gsutil copy to storage failing - google-cloud-storage

i'm working in a instance at us-central1-a zone and I can't copy a ~200GB file.
i've tried :
gsutil -m cp -L my.log my.file gs://my-bucket/
gsutil -m cp -L my.second.log my.file gs://my-bucket2/
And after several "catch ups" I get the following error:
CommandException: Some temporary components were not uploaded successfully. Please retry this upload.
CommandException: X files/objects could not be transferred.
Any clues?

This is a message you'll see if gsutil's parallel composite uploads feature fails to upload at least one of the pieces of the file.
A couple of questions...
Have you already tried performing this upload again, after you saw this message?
If this error persists, could you please provide the stack trace from gsutil -d cp...
If you're consistently seeing this error and need an immediate fix (if this is a bug with parallel uploads), you can set parallel_composite_upload_threshold=0 in the GSUtil section your boto config to disable parallel uploads.

I had the same experience using gsutil. I fixed by installing the crcmod.
First run the command you have issues with using the debug flag, for example:
gsutil -d -m cp gs://<path_to_file_in_bucket>
In the output I can see:
CommandException: Downloading this composite object requires integrity checking with CRC32c, but your crcmod installation isn't using the module's C extension, so the hash computation will likely throttle download performance. For help installing the extension, please see "gsutil help crcmod".
To download regardless of crcmod performance or to skip slow integrity checks, see the "check_hashes" option in your boto config file.
NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you not disable integrity checks. Doing so could allow data corruption to go undetected during uploading/downloading.
You can follow the instructions here from google to install crcmod for your specific os:

I got the same error message. I tried login in to gcloud again with
gcloud auth login
and then I could run the command successfully.


Mongo Procedures Dependencies Cause Neo4j Connection Issues

I am using Neo4j on a remote server (ubuntu 20.4) and would like to stream data from MongoDB to Neo4j. I followed the instructions here. I tried both ways by using the following approaches:
Use the following command:
sudo wget -O /mnt/neo4j/plugins/apoc-mongodb-dependencies-
Note that the plugins directory has a different path due to mounting. I changed the path in the configuration file accordingly. This should not be causing any problems because I had the same problem before mounting.
Also, I tried to match the same release as the apoc-core file ( in a separate attempt with no better outcome.
Changing the ownership and read permissions as follows didn't help either:
sudo chown neo4j:neo4j apoc-mongodb-dependencies-
sudo chmod 755 apoc-mongodb-dependencies-
Use the following commands:
sudo wget -O /mnt/neo4j/plugins/mongo-java-driver-3.12.11.jar
sudo wget -O /mnt/neo4j/plugins/mongodb-driver-3.12.11.jar
sudo wget -O /mnt/neo4j/plugins/mongodb-driver-core-4.7.1.jar
sudo wget -O /mnt/neo4j/plugins/bson-4.7.1.jar
Note that I used the latest versions. I tried the versions available in the instructions as well with no difference in the outcome.
Now when restarting the neo4j.service, I no longer can access the cypher-shell nor the browser. In the first case, I get "connection refused", while I get a blank page in the browser case. When I check the status, the service is active and running. But I noticed that it is missing a line compared to when I don't have the dependencies.
This instance is ServerId{#}
======== Neo4j 4.4.5 ======== (This line is missing with the dependencies downloaded!)
When I delete the dependencies from the plugins directory and restart, everything goes back to normal and functions as expected. One more thing to note is that apoc-core procedures work just fine!
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong here or if there is some sort of underlying problem!

docker-compose pull gives either a gpg error or a permissions error when I attempt to use it with or without sudo

