How to reset Facebook like count to 0 - facebook

We have a campaign that we run yearly. We built new pages using last year's page as a template. The pages are at the same URL's as last year but with different content and different metadata.
We thought the client would be happy that they had great social numbers but they actually want the numbers to start from 0. I've found plenty of information about clearing the cache with Facebook and we've done that already in multiple fashion, and plenty of posts asking why their like count is at zero, but nothing about how we can reset to 0.
Any ideas on how we can achieve this?

Change the URLs of the content and the new URLs will have 0 likes


How to find posts of a facebook page within a certain period of time?

I want to import posts of a page between 07-12-2017 and 10-12-2017.
I have converted the dates to unix timestamps.
works and so does
But since and until together does not work. It only shows a single id.
Is there an another way to accomplish this task? If yes please reply. Thankyou in advance.
Update here is my updated Url with since and until. Its still not working.
Can you update the original post with your combined Since and Until?
I'm assuming that the SINCE is set to 7/17 and the UNTIL is 10/17, correct? It looks that way from the converted numbers, but I try not to assume it isn't something small like that :). No offense intended.
Looking at the graph API, I am using the page id of one I am the admin of and using since and until and it's coming back with posts between 07-12-2017 and 10-12-2017. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the limit in your urls. What if the limit statements are narrowing things down too much?
I'm just putting this into the graph API and getting the results I'm expecting: (no, my page id isn't 123456)
Granted, I'm not calling it in a url, Graph API is pretty forgiving.

Can you extract Facebook data by date range using Facepager?

I've been using Facepager for research purposes for almost a year now and I can't figure out how to extract data - public posts, comments and likes from a page, for instance - by date range. While other programs such as Netvizz gives me this option, Facepager seems to fail to do so.
Thank you.
You can use the since and until parameters for this, e.g. set since (left side in parameter settings) to 2017-09-13 (right side) when fetching posts of a page. See the section Time Based Navigation in the Facebook Graph API.
Keep in mind that accessing very old data with the API is limited by Faceebok. Most social media platforms are aligned to the presence :)
BTW: we just opened a Group on Facebook for getting help.

Facebook Pixel Stats GET / Reading

I have a Facebook Pixel on my website that is tracking events. I saw on the Ads Manager dashboard, that the pixel logs my events in a categorized way, i.e.:
PageView, ViewContent, InitiateCheckout, etc.
Although when logging stats, I include some extra parameters like the product_id maybe or other things, that way when the PageView is being logged, at least I will know which product_id it refers to.
The problem is that the Facebook Ads Dashboard doesn't show any of the extra parameters, it only displays the Count field.
After doing some research, I found this link on Facebook Pixel Stats, where they claim:
Use the Facebook Pixel Stats edge to get pixel statistics.
I tried using the Graph API Explorer, and even the iOS FB SDK for it (API Here) they both return an empty data array:
"data": [
I tried multiple parameter combinations, fields, and everything else to no avail.
If anyone knows whether I'm looking at the wrong place, or what not, all I'm interested in is reading those "extra" parameters that I'm appending to every FB Pixel event I log. Thank you!
You need specifing the parameters for it.
The answer is displayed for a specific period of time in the past - I would say 24 hours.
You can use paging at the bottom of the json response for going back in time: use the link provided in the content of the field 'previous', and you can step back day by day.

Get old Facebook posts from public FB page

For a university research project I need to view some old posts on public Facebook pages from a specific date range (January 22-31 2014.) I was planning just to copy and paste each post but I have run into a problem with some of the pages that generate a very high volume of posts. Facebook will not display past a certain date. Even with scrolling down, at a certain point the posts stop displaying (this is true by month, so it jumps from January 25 directly to December 31 for example).
Here are the pages I am interested in:
I have read about Facebook's Graph API but have had some trouble using it (I don't have a developer's background.) Also the posts are mostly in Arabic so that may be a problem.
I just need the pages' posts, not the comments sections.
Thanks anyone so much for your help, it is very appreciated.
Really depends on what language/environment you're using. As a simplest case, you can just use Graph API Explorer ( and make a call:
There are a lot of ways you can improve this call for your benefit. For example, you can use a limit parameter to increase the default number of results it retruns.
By default, this returns a lot of fields, you can limit the fields.
You can visit to find out which fields are supported.
In order to get results during a certain time-range, you can use the created_time field to determine if a post belongs to a certain time interval.

Share works as like?

I've notice that when I share some content from my app on my time line, counter of people who like this page (like button is placed on page that I share) increment by 1. Of course it could be somebody wh like page while I'm sharing, butthere is not many users at testing phase under 10 visitors per day. tyr some times and it really looks loke share increment like counter. Does it true? Or may be I make some error and it works so now?
The like button counter is made of the total of likes, shares and comments. If you want to know the number of likes only, you need to use FQL to query the like table.