Daily Deal, About Us, FAQ, Contact Us, and Download link is not working? - magento-1.7

In my site, Daily Deal, About Us, FAQ, Contact Us, and Download link is not working.
Earlier it was working but now when i am clicking on these links, it is not redirecting to that page.I think there will be some problem occured due to adding Aitoc modules in admin site and the problem is appearing only when the compilation is enabled.
I have made a static block in admin for toplinks having identifier 'top_menu_links'.i called that static block in header.phtml
<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('top_menu_links')->toHtml() ?>
then also it is not working.
Anyone have any idea to solve this issue, then please help me out.

Please check the admin First
system >> configuration >> web
check the "Use Secure URLs in Frontend" yes or No
If Yes then go to CMS static Block, please check the menu link is it static base url or not
if static then please replace the index.php and check it will work
And also check the base url is like
Change your static URL it will work
<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('example')->toHtml() ?>
Please check it will work
thank you


Facebook showing page not found when sharing link

I'm sharing content from a website and every time I paste the link into Facebook it says 'page not found'.
Sometimes it works when I manually add the 'www.' in front of the URL in the address bar.
Shows page not found:
Works when you manually place www. in front:
I honestly have no I idea why it's doing this, any thoughts on how it can be fixed on the web side?
I have tried with the link below with both the www. and without yet it doesn't work with either of them, this is all very strange. This is the only link I have tried and it doesn't work with both:
Any help is much appreciated, thanks.
For me what it worked was to access the Facebook Debugger, as Goose said.
I saw that the scrape was about 12 hours ago, looks like it fetches the first time and saves it as caché or whatsoever...
What it worked for me is to debug the url, then click "fetch new scrape information" after the previous information has been shown.
Hope it works!
For those running across this today, you might find that you also need to verify your domain and link it to your page.
To do this you need to
Set up a Facebook Business Account
Add your page to the business account
Verify your domain (using DNS TXT or adding a page facebook gives you)
Under domains, connect your page as an asset of that domain

Joomla 2.5.9 Wrong redirect after Read more -> Login

I´ve a strange Joomla 2.5.9 problem where I do not know if it´s a bug or a setting issue.
Anyway my problem is I ´ve created a menu item kind "Blog List", choosed a category and set the "access" of the articles to "registered" and "show unauthorized access links" to yes. Now the user can see the articles, but is redirected to the login if he clicks "read more".
steps can be seen here (-> http://tinyurl.com/bldbvx4)
So far so good. Unfortunately the return URL for the article is not created correctly.
I ´ve created a demo installation which illustrates my problem.
If I click "Koala" and log-in in the next step, Joomla tries to redirect me to:
correct would be:
To solve this issue I tried to cut the wrong part with htaccess (failed)
Any clue how to fix this?
Thankful for any help,
Okay, got it. For everyone else having this problem. I did a template override of:
and cutted the urlencode in line 149.
//$link->setVar('return', base64_encode(urlencode($returnURL)));
$link->setVar('return', base64_encode($returnURL));
with this hack it works ...
This is because you have given Access level to register so normal users are not allowed to read this article. So you kindly change access level registered to public.

Page tab , developer app.

I just want to use developer app for creating normal simple custom tab. And always get:
"400 Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. "
There is no syntax errors as u can see image below:
Screen of configuration
I did configured it as all tutiorals says:
Here is link for you to check that there is any simple text wrote in html:
So any1 can help me PLEASE!?:)
help would be appreciate !
When I went to that link, my browser complained that your SSL cert is bad. Fix that and it might work better.

how to setup your own facebook app

ive seen many tutorials on setting up your facebook app
but i havent found anything that worked for me
best i found is a tutorial in youtube on link below
im not really sure on what im doing sice i dont know much about using php
i do know how to use asp.net and iis
in the tutorial he have a facebook.php downloaded from PHP SDK and index.php
i downloaded the facebook.php
and typed the content of his index.php on my notepad and saved as index.php
both file is found on my //localhost/facebook/firstpracticeapp/
i did try that that path works i put a sample.html file inside that and accessed is on browser using below just to see if it works and it does..
now that i know it works i then setup the details of my app
used http://localhost/facebook/firstpracticeapp/ as Canvas URL
used http://apps.facebook.com/firstpracticeapp as Canvas Page
btw i edited the index.php as said on tutorial changing the app secret and app id to what was given to me...
not really sure what i missed but it says on tutorial if i run use my canvas page on browser it should display what is displayed on the tutorial
only thing i get is an error saying
HTTP Error 405.0 - Method Not Allowed
The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because an invalid method (HTTP verb) is being used.
Detailed Error Information
Module DirectoryListingModule
Notification ExecuteRequestHandler
Handler StaticFile
Error Code 0x80070001
Requested URL http:// localhost:80/facebook/firstpracticeapp/
Physical Path C:\FILES\Projects\facebook\firstpracticeapp\
Logon Method Anonymous
Logon User Anonymous
can someone tell me what seems to be the problem?
im thinking its the php i dont have enough info on how to use it
and i did it differently on what was on the tutorial cause i dont know idea what that phpacademy is for
if you guys know better link which is more detailed please reply with link
btw if you found spaces after http its because i cant post more than 2 links so i decided to put space there :)
many thanks
...nevermind, I was using out of date info.

How do I redirect a domain to a specific "landing page"?

My client has several parked domains. She wants those domains to point to specific pages in her main site. For example:
Let's pretend she has a page on her main site about bedroom redecorating. That page is located at www.mainsite.com/bedrooms/
And let's say she has a parked domain called www.999bedrooms.com/
She wants to redirect that domain to www.mainsite.com/bedrooms/
What's the best way to do this without being penalized by the search engines?
Also, keep in mind that www.mainsite.com/bedrooms is actually a WordPress page, so it's not an actual file on the server, per se.
There are (at least) two ways to do this. One way requires access to some sort of configuration on the server, and the other doesn't. I don't know if you're using the Apache web server, but if you are, you would add mod_alias to your configuration and restart Apache:
a2enmod alias
apache2ctl graceful
Then add this to the VirtualHost section for 999bedrooms.com:
Redirect permanent / http://www.mainsite.com/bedrooms
Then you should be done.
The other way is in an HTML file that you put at http://999bedrooms.com/index.html, put a line like this within the HEAD section:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=http://www.mainsite.com/bedrooms">
This is one of those "Please wait while we redirect you to our main page" sorts of redirections that you see sometimes. Not as nice as the server-based ones, but easier to do.
Hope this helps!
Well there are a couple way. Most likely your web host supports the redirection for you using a 301 Redirect HTTP response. Check out your web host and see if they offer a directory redirection (I know that fastdomain which is my hosting provider does).
Alternatively, if you hosting provide supports PHP you can use the following and place it in a file called index.php in the top level of the domain you wish to redirect.
header("Location: http://www.mainsite.com/bedrooms/");
Simply add this line to your header.php file:
<script language="JavaScript">document.location.href = "http://www.mainsite.com/bedrooms";</script>