making same-parity function with g . w in mit scheme - lisp

I am trying to write a function that takes one or more integers and returns a list of all the arguments that have the same even-odd parity as the first argument, for example
(same-parity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)->(1 3 5 7)
(same-parity 2 3 4 5 6)->(2 4 6).
my code is
(define (same-parity g . w)
(define (iter-parity items)
(if (= (length items) 1)
(if (= (remainder items 2) (remainder g 2))
(if (= (remainder g 2) (remainder (car items) 2))
(cons (car items) (iter-parity (cdr items)))
(iter-parity (cdr items)))))
(cons g (iter-parity w)))
when try this (same-parity (list 1 2 3 4)), I got an error message:
the object (), passed as the first argument to car, is not the correct type.
Can I somebody tell me what is going on?

Your code
Here's a refactoring proposal, keeping with your basic structure:
(define (same-parity g . w)
(define filter-predicate? (if (odd? g) odd? even?))
(define (iter-parity items)
(if (null? items)
(if (filter-predicate? (car items))
(cons (car items) (iter-parity (cdr items)))
(iter-parity (cdr items)))))
(cons g (iter-parity w)))
Note that it is more idiomatic
to use the procedures odd? and even? rather than remainder
to have as a base case when the list is empty, not when it has only one item (in your code this clearly avoids repetition as a positive effect).
Also, since there is a built-in filter procedure in Scheme, you could express it as follows:
(define (same-parity g . w)
(cons g (filter (if (odd? g) odd? even?) w)))
Your question
As for your question regarding (same-parity (list 1 2 3 4)): you need either (as described in your specification) use your procedure like so
(same-parity 1 2 3 4)
or to use apply here:
> (apply same-parity (list 1 2 3 4))
'(1 3)
because apply will transform (same-parity (list 1 2 3 4)) (1 parameter, a list) into (same-parity 1 2 3 4) (4 parameters).


Concatenate two lists in Common Lisp

I set myself to the task to write a Common Lisp function that concatenates two lists without using append.
Common Lisp input (concat-lists '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)) should return (1 2 3 4 5 6)
Even though my solution seems to work it looks overtly complicated
(defun concat-lists(seq1 seq2)
(cond ((not (null seq1)) (cons (car seq1) (concat-lists (cdr seq1) seq2)))
(T (cond ((not (null seq2)) (cons (car seq2) (concat-lists seq1 (cdr seq2))))
(T nil)))))
What I'm looking for is a more elegant solution using reduce where I use seq1 as initial value and then apply a function to each element of seq2, thereby appending each value of the list to seq1. Somehow I always get stuck when trying....
Any help or input is much appreciated. Thanks!
CL-USER 39 > (reduce #'cons
'(1 2 3 4 5)
:initial-value '(a b c d e)
:from-end t)
(1 2 3 4 5 A B C D E)
The solution of Rainer Joswig is really elegant and simple, and respects your request of using reduce.
If you want to see also a recursive, simple solution, then here is the classical one:
(defun concat-lists (seq1 seq2)
(if (null seq1)
(cons (car seq1) (concat-lists (cdr seq1) seq2))))
(concat-lists '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
(1 2 3 4 5 6)
I do understand your requirement for 'reduce'. and here other options:
CL also has 'concatenante'
(concatenate 'list '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
There is also the other less complicated (IMHO), and not as elegant.
(defun concat-lists (list1 list2)
(let ((a (copy-list list1))
(b (copy-list list2)))
(rplacd (last a) b)
(defun concat-lists (list1 list2)
(let ((a (copy-list list1))
(b (copy-list list2)))
(nconc a b)))

