I want to allow only these urls to read robots in mysite
All other URLs need to be blocked, what are the rules ? Thanks
I think what you're looking for is:
User-agent: *
Allow: /site/faq
Allow: /site/blog
Allow: /site/aboutus
Disallow: *
That specifically allows the three folders you mentioned, and disallows everything else.
I want to block a few URLs in robots.txt, but I really don't know how to do this.
Below I have mentioned the URL, How should I disallow the dynamic URL. I really appreciate it if you help me to get rid of these doubts.
User-agent: Googlebot
Allow: https://falgunishanepeacock.in/order-inquire$
Disallow: https://falgunishanepeacock.in/order-inquire*
Test it with:
* designates 0 or more instances of any valid character.
$ designates the end of the URL.
If I have routes like /info/page1 and /info/page2, but route /info doesn't exist, if I write Disallow: /info in robots.txt, robot will go to /info/page1 ?
If you disallow "/info", you cannot to go on /info/*
I have a different secret url with ?id=123, ?id=567 or example.com/123 and I need to block all these URLs except my homepage, but I have a problem with Disallow: /*: it only works with Google.
My first robots.txt (blocked by Google)
User-Agent: *
Allow: /
Disallow: /$
Actually I have replaced example.com/123 by example.com/?id=123 because $ did not work and I use
User-Agent: *
Allow: /
Disallow: /?id=
I have added meta-robots
$robotIndex = "index,nofollow";
if(!empty($_GET)) {
$robotIndex = "noindex,nofollow";
Is it correct? What is the syntax to disallow all pages except the homepage?
Recently, Google offered robots.txt testing tool in Webmaster Tools (Crawl section). You can add a rule and test a URL against it. That way you can test if your configuration works properly.
Also, under Crawl section, you have URL Parameters option. You can set how and if parameters in your URLs change the content of the page and if these URLs should be indexed.
I want to just allow the main URL(domain) and http://domain/about, and others URL are not visible to search google. Example I have link as below:
and more URL.
My question what the content of robot.txt, I want to allow just http://example.com and http://example.com/about , My site use wordpress.
What you want is:
User-agent: *
Allow: /$
Allow: /about
Disallow: /
The $ indicates that the url string has to end there. So it won't allow, for example, /example.com/foo.
User-agent: *
Allow: http://example.com/about
Disallow: /
I'm concerned about the overlap between the * rule and the Yandex rule.
User-agent: *
Allow: /
User-agent: Yandex
Disallow: /
Will the first cancel out the second?
You only need:
User-agent: Yandex
Disallow: /
This part is unnecessary:
User-agent: *
Allow: /
because it is implied and used by default (access unless otherwise told).