Get passed data on next page after calling "to" from NavContainer - sapui5

I am on my way building a Fiori like app using SAPUI5. I have successfully built the Master page, and on item click, I pass the context and navigate to Detail page.
The context path from Master page is something like /SUPPLIER("NAME"). The function in App.controoler.js is as follows:
handleListItemPress: function(evt) {
var context = evt.getSource().getBindingContext();"Detail", context);
// ...
But I would like to know how I can access this context in the Detail page. I need this because I need to use $expand to build the URL and bind the items to a table.

There is an example in the UI5 Documentation on how to deal with this problem using an EventDelegate for the onBeforeShow function which is called by the framework automatically. I adapted it to your use case:"Detail", context); // trigger navigation and hand over a data object
// and where the detail page is implemented:
onBeforeShow: function(evt) {
var context =;
The object contains all data you put in to(<pageId>, <data>). You could log it to the console to see the structure of the evt object.

Please refer the "shopping cart" example in SAP UI5 Demo Kit.
Generally, in 'Component.js', the routes shall be configured for the different views.
And in the views, the route has to be listened to. Please see below.
In Component.js:
routes: [
{ pattern: "cart",
name: "cart",
view: "Cart",
targetAggregation: "masterPages"
And in Cart.controller.js, the route has to be listened. In this example, cart is a detail
onInit : function () {
this._router = sap.ui.core.UIComponent.getRouterFor(this);
this._router.attachRoutePatternMatched(this._routePatternMatched, this);
_routePatternMatched : function(oEvent) {
if (oEvent.getParameter("name") === "cart") {
//set selection of list back
var oEntryList = this.getView().byId("entryList");
Hope this helps.


Passing Data Between Controllers While Navigating

I want to pass data between two controllers (in addition to routing parameters) and I would like to know the correct way to do this.
For example: when I navigate to pattern /order/{id}, I do this in the view controller:
this.getRouter().navTo("order", {
id: sOrderId
I want to pass additional JSON object which I don't want to be part of routing parameter.
What should I do in this case?
Wanted to add what I like to achieve with this
I want pass data from master to detail. Both master and detail page has individual routing patterns assigned. So user can land on master or detail directly. When they land on master - user can choose bunch of detail items, and navigate to first detail item, and from there navigate to other items he/she selected earlier on master. So what I want to pass is this selection from master controller to detail controller.
Note: If the intention is to pass selected keys from the main view to the detail view, see instead.
Using a client-side model
Usually, data are stored separately in models instead of assigned to local variables and passing them around. Model data can be then shared with anything that can access the model (e.g. View for data binding).
Here is an example with a client-side model (JSONModel):
Create a JSONModel which is set on a parent ManagedObject. E.g. on the Component via manifest.json:
"sap.ui5": {
"models": {
"myModel": {
"type": "sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel"
In the controller A, set the object to pass before navigating:
const dataToPass = /*...*/
this.getOwnerComponent().getModel("myModel").setProperty("/data", dataToPass, null, true);
In the controller B, do something with the passed data. E.g. on patternMatched handler:
onInit: function() {
const orderRoute = this.getOwnerComponent().getRouter().getRoute("order");
orderRoute.attachPatternMatched(this.onPatternMatched, this);
onPatternMatched: function() {
/*Do something with:*/this.getOwnerComponent().getModel("myModel").getProperty("/data");
Using NavContainer(Child) events
There are several navigation-related events such as navigate,
BeforeHide, BeforeShow, etc. which contain both views - the source view (from) and the target view (to).
You can make use of the API data to pass the data.
Here is an example:
In the controller A:
onInit: function() {
onBeforeHide: function(event) {
const targetView =;
const dataToPass = /*...*/"data", dataToPass);
}, this);
In the controller B:
onInit: function() {
onBeforeShow: function(event) {
/*Do something with:*/this.getView().data("data");
}, this);
See also the related documentation topic: Passing Data when Navigating
You can create a local model (usually a JSONModel) and set it to inside your app Component.
// inside Component.js
var model = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel({ foo: “bar”});
Inside each controller you can use
var model = this.getOwnerComponent().getModel();

SAPUI5 using Popover as a tooltip

I'm trying to use the sap.m.Popover as a "rich tooltip" for some controls. This is as per recommendation from SAP because the sap.ui.commons library is now deprecated. We have too much text we want to add to the standard string tooltip. I haven't figured out a way to use the popover directly as a tooltip, which is why I've extended the TooltipBase control to handle the popover.
I've got the popover working fine, However when I interact with my control, I get the following error:
Uncaught Error: failed to load 'myNewToolTip/controls/TooltipBaseRenderer.js' from ../controls/TooltipBaseRenderer.js: 404 - Not Found
I see from these threads that it is because the TooltipBase class is an abstract class and therefore doesn't have a renderer. However, because I'm already using the popover, I don't need to render anything. I've tried to add the TooltipBaseRenderer.js and just have an empty render class. But UI5 really doesn't like that either.
My question is what should I do, I see two options:
There is probably a simple way to use the popover as a tooltip, which I'm just too stupid to figure out (Bear in mind, I'd prefer to bind it directly in the XML view).
Figure out a way to suppress the renderer call as I don't need it.
This is my current source code for the custom control:
], function (Popover) {
"use strict";
return sap.ui.core.TooltipBase.extend("myNewToolTip.TooltipBase", {
metadata: {
properties: {
title : {}
events: {
"onmouseover" : {},
"onmouseout" : {}
oView: null,
setView: function(view) {
this.oView = view;
onmouseover : function(oEvent) {
var that = this;
if (!this.delayedCall){
this.delayedCall = setTimeout(function() {
if (!that.oPopover){
}, 500);
onmouseout: function(oEvent) {
if (this.oPopover){
this.delayedCall = undefined;
this.delayedCall = undefined;
_createQuickView: function() {
var sTitle = this.getTitle();
this.oPopover = new Popover({
title: sTitle
closePopover: function(){
this.oPopover = undefined;
There is no need to create a custom control just to display a popover on mouseover. As you said, there is a simpler way: Adding event delegates.
One of the events that delegates can listen to is onmouseover which can be achieved like this:
onmouseover: function () {
// Open popover here
Extending sap.ui.core.TooltipBase
If you still consider extending TooltipBase (without Popover), take a look at this example:,preview
Keep in mind, though, that tooltips in general shouldn't contain critical information due to its lack of discoverability as Fiori Design Guideline mentions
Tooltips (...) should never contain critical information. They should also not contain redundant information.
Just as a friendly reminder :) Don't make people hover to find things.

