Kill MongoDB Server - Windows 7 - mongodb

I just fired up mongod.exe for my first time. However, I accidentally closed the command prompt and now I can't figure out how to kill the DB server process. I tried connecting via mongo.exe but I'm getting following error:
exception: connect failed
How do I stop the server process?

If you started mongod.exe via a command prompt in Windows:
> mongod
And then you closed that command window, the process will automatically be terminated. It is not running any more.
The error you're receiving when running mongo.exe is because MongoDB is not running. You'll need to run mongod.exe again if you need to access the database with the console via mongo.exe
You may want to consider setting MongoDB up as a service on Windows.


MongoDB installation on Windows

I am new to MongoDB and trying to install MongoDB on Windows 8.1.
After I finished the .msi installtion and prompt C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin\mongod.exe -dbpath E:\MongoDB\data\dbon CMD command, where the folder E:\MongoDB\data\db has already been created manually.
After I input that command on CMD, it seems that the program stops at [thread1] waiting for connections on port 27017 and does nothing for a long time.
So anyone knows what's wrong and how to fix it?Many thanks.
As stated in this Documentation, the waiting for connections on port 27017 means that mongoDB is running succesfuly(server instance).
You will need to connect to MongoDB through mongo.exe shell using another CMD instance (client instance).
The waiting message in first console would change to connection accepted, and you can start working on your client side.

mongo: failed to connect to server [localhost:27017]

what can I do to solve this problem? I'm on windows so I can't run sudo mongo I tried to do "runas" in windows instead of linux "sudo" but it didn;t help me out. I was looking for a fle called monogod.lock to remove it but didn't find something like that...I tried mongo repair but it also didn't help someone?
btw...I tried to start mongo.exe from it's directory in another CMD but it failed also:
Seems you have not started the Mongo DB Server.
Do the followings.
In Windows, start Command Prompt.
Run mongod.exe to start Mongo DB Server.(This will work only if your environment variable PATH contains the bin directory of your Mongo DB installation)
Open another Command Prompt and start client by running mongo.exe.
Check this link which might help you.
MongoError: failed to connect to server [localhost:27017] on first connect
oh guys I finally got that! when you run mongod.exe on windows you should also give it the path of the directory if not it won't work! if somehow you'll have a mongod.lock on your directory you should delete this file than write on CMD mongod.exe repair and start running it again! thanks to all =]
In linux
1.- In the terminal
$ sudo systemctl start mongodb
$ mongo

Can't start mongodb server in windows 7

I am using windows 7 64 bit laptop ,it contain 8 gb RAM ,i installed mongodb sucessfully ,while i am trying to connect the server using the "net start MongoDB" i stuck there lot? and it show service name is invalid, anyone could help me to retify this problem?
Open command prompt,
Navigate to where the mongodb is installed(usually at C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin),
Type mongod and hit enter.
From MongoDB documentation :
Start MongoDB.
To start MongoDB, run mongod.exe. For example, from the
Command Prompt:
"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin\mongod.exe"
This starts the main MongoDB database process. The waiting for
connections message in the console output indicates that the
mongod.exe process is running successfully.
You take a look into log of console , you will see path of db (ex:C:\data\db)
Mongod not auto create folder when it not exist
You should create folder struct follow the log then run mongod.exe again. It will work.

"Connection failed" error in installing Mongodb in Windows

I found a issue in installing MongoDb. When I run the command in CMD Mongo.exe I get this error. I have also make the directory in C:/data/db
Hotfix Kb2731284 is installed no need to zero out data files
Exception: connection failed
As the error says Exception : Connect failed.
Make sure that you are running mongodatabse server using mongod
command in a other terminal window.
1] open a terminal/cmd window and run
2] open another terminal/cmd window and run
Try Running this command
C:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe --dbpath d:\test\mongodb\data
This error occurs When You it cannot find directory like "C:\data\db".which version of Windows are You using

What are the practical differences between mongo and mongod?

Just finished installing mongodb, however, I have not been able to make complete sense of the difference between mongo vs mongod commands. Yes, I do understand that
mongod is the primary daemon process for the MongoDB system
and that
mongo is an interactive JavaScript shell interface to MongoDB
but what does that mean practically? I presume every time I want to use mongodb, I need to run mongod first. But then why am I able to run mongo without having started mongod first? Does mongo run mongod in the background automatically? Secondly, if I run mongod it eventually ends with something like
waiting for connections on port 27017
but then I can't type anything after that. Again, I presume that mongodb has been started in the background so I can safely close the terminal. But if I close the terminal by mistake (on a mac), how can I get that back up on the terminal? Also, how can I terminate the service for it to stop listening to the port?
So as you can I see, I have a bunch of simple questions... but most are related to the practical uses of when and when not to mongo or mongod. I can't seem to find anything online that will help me explain these in the practical sense.
As with most database software, Mongo is split into a server and client. The server is the main database component which stores and manages data. Clients come in various flavours and connect to the server to insert or query data.
mongod is the server portion. You start it, it runs, end of story.
mongo is a default command line client. You start it, you connect to a server, you enter commands, you quit it.
You have to run mongod first, otherwise you have no database to interact with. Simply running mongod on a command line will make it the frontmost running application, and it does not offer any interactivity. So yes, you'll just see something like "Waiting for connections...", and nothing more. You typically don't run mongod like that on the command line. You most typically create an init.d script or launchd file or however you manage your daemons, and have the system start it automatically at system boot time.
If you want to launch mongod as a one-off thing without having it permanently running on your systems, put it in the background:
$ mongod &
The & puts it in the background and you can continue to use your command line. You can see it and kill it like this:
~ deceze$ mongod &
[1] 1065
~ deceze$ jobs
[1]+ Running mongod &
~ deceze$ kill %1
[1]+ Done mongod
Once your server is running, start mongo, connect to the server, and interact with it. If you try to run mongo without a running server, it should complain that it's not able to connect:
~ deceze$ mongo
MongoDB shell version: 3.0.2
connecting to: test
2015-08-13T09:36:13.518+0200 W NETWORK Failed to connect to, reason: errno:61 Connection refused
2015-08-13T09:36:13.521+0200 E QUERY Error: couldn't connect to server (, connection attempt failed
at connect (src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:179:14)
at (connect):1:6 at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:179
exception: connect failed
If your mongo shell does connect to something, you might unknowingly have another instance of mongod running on your system.
With mongodyou are starting the server on your machine. As you stated correctly, mongo is your client, your user interface, if you want to. Per default it connects to your local instance of MongoDB. If you start your client without a server instance running, you would have to 'tell' it, where it should connect to (e.g. a remote instance):