Safe partial function - scala

I want to convert a partial function into a "safe" partial function, i.e. PartialFunction[T,R] into a PartialFunction[T,Try[R]], is there any better way than the following implementation?
def safe[T,R](pf:PartialFunction[T,R]):PartialFunction[T,Try[R]]=new PartialFunction[T, Try[R]]{
def isDefinedAt(t:T) = pf.isDefinedAt(t)
def apply(t:T) = Try(pf.apply(t))

You can define safe using a for expression:
def safe[T,R](pf:PartialFunction[T,R]) = PartialFunction {
(t:T) => for(a <- Try(pf(t))) yield a
Or using an implicit class:
object SafeImplicit {
implicit class Safe[T,R](pf: PartialFunction[T,R]){
def safe(t: =>T) = for(a<-Try(pf(t))) yield a
import SafeImplicit.Safe
def f: PartialFunction[Int, String] = {case 1 => "one"}
def g: PartialFunction[Int, String] = {case 1 => "a".toInt;"one"} // Success(one) // Failure(scala.MatchError: 2 ...)"a".toInt) // Failure(java.lang.NumberFormatException ...) // Failure(java.lang.NumberFormatException ...)


Scala.js: How do I read the value using of an input element using Scala.js?

I am trying to do something like this:
<input id="test">Hello!</input>
import io.udash.wrappers.jquery.jQ
// Read from Scala
val x = jQ("#test").value().asIntanceOf[String]
But, I get a ClassCastException saying String | Int | Double | js.Array[Any] cannot be cast to a String
I came up with a typeclass approach (which hides the ugly asInstanceOf):
import scala.scalajs.js.|
import scala.util.Try
trait JsRead[A] { self =>
import JsRead.Or
def apply(value: Or): Option[A]
def map[B](f: A => Option[B]): JsRead[B] = new JsRead[B] {
override def apply(value: Or) = self.apply(value).flatMap(f)
object JsRead {
type Or = _ | _
def apply[A](f: Or => Option[A]): JsRead[A] = new JsRead[A] {
override def apply(value: Or) = f(value)
implicit class Dsl(value: Or) {
def as[A](implicit reader: JsRead[A]): Option[A] =
implicit val string: JsRead[String] = JsRead(x => Try(x.asInstanceOf[String]).toOption)
implicit val int: JsRead[Int] =
implicit val double: JsRead[Double] =
Now I can use it as:
import io.udash.wrappers.jquery.{jQ => $}
for {
deposit <- $("#deposit").value().as[Int]
monthlyWithdrawal <- $("#monthlyWithdrawal").value().as[Int]
irr <- $("#irr").value().as[Double]
inflation <- $("#inflation").value().as[Double]
year <- $("#year").value().as[Int]
} {
// do something