UI5 navContiner bindAggregation not loading the pages

i need to build the page by binding aggregation as below
class="navContainerControl sapUiSmallMarginBottom" height="50%">
onInit : function()
var navCon = this.getView().byId("navCon");
factory : jQuery.proxy(this.createPages,this)
createPages : function(sid,context)
var eachpageData = context.getObject();
var grid = new sap.ui.layout.Grid({
defaultSpan:"L4 M6 S6"
var page = new sap.m.Page({
id :,
title :,
content : grid
grid.bindAggregation('content',{path:'data',factory :this.createPageContent});
return page;
But when i see from the debugger it has only one page
But when i call navto
handleNav : function(evt)
var navCon = this.getView().byId("navCon");
var target = evt.getSource().getText();
if (target) {
//var animation = this.getView().byId("animationSelect").getSelectedKey();;
} else {
and if i see the navCon.getPages() will give 2 pages.
What mistake i have done here?
You are trying to pass the DOM element to the method. This is where its gone wrong.
But method can accept id(String) as parameter.
Change your handleNav method as follows it will work.
handleNav : function(evt)
var navCon = this.getView().byId("navCon");
var target = evt.getSource().getText();
if (target) {;
} else {
NavContainers can display only one page. You can add more pages to the pages aggregation, but they will be visible only if a navigation event is fired with the proper parameters. After that, the layout of the new page is loaded and added to the DOM.
In case of SplitApp, application can display two pages (master and detail) if you see it on tablet or desktop; however it's implemented by the use of two NavContainers.
That's why the control inspector returns with one page before the navigation, second page is not part of the DOM until you navigates to it.
If you place a breakpoint into your code instead of using the control inspector, you can call the navCon.getPages() which should return with the number of pages in the aggregation.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'setVisible' of undefined

Im fairly new to SAPUI5 and when I click on button I get the error in the title
what I did in Is I used the SAP web IDE to create new MVC project .
in the main view JS I put
createContent : function(oController) {
var btn = new sap.m.Button({
text : "Content Button"
return new sap.m.Page({
title: "TitleT",
content: [ btn ]
in the Main controller JS I put the following code
onInit: function() {
var that = this;
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, Math.random() * 10000);
onPress: function() {
this.byId("pressMeButton").setText("I got pressed");
When I run it I see the button but when I click on it I get the error in the on Init,
what am I doing wrong here?
The actual problem with your code is that you create a static id in your javascript view, but the controller will search the id with a prefix like "__jsview0--myBtn" if you call that.byId("myBtn").
Therefore you either have to use createId("myBtn") in your javascript view for defining the id or sap.ui.getCore().byId("myBtn") in the controller and it will work fine. The first approach is recommended though to avoid name clashes.
i did not really get the use case, it seems like you want to display the button only after a certain (random) timeframe. But the visible flag by default is already true, so the button will always be visible.
Use the standard timeout and byId function from SAPUI5 like this:
onInit: function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, Math.random() * 10000);

SAPUI5 TypeError: is not a function

I'm new to SAPUI5
I'm trying to show the master page when a Tile is clicked in a home page. Below is the code that I have used with in event handler.
var context = evt.getSource().getBindingContext();"Master", context);
The problem here is I am getting following error TypeError: is not a function
Please assist
What is this in your context? That depends on where your tilePressed method is defined. If it's defined in a controller, this will refer to the controller.
If it is defined statically - you often find this for formatter functions - this will refer to the control that triggered the event.
Is the variable this.nav defined and appropriatly initialized? It needs to contain some kind of NavContainer e.g. the outermost sap.m.App resp. sap.m.SplitApp.
Also check out this article on the usage of this in JavaScript and this very handy jQuery function jQuery.proxy
The and this.nav.back() functions are not
defined in the App.controller.js. You need to write the following code
in App.controller.js so that the compiler identifies the functions
being called.
to : function (pageId, context) {
var app = this.getView().app;
// load page on demand
var master = ("Master" === pageId);
if (app.getPage(pageId, master) === null) {
var page = sap.ui.view({
id : pageId,
viewName : "ProjectPath.view." + pageId,
type : "XML"
page.getController().nav = this;
app.addPage(page, master);"app controller > loaded page: " + pageId);
// show the page;
// set data context on the page
if (context) {
var page = app.getPage(pageId);
back : function (pageId) {