I've constructed a endless scroll listview with large images, comparable to Instagram/Facebook/Tumblr
I use https://github.com/etsy/AndroidStaggeredGrid which is based on AbsListView and https://github.com/nostra13/Android-Universal-Image-Loader for my images. I Use a viewholder pattern for my items.
The problem is that i Keep getting OOM errors (+50 items with 200K images), I tried all settings for Universal Image Loader (UIL) but it only does make very little change. When I take a large (2MB) drawable and populate that one without imageloader everything works perfect, and items get recycled under the hood.
It seems that the combination UIL and Gridview does not work together and the images don't get recycled. I tried with the default imageloader.showImage and also withthe imageloader.loadimage and onLoadingCompleteCallback. Futhermore i tried removing the target imageview from the viewholder but that only results in worse performance.
Quick list of already tried things:
disable memorycache of UIL
disable diskcache of UIL
use .resetViewBeforeLoading(true) of UIL
resized images
setRecyclerListener --> onMovedToScrapHeap construct for the grid (is not called!)
lowering JPG qualty
IMPORTANT: It does work with normal, in app, drawables!
Anyone any clue how to fix/debug this?
The stacktrace:
at android.graphics.BitmapFactory.nativeDecodeStream(Native Method)
at android.graphics.BitmapFactory.decodeStreamInternal(BitmapFactory.java:613)
at android.graphics.BitmapFactory.decodeStream(BitmapFactory.java:589)
at com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.decode.BaseImageDecoder.decode(BaseImageDecoder.java:78)
EDIT: replaced UIL for Android Volley did fix the problem for me, however it's a workaround.
Firefox addon. I'm porting an existing addon to a restartless one. I have a panel with a lot of UI elements (mostly boxes/description and images) in it, and it is very convenient for me to define the panel elements in an XUL overlay file. I will have lots of bloated js code if I don't.
The panel element (parent) itself is created in code dynamically, and then I use loadOverlay, wait for the 'merged' event and then append the panel element's children from the overlayed document. I also make sure that the elements are cleaned up upon a remove.
However, using overlays will most probably won't pass an AMO review. And some of the reasons I think are :
In most cases overlay elements will cause problems while removing (eg: toolbar buttons remembering their positions etc.)
There are problems with attaching js/css files in an overlay file.
loadOverlay is buggy (496320, 330458)
And here are my inferences :
loadOverlay() API itself is not deprecated - in fact it is 'not frozen and may change later' - which means possibly it will be use-able in future.
The bug that a second overlay load fails, is not applicable in my case, as I don't initialize without an overlay merge.
Using static overlay for preference windows etc. is perfectly acceptable as of now.
The panel in my case behaves a lot like a preference window (which is brought up on demand and cleaned up upon addon removal)
I don't have any js/css attached to the overlay, nor any event listeners for the elements. The overlay is only used to define boxes and description text - nothing more.
So considering these, is it acceptable to use overlays and loadOverlay() for a restartless addon ? If not, is there an alternative ?
About overlays, by checking source code of restartless addon that extend existing addon (like ehh), I see the overlay.xul is auto merged with the existing addon's. So it shouldn't be a problem to use overlay.
I'd like to create a twitter like stream out of a sap.m.list, hence when I get more data with a pulltorefresh control, I'd like to update the list with the additional rows, but should not move the list at all, and be hidden until the user scrolls the list down.
Any standard ways of doing this, or alternatively, custom CSS/JS recommended ways of doing this?
There's no need to drop down to jQuery here as OpenUI5 already contains the awesome iScroll library.
I've just setup a test app for you to have a look at here: https://github.com/js1972/ui5_pull_to_refresh.
Clone this; check the readme; then just run grunt serve to open the app in your default browser. You can use Chrome dev tools to emulate an iphone or android, etc.
I think this does what you're after - it works just like the GMail mobile app. You pull down to refresh items and at the end of the refresh your still looking at the same items but can now scroll up to see the new ones.
Will be interesting to see the performance if you have a thousand items... iScroll gives you allot of settings to play that may help (which aren't discussed in the UI5 SDK).
