UML activity diagram decision without decision node - android-activity

Can UML activity diagram have decision without a decision node or is it wrong? I mean, is it required to use the decision node (diamond symbol) to represent conditions?

It is legal UML. Only fUML gets formal about how a value flows into a decision for guard conditions to be compared.

in activity diagram you can also use a much more elaborated element: Conditional Node - is a structured activity node that represents an exclusive choice among some number of alternatives.
It also could exist in variant "conditional node with regions".
If your decision has the sense of loop, you can use a Loop Node instead.
Also, as in UML it is allowed to combine elements from different diagrams, you can use Alt or Loop combined fragments from Sequence Diagram elements.
You can also use Sequence Node in activity diagram and hide the decision inside it.
Also, you can always hide the decision in the arithmetic actions. But being acceptable in code, this way is bad in diagrams - you make them for better understanding the subject, not for shortening the code.


Multi-instance and Loop in BPMN

I am trying to model a certain behaviour, where couple of activities in differents swimlanes supposed to be processed in a loop. Now BPMN uses tokens to ilustrate the flow and paths taken. I wonder how such tokens work in case of loops. Does every activity iteration creates a token which consequently travel through the connected activities?
E.g. Let's say Activity1 will be performed in a loop 10 times. Will that create 10 tokens where each will travel through the remaining activities of the process? Such behaviour would be undesirable, however if I am not mistaken multi-instance activities work that way.
The only solution on my mind which would comply with BPMN specification would be to create a Call activity for the whole block of activities and then run the Call activity in a loop.
Can anyone clarify for me the use of loops and multi-instances in BPMN from the view of tokens?
Thank you in advance!
Based upon my reading of the documentation: The answer from #qwerty_so does not seem to conform to the standard, although in part this seems to be because the question also seems imprecise or at least underspecified.
A token (see glossary) is simply an imaginary object that represents the flow unit in the process diagram. There are at least three different types of loops specified in the standard, which suggest different implications for the flow unit.
Sections 13.2.6 and 12.2.7 describe Loop Activity and Multiple Instance Activities respectively. While the latter, on its face, might not seem like a loop, the standard defines attributes of the activity that suggest otherwise including: MultipleInstanceLoopCharacteristics and ExpressionloopCardinality.
In the former case, it seems that the operational semantics suggest a single flow unit that repeats multiple times according to some policy or even unbounded.
In the latter case, the activity has "multiple instances spawned," including a parallel variant.
That multiple instances can flow forward in parallel, on its face, suggests that the system must at least allow for the possibility of spawning multiple tokens (or conceptually splitting the original token) to support multiple threads proceeding simultaneously along different paths.
That said, the Loop Activity (13.2.6) appears to support the OP's desired semantics.

BPMN Combining Collaboration Diagrams or using Call Activity

Let's say I have a collaboration diagram that models a process named CheckMessage which is quite complex and spans over few lanes and pools. Now I would like to model another process, e.g. CreateMessage which would make use of the previous process to check first if message doesn't exist already or if all its fields are valid, etc.
The thing is, that both processes make use of the same swimlanes and pools. What is the proper way to model such interactions? I was thinking to model CheckMessage as a sub-process of CreateMessage, however sub-processes can't be attached to pools or lanes - if I understand it correctly they just stay within a lane of activity which invoked them. Can a Call Activity encapsulate such beahviour (cross pools and lanes)? Or can I somehow reference the CheckMessage diagram as a whole?
Thanks in advance.
I could think of the following approaches:
Using Diagram Reference: This is used quite often when you want to switch easily to the more complex part. The disadvantage is that, unlike Fragments in SDs, you do not have ways to really connect flows in and out of referenced diagrams.
Repeating parts of the process: here you just pick those actions from the complex process which ought to interact with the other process. You can highlight that by putting a boundary around these and adding a diagram reference as described above.
Call Activity: This is another valid way. Here you have an activity which you instantiate as action. The advantage here is that you can add pins for input and output parameters.
I guess there is no silver bullet and you have to choose what is appropriate in each case.
Edit Regarding #3 it looks like that:
(this is an example and not to be used in practice)
The Action to the right is an instance of the Activity as you can see by Ctrl-L (show parent).

Why do Branch and Merge use the same symbol in UML Activity diagrams?