Common lisp: loop through pairs of a list

I have a list who's length is divisible by two, and I'm looking for something similar to the answer to this question:
(loop for (a b) on lst while b
collect (+ a b))
However there is overlap between elements:
(1 2 3 4 5) -> (3 5 7 9)
adding 1 and 2 and then 2 and 3 etc.
Where as I have a list like (1 2 3 4) and am looking for something like
((1 2) (3 4))
as output. Is there a way to make loop step correctly over the list?
Another solution.
Something like this should work:
(let ((list '(1 2 3 4)))
(loop :for (a b) :on list :by #'cddr :while b
:collect (cons a b)))
Also a more verbose variant:
(let ((list '(1 2 3 4)))
(loop :for a :in list :by #'cddr
:for b :in (cdr list) :by #'cddr
:collect (cons a b)))
Another approach using the SERIES package.
See also the user manual from Richard C. Waters.
(ql:quickload :series)
(defpackage :stackoverflow (:use :series :cl))
(in-package :stackoverflow)
(defun pairs (list)
(collect 'list
(mapping (((odd even) (chunk 2 2 (scan 'list list))))
(list odd even))))
scan the content of list as a "serie"
chunk it with M=2 and N=2:
This function has the effect of breaking up the input series items
into (possibly overlapping) chunks of length m. The starting positions
of successive chunks differ by n. The inputs m and n must both be
positive integers.
More precisely, (chunk 2 2 (scan '(1 2 3 4))) produces #Z(1 3) and #Z(2 4)
mapping in parallel over each odd and even element of those series, produce a series of couples, as done by (list odd even).
finally, collect the result, as a list.
All the intermediate "series" are compiled away thanks to a stream-fusion mechanism. Here is the macro expansion when pointing at collect:
(LET* ((#:OUT-1120 LIST))
(#:LISTPTR-1118 #:OUT-1120)
(#:COUNT-1113 0)
(TYPE LIST #:LST-1107))
(SETQ #:COUNT-1113 1)
(SETQ #:LST-1107 #:LASTCONS-1106)
(SETQ #:LISTPTR-1118 (CDR #:LISTPTR-1118))
(SETQ #:CHUNK-1114 #:CHUNK-1115)
(SETQ #:CHUNK-1115 #:ELEMENTS-1117)
(COND ((PLUSP #:COUNT-1113) (DECF #:COUNT-1113) (GO #:LL-1124))
(T (SETQ #:COUNT-1113 1)))
(SETQ #:ITEMS-1123
(GO #:LL-1124)
(CDR #:LST-1107)))
CL-USER 156 > (loop with list = '(1 2 3 4)
while list
collect (loop repeat 2
while list
collect (pop list)))
((1 2) (3 4))
CL-USER 166 > (loop with list = '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
while (and list (cdr list))
collect (loop repeat 2 collect (pop list)))
((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))
CL-USER 167 > (loop with list = '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
while (and list (cdr list))
collect (loop repeat 2 collect (pop list)))
((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))

Idiomatic way to group a sorted list of integers?

