Deploy a Meteor project to my own domain? - deployment

I want to deploy my Meteor project to my own domain. In the docs it says:
"You can also deploy to your own domain. Just set up the hostname you want to use as a CNAME to, then deploy to that name.
$ meteor deploy
We provide this as a free service so you can try Meteor. It is also helpful for quickly putting up internal betas, demos, and so on."
Is this what I need to do? What does this even mean? I don't know what a CNAME is or how to set up my hostname.

Over a year late but perhaps relevant for anyone else with this question, since the comments and answer given seem to miss the point - which is not about deploying to your own server but rather configuring hosting to use a custom domain. offer a free service that is intended for demos and internal betas - the very early days in the life of a site.
You can use meteor deloy without configuration if you are deploying to a subdomain on -
meteor deploy
However you can also host your app on using your own domain but to do that you need to be able to set up an alias which is done through CNAME A records
These are setup on a server that would otherwise host your site - So you will need a host - it could be really cheap one, and it could provide email hosting for you, ask them to create the A records (or look up your control panel help files) so that they resolve to and then you have your site, deployed to accessible through your domain name.

If you want to deploy Meteor on your own domain, I wrote a tutorial on the subject. If you are running Nginx, it should help you. Otherwise, if you are running Apache, check the second one.
Deploy a Meteor Application on Ubuntu with Nginx.
Deploy a Meteor Application on Ubuntu with Apache.
And of course, you need to understand and configure your DNS. This two tutorials helped me a few months ago.
An Introduction to DNS Terminology, Components, and Concepts
How To Set Up a Host Name with DigitalOcean


MERN and MongoDB hosting

So I possibly have a dumb question about MongoDB hosting. I'm learning the MERN stack and can't figure out how to host my app. Most of the tutorials I've seen use Heroku I believe, but it's just yet another service or thing to learn or manage. I've used Postman to verify the code works. And yes I've googled this, which only confused me more.
I have several Dreamhost domains, but can't find much info on using it to host MongoDB. Is it possible to use my current host or do I HAVE to point the DNS or whatever to another server/service, or just plain move my domain to a different provider?
Also, I've got a client/front-end directory and an api/server directory in my root folder. Is that standard practice, do I need to upload them to different hosts, merge them or what? I cannot for the life of me get the backend to work.
Edit/Update:Thank you for the response! Sorry im just now answering. It was a crazy week. The code itself works. I built a portfolio blog with a login/register system with express/mongodb to store users and posts. ALL my domains are on dreamhost and didn't want to spread out service providers if I could help it. I've built websites with PHP and SQL on there and it was easy. But from what I could find out MongoDB cannot be used on dreamhost servers. I ended up using heroku, which worked, although I haven't been able to point my DNS from my dreamhost domain to it yet. Currently it has a domain name of *** and is hosted on heroku. So that's where my problem is now, but still want to figure understand the why and how a little better. How is MongoDB different from SQL other than the relational aspect and why does it need something like heroku as opposed to dreamhost or blue host or godaddy?
So first thing first, you should know that MongoDb is hosted on an OS, now that can be your own system, cloud server or a service provider.
Domain name are nothing but just a pointer to your actual server. So you have to host your MondoDb somewhere, whether that be a service like Mongo Atlas or you have to spin up your own server on digitalocean, AWS, gcp etc.
For that need to see what are you actually doing, can't comment without having a look at your code. If you not comfortable sharing all the code online. You can personally chat with me.