What is the rationale behind Branch and Merge using the same symbol?
I find it confusing, because you can't rely on the shape to know whether there's a conditional going on or not.
Is there some other standard symbol or symbol variation I can use? I would rather avoid connecting many arrows to the same endpoint, because it makes it difficult to follow the diagram. But I'd also like to differentiate between conditionals and merge points.
Note that this question has nothing to do with Fork and Join, which deal with concurrency and are represented by a black rectangle.
The reason probably is that you are allowed to combine the two in a single node.
UML 2.5 specs state:
The functionality of a MergeNode and a DecisionNode can be combined by using the same node symbol, as shown in Figure 15.34. At most one of the incoming flows may be annotated as a decisionInputFlow. This notation maps to a model containing a MergeNode with all the incoming edges shown in the diagram and one outgoing edge to a DecisionNode that has all the outgoing edges shown in the diagram.

What type of UML Diagram am I need to use in such case?

Just for my personal wiki, I want to draw a diagram that shows how a message is processed via a couple of Message Queues.
(Like, xml message comes from source1 to the Queue1, then it is passed to a system where the message is converted into another format and...)
What kind of UML diagram should I need here?
And additionally, how do I show a Queue in UML?
Order and time are best seen in an Sequence diagram. Also the communication between the different parts (source, queues) and parameters will be visible.
A queue is just an object (the squares at the top of the diagram).
Sequence Diagrams are a good choice but they have limitations when used for interactions with a large number of steps. They excel at describing the steps to a single operation, such that the actors are related to the behavior required. I try not to left any single sequence diagram take up more than one page. If I need more, I break it up into two serarate diagrams because I'm usually wasting whitespace due to the calling depth and the interacting quickly becomes harder to understand instead of easier.
You might use two types of diagrams. On a system-level diagram, show the interaction between the queues (or their hosts), and on a Sequence Diagram show the steps taken within a single host.
I think that the best good is an activity diagram. In my view it is the best way too show process flow. Sequence diagrams are harder to understand and also has a lot of clutter (the lifelines) which just bother the reader. And having two diagrams just makes things complicated

Specification: Use cases for CRUD

I am writing a Product requirements specification. In this document I must describe the ways that the user can interact with the system in a very high level. Several of these operations are "Create-Read-Update-Delete" on some objects.
The question is, when writing use cases for these operations, what is the right way to do so? Can I write only one Use Case called "Manage Object x" and then have these operations as included Use Cases? Or do I have to create one use case per operation, per object? The problem I see with the last approach is that I would be writing quite a few pages that I feel do not really contribute to the understanding of the problem.
What is the best practice?
The original concept for use cases was that they, like actors, and class definitions, and -- frankly everything -- enjoy inheritance, as well as <<uses>> and <<extends>> relationships.
A Use Case superclass ("CRUD") makes sense. A lot of use cases are trivial extensions to "CRUD" with an entity type plugged into the use case.
A few use cases will be interesting extensions to "CRUD" with variant processing scenarios for -- maybe -- a fancy search as part of Retrieve, or a multi-step process for Create or Update, or a complex confirmation for Delete.
Feel free to use inheritance to simplify and normalize your use cases. If you use a UML tool, you'll notice that Use Cases have an "inheritance" arrow available to them.
The answer really depends on how complex the interactions are and how many variations are possible from object to object. There are two real reasons why I suggest that you develop specific use cases for each CRUD
(a) If you really are only doing a high-level summary of the interaction then the overhead is very small
(b) I've found it useful to specify a set of generic Use Cases for modifying 'Resources' and then extending / overriding particular steps for particular objects. Obviously the common behaviour is captured in the generic 'Resource' use cases.
As your understanding of the domain develops (i.e. as business users dump more requirements on you), you are more likely to add to the CRUD rather than remove it.
It makes sense to distinguish between workflow cases and resource/object lifecycles.
They interact but they are not the same; it makes sense to specify them both.
Use case scenarios or more extended workflow specifications typically describe how a case may proceed through the system's workflow. This will typically include interaction with various different resources. These interactions can often be characterized as C,R,U or D.
Resource lifecycles provide the process model of what may happen to a particular (type of) resource (object). They are often trivial "flower" models that say: any of C,R,U,D may happen to this resource in any order, so they are not very interesting by themselves.
The link between the two is that steps from the workflow and from the lifecycles coincide.
I feel representation - as long as it makes sense and is readable - does not matter. Conforming to the UML spec in all details is especially irrelevant.
What does matter, that you spec clearly states the operations and operation types the implementaton requires.
C: What form of insert operations exists. Can you insert rows not fully populated? Can you insert rows without an ID? Can you retrieve the ID last inserted? Can you cancel an insert selectively? What happens on duplicate keys or constraints failure? Is there a REPLACE INTO equivalent?
R: By what fields can you select? Can you do arbitrary grouping, orders? Can you create aggregate fields, aliases? How can you retrieve embedded (has many etc.) data? How do you specify depth of recursion, limits?
U, D: see R + C