Modelsim .WLF file version error - simulation

I am using Modelsim ALTERA STARTER EDITION 10.1d and am importing a waveform file but am getting the following error.
The WLF file version is 132.Modelsim 10.1d can read up to and including WLF file version 121.
I have tried importing the same file into Modelsim 13.1 and am still receiving similar problems. If anybody knows what version of Modelsim I need to open this file version your help would be most appreciated. Thanks!

It looks like the version number is the fourth byte in the WLF header (121 = 0x79). I manually edited a version 121 file to bump up this field and got the same version warning you are seeing. Your version 132 file should have 0x84 in its fourth byte. You could manually edit the file to reduce its version and hope the format is otherwise compatible with the older version of Modelsim but there are no guarantees.


SchemaCrawler 16.12 version command line not creating my htmlx output

I am using the latest version of schemacrawler (16.1.2) to generate SVG diagrams embedded in HTML output. However it is not creating the diagrams but only printing the table information in text form. If I use an older version of schemacrawler, it works fine. I have Graphviz installed on my machine. What am I doing wrong that is not outputting the diagram?
For Version 16.1.2 this version of the command line I use is not working
source --server=postgresql --host=hostname --database=db_name --user=username --password=password_name --info-level=standard --schemas=schema_name --command=schema --outputformat=htmlx --log-level=CONFIG > schemaGraph.html
For Version 14.17, this version of the command works fine for me
source -server=postgresql -host=hostname -database=db_name -user=username -password=password_name -infolevel=minimum -command=schema -outputformat=htmlx -loglevel=CONFIG > schemaGraph.html
Please try --output-format and see if it works.

Compiling with icc and MAGMAmic cannot find "complex" system file

I am trying to compile a source file with icc compiler and MAGMAmic library. However I get the following error:
icc -c -o direct.o direct.c -O3 -openmp -DADD_ -Wall -DHAVE_MIC -I/opt/intel/mic/coi/include -I/usr/include/intel-coi -I/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/mkl/include:/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/ipp/include:/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/mkl/include:/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/tbb/include:/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/daal/include -I/home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0/include -I/home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0/contol
icc: command line remark #10411: option '-openmp' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the replacement option '-qopenmp'
In file included from /home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0/include/magma_types.h(134),
from /home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0/include/magmablas_z.h(17),
from /home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0/include/magmablas.h(12),
from /home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0/include/magma.h(17),
from direct.c(21):
/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/compiler/include/complex(30): catastrophic error: cannot open source file "complex"
#include_next <complex>
The MAGMAmic library has compiled correctly and I can run it's test ok.
I have looked at the way testing_dgesv_mic.cpp example compiles and used the same includes and link, however in my case I get the above error.
I have added the following in my .bashrc file in order to get the Intel compilers' and libraries' enviromental variables:
#for MAGMA mic
export MAGMA_PATH=/home/dslavchev/install/magmamic-1.4.0
source /opt/intel/bin/ intel64
source /opt/intel/mkl/bin/ intel64
Any ideas what might cause icc to be unable to include the "complex" file?
The file complex really exists in "/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.2.174/linux/compiler/include/complex"
icc vesrion is:
[dslavchev#sl051 results]$ icc -v
icc version 17.0.2 (gcc version 4.4.7 compatibility)
magmamic version is magmamic-1.4.0
EDIT: Removed unnecessary code comment
EDIT2: Added version info.
MAGMAmic is a C++ library and it cannot be used with C code directly.
When icc detects that you want to compile .c++ file it automatically switches to icpc (Intel C++ compiler) which in turn results in the above error.
Solution: Either switch to icpc or rename your files to .c++
This question was answered by mark on the MAGMA forums. Link:

calling XQuery Update from the command line after update to oXygen 17.1

We have for the past year been running a batch script I wrote to call a series of XQuery Updates from the Windows command line using Saxon. It worked fine while we were on oXygen 16, but after all the machines in our department were upgraded to oXygen 17.1, the script is now throwing an error that I can't seem to fix. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
This used to work when oXygen 16 was installed:
java -cp "C:\Program Files\Oxygen XML Editor 16\lib\saxon9ee.jar" net.sf.saxon.Query -update:on -t -q:"C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\SVN Working Copies\trunk\rbscXSL\Locations2015\AbID2dsc-items.xq"
I have confirmed that the .jar file is in the same relative location (with the oXygen version number being the only change to the path) and has the same name as before. Nevertheless, after updating the class path to "C:\Program Files\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\saxon9ee.jar" the script throws the following error:
Saxon-EE from Saxonica
Java version 1.8.0_92
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: XQuery Update is not supported in this Saxon Configuration
at net.sf.saxon.s9api.XQueryCompiler.setUpdatingEnabled(
at net.sf.saxon.Query.doQuery(
at net.sf.saxon.Query.main(
Fatal error during query: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: XQuery Update is not supported in this Saxon Configuration
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
Java 8 is installed on my machine. I have also ensured that the XQuery Update still works when called from within the oXygen editor.
After reading up on!using-xquery/commandline and!conformance/update, I added the -tree:linked flag and the -qversion:1.0 flag (they result in the same error message):
java -cp "C:\Program Files\Oxygen XML Editor 17\lib\saxon9ee.jar" net.sf.saxon.Query -qversion:1.0 -tree:linked -update:on -t -q:"C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\SVN Working Copies\trunk\rbscXSL\Locations2015\AbID2dsc-items.xq"
According to the documentation, XQuery Update should run if the -update:on flag is set, which it is, and the XML is read in using the doc() or collection() function, which is also the case--these are the variables from my XQuery file:
declare variable $EAD as document-node()* := doc("sample_input.xml");
declare variable $ITEMS as document-node()* := doc("sample_input.AbID.xml");
I'm at a loss what else to try. If anyone can see what's going wrong here, I'd greatly appreciate any pointers!
Do you have your own Saxon-EE license, or are you relying on the license that comes with oXygen? The oXygen license does not cover use of Saxon-EE outside of oXygen itself (so it doesn't cover the way you are running Saxon from the command line). Perhaps you found a loophole in the way oXygen handles the Saxon activation that worked in earlier releases but has since been fixed, either in oXygen or in Saxon.

coq Error: Cannot find library abstract_algebra in loadpath

I am testing one of the contrib libraries of coq called corn:
But I can't get the files to pass compilation. According to the README file, the package compiles with coq-8.4pl4. But when I tested that version, I got an error message:
coqc algebra\RSetoid -R . CoRN
File "d:\temp\corn/algebra\RSetoid.v", line 26, characters 0-32:
Error: Cannot find library abstract_algebra in loadpath
I also tried the latest 8.4 version (8.4pl6) and 8.5 beta 2, and got similar errors. The problem line itself reads:
Require Import abstract_algebra.
I am not familiar with this library (abstract_algebra). Does anyone know about this library, where to get it, or how to fix this error?
(I googled around the error message, and there was no mention of the abstract_algebra library).
Thanks in advance.

PSpice MATLAB/Simulink Interface for Orcad 16.5

I am using Matlab 7 SLPS version 2.65 and Orcad 16.5 but I am getting the following error when I try to execute the sample program. Attaching the screenshots Any help will be Highly appreciated.
If there are multiple versions of SLPS available in your system, the path of the recent version should be set higher in the set path. This error is due to the configuration mismatch between different versions of SLPS.