I have a sorted list of integers, (1 2 4 5 6 6 7 8 10 10 10). I want to group them all, so that I get ((1) (2) (4) (5) (6 6) (7) (8) (10 10 10)).
So far I have this, which works:
(let ((current-group (list)) (groups (list)))
(dolist (n *sorted*)
(when (and (not (null current-group)) (not (eql (first current-group) n)))
(push current-group groups)
(setf current-group (list)))
(push n current-group))
(push current-group groups)
(nreverse groups))
But I'm sure there must be a much more LISPy way to do this. Any ideas?
Not that bad. I would write it this way:
(defun group (list)
(flet ((take-same (item)
(loop while (and list (eql (first list) item))
collect (pop list))))
(loop while list
collect (take-same (first list)))))
CL-USER 1 > (group '(1 2 4 5 6 6 7 8 10 10 10))
((1) (2) (4) (5) (6 6) (7) (8) (10 10 10))
There's already an accepted answer, but I think it's worth looking at another way of decomposing this problem, although the approach here is essentially the same). First, let's define cut that takes a list and a predicate, and returns the prefix and suffix of the list, where the suffix begins with the first element of the list that satisfies the predicate, and the prefix is everything before that that didn't:
(defun cut (list predicate)
"Returns two values: the prefix of the list
containing elements that do no satisfy predicate,
and the suffix beginning with an element that
satisfies predicate."
(do ((tail list (rest tail))
(prefix '() (list* (first tail) prefix)))
((or (funcall predicate (first tail))
(endp tail))
(values (nreverse prefix) tail))))
(cut '(1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5) 'evenp)
;=> (1 1 1) (2 2 3 3 4 5)
(let ((l '(1 1 2 3 4 4 3)))
(cut l (lambda (x) (not (eql x (first l))))))
;=> (1 1), (2 3 4 4 3)
Then, using cut, we can move down the an input list taking prefixes and suffixes with a predicate that's checking whether an element is not eql to the first element of the list. That is, beginning with (1 1 1 2 3 3) you'd cut with the predicate checking for "not eql to 1", to get (1 1 1) and (2 3 3). You'd add the first to the list of groups, and the second becomes the new tail.
(defun group (list)
(do ((group '()) ; group's initial value doesn't get used
(results '() (list* group results))) ; empty, but add a group at each iteration
((endp list) (nreverse results)) ; return (reversed) results when list is gone
(multiple-value-setq (group list) ; update group and list with the prefix
(cut list ; and suffix from cutting list on the
(lambda (x) ; predicate "not eql to (first list)".
(not (eql x (first list))))))))
(group '(1 1 2 3 3 3))
;=> ((1 1) (2) (3 3 3))
On implementing cut
I tried to make that cut relatively efficient, insofar as it only makes one pass through the list. Since member returns the entire tail of the list that begins with the found element, you can actually use member with :test-not to get the tail that you want:
(let ((list '(1 1 1 2 2 3)))
(member (first list) list :test-not 'eql))
;=> (2 2 3)
Then, you can use ldiff to return the prefix that comes before that tail:
(let* ((list '(1 1 1 2 2 3))
(tail (member (first list) list :test-not 'eql)))
(ldiff list tail))
;=> (1 1 1)
It's a simple matter, then, to combine the approaches and to return the tail and the prefix as multiples values. This gives a version of cut that takes only the list as an argument, and might be easier to understand (but it's a bit less efficient).
(defun cut (list)
(let ((tail (member (first list) list :test-not 'eql)))
(values (ldiff list tail) tail)))
(cut '(1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3))
;=> (1 1), (2 2 2 3 3)
I like to use reduce:
(defun group (lst)
(reduce (lambda (r e) (if (and (not (null r)) (eql e (caar r)))
(cons (cons e (car r)) (cdr r))
(cons (list e) r)))
:initial-value nil)))
or using push:
(defun group (lst)
(reduce (lambda (r e)
((and (not (null r)) (eql e (caar r))) (push e (car r)) r)
(t (push (list e) r))))
:initial-value nil)))

returning the best element from the list L according to function F?

i am trying to write a function in lisp which have 2 parameters one function F and one list L
if i place '> in place of F and list L is '(1 2 3 4 5) it will return 5 as 5 is biggest.
and if we put '< then it compares all list elements and gives the smallest one as output.
and so on.
we can even put custom written function in place of F for comparison.
i wish i could provide more sample code but i am really stuck at the start.
(DEFUN givex (F L)
(F (car L) (car (cdr L))
;after this i got stuck
another attemp to write this function
(defun best(F list)
(if (null (rest list)) (first list)
(funcall F (first List) (best (F list)))))
You are almost there, just the else clause returns the f's return value instead of the the best element:
(defun best (F list)
(let ((first (first list))
(rest (rest list)))
(if (null rest)
(let ((best (best f rest)))
(if (funcall F first best)
(best #'< '(1 2 3))
==> 3
(best #'> '(1 2 3))
==> 1
Note that this recursive implementation is not tail-recursive, so it is not the most efficient one. You might prefer this instead:
(defun best (f list)
(reduce (lambda (a b) (if (funcall f a b) b a)) list))
Or, better yet,
(defmacro fmax (f)
`(lambda (a b) (if (,f a b) b a)))
(reduce (fmax <) '(1 2 3))
==> 1
(reduce (fmax >) '(1 -2 3 -4) :key #'abs)
==> 1
(reduce (fmax <) '(1 -2 3 -4) :key #'abs)
==> 4

