Playing successive tracks on Soundcloud - soundcloud

I currently allow users to log in through Soundcloud and I created a list of track ID's of their music.
With this data, I created an array of all the track ID and randomized it. How can I go about playing these songs? This works for individual tracks:"/tracks/###", function(sound){;
But how can I get a notice for when the song ends so I can begin a new track?
I could record the duration of the song and setTimeout the stopping and playing of a new track but maybe there is a more Soundcloud way to do this.

Use the onfinish method"/tracks/###",
{onfinish: function(){ alert('track finished');}},
Here is another thread around the same issue.
How can I automatically move to next sound after previous track completes using the Soundcloud Javascript SDK for streaming?


PWA home screen "uninstall" DOM event

I am trying to keep track of whether a web app has been installed to the user's home-screen using a value in localStorage.
I know there is DOM event that fires when a web app has been installed into a user's home-screen, but is there an event for when it has been uninstalled?
The type of event I have in mind would ideally be scheduled in a manner similar to (and behave in a manner similar to) onunload. (ie. an uncancellable event that allows me to schedule some last bit of work before the app is destroyed)
window.addEventListener('appinstalled', function(e) {
console.log('onappinstalled', e)
localStorage.setItem('APP_INSTALLED', '1')
// given the above, is anything like the following possible?
window.addEventListener('appuninstalled', function(e) {
console.log('onappuninstalled', e)
localStorage.setItem('APP_INSTALLED', '0')
I realised that once a user has uninstalled the app from their home-screen, the browser will begin prompting to install the app to the home-screen, again, provided you have met the criteria.
So by using the onbeforeinstallprompt event, there is an opportunity to clear the 'APP_INSTALLED' key from localStorage, and perform other arbitrary work.
window.addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt', function(e) {
Moreover, this localStorage key may have already been cleared if the user elected to delete all data associated with the app when uninstalling the app from their home-screen.

Background notifications using Ionic like a mortal

I have been trying for several months to implement an app that receives notifications whose content I want to be stored in the database of my application. I am using the Firebase Messagging plugin and I am receiving the notifications correctly, both in Foreground and in Background.
However, in the background I am unable to execute my callback without the need to press the notification explicitly by the user. Likewise, there is no way to increase the badge of the application when it is not open.
Now, I do not understand how applications like WhatsApp, Telegram and any other application that is not made by mere mortals work. How is it possible that they can get the data in backgroud, manage the badges, synchronize messages, etc? Being that, supposedly the services like Firebase are limited in background. Even with plugins like Background Mode my application is suspended by Android when the user closes it.
The code that I am currently using to handle notifications is the following:
// In foreground (WORKS)
this.firebaseMessaging.onMessage().subscribe((notificacion) => {
// Insert in DB
// In background (DOESN'T WORK)
this.firebaseMessaging.onBackgroundMessage().subscribe((notificacion) => {
// Insert in DB
What alternative is left? The only thing that occurs to me is to use notifications in Foreground and background only as a warning. So every time I open the application I'll have to call a message synchronization callback with the server (with badge management included).
If someone has some better way, I would greatly appreciate it if you throw a little light on the subject.
From already thank you very much
Ok, after more than a year I think it's time to close this question. I solved the problem this way:
Suppose I need to get a list of messages. This action is made by a function called getMessages()
When a new message is created in the backend, I send a push notification through Firebase service.
If the push notification is received in foreground I refresh call the method directly:
this.firebaseMessaging.onMessage().subscribe((notificacion) => {
If the push notification is received in background and the user taps on it there isn't a problem as it's supported by the plugin:
this.firebaseMessaging.onBackgroundMessage().subscribe((notificacion) => {
If the push notification is received in background but the user DOES NOT tap on it and opens the app in another way than the notification, we need to excecute the corresponing function when the app is opened in app.component.ts file:
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
// Extra stuff like this.statusBar.styleDefault(); or this.splashScreen.hide();
That way all the cases are considered! You should keep in mind that apps like Whatsapp or Telegram are developed in official technologies like Java or Kotlin which not only have official native plugins, also its code are excecuted natively and not in a limited browser as Cordova or Capacitor frameworks do

Retrieve Dailymotion Games chat messages

I would like to retrieve Dailymotion Games chat messages using their API, but the official documentation is not very clear on this point =>
I tried to use the API to retrieve comments of a video with my live video id (endpoint =>[LIVE_VIDEO_ID]/comments), but it doesn't return any chat messages...
Do you know if it's possible?
Ok, I've searched a little bit more and I found a more elegant way to do that avoiding the scraping method.
In fact the embed chat page (returned by the chat_embed_url) use EventSource to get notified when a new message arrived.
With this good NPM package, I've been able to retrieve chat messages in only 5 lines:
var EventSource = require('eventsource');
var url = '[USERNAME]-[CHANNEL_ID]';
var es = new EventSource(url);
es.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
A comment on a video is different from the chat feature, this is why chat messages don't appear in comments.
You can't get individual chat messages so far, but you can get the chat embed code on two different ways:
using the Dailymotion API, you can request the chat_embed_html or chat_embed_url fields on the video object
or you can get it directly from the video pages on dailymotion games, by clicking on the settings icon below the chat, and click "copy embed code"

How can i save state of a chrome app?

I have created a story reading chrome app.
My problem is that whenever the app is relaunched it starts from the first page of the story.
How can i save the last state of the app so that it reloads from the point where it was left?
You can save state of the app using the API.
Suppose you want to store the index of the page, and you have some function to go to a page:
function goToIndex(index){{lastIndex: index}, function() {
/* actual work */
And when your app initializes, read the value (note, it's all asynchronous):
// Safe default if the storage is empty; should be the first page
var defaultIndex = 0;{lastIndex : defaultIndex}, function(result) {
Optionally, this will also sync progress across browsers for logged in users, which is a nice feature. You can do it by using instead of, but beware of rather harsh rate limits. It is best to implement your own rate limiting if you use this.

Creating a docked music player for SoundCloud and mp3s

I'm trying to create a website that pulls free songs from multiple sources and lets users play them by clicking on their cover art, and launching them in a docked music player on the bottom of the page. Soundcloud's api offers me a lot of songs, but they are in a streaming api format, not in mp3 form.
The music players that SoundCloud offers are great for these streaming songs, but it won't work with the mp3s I'm pulling from other sites. Mp3 players like Jplayer are great for the mp3s, but I can't figure out how to get it to work with the streaming soundcloud format.
Think of a site like
They pull their audio tracks from many sources but it is all playable through their one player.
Any help with this would be great.
Check SoundCloud API
There is a stream_url property for every track that's streamable outside of SoundCloud.
You need to register your app on Soundcloud and get API Key. With that key you can stream the tracks in your own player.
Edit, thanks to gryzzly. Example of SoundCloud API used with jPlayer:
$(document).ready(function() {
var apiRequest;
$.get(SOUNDCLOUD_API + '/tracks/6981096.json' + CLIENT_ID)
function handleResponse (soundData) {
ready: function () {
$(this).jPlayer("setMedia", {
// stream_url is good enough for jPlayer,
mp3: soundData.stream_url + CLIENT_ID
swfPath: ""
And you can check it live at