Easeljs is not firing stagemousemove events - easeljs

Using EaselJs 0.6.0, I am trying to drag my stage around using stagemousedown and stagemousemove events. However, while the mouse down event is being caught correctly, the stage mouse move event does not seem to be fired.
var stage = new createjs.Stage("canvas");
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", tick);
stage.addEventListener("stagemousedown", startDrag);
// Container to drag around
var dragContainer = new createjs.Container();
//..... add stuff onto the stage
// Drag
var offset = new createjs.Point();
function startDrag(event) {
offset.x = stage.mouseX - dragContainer.x;
offset.y = stage.mouseY - dragContainer.y;
event.addEventListener("stagemousemove", doDrag);
function doDrag(event) {
dragContainer.x = event.stageX - offset.x;
dragContainer.y = event.stageY - offset.y;
// Update the stage
function tick(event) {
Here's a Fiddle
DoDrag is not called. What am I doing wrong?


Get animation object location value when drag other object in Google Web designer

I want to get animation object.location in gwd when drag other object .
Animation Object is moving y axis and drag item is waiting to get that animation object x axis.
What should I do ?
Dragstart code event
gwd.dragger = this;
event = (event.changedTouches ? event.changedTouches[0] : event);
gwd.s = window.getComputedStyle ? getComputedStyle(this, null) : this.currentStyle;
gwd.dX = event.pageX - parseInt(gwd.s["left"]);
gwd.dY = event.pageY - parseInt(gwd.s["top"]);
Dragmove drag event
if (gwd.dragger) {
event = (event.changedTouches ? event.changedTouches[0] : event);
gwd.actions.events.setInlineStyle(gwd.dragger.id, "left:" + (event.pageX - gwd.dX) + "px; top:" + (event.pageY - gwd.dY) + "px");
Dragstop event
gwd.dragger = null;
I want to get animated item left and top values pixel when drag
You can see this my ads.

How do I change GameObject properties in scripts Unity?

I'm trying to save/load my game. In the load method, everytime I change the properties of a GameObject, those changes are applied and then get reverted shortly after. Here is my code:
public void Load()
List<GameObject> rootObjects = new List<GameObject>();
Scene scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
int ncube = 0, npick = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rootObjects.Count; ++i)
GameObject obj = rootObjects[i];
if (obj.CompareTag("Player"))
obj.transform.position = player.position;
obj.transform.rotation = player.rotation;
obj.transform.localScale = player.localScale;
else if (obj.CompareTag("Cube"))
obj.transform.position = cube[ncube].position;
obj.transform.rotation = cube[ncube].rotation;
obj.transform.localScale = cube[ncube].localScale;
else if (obj.CompareTag("Pickup"))
else if (obj.CompareTag("Door"))
else if (obj.CompareTag("GreenWall"))
Those changes are applied to the GameObject, however they get aborted right away. How can I resolve this?
The script contains these lines of code is not a component of the GameObject.
Edit 1: Complete code updated.
Problem is I think that
Scene scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
gets the objects from the scene before the Scene is fully loaded so they are reset.
From the Docu
When using SceneManager.LoadScene, the loading does not happen immediately, it completes in the next frame. This semi-asynchronous behavior can cause frame stuttering and can be confusing because load does not complete immediately.
I guess you rather should use SceneManager.sceneLoaded and do your stuff there like
public void Load()
And maybe in an extra component within the scene:
void OnEnable()
SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded;
void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode)
// your stuff here
void OnDisable()
SceneManager.sceneLoaded -= OnSceneLoaded;
though we don't know/see where player, cube[ncube] etc come from ...
for transparting values between Scenes you should get into using ScriptableObjects
The problem might be that SceneManager.LoadScene completes in the next frame. See the documentation: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/SceneManagement.SceneManager.LoadScene.html
It says:
When using SceneManager.LoadScene, the loading does not happen
immediately, it completes in the next frame. This semi-asynchronous
behavior can cause frame stuttering and can be confusing because load
does not complete immediately.
You change the values within the same frame, thus they are overwritten when loading the scene finishes. Cou could use an event to prevent that behaviour: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/SceneManagement.SceneManager-sceneLoaded.html