To sort out atoms first and then sublists from a list in LISP

I have this homework in LISP where I need to sort out atoms and then sublists from a list. I'm sure this is supposed to be easy task but as I'm not much of a programmer then this is really taking quite a while for me to understand.
I have this list of numbers:
(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6)
And if I understand correctly my task then I should get something like this:
(5 -1 -6 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)))
So far all I found out is how to count atoms and/or sublists but I don't need that.
Also that function should work correctly even when there are only sublists, only atoms or just empty list.
Maybe someone can give me any examples?
Thanks in advance!
There are several possible approaches in Common Lisp:
use REMOVE-IF to remove the unwanted items. (Alternatively use REMOVE-IF-NOT to keep the wanted items.) You'll need two lists. Append them.
use DOLIST and iterate over the list, collect the items into two lists and append them
write a recursive procedure where you need to keep two result lists.
it should also be possible to use SORT with a special sort predicate.
> (sort '(1 (2 6 1) 4 (8 7 -3) 4 1 (0 (9 4)) -6 10 1)
(lambda (a b)
(atom a)))
(1 10 -6 1 4 4 1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)))
As stable version:
(stable-sort '(1 (2 6 1) 4 (8 7 -3) 4 1 (0 (9 4)) -6 10 1)
(lambda (a b)
(and (atom a)
(not (atom b)))))
(1 4 4 1 -6 10 1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)))
I am more used to Scheme but here's a solution that works in Lisp:
(defun f (lst)
((loop (lst atoms lists)
((null lst)
(append (reverse atoms) (reverse lists)))
((atom (car lst))
(loop (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) atoms) lists))
(loop (cdr lst) atoms (cons (car lst) lists))))))
(loop lst '() '())))
(f '(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6))
Basically you iterate over the list, and each element is either appended to the atoms list or the lists lists. In the end you join both to get your result.
The remove-if version is way shorter, of course:
(let ((l '(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6)))
(remove-if-not #'atom l)
(remove-if #'atom l)))
Just in case you will want to exercise more, and you will find that the examples provided here are not enough :P
(defun sort-atoms-first-recursive (x &optional y)
((null x) y)
((consp (car x))
(sort-atoms-first-recursive (cdr x) (cons (car x) y)))
(t (cons (car x) (sort-atoms-first-recursive (cdr x) y)))))
(defun sort-atoms-first-loop (x)
(do ((a x (cdr a))
(b) (c) (d) (e))
(if (consp (car a))
(if b (setf (cdr b) a b (cdr b)) (setf b a d a))
(if c (setf (cdr c) a c (cdr c)) (setf c a e a)))
(when (null (cdr a))
((null d) (return e))
((null c) (return d))
(t (setf (cdr b) nil (cdr c) d) (return e))))))
(sort-atoms-first-recursive '(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6))
(sort-atoms-first-loop '(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6))
The second one is destructive (but doesn't create any new conses).
Here's an iterative code, constructing its output in a top-down manner (the comment is in Haskell syntax):
;atomsFirst xs = separate xs id id where
; separate [] f g = f (g [])
; separate (x:xs) f g
; | atom x = separate xs (f.(x:)) g
; | True = separate xs f (g.(x:))
(defmacro app (l v)
`(progn (rplacd ,l (list ,v)) (setq ,l (cdr ,l))))
(defun atoms-first (xs)
(let* ((f (list nil)) (g (list nil)) (p f) (q g))
(dolist (x xs)
(if (atom x) (app p x) (app q x)))
(rplacd p (cdr g))
(cdr f)))
The two intermediate lists that are being constructed in a top-down manner are maintained as open-ended lists (i.e. with explicit ending pointer), essentially following the difference-lists paradigm.
You can do this recursive way:
(defun f (lst)
((null lst) nil)
((atom (car lst))
(append (list (car lst)) (f (cdr lst))))
(append (f (cdr lst)) (list (f (car lst))))
(step (f '(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6)))
step 1 --> (F '(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) ...))
step 1 ==> value: (5 -1 -6 (0 (9 4)) (8 7 -3) (2 6 1))