specify response for fiddler core - fiddler

I use fiddler core to intercept the request and provide a response to it. I know its possible to use saz files to save the response. But the problem is that I need to be able to customize the response. While its a saz file I cant customize the response manually.
Is there a way to save response caught by fiddler to a text file in json like format, so that I could edit it and could serve it as response to any request using fiddler core? For now i see I can save response as a plain text. But how do I load this request to fiddler or parse it with fiddler core to populate all the response properties? Is there some format I could use, that will allow me to manually edit the response?
I see I can just open saz archive, make my edits to reponse and use it to specify the response. Thats exactly what I was looking for. Also there is a way to save response session as har file. Is it possible to save one single response as har/saz file? Currently I can only save session and it contain all requests and responses. Is there a way to limit saved data to 1 request and 1 response?

You have a SAZ file, which contains the full content of a response. Your code may load the SAZ File into FiddlerCore using the Utilities.ReadSessionArchive method. You will then have an array of Session objects.
As FiddlerCore receives requests, you can evaluate whether or not you wish to reply to each request using a previously-loaded response or whether you want to instead let the request flow through to the server. To let the request flow through to the server, do nothing.
To return a previously-generated response, in FiddlerCore (not yet released), simply call utilAssignResponse on the new Session. For earlier versions of FiddlerCore without this new method, your OnBeforeRequest method should call a method that looks something like this:
public void utilAssignResponse(Session oS, HTTPResponseHeaders oRH, byte[] arrBody)
oS.oResponse.headers = (HTTPResponseHeaders)oRH.Clone();
oS.responseBodyBytes = arrBody ?? Utilities.emptyByteArray;
oS.oFlags["x-Fiddler-Generated"] = "Generated by myCode";


Can I mirror request data with Charles Proxy?

The mirror feature in Charles Proxy saves the responses -- I want to see the requests that are made for the corresponding saved response outside of the Charles UI so that I can programmatically match some of the data in the request to the response.
For instance, I might have a request to mysite.com/data?param=123 that results in the file data with the response value {"param": 123}. Then I might have another request mysite.com/data?param=456 and the same file data with a different response value.
I want to match the original request to the saved response.
You can use the Auto Save feature of Charles.
In "Charles - Tools - Auto Save", enable this feature and take "Save type" as "JSON Session File":
Then, all requests and corresponding responses will be saved as JSON data, which is pretty good for programming.

http POST vs GET request for getting a document sending a XML file

I know for getting a data we have to use a GET request. But this time I have to send a XML document (who will not be stored) for getting the data. What are the best practice in this case ?
You need send a xml document to your end-point to get your interested data.
As you need a xml doc, it has to be a POST REST end-point. (On a side note, sending any file contents as part of GET parameters is a bad design practice.)

Monitor request: obtain post data, headers, response

I have been developing crossrider extension. I need to obtain data about users requests and then analyse them. For that, I used appAPI.webRequest.monitor.onRequest method.
However I am not able to obtain some information that I would really need:
If request is POST, I am not able to get post parameters (data)
I am not able to get response headers and response text
#Shlomo already proposed solution to use appAPI.request method to obtain response text and headers, but you can not do that for post requests if you dont have post parameters (data). Also that way, every request is made twice, which is not desired.

How to deal with this situation building a REST API?

I got this problem, I have built a rest api and I don't know how to deal with this:
When the javascript client (Marionette.js) is in charge of making the views, I don't have problems, because as it is known, it just requests an url (e.g. example.com/user/37), the server retrieves a json with {id:'37', name:'Peter', age:'24'} (there is one controller class named User) and Marionette shows that data in the view. But if the user enter to example.com/user/37 by the browser it will show just {id:'37', name:'Peter', age:'24'} without any view. What can I do if I want to see the same view in both cases?
If you're trying to serve up HTML or JSON from the same endpoint then your server should be making that decision based on the request's Accept header. If the request's Accept header is application/json then your server should return just the JSON ortherwise return the HTML.
You can see that SoundCloud uses the same technique for returning XML or JSON from their API:
Resources are returned as XML by default, or JSON if a .json extension is appended to the resource URI. We encourage you to use JSON. You can also send an appropriate Accept header specifying the format you would like. For example, a request with the header Accept: application/json will return resources represented as a JSON document.
What you are trying to do is pratically impossible.
why ?
When your first enter the url example.com it's the server that responds with all the artifacts that compose your application (html, js, css ...) and the browser display it.
Now, when you enter ther url example.com/user/37 the server only sends the JSON data without any html, js or css, so the browser display the raw data he received.
What you are trying to do is to force the server to give two responses (JSON or html/js/css) depending on the user request.
You can do it, but it would be so complicated that's not worth the efforts.

Is it possible to change/modify properties of a CR using OSLC_CM?

Is it possible to modify a property of a change request by using the OSLC-CM REST API of a change management system. The system that I'm trying to achieve that is Rational Change.
I can browse and query via the REST API, but to modify anything I need to resort to command line which is rather slow.
Is there a way?
To update resources using the OSLC-CM REST API you simply just can use HTTP PUT. In order to do this, you'll first need the URL of the Change Request.
The steps to achieve this (using any HTTP client) are:
acquire URL for Change Request (usually done by query, or stored reference, etc)
Perform an HTTP GET on that URL, specifying a format for use in editing. This is done using 'Accept' header, some typical values would be 'application/xml', 'application/json' or 'application/rdf+xml'.
Note, it is a good idea to set the header 'OSLC-Core-Verson: 2.0' as well to ensure you are working with the 2.0 formats.
Once you have fetched the resource, modify the property to the value you want.
Using HTTP PUT, send the modified resource in the content body to the same URL you fetched the resource from.
Additionally you will most likely need to pass along some additional headers to help the server detect any possible conflict.
You should get back a 200 (OK) or 204 (No content) response on success.
An optimization would be to do the same steps as above but only request the properties of interest and only send them by using the selective properties feature of OSLC.
So I've finally got it working with some help from googlegroups
To recap what I've done so that someone else might benefit too (I really have searched for it and the IBM documentation is as in most of the cases not helping):
So to modify PR/CR' implement_actual_effort attribute on the Rational Change server the following procedure was successful (using Firefox REST plugin):
1. In Headers set: Accept to application/xml, Content-Type to application/xml
Put the oslc address of the cr i URL in my case it was:
http://[IP:PORT]/change/oslc/db/[DB hex ID]/role/User/cr/[web_encoded_name_of_the_CR]?oslc_cm.properties=change:implement_actual_effort
(note in browser http://[IP:PORT]/change/oslc/db/[DB hex ID]/role/User/cr/[web_encoded_name_of_the_CR] will open change page of the CR/PR)
In REST client set Method to GET and press SEND
Click on the Response Body (RAW), copy xml Body
Change Method to PUT, change the value of the attribute (in the xml in Body window)
Press SEND
Attribute should have been changed right now, and the response should be similiar to what you've sent, with the attribute showing the change.
Note that to change an attribute (called property from oslc point of view) one has to provide ?oslc_cm.properties=[properties delimited with comma]
and in the request body xml the same properties have to be present, if I remember correctly if the property isn't mentioned in the xml it will be set to default
I hope this helps someone