How to limit access in Cloud Foundry

I am new to Cloud Foundry.
Is there any way that only specific users can view and update an app deployed in Cloud Foundry?
1.I deployed an app in Cloud Foundry using “cf push”command.
2.After entering “cf push “command I’ve got an message below.
Using manifest file /home/stevemar/node-hello-world/manifest.yml
enter Creating app node-hello-world-example...
name: node-hello-world-example
requested state: started
routes: {route-information}
last uploaded: Mon 14 Sep 13:46:54 UTC 2020
stack: cflinuxfs3
buildpacks: sdk-for-nodejs
type: web
instances: 1/1
memory usage: 256M
3.Using the {route-information} above,I can see the app deployed via browser entering below URL.
By this way ,anyone can see app from browser, but I don’t want that to be seen by everyone and limit access to specific user.
I heard that this global IP will be allocated to {route-information} by default.
Is there any way to limit access to only between specific users?
(For example,is there any function like “private registry” at Kubernetes in Cloud Foundry which is not open to public)
Since I am using Cloud Foundry in IBM Cloud it would be better if there is solution using IBM Cloud.
I’ve already granted cloud foundry role to the other user.
Thank you.
The CloudFoundry platform itself does not provide any access controls for applications. If you assign a public route to your application, where the DNS is publicly resolvable and the foundation is on the public Internet, like IBM Bluemix, then anyone can access your app.
There's a number of things you can do to limit access, but they do require some work on your part.
Use a private DNS. You can add any domain you want to Cloud Foundry, even ones that don't resolve. That means you could add my-cool-domain.local which does not resolve anywhere. You could then add a record to /etc/hosts for this domain or perhaps run DNS on your local network to resolve this DNS domain and direct traffic to the CloudFoundry.
With this setup, most people cannot access your application because the DNS domain for the route to your application does not resolve anywhere. It's important to understand that this isn't really security, but obscurity. It would stop most traffic from making it to your app, but if someone knew the domain, they could add their own /etc/hosts header or send fake Host headers to access your application.
This type of setup can work well if you have light security requirements like you just want to hide something while you work on it, or it can work well paired with other options below.
You can set up access controls in your application. Many application servers & frameworks can do things like restrict access by IP address or require user access (Basic auth is easy and it is OK, if you're only allowing HTTPS traffic to your app which you should always do anyway).
You can use OAuth2 to secure apps too. Again, many app servers & frameworks have support for this and make it relatively simple to secure your apps. If you don't have a corporate OAuth2 solution, there are public providers you can use. Exactly how you do OAuth2 in your app is beyond the scope of this question, but there's plenty of material out there on how to do this. Google information for your application language/framework of choice.
You could set up an access Gateway. This would be an application that's job is to proxy traffic to other applications on the foundation. The Gateway could be something like Nginx, Apache HTTPD, or Spring Cloud Gateway. The idea is that the gateway would be publicly accessible, and would almost certainly apply access controls/restrictions (see #2, many of these proxies have access control options that only take a few lines of config). Your actual applications would not be deployed publicly though. When you deploy your actual applications, they would only be on the internal Cloud Foundry domain.
CloudFoundry has local domains, often apps.internal (run cf domains to see if that shows up), which you can use to easily route traffic across the internal container-to-container network. Using this domain and the C2C network, you can have apps deployed to CF that are not accessible to the public Internet, except through your Gateway.
Again, how you configure this exactly is outside the scope of this question, but check out the docs I linked to for info on using the C2C network & internal routes. Then check out your proxy server of choice's documentation.

Vercel and Pythonanywhere | Deploy separtly frontend and backend on domain and subdomain

I've been working on a project using Django as backend and React as a framework for the frontend. I've deployed this project in Pythonanywhere and it worked fine. Now, I would like to implement Next.js in my project but, unfortunately, Pythonanywhere does not support Node.js. So I decided to deploy my frontend in Vercel and let the backend in Pythonanywhere.
To achieve this, I plan to create a subdomain that handles the API request. In the domain DNS panel, each domain and subdomain respectively will point to different sites. It'd look like this: (Pointing to Vercel, where the React app is hosted) (Pointing to Pythonanywhere, where the backend is hosted)
I've searched about this in Google and it should work. But, here comes my question, is this the best approach or should I consider other options?
Here is a post that is related to this one. In the post, the author plans to deploy both: backend and frontend on GCP.
Thank you in advance for your time and answers!
The setup you described is pretty standard and it will work perfectly. All you need is to take care of the following points:
Make sure "www" and "#" (aka root) points to Vercel's using DNS configuration. It should be an A record to in the root domain and a CNAME record to on the "www" subdomain. Remember to redirect the domains for optimal SEO score.
The DNS record for should point to the other provider. You need to check if they require an A or CNAME record. They may require additional DNS records (CAA?).
CORS: Notice that should trigger requests to Your CORS configuration should account for that. CORS is a whole different discussion but I will point you in the right direction. You need to check Next.js custom headers and CORS guides.
If you face any issues on Vercel, you can contact their support channel.

Plesk remove hosting type `Website hosting` from service plan

I am using Plesk Onyx Web Host Edition 17.5.3 + CentOS 7.
I want to create a Service plan where the Customer can change the Hosting type from No webhostingto forwarding and back, while LACKING the option to change it to Website hosting.
How do I remove the Hosting type Website hosting from a Service plan?
There is no such feature in Plesk at the moment. The only option is to set No hosting, but then it will be impossible to switch to Forwarding as well.
You can always suggest new functionality via the following link - Describe your use case there.

Hosting WCF REST Service as a child application in IIS

I am trying to host a WCF RESTful service in IIS as a child application under and existing Site but it will not work. It works fine when I host it as a Site by itself, but the problem is that both Sites share the same port numbers, port 80 (http) and port 443(https). Can anything help with how to get around this?
You must select the default site, do right click and add application or create a virtual folder to point to default folder where your service is in dev...
If you choose the first you need to create a file system of the service, with publish in Visual Studio.
So with this approach you can use the same port with different route.
Thank you for for taking your time to answer the question. I was able to get the solution myself. It was because I did not configure HTTPS when I hosted the service in IIS. After I configured the HTTPS, everything works great.