I am using music21 to extract the midi pitch numbers (in order) for a bunch of midi files.
I have been reading through the documentation and I can load one file like this:
from music21 import *
sBach = corpus.parse('bach/bwv7.7')
Now how do I show a sequence of midi numbers? I am sure this is possible but I can't find the function in the documentation.
And is there a way to do it for multiple files at the same time?
from music21 import *
sBach = corpus.parse('bach/bwv7.7')
for p in sBach.parts:
print("Part: ", p.id)
for n in p.flat.notes:
Note that .notes includes Chord objects, which don't have a .pitch property. So for complex scores you may need to separate out the chords from notes or iterate over p.pitches. I think you'll want to go through the music21 User's Guide a bit more before continuing.
I have a simulation which produces a bunch of vtu (also pvtu) and vti (also pvti) files which, as I understand, represent the configuration of points in one timestamp. But is there a way to group them into one close-to-vtk file to be able to visualize a simulation, which consists of many timestamps, in an app like paraview (but not only)?
ParaView can natively open many files as a time series, see the doc.
If your file names contains a number, the ParaView "open file" dialog will collapse them under a dummy filename containing dots instead of number. Open it to open the whole series.
edit: conversion
To be close to the vtk format, you may use .pvd that is a ParaView format described here or the .series from VTK (doc here )
To read it with another software, well, you will need to check the supported file formats by the application you want to use. VTK can write several other formats, including Exodus, XDMF or CGNS for instance.
I have a hard time writing chords in a MIDI file using MIDO, the MIDI library for Python.
I have a list of 100 chords with notes stored in the list. So each chord in the code below is [60, 63, 67] as in Cmin. The timing of each in seconds is stored in the chordTimes list.
I iterate in the list,
for i in range(1, len(chords)):
chordNotes = chordMidiNotes(chords[i], extraBass= False)[0]
chordSymbol = chordMidiNotes(chords[i], extraBass= False)[1]
for note_value in chordNotes: # result has chord notes
track.append(Message('note_on', note=note_value, velocity=100, time=0))
for note_value in chordNotes: # result has chord notes
track.append(Message('note_off', note=note_value, velocity=127, time=time_in_ticks(chordTimes[i], mo)))
But then when I open the files, the chords start at the same time, however, the top note ends just before last chords, the one below ends before that, the one before the later stops again several beats before it, .... as you see in the image. I am using type 1 midi file.
The MIDO documentation says:
All messages must be tagged with delta time (in ticks). (A delta time is how long to wait before the next message.)
So the delta times of all note-off messages except the first one must be zero.
I am getting zero values while using xlsread command in MATLAB.I am using a real world dataset taken from UCI repository which has got both integer and float values.
[Train,textData,rawData] = `xlsread('C:\Users\pooja\Documents\project\breastcancer.csv');`
I have tried with xls format too..
[Train,textData,rawData] = xlsread('C:\Users\pooja\Documents\project\breastcancer.xls');
Thanx in Advance..!
In the wide world of computers, there are a lot of data formats. You need to remember that data formats are different from each other. Generally software like Matlab allows you to open different types of data formats. Each one of course with its own function.
You can guess that the function xmlread is to read XML files. If you want to read csv files or any other type of file in the world, please (I think this is obvious) do not use xmlread!
Specifically to open csv files matlab has csvread. Please, do not use csv read to open files that are not CSV.....
How do you split an audio file into multiple parts using MATLAB ? Like I have an audio file composed of ten-twenty notes of a Piano, I need to split it into individual notes and store each note in a separate variable . Is it possible to do this with MATLAB ,if so how ? Can anyone please help me on this ?
If you want to do the splitting visually you can try "Simple Audio Editor" available in the file exchange.
I am the author of this program. Let me know if something does not work with that.
You can also try a free audio editor like audacity and export individual pieces to audio files. You can read each piece in MATLAB separately.
If you are looking to achieve this automatically you might need to ask this question in a Signal processing group.
I would like to play some kind of text-to-speech with only numbers. I can record 10 wav files, but how can I combine them programmatically ?
For instance, the user types 1234, and the text-to-speech combines 1.wav with 2.wav, 3.wav and 4.wav to produce 1234.wav that plays "one two three four".
1) create a new destination sample buffer (you will want to know the sizes).
2) read the samples (e.g. using AudioFile and ExtAudioFile APIs) and write them in sequence to the buffer. You may want to add silence between the files.
It will help if your files are all the same bit depth (the destination bit depth - 16 should be fine) and sample rate.
Alternatively, if you have fixed, known, sample rates and bit depths for all files, you could just save them as raw sample data and be done in much less time because you could simply append the data as is without writing all the extra audio file reading programs.
The open source project wavtools provides a good reference for this sort of work, if you're ok with perl. Otherwise there is a similar question with some java examples.
The simplist common .wav (RIFF) file format just has a 44 byte header in front of raw PCM samples. So, for these simple types of .wav files, you could just try reading the files as raw bytes, removing the 44 byte header from all but the first file, and concatening the samples. Or just play the concatenated samples directly using the Audio Queue API.