redefined keys doesn't work correctly - plugins

I've redefined key bindings for some basic movement functions in my init.el file:
(global-set-key "\C-j" 'backward-char)
(global-set-key "\C-k" 'next-line)
(global-set-key "\C-l" 'forward-char)
(keyboard-translate ?\C-i ?\H-i)
(global-set-key [?\H-i] 'previous-line)
(global-set-key "\M-j" 'backward-word)
(global-set-key "\M-l" 'forward-word)
And in general (text editing) it perfectly works, but in some modes it executes multiple commands, e.g. in Buffer mode when I press C-k aside from moving the cursor down Emacs marks the listed buffer for deletion. Also, when I call helm-prelude with C-c p h and press one of these key bindings Emacs either doesn't react at all or, in case of C-k, clears the search bar. I thought that the purpose of global-set-key was to bind commands to specific keys everywhere, am I wrong?

Local (e.g., major-mode) keymap bindings trump global keymap (global-map) bindings. And minor-mode keymap bindings trump both of these.
There is a hierarchy of several keymap types that determines which maps take precedence. See the Elisp manual, node Controlling Active Maps (and nearby nodes about keymaps). The full hierarchy is a bit complicated, but most of the time what you need to be aware of is what I stated in the preceding paragraph.

Yes, the global keymap is only used when there is no binding for the key being pressed in a local keymap. For example, the buffer menu mode uses Buffer-menu-mode-map, where C-k is bound to Buffer-menu-delete.
You may have better luck using keyboard-translate to translate these keys to the "normal" Emacs bindings for those commands, i.e. C-p, C-n etc.


Emacs: How to bind key only in regular buffers and not in the minibuffer?

I have written a fancy function, which I would like to bind to TAB. The functionality is only meaningful in any non-read-only text buffer. Currently, I bind it either like that:
(global-set-key (kbd "<tab>") 'my-indent-region)
(define-key global-map (kbd "<tab>") 'my-indent-region)
The problem with this binding is that now tab-completion does no longer work in the minibuffer, which is an essential feature (e.g. for buffer/file names, or M-x).
Is it possible to bind TAB only for regular modes? I know that I can use define-key some-major-mode-map, but since I want it in all modes except for the minibuffer, this would be annoying to maintain. Thus, I'm probably looking for something like a define-key any-mode-except-minibuffer ....
If such a functionality does not exist: Is there a workaround to get the tab-completion working in the minibuffer again? Maybe I can re-set the original minibuffer tab binding after changing the global binding? I couldn't figure out though which function I actually have to bind to make it work.
After some more research I found a workaround/solution to the problem in this answer.
Apparently, my problem was that I was binding to (kbd "<tab>"). If I understand it correctly, my problem was in fact not that I overwrote the actual keymap of the minibuffer -- I guess they are correctly loaded when entering the minibuffer minor modes. However, there seems to be a precedence of a binding to (kbd "<tab>") over a binding to just "\t". According to the above answer, the minibuffer bindings just use "\t", so binding to (kbd "<tab>") shadows them. I'm now using the following binding instead:
(global-set-key "\t" 'my-indent-region)
Now everything seems to be working fine.
Do you see this behavior when you start Emacs without your init file (emacs -Q)? I doubt it. If not, then recursively bisect your init file to find out what is causing the problem.
The minibuffer uses its own keymaps, which are local and which therefore take precedence over global keymap bindings.
However, any minor-mode keymaps take precedence over local keymaps. So if, for example, you have a (global) minor mode turned on that binds <tab> then that will override any binding for that key in the minibuffer keymaps.
Another thing you can do is simply bind whatever command you want to <tab> in the minibuffer keymaps. But again, you should not need to do that, if you want the usual <tab> behavior for the minibuffer.
[Another possible confusion: Some things, such as Isearch, which you might think use the minibuffer do not use it. Isearch uses its own keymap, isearch-mode-map.]
UPDATE after your comment:
Assigning a key in the global map, as you have done, should not affect what that key does in the minibuffer, provided it has a different binding in the minibuffer keymaps. TAB is typically bound in all of the minibuffer completion keymaps (but not in the non-completion minibuffer keymaps).
See the Elisp manual, nodes Completion Commands and Text from Minibuffer for information about the minibuffer keymaps.
To see what the current bindings are for a keymap that is associated with a variable (such as minibuffer-local-completion-map), load library help-fns+.el and use C-h M-k followed by the keymap variable's name. (See Help+ for more information about the library.)
If you do not want TAB to use your global command binding in the non-completion minibuffer maps (minibuffer-local-map, minibuffer-local-ns-map), then just bind it in those maps to whatever command you like. But for the completion maps you should not need to do anything - TAB should already be bound there.
Did you try emacs -Q, to see if something in your init file is interfering? If not, do that first.

org mode - how to disable some keybindings?

I started using Emacs (currently for org mode only). I don't use priorities in my TODOs, hence I'd like to disable S-UP and S-DOWN key bindings (which loop through the priorities). How can I do this?
#lawlist gave you the recipe in his comment. Here's how to find this out for yourself.
See if there is a keymap variable for the mode in question - typically there is one. In this case, try C-h v org-mode-map. If you find no such variable, fish around a little, using the apropos commands - for example, M-x apropos-variable org-mode.
Bind the key(s) in question to nil in that keymap:
(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "S-<up>") nil)
C-h m gives you info about the current mode. Sometimes it lists the important key bindings for the mode. And C-h b (anywhere) lists lots of key bindings for the current context.
If you want to see all of the key bindings that belong to a given keymap variable (in human-readable form), then load library help-fns+.el and then use C-h M-k followed by the keymap variable name (e.g. org-mode-map). See Help+.