I hope that someone can help to answer my question.
I am joining a project in which I have to use various docker containers. I was told that I just needed to use docker-compose to pull down all the necessary containers. I tried this, and got two different errors, based on whether I used sudo or not. My machine is Ubuntu bionic beaver 18.04.4LTS
I have docker-engine installed according to the installation instructions for Bionic on the github page, and docker-compose is likewise installed according to its instructions. I did not create a "docker" group since I have sudo access.
We have two repos that I have to log in to before I can do anything. In order to prevent my passwords from being stored unencrypted in config.json, I followed this guide to set up a secure credential store:
However, rather than asking me for the password and/or passphrase mentioned in this article, the login process makes me enter the actual passwords to the repos. So, the secure credential store may not be working, which might be causing the problem.
At any rate, once I log in and the two commands show login succeeded, I then try to do a
docker-compose pull
on the repos. When I do
sudo docker-compose pull
I get this final error:
docker.errors.DockerException: Credentials store error: StoreError('Credentials store docker-credential-pass exited with "exit status 2: gpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir '/home/myuser/.gnupg'\ngpg: decryption failed: No secret key".')
an ls of the .gnupg directory is
myuser#myhost$ ls -lA ~ | grep gnupg
drwx------ 4 myuser myuser 226 Feb 9 13:35 .gnupg
gpg --list-secret-keys shows my keypair when I run it as myuser.
I am assuming that what is happening is that because I am running as sudo the user trying to access this directory is root, not myuser, and so it is failing. However, if I leave off the sudo
docker-compose pull
docker.errors.DockerException: Error while fetching server API version: ('Connection aborted.', PermissionError(13, 'Permission denied'))
I am guessing that this is because my normal user doesn't have the ability to connect to the docker daemon's Unix socket.
So, how do I make these play together? Is the answer to add a docker group so that the command still runs as myuser and not as root? or is there another way to do this?
Also, why is my credential store not asking me for the password set by docker-credential-pass or the GPG passphrase? I suspect these two are related. Perhaps the pull is trying to send my authentication tokens over again and can't because it doesn't have access to the secure credentials store.
All of the above are guesses. Does anyone know what is going on here?
Thanking you in advance,
I just wanted to follow up with a solution to this question that worked for me.
Firstly, you need to add your user to the docker group that was created during docker-engine's installation.
sudo usermod --append --groups docker your_user_name
Because I had already used sudo to try this, there were a few files that ended up being created by root.
So, you have to chown a few things.
sudo chown your_user_name:your_group_name ~/.docker/config.json
Note that for the group name I used
but I'm not sure if that's necessary.
Then, there were files inside the ~/.password-store directory that needed to be changed.
sudo chown -R your_user_name:your_group_name ~/.password-store
Most of these files are already owned by you, but the recorded credentials are not.
Then, the magic that fixed it all. From
you have to do this.
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
and it is this last that makes gpg work.
Then, you can log in to your repos if you have to without using sudo
docker login -u repo_user_name your_repo_host
and then log in with your repo password.
Note that I don't know why you have to use the repo password instead of using the stored credentials.
Once you log in, you should be able to do a
docker-compose pull
without sudo
from the directory where you want the containers to be placed.
Note that you will probably have to provide your GPG passphrase at first. I'm not sure about this because I had already unlocked the key by following the steps in the above link to check to see if docker-credential-pass had the right credential store password stored.
and that should do it.

trickle does not limit the bandwidth of gsutil

I have tried to copy a .mp4 file from my local directory to my google cloud bucket,
gsutil cp my_filefile.mp4 gs://my_bucket
This part works as expected, but when i try to limit the bandwidth, using:
trickle -d 10 -u 10 gsutil cp my_filefile.mp4 gs://my_bucket
the uploading happens at the same rate, and not with 10 kb/s. I have read that trickle does not handle static executable files, which the .mp4 appears to be since when running ldd my_file.mp4, in the terminal, it returns not a dynamic executable.
Has anyone experienced the same issue, and if that is the case, how was the problem handled, or am i approaching this issue the wrong way?
Turns out it does not matter what file i use. gsutil still bypasses trickle somehow. I have tested to see if trickle worked with other programs, and it performed as expected, with bandwidth control.
I have also tested gsutil mv and gsutil rsync, with the same results, as with cp. I have also tested the bandwidth throttling on an arm64 system, with the same results.
You should limit the number of thread and process as described in the documentation. Trickle shouldn't been applied in case of multi process.
trickle -d 10 -u 10 gsutil -o "GSUtil:parallel_process_count=1" \
-o "GSUtil:parallel_thread_count=1" cp my_filefile.mp4 gs://my_bucket

Permanent mount volume via sshfs Sierra

I am trying to permanently mount a volume via sshfs on mac. I have tried to follow the instructions in how-to-get-automount-and-sshfs-osxfuse-working-with-yosemite (Although I have Sierra, I couldn't find instructions for it so I thought to give it a try with Yosemite instructions). However I get stuck at this step:
If you do not see mount_sshfs, then you need to do this step. This
is a critical step because it is easily forgotten and may create
headaches. sudo ln -s $(which sshfs) /sbin/mount_sshfs.
Here is the error:
$ sudo ln -s $(which sshfs) /sbin/mount_sshfs
ln: /sbin/mount_sshfs: Operation not permitted
I couldn't find the way to solve this.
Apple protects some critical folders by "System Integrity Protection (SIP)", you can temporarily disable it with the instructions given here

Permission denied on network/samba share while accessing HG repo

I am using EclipsePHP in Ubuntu 10.10 and try to use Mercurial (HG) to work with a repository that's located on my network-connected staging server (samba share).
When trying to refresh the repository from within Eclipse (hg status really) , I get the following error thrown in my face: abort: Operation not permitted: /media/sharename/myrepository/.hg/.dirstate* .
Whilst trying to find out what's wrong, I went to the network share from terminal and wrote hg status - the same error occurs, so it's not only occuring from within Eclipse. I tested to CHMOD the files from both my computer as well as the server - chmod 777 /media/sharename/myrepository/ -R - nothing changes.
But when I accidentally ran sudo hg status from the repo directory, Mercurial started the fireworks and worked like a charm.
What on earth is going wrong with my computer? Why can't i run my hg commands without being root?
You can mount your network drive like this. Open your /etc/fstab/, and then enter the following line.
//IP_OR_HOSTNAME/DIRECTORY_NAME /MOUNT_DIRECTORY cifs user=sambauser,pass=sambapassword,auto,exec,umask=002,gid=1000,uid=1000,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0
Hope it works.
chmod will not help you here I guess. The ownership and permissions on the server side are not replicated to the client (no unix extensions on server) or your UID/GID differ between both machines. You can override file ownership when mounting via:
This is from memory though, check man mount.cifs for details. Also, alternative networked filesystems like NFS might serve you better in this case, or try sshfs.