One thing to be careful of with browser scrolling is paint times. If the browser is not 100% done painting then iScroll can't calculate all the element dimensions it needs and you get strange results - typically just no scrolling. Sometimes you've just got to give a little time back to the browser by wrapping things in setTimeout(scroll_stuff, 0).
Hope this helps...
While not quite the answer I was after, looked into doing it another way, and provided you can work with automatically generated Id's that you'll need to calculate based on the row number, the following is one brute force way of doing it (I've borrowed it from another SO question and kept the animation for fun - Referenced SO Link):
var pOffset = $("#__item0-App--Main--MyList-76").position().top;
$("#App--Main--myPage-cont").animate({scrollTop: ( pOffset)}, 800);
I am creating a chat view and loading images in a chat room using NetworkImageView (placed inside a Normal ListView) via Android Volley Framework, which works great but the problem is that when the chat gets loaded the images are downloaded after a while due to which scrolling to the bottom does not work as expected. What I want is the listview in which the images are kept should scroll to the end upon getting initialized.
Here is the code that does the scrolling to the bottom of the list:
listview.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
listview.setSelection(listview.getCount() - 1);
However, this does not scroll to the end of list. The issue is that volley does not load up the image by the time it is initialized and only initializes it when it is starting to get displayed (onAttachToWindow or onLayout calls). Refer to the code
A workaround to make sure the list gets scrolled is:
Although not a good solution, this gets the job done.
Anyone has better ideas?
Using setStackFromBottom(true) solves the issue. I don't know why it never came to my mind. Anyways, putting the question for people like me, having issues with volley.
First of all drag and drop works correctly in my stages in version 4.3.0, so I just want to understand why I get the following problem with 4.3.3.
I have three stages. One sits in a container in a document in an iframe. The others sit in containers in the iframe's parent document, one displaying a complex layout of shapes and the other a single simple shape for testing. The document in the iframe which controls all the action has a viewfinder overlay that drags and drops correctly. However the shapes in the layout and test stages do not release on mouseup.
Any idea about what's going on would be appreciated ... I like to try and keep up to date.
Well, since I can't see any of your code I can only help so much, try doing the following.
For each shape that you have, add this attribute:
dragOnTop: false
fill: 'blue',
dragOnTop: false
Let me explain how I found an answer by first amending the structure. There is a holding file which contains shared files and two iframes - one for a machine-like index and one for a display each with its own scripts. The main shared file is nameset.json which lists all the objects and their key/value couplets. These are sent to 'fill out' the machine and display frameworks. I thought I could do the same with the Kinetic Global object, referring to the Global.stages array. It seems obvious now that each of the iframes needs its own Kinetic link (rather than pointer) and these need to be used to marry machine/display interactions like the map shown here. Anyway all the dragging and dropping works smoothly as promoted. Thanks for that!
Will mark as answered but if anyone has any comments would be pleased to read them.
I have a JFace TableViewer with an SWT Table, and I would like to custom render the content of some cells. I would like to use an SWT Control to render the cell content.
I would prefer to have only one instance of the Control doing the rendering, but if I have to instantiate one for each row, that would be acceptable.
Next, the solution MUST be compatible with the ContentProvider/LabelProvider approach (I am using EMF). This means that I cannot use the solution described in Sniplet 126 (http://dev.eclipse.org/viewcvs/index.cgi/org.eclipse.swt.snippets).
Next, I though about using custom drawing. But here the catch is, that I have to send individual drawing operations to the graphics context. I was trying to have the Control render the content for me by calling redraw() or print(GC) upon SWT.PaintItem, but that just lead to uncontrollable flickering.
At this point, my best guess is to use SWT.PaintItem to do the drawing. This will result in duplicate code, as I already have a Control that can render the content the way I'd like it. I'd like to prevent this redundancy.
Any help is appreciated!
Well, after banging my head against a wall several times I made some progress. Specifically, I found this formu entry:
It actually offers two solutions: The first solution actually uses widgets (not recommended due to performance, but I knew that before). I will try this out, and may post here how it goes.
The second solution suggests using StyledCellLabelProvider. I looked into this before, but it isn't powerful enough for my purposes. At least that's what I think right now.