mex function memory leak - matlab

I am new to writing MEX-functions and I have a memory problem. The MEXf getaway routine is as follows:
void mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs,const mxArray *prhs[]){
double *ecg; /*Pointer to double for input data*/
double *outArray; /*Pointer to double for output data*/
void *dyn; /*Pointer to void for the dynamic allocation of memory
int N=0;
int i=1;
int j=0;
int k=0;
if (nrhs != 1 ) mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("EplimitedQRSDetector:NoInput", "This function takes one input argument: ECG.");
else if(nlhs!=1) mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("EplimitedQRSDetector:NoOutput", "This function requires one output argument.");
ecg=mxGetPr(prhs[0]); /*Input data loading*/
N=(int) mxGetM(prhs[0]);
dyn = mxCalloc(N,sizeof(double)); /*Dynamic memory allocation*/
outArray=(double*) dyn;
for (j=0;j<N;j++){
outArray[k]=QRSDet(ecg[j], i );
if (outArray[k]!=0){
mxSetData(plhs[0], outArray);
mxSetM(plhs[0], k-1);
mxSetN(plhs[0], 1);
When I call the Mex-function from the matlab command window, i get the error message "maximum variable size allowed by the function is exceeded". Since the function worked well the first few times i used it, I think the problem is that I don't free memory in the right way in my code. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :) Thanks!

The code is now running thanks to the modifications suggested by Navan. In addition to the improper use of mxFree, these 3 lines were causing a segmentation violation:
mxSetData(plhs[0], outArray);
mxSetM(plhs[0], k-1);
mxSetN(plhs[0], 1);
outArray is pointing to a Nx1 array allocated using mxCalloc, so setting the first dimension of plhs[0] to (k-1)!=N causes the segmentation violation. Once substituted that line with
mxSetM(plhs[0], N)
the algorithm started to work properly. Thank you for your help.

In your code you should not call mxFree on the memory you allocated. This needs to go back to MATLAB since that is the output. You are also calling it twice on the same pointer. mxSetData does not copy your data. It sets the pointer.
I think in call to mxSetM you need to pass k instead of k-1 unless you are intentionally ignoring last value.


Simple mex file crash?

I am learning mex files in matlab. I have written this simple code
#include "mex.h"
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]){
double *outData, *inData;
if(nrhs!=2) mexErrMsgTxt("Missing input data.");
inData = mxGetDoubles(prhs[0]);
outData = mxGetDoubles(plhs[0]);
outData[0] = inData[0]+inData[1];
But when I try to run it, matlab crashes. The problem is the last line, have you any suggestions why?
Thank you
plhs[0] (i.e. the pointer left hand side of you function call) is the output.
This output variable is not allocated in memory, you just have a pointer to it. So you can not write on it (nor read from it) without creating it first.
So you would need something like
const int ndims = 1; // or whatever dims you want
const mwSize dims[]={1}; // or whatever size you want
// create memory/variable
plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(ndims ,dims,mxDOUBLE_CLASS,mxREAL);
// now it exists
outData = mxGetDoubles(plhs[0])
However, note that if you don't input a 2 length array, inData[1] will not exist, thus causing a RuntimeError, which crashes MATLAB. So its generally good practice to check the length of the array before accessing it.