Digging technique counter

I'm making and game which has digging as it's feature so I need timer which will count exact float (in seconds) and then destroy gameObject. This is what I tried now but it's freezing unity:
function Update()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
digTime = 1.5; // in secounds
while (!Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) // why is this infinite loop?
digtime -= Time.deltaTime;
if (digtime <= 0)
Here is a basic example how you can check if player has clicked for a certain time period.
#pragma strict
// This can be set in the editor
var DiggingTime = 1.5;
// Time when last digging started
private var diggingStarted = 0.0f;
function Update () {
// On every update were the button is not pressed reset the timer
if (!Input.GetMouseButton(0))
diggingStarted = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad;
// Check if the DiggingTime has passed from last setting of the timer
if (diggingStarted + DiggingTime < Time.timeSinceLevelLoad)
// Do the digging things here
Debug.Log("Digging time passed");
// Reset the timer
diggingStarted = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad;
It is firing every DiggingTime of seconds even the player is holding the button down. If you want that the player needs to release the button and press again one solution is to add Boolean telling if the timer is on or not. It can be set true on GetMouseButtonDown and false on GetMouseButtonUp.
Update function is called every frame. If you add a while loop inside this function waiting for the mouseButtonUp, you'll freeze Unity for sure.
You don't need the while loop. Just check GetMouseButtonUp without while loop.
This is the Update function:
void Update ()
if ( Input.GetMouseButtonDown( 0 ) )
digTime = 1.5f;
else if ( Input.GetMouseButton( 0 ) )
if ( digTime <= 0 )
Destroy( hit.collider.gameObject );
digTime -= Time.deltaTime;
Minor controls should be added to avoid destroying gameObject several times, but this is the idea to proceed

Stage scaling affecting AS3

I have some code that controls a serious of images to produce and 360 spin when dragging mouseX axis. This all worked fine with the code I have used.
I have since had to design for different platform and enlarge the size of the stage i did this by scale to stage check box in the document settings.
While the mouse down is in action the spin works fine dragging through the images as intended but when you you release and start to drag again it doesn't remember the last frame and jumps to another frame before dragging fine again? Why is it jumping like this when all I have done is change the scale of everything?
please see code use to
var spinX_mc:MovieClip;
var offsetFrame:int = spinX_mc.currentFrame;
var offsetX:Number = 0;
var percent:Number = 0;
spinX_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
spinX_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
function startDragging(e:MouseEvent):void
// start listening for mouse movement
offsetX = stage.mouseX;
function stopDragging(e:MouseEvent):void
// STOP listening for mouse movement
// save the current frame number;
offsetFrame = spinX_mc.currentFrame;
removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
// this function is called continuously while the mouse is being dragged
function drag(e:MouseEvent):void
trace ("Drag")
// work out how far the mouse has been dragged, relative to the width of the spinX_mc
// value between -1 and +1
percent = (mouseX - offsetX) / spinX_mc.width;
// trace(percent);
// work out which frame to go to. offsetFrame is the frame we started from
var frame:int = Math.round(percent * spinX_mc.totalFrames) + offsetFrame;
// reset when hitting the END of the spinX_mc timeline
while (frame > spinX_mc.totalFrames)
frame -= spinX_mc.totalFrames;
// reset when hitting the START of the spinX_mc timeline
while (frame <= 0)
frame += spinX_mc.totalFrames;
// go to the correct frame
By changing
offsetX = stage.mouseX;
offsetX = mouseX;
I seem to of solved the problem and everything runs smoothly again.

