
ie. call it with :
write_ini_file($config, '/path/to/your.ini', TRUE);
after manipulating the $config array. Just make sure you add double quotes to the option values where needed...
Or alternatively - instead of using that function - you could try writing it back using Zend_Config_Writer_Ini, after converting the array back to a Zend_Config object, I guess that should work as well...
I'm guess you could iterate over the values, checking for a match between the value of APPLICATION_PATH, and replacing it with string literal APPLICATION_PATH.
That is if you know that APPLICATION_PATH contains the string '/home/david/apps/myapp/application' and you find a config value '/home/david/apps/myapp/application/views/helpers', then you do some kind of replacement of the leading string '/home/david/apps/myapp/application' with the string 'APPLICATION_PATH', ending up with 'APPLICATION_PATH "/views/helpers"'.
Kind of a kludge, but something like that might work.
This is a long shot - but have you tried running your Zend_Config_Writer_Ini code while the APPLICATION_PATH constant is not defined? It should interpret it as the literal string 'APPLICATION_PATH' and could possibly work.

Zend Mail and encodings, content-transfer etc. - Unified?

Is there any class in the Zend Framework that allows me to easily read emails?
The Zend_Mail class does allow me to easy get headers, subject and the content body. But transferring everything to UTF-8 and human-readable format is still a pain.
Or am I doing something wrong? As far as I can tell, Zend Framework does not allow me to easily get UTF-8 strings that I can just use, I still have to do some post-processing. Right?
The key thing is that you need to iterate over the parts within the Message and find the text. Once you have it, then you can use quoted_printable_decode to get the text itself in a useful way.
This is some rough and ready code that reads IMAP email boxes with Zend_Mail:
$mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap(array(
echo (int)$mail->countMessages() . " messages found\n";
foreach ($mail as $message) {
$from = $message->getHeader('from');
$subject = trim($message->subject);
$to = trim($message->to);
$body = getBody($message);
// do something with message here
function getBody(Zend_Mail_Message $message)
// find body
$part = $message;
$isText = true;
while ($part->isMultipart()) {
$foundPart = false;
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($message);
foreach ($iterator as $part) {
// this detection code is a bit rough and ready!
if (!$foundPart) {
if (strtok($part->contentType, ';') == 'text/html') {
$foundPart = $part;
$isText = false;
} else if (strtok($part->contentType, ';') == 'text/plain') {
$foundPart = $part;
$isText = true;
if($foundPart) {
$part = $foundPart;
$body = quoted_printable_decode($part->getContent());