Keymapping in emacs using semantic with interactive functions and default parameters invocation

In semantic; to move around function declarations it is possible to use C-c , J to open declaration, and just C-u C-SPC to return where the function was called. However to map those functions to some other short keybindings like that M-right (meaning alt key in combination with right arrow), so in our .emacs we can have:
(define-key global-map [(M-right)] 'semantic-complete-jump).
This indeed works because C-c , J is mapped to invoke the semantic-complete-jump function.
So two questions:
How to map M-left to the C-u C-SPC? remembering that C-u is not a part of the command, it is just the argument passed to the invoked function.
Is there any way to invoke semantic-complete-jump via C-c , J without being interactive and using by default always the default value (that it is mainly the word under where is the cursor)? This will allow to avoid one additional keystroke moving much faster around the code.
This is possible to do with M-. (mapped to find-tag) and M-* (mapped to pop-tag-mark) playing with tags and etags with emacs, but using semantic it seems to be much more powerful and ideal for big projects with large amount of code.
S̲o̲ ̲t̲h̲e̲ ̲p̲r̲e̲v̲i̲o̲u̲s̲ ̲t̲w̲o̲ ̲q̲u̲e̲s̲t̲i̲o̲n̲s̲ ̲w̲h̲a̲t̲ ̲a̲r̲e̲ ̲a̲s̲k̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲i̲s̲: what configuration lines are needed just to use M-right to move inside the function declarations (without being asked) and M-left to go to the previous point were this function was called using semantic.
Here's what I've got:
(define-key c-mode-base-map
(kbd "C-x C-h") 'semantic-ia-fast-jump)))
(kbd "M-p")
(lambda()(interactive) (set-mark-command 4)))

Is there a quick way to unbind keys in Emacs?

I did a ctrl h b to view all my bindings in emacs. Now I want to unbind a lot of keys, simply because I never use those functions of Emacs and I don't want to perform them when I accidently press the bound keys! This also frees up a lot of keys for other tasks (for use with Cedet for example). So apart from global-unset-key, is there any method to remove bindings in bulk?
C-a move-beginning-of-line
C-b backward-char
C-c mode-specific-command-prefix
C-d delete-char
C-e move-end-of-line
C-f forward-char
C-g keyboard-quit
C-h help-command
C-k kill-line
C-l recenter-top-bottom
C-n next-line
C-o open-line
C-p previous-line
C-q quoted-insert
C-t transpose-chars
C-u universal-argument
C-v scroll-up
C-x Control-X-prefix
C-z suspend-frame
ESC ESC-prefix
I want to remove most of these bindings which are absolutely useless for me.
There's no built-in way to unset a lot of keys, because it's easy to do it yourself:
(Edited for strict correctness:)
(dolist (key '("\C-a" "\C-b" "\C-c" "\C-d" "\C-e" "\C-f" "\C-g"
"\C-h" "\C-k" "\C-l" "\C-n" "\C-o" "\C-p" "\C-q"
"\C-t" "\C-u" "\C-v" "\C-x" "\C-z" "\e"))
(global-unset-key key))
Although I have to say that most of the commands you call "useless" I would call "essential."
(Edited to add:)
As for freeing up keys for other tasks, there's plenty of unused key real estate:
Key sequences consisting of C-c followed by a letter are by convention reserved for users.
If you have an extra modifier available, like Option on the Mac or the Windows key on a PC, you can associate it with an Emacs modifier like super. I have super-b bound to browse-url-at-point, for example.
If you're not on a plain terminal, the shift key becomes available to distinguish key sequences. For example, I have shift-meta-b bound to bury-buffer.
For commands that are useful but not run often enough to warrant a dedicated key sequence, you can use defalias to provide a shorter name. In my .emacs file, I have (defalias 'ru 'rename-uniquely) and (defalias 'c 'calendar) (among many others).
global-unset-key and local-unset-key are useful, but it's worth having an answer to this question that points out that the general way to unbind a key (for any keymap) is to define a binding of nil:
(define-key KEYMAP KEY nil)
If you follow the code for either of those other functions, you'll notice that this is exactly what they do.

Rebinding C-c to C-c

I'm using Viper, and I want to change its C-c and C-g to the original emacs functions. I can rebind C-g with (define-key viper-vi-global-user-map "C-g" 'keyboard-quit), but how can I rebind C-c, since it's a prefix key?
It may make sense for you to run M-x viper-set-expert-level with an argument of 2 ("Master"). As the viper-mode documentation explains:
2 -- MASTER: C-c now has its standard
Emacs meaning in Vi command state, so
most Emacs commands can be used when
Viper is in Vi state.
As you master viper-mode, you're meant to increase your expert-level setting gradually over time, making more Emacs features available to you (or, as the Viper documentation puts it, "To use Emacs productively, you must reach level 3 or higher").
The original binding for C-c can be set with the following:
(define-key viper-vi-global-user-map (kbd "C-c") 'mode-specific-command-prefix)
The info page for this is Prefix Keys.