Google Earth API Moving a polygon

I just starting coding with Google Earth using the GEPlugin control for .Net and still got a lot to learn.
What has got me puzzled is when I try to drag a polygon.
The method below is called whenever the mousemove event fires and should be moving each point of the polygon while retaining the orginal shape of the polygon. The lat / long for each point is changed but the polygon does not move position on the map.
Will moving a point in a polygon cause it to redraw, do I need to call a method to force a redraw or perhaps do something else entirely?
private void DoMouseMove(IKmlMouseEvent mouseEvent)
if (isDragging)
var placemark = mouseEvent.getTarget() as IKmlPlacemark;
if (placemark == null)
IKmlPolygon polygon = placemark.getGeometry() as IKmlPolygon;
if (polygon != null)
float latOffset = startLatLong.Latitude - mouseEvent.getLatitude();
float longOffset = startLatLong.Longitude - mouseEvent.getLongitude();
KmlLinearRingCoClass outer = polygon.getOuterBoundary();
KmlCoordArrayCoClass coordsArray = outer.getCoordinates();
for(int i = 0; i < coordsArray.getLength(); i++)
KmlCoordCoClass currentPoint = coordsArray.get(i);
currentPoint.setLatLngAlt(currentPoint.getLatitude() + latOffset,
currentPoint.getLongitude() + longOffset, 0);
Consider voting for these issues to be resolved
You may find some hints at the following link:
I've released the extension library: https://bitbucket.org/mutopia/earth
See https://bitbucket.org/mutopia/earth/src/master/sample/index.html to run it.
See the drag() method in the sample code class, which calls setDragMode() and addDragEvent() to enable dragging of the KmlPolygon.
I successfully implemented this using takeOverCamera in the earth-api-utility-library and three events:
setDragMode: function (mode) {
// summary:
// Sets dragging mode on and off
if (mode == this.dragMode) {
Log.info('Drag mode is already', mode);
} else {
this.dragMode = mode;
Log.info('Drag mode set', mode);
if (mode) {
this.addEvent(this.ge.getGlobe(), 'mousemove', this.dragMouseMoveCallback);
this.addEvent(this.ge.getGlobe(), 'mouseup', this.dragMouseUpCallback);
this.addEvent(this.ge.getView(), 'viewchange', this.dragViewChange, false);
} else {
this.removeEvent(this.ge.getGlobe(), 'mousemove', this.dragMouseMoveCallback);
this.removeEvent(this.ge.getGlobe(), 'mouseup', this.dragMouseUpCallback);
this.removeEvent(this.ge.getView(), 'viewchange', this.dragViewChange, false);
This is in a utility library within a much larger project. dragMode is a boolean which adds and removes events. These three events control what happens when you drag. addEvent and removeEvent are my own wrapper functions:
addEvent: function (targetObject, eventID, listenerCallback, capture) {
// summary:
// Convenience method for google.earth.addEventListener
capture = setDefault(capture, true);
google.earth.addEventListener(targetObject, eventID, listenerCallback, capture);
removeEvent: function (targetObject, eventID, listenerCallback, capture) {
// summary:
// Convenience method for google.earth.removeEventListener
capture = setDefault(capture, true);
google.earth.removeEventListener(targetObject, eventID, listenerCallback, capture);
Ignoring the minor details, all the important stuff is in the callbacks to those events. The mousedown event locks the camera and sets the polygon I'm dragging as the dragObject (it's just a variable I'm using). It saves the original lat long coordinates.
this.dragMouseDownCallback = lang.hitch(this, function (event) {
var obj = event.getTarget();
this.dragObject = obj;
this.dragLatOrigin = this.dragLatLast = event.getLatitude();
this.dragLngOrigin = this.dragLngLast = event.getLongitude();
The mousemove callback updates to the latest lat long coordinates:
this.dragMouseMoveCallback = lang.hitch(this, function (event) {
if (this.dragObject) {
var lat = event.getLatitude();
var lng = event.getLongitude();
var latDiff = lat - this.dragLatLast;
var lngDiff = lng - this.dragLngLast;
if (Math.abs(latDiff) > this.dragSensitivity || Math.abs(lngDiff > this.dragSensitivity)) {
this.addPolyCoords(this.dragObject, [latDiff, lngDiff]);
this.dragLatLast = lat;
this.dragLngLast = lng;
Here I'm using some fancy sensitivity values to prevent updating this too often. Finally, addPolyCoords is also my own function which adds lat long values to the existing coordinates of the polygon - effectively moving it across the globe. I do this with the built in setLatitude() and setLongitude() functions for each coordinate. You can get the coordinates like so, where polygon is a KmlPolyon object:
And of course, the mousedown callback turns off the drag mode so that moving the mouse doesn't continue to drag the polygon:
this.dragMouseUpCallback = lang.hitch(this, function (event) {
if (this.dragObject) {
Log.info('Stop drag', this.dragObject.getType());
setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function () {
}), 100);
this.dragObject = this.dragLatOrigin = this.dragLngOrigin = this.dragLatLast = this.dragLngLast = null;
And finally, _dragEvent is called to ensure that the final coordinates are the actual coordinates the mouse event finished with (and not the latest mousemove call):
_dragEvent: function (event) {
// summary:
// Helper function for moving drag object
var latDiff = event.getLatitude() - this.dragLatLast;
var lngDiff = event.getLongitude() - this.dragLngLast;
if (!(latDiff == 0 && lngDiff == 0)) {
this.addPolyCoords(this.dragObject, [latDiff, lngDiff]);
Log.info('Moved ' + latDiff + ', ' + lngDiff);
The mousemove callback isn't too important and can actually be ignored - the only reason I use it is to show the polygon moving as the user moves their mouse. Removing it will result in the object being moved when they lift their mouse up.
Hopefully this incredibly long answer gives you some insights into how to implement dragging in the Google Earth API. And I also plan to release my library in the future when I've ironed out the kinks :)