Mex files: how to return an already allocated matlab array

I have found a really tricky problem, which I can not seem to fix easily. In short, I would like to return from a mex file an array, which has been passed as mex function input. You could trivially do this:
void mexFunction(int nargout, mxArray *pargout [ ], int nargin, const mxArray *pargin[])
pargout[0] = pargin[0];
But this is not what I need. I would like to get the raw pointer from pargin[0], process it internally, and return a freshly created mex array by setting the corresponding data pointer. Like that:
#include <mex.h>
void mexFunction(int nargout, mxArray *pargout [ ], int nargin, const mxArray *pargin[])
mxArray *outp;
double *data;
int m, n;
/* get input array */
data = mxGetData(pargin[0]);
m = mxGetM(pargin[0]);
n = mxGetN(pargin[0]);
/* copy pointer to output array */
outp = mxCreateNumericMatrix(0,0,mxDOUBLE_CLASS,mxREAL);
mxSetM(outp, m);
mxSetN(outp, n);
mxSetData(outp, data);
/* segfaults with or without the below line */
pargout[0] = outp;
It doesn't work. I get a segfault, if not immediately, then after a few calls. I believe nothing is said about such scenario in the documentation. The only requirement is hat the data pointer has been allocated using mxCalloc, which it obviously has. Hence, I would assume this code is legal.
I need to do this, because I am parsing a complicated MATLAB structure into my internal C data structures. I process the data, some of the data gets re-allocated, some doesn't. I would like to transparently return the output structure, without thinking when I have to simply copy an mxArray (first code snippet), and when I actually have to create it.
Please help!
After further looking and discussing with Amro, it seems that even my first code snippet is unsupported and can cause MATLAB crashes in certain situations, e.g., when passing structure fields or cell elements to such mex function:
>> a.field = [1 2 3];
>> b = pargin_to_pargout(a.field); % ok - works and assigns [1 2 3] to b
>> pargin_to_pargout(a.field); % bad - segfault
It seems I will have to go down the 'undocumented MATLAB' road and use mxCreateSharedDataCopy and mxUnshareArray.
You should use mxDuplicateArray, thats the documented way:
#include "mex.h"
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
plhs[0] = mxDuplicateArray(prhs[0]);
While undocumented, the MEX API function mxCreateSharedDataCopy iswas given as a solution by MathWorks, now apparently disavowed, for creating a shared-data copy of an mxArray. MathWorks even provides an example in their solution, mxsharedcopy.c.
As described in that removed MathWorks Solution (1-6NU359), the function can be used to clone the mxArray header. However, the difference between doing plhs[0] = prhs[0]; and plhs[0] = mxCreateSharedDataCopy(prhs[0]); is that the first version just copies the mxArray* (a pointer) and hence does not create a new mxArray container (at least not until the mexFunction returns and MATLAB works it's magic), which would increment the data's reference count in both mxArrays.
Why might this be a problem? If you use plhs[0] = prhs[0]; and make no further modification to plhs[0] before returning from mexFunction, all is well and you will have a shared data copy thanks to MATLAB. However, if after the above assignment you modify plhs[0] in the MEX function, the change be seen in prhs[0] as well since it refers to the same data buffer. On the other hand, when explicitly generating a shared copy (with mxCreateSharedDataCopy) there are two different mxArray objects and a change to one array's data will trigger a copy operation resulting in two completely independent arrays. Also, direct assignment can cause segmentation faults in some cases.
Modified MathWorks Example
Start with an example using a modified mxsharedcopy.c from the MathWorks solution referenced above. The first important step is to provide the prototype for the mxCreateSharedDataCopy function:
/* Add this declaration because it does not exist in the "mex.h" header */
extern mxArray *mxCreateSharedDataCopy(const mxArray *pr);
As the comment states, this is not in mex.h, so you have to declare this yourself.
The next part of the mxsharedcopy.c creates new mxArrays in the following ways:
A deep copy via mxDuplicateArray:
copy1 = mxDuplicateArray(prhs[0]);
A shared copy via mxCreateSharedDataCopy:
copy2 = mxCreateSharedDataCopy(copy1);