Combine different "containers" in cats XorT

For example, we have some services with different "containers" Future and Option:
//first service with Future
class FirstService {
getData(): XorT[Future, ServiceError, SomeData]
//second service with Optin
class SecondService {
getData(): XorT[Option, ServiceError, SomeData]
How do we can combine them to use one for comprehension to avoid type mismatch?
val result = for {
data1 <- firstService.getData()
data2 <- secondService.getData() // type mismatch required XorT[Future, ServiceError, SomeData]
} yield mergeResult(data1, data2)
XorT[F, A, B] is just a convenient wrapper over F[A Xor B], so you question essentially is: how to combine a Future and an Option. Because you still have to return a Future in some form, this mainly becomes : how to handle the Option.
There are several possibilities :
import scala.concurrent.Future
import cats.implicits._
type ServiceError = String
type FutureErrorOr[A] = XorT[Future, ServiceError, A]
val fXorT: FutureErrorOr[Int] = XorT.right(Future.successful(1))
val oXorT: XorT[Option, ServiceError, Int] = XorT.right(1.some)
Turn the Option into a Future (None to Future.failed) :
val opt2fut: FutureErrorOr[Int] =
Future.failed[ServiceError Xor Int](new NoSuchElementException())(
Future.successful _))
for { a <- fXort; b <- opt2fut } yield a + b
Turn the Option into a ServiceError Xor ? (None to Xor.Left) :
val opt2xor: FutureErrorOr[Int] =
XorT.fromXor[Future](oXorT.value.getOrElse("no elem".left))
for { a <- fXort; b <- opt2xor } yield a + b
Change your return type to XorT[Future, ServiceError, Option[X]] (this might not be useful if you need to use the X in the rest of the for comprehension) :
val optInside: FutureErrorOr[Option[Int]] =
for { a <- fXorT; b <- optInside } yield + a)
One of the possible ways to solve this problem make common Container monad for different types (Future, Option):
trait Container[+A] {
def map[B](f: A => B): Container[B]
def flatMap[B](f: A => Container[B]): Container[B]
// Empty container for value
class EmptyContainer[+A](value: A) extends Container[A] {
override def map[B](f: (A) => B): Container[B] = new EmptyContainer[B](f(value))
override def flatMap[B](f: (A) => Container[B]): Container[B] = f(value)
// Implement container for Option
class OptionContainer[+A](option: Option[A]) extends Container[A] {
override def map[B](f: (A) => B): Container[B] = new OptionContainer[B](
override def flatMap[B](f: (A) => Container[B]): Container[B] = option match {
case Some(value) => f(value)
case None => new OptionContainer[B](None)
// Implement container for Future
class FutureContainer[+A](future: Future[A]) extends Container[A] {
override def map[B](f: (A) => B): Container[B] = new FutureContainer[B](
// TODO: can be better!!!
override def flatMap[B](f: (A) => Container[B]): Container[B] = {
val promise = Promise[B]()
future.onComplete {
case Success(a) => f(a).map(b => promise.success(b))
case Failure(exception) => promise.failure(exception)
new FutureContainer[B](promise.future)
You can add an own implementation for any others types.
// Monad for Container
object Container {
implicit def monad = new Monad[Container] {
def flatMap[A, B](fa: Container[A])(f: (A) => Container[B]): Container[B] = fa.flatMap(f)
def pure[A](x: A): Container[A] = new EmptyContainer[A](x)
Our service now has view:
class SomeContainerService {
def getSomeDate(): XorT[Container, Error, SomeData] =
def getRemoteDate(): XorT[Container, Error, SomeData] =
Extensions methods for both future and option:
def toContainer = OptionContainer(option)
def toContainer = FutureContainer(future)
And for-comprehension work fine:
val result: XorT[Container, Error, SomeData] = for {
data1 <- someContainerService.getRemoteDate() // future
data2 <- someContainerService.getSomeDate() // option
} yield {
mergeResult(data1, data2)

Can function parameter be set before it's invoked?

Here I create a List of objects where each element is of type (String , () => Unit)
case class FunctionDesc(label: String, fun: () => Unit)
def f() = {
println("in f")
val functionList = List[FunctionDesc](FunctionDesc("a1", f), FunctionDesc("a2", f))
functionList.foreach(f =>
This works fine but if I want to modify the function List to contain a parameter then have to decide what the parameter value
should be when the function is being implemented :
case class FunctionDesc2(label: String, fun: (String) => Unit)
def f2(str: String) = {
println("in f2")
def f3(str: String) = {
println("in f3")
val functionList2 = List[FunctionDesc2](FunctionDesc2("a3", f2), FunctionDesc2("a4", f3))
functionList2.foreach(f =>"param value"))
Can decide what the function parameter type should before it's invoked ?
So instead of
val functionList2 = List[FunctionDesc2](FunctionDesc2("a3", f2), FunctionDesc2("a4", f3))
use something like :
val functionList2 = List[FunctionDesc2](FunctionDesc2("a3", f2("f5")), FunctionDesc2("a4", f2("f6"))
You can achieve this by making f2 and f3 return a function. Here's a simplified version:
case class FunctionDesc2(label: String, fun: (String) => Unit)
// `f` closes over `str` and returns a function from `String` to `Unit`
def f(str: String) = (s: String) => println(s"$str: $s")
val functionList = List(FunctionDesc2("a", f("foo")), FunctionDesc2("b", f("bar")))
// foo: value
// bar: value
You can use currying:
scala> case class FunctionDesc2(label: String, fun: () => Unit)
defined class FunctionDesc2
scala> def f2(str: String)(): Unit = {
| println("in f2")
| }
f2: (str: String)()Unit
scala> def f3(str: String)(): Unit = {
| println("in f3")
| }
f3: (str: String)()Unit
scala> val functionList2 = List[FunctionDesc2](FunctionDesc2("a3", f2("f5")), FunctionDesc2("a4", f3("f6")))
functionList2: List[FunctionDesc2] = List(FunctionDesc2(a3,<function0>), FunctionDesc2(a4,<function0>))
scala> functionList2.foreach(desc =>
in f2
in f3

How to get manifest in the pattern matching

I want to the get the manifest of one List's inner type like following and pass it to another function, how can I do that ? Thanks
def f(any: Any) = any match {
case x: Int => println("Int")
case a: List[_] => // get the manifest of List's inner type, and use it in the function g()
def g[T:Manifest](list:List[T]) = {}
Add the manifest as an implicit requirement to your method, and tweak the type signature a tiny bit:
def f[T](any: T)(implicit mf: Manifest[T]) = mf match {
case m if m == Manifest[Int] => println("Int")
case m if m == Manifest[List[Int]] => println("List of Ints")
The Manifest class has a method, typeArguments, that should serve your purpose for finding the "inner type". For example
manifest[List[Int]].typeArguments == List(manifest[Int])
You could tweak #Dylan's answer a bit and try this as well:
object ManifestTest {
def f[T](t: T)(implicit m:Manifest[T]) = t match {
case x: Int => println("Int")
case a: List[Any] =>
val innerType = m.typeArguments.head
def main(args: Array[String]) {
f(List("hello", "world"))

Define a MongoRecord in Lift with a Map inside it

I cannot find the way to define a MongoRecord with a Map[String,String] field inside it in Lift - MongoRecord.
The Lift documentation says:
All standard Record Fields are supported. There is also support for Mongo specific types; ObjectId, UUID, Pattern, List, and Map.
How can I define Map and List fields?
I defined a BsonRecordMapField:
class BsonRecordMapField[OwnerType <: BsonRecord[OwnerType], SubRecordType <: BsonRecord[SubRecordType]]
(rec: OwnerType, valueMeta: BsonMetaRecord[SubRecordType])(implicit mf: Manifest[SubRecordType])
extends MongoMapField[OwnerType, SubRecordType](rec: OwnerType) {
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
override def asDBObject: DBObject = {
val javaMap = new HashMap[String, DBObject]()
for ((key, element) <- value) {
javaMap.put(key.asInstanceOf[String], element.asDBObject)
val dbl = new BasicDBObject(javaMap)
override def setFromDBObject(dbo: DBObject): Box[Map[String, SubRecordType]] = {
val mapResult: Map[String, SubRecordType] = (for ((key, dboEl) <- dbo.toMap.toSeq) yield (key.asInstanceOf[String], valueMeta.fromDBObject(dboEl.asInstanceOf[DBObject]))).toMap
override def asJValue = {
val fieldList = (for ((key, elem) <- value) yield JField(key, elem.asJValue)).toList
override def setFromJValue(jvalue: JValue) = jvalue match {
case JNothing | JNull if optional_? => setBox(Empty)
case JObject(fieldList) => val retrievedMap = {
field =>
val key =
val valRetrieved = valueMeta.fromJValue(field.value) openOr valueMeta.createRecord
(key, valRetrieved)
case other => setBox(FieldHelpers.expectedA("JObject", other))
This is the implicit query for Rogue:
class BsonRecordMapQueryField[M <: BsonRecord[M], B <: BsonRecord[B]](val field: BsonRecordMapField[M, B])(implicit mf: Manifest[B]) {
def at(key: String): BsonRecordField[M, B] = {
val listBox = field.setFromJValue(JObject(List(JField("notExisting", JInt(0)))))
val rec = listBox.open_!.head._2
new BsonRecordField[M, B](field.owner, rec.meta)(mf) {
override def name = + "." + key
object ExtendedRogue extends Rogue {
implicit def bsonRecordMapFieldToBsonRecordMapQueryField[M <: BsonRecord[M], B <: BsonRecord[B]](f: BsonRecordMapField[M, B])(implicit mf: Manifest[B]): BsonRecordMapQueryField[M, B] = new BsonRecordMapQueryField[M, B](f) (mf)
You can use the at operator in map now.
What about MongoMapField?