Direct copy of the mxArray*, added by me:
copy0 = prhs[0]; // OK, but don't modify copy0 inside mexFunction!
Then it prints the address of the data buffer (pr) for each mxArray and their first values. Here is the output of the modified mxsharedcopy(x) for x=ones(1e3);:
prhs[0] = 72145590, mxGetPr = 18F90060, value = 1.000000
copy0 = 72145590, mxGetPr = 18F90060, value = 1.000000
copy1 = 721BF120, mxGetPr = 19740060, value = 1.000000
copy2 = 721BD4B0, mxGetPr = 19740060, value = 1.000000
What happened:
As expected, comparing prhs[0] and copy0 we have not created anything new except another pointer to the same mxArray.
Comparing prhs[0] and copy1, notice that mxDuplicateArray created a new mxArray at address 721BF120, and copied the data into a new buffer at 19740060.
copy2 has a different address (mxArray*) from copy1, meaning it is also a different mxArray not just the same one pointed to by different variables, but they both share the same data at address 19740060.
The question reduces to: Is it safe to return in plhs[0] either of copy0 or copy2 (from simple pointer copy or mxCreateSharedDataCopy, respectively) or is it necessary to use mxDuplicateArray, which actually copies the data? We can show that mxCreateSharedDataCopy would work by destroying copy1 and verifying that copy2 is still valid:
copy2val0 = *mxGetPr(copy2); % no crash!
Applying Shared-Data Copy to Input
Back to the question. Take this a step further than the MathWorks example and return a share-data copy of the input. Just do:
if (nlhs>0) plhs[0] = mxCreateSharedDataCopy(prhs[0]);
Hold your breath!
>> format debug
>> x=ones(1,2)
x =
Structure address = 9aff820 % mxArray*
m = 1
n = 2
pr = 2bcc8500 % double*
pi = 0
1 1
>> xDup = mxsharedcopy(x)
xDup =
Structure address = 9afe2b0 % mxArray* (different)
m = 1
n = 2
pr = 2bcc8500 % double* (same)
pi = 0
1 1
>> clear x
>> xDup % hold your breath!
xDup =
Structure address = 9afe2b0
m = 1
n = 2
pr = 2bcc8500 % double* (still same!)
pi = 0
1 1
Now for a temporary input (without format debug):
>> tempDup = mxsharedcopy(2*ones(1e3));
>> tempDup(1)
ans =
Interestingly, if I test without mxCreateSharedDataCopy (i.e. with just plhs[0] = prhs[0];), MATLAB doesn't crash but the output variable never materializes:
>> tempDup = mxsharedcopy(2*ones(1e3)) % no semi-colon
>> whos tempDup
>> tempDup(1)
Undefined function 'tempDup' for input arguments of type 'double'.
R2013b, Windows, 64-bit.
mxsharedcopy.cpp (modified C++ version):
#include "mex.h"
/* Add this declaration because it does not exist in the "mex.h" header */
extern "C" mxArray *mxCreateSharedDataCopy(const mxArray *pr);
bool mxUnshareArray(const mxArray *pr, const bool noDeepCopy); // true if not successful
void mexFunction(int nlhs,mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray *prhs[])
mxArray *copy1(NULL), *copy2(NULL), *copy0(NULL);
//(void) plhs; /* Unused parameter */
/* Check for proper number of input and output arguments */
if (nrhs != 1)
mexErrMsgTxt("One input argument required.");
if (nlhs > 1)
mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments.");
copy0 = const_cast<mxArray*>(prhs[0]); // ADDED
/* First make a regular deep copy of the input array */
copy1 = mxDuplicateArray(prhs[0]);
/* Then make a shared copy of the new array */
copy2 = mxCreateSharedDataCopy(copy1);
/* Print some information about the arrays */
// mexPrintf("Created shared data copy, and regular deep copy\n");
mexPrintf("prhs[0] = %X, mxGetPr = %X, value = %lf\n",prhs[0],mxGetPr(prhs[0]),*mxGetPr(prhs[0]));
mexPrintf("copy0 = %X, mxGetPr = %X, value = %lf\n",copy0,mxGetPr(copy0),*mxGetPr(copy0));
mexPrintf("copy1 = %X, mxGetPr = %X, value = %lf\n",copy1,mxGetPr(copy1),*mxGetPr(copy1));
mexPrintf("copy2 = %X, mxGetPr = %X, value = %lf\n",copy2,mxGetPr(copy2),*mxGetPr(copy2));
/* TEST: Destroy the first copy */
//copy1 = NULL;
//mexPrintf("\nFreed copy1\n");
/* RESULT: copy2 will still be valid */
//mexPrintf("copy2 = %X, mxGetPr = %X, value = %lf\n",copy2,mxGetPr(copy2),*mxGetPr(copy2));
if (nlhs>0) plhs[0] = mxCreateSharedDataCopy(prhs[0]);
//if (nlhs>0) plhs[0] = const_cast<mxArray*>(prhs[0]);

Calling mxDestroyArray on mxArray objects returned from Matlab Compiler Runtime

We've been interfacing with a library created from the Matlab Compiler. Our problem is related to an array returned from the library.
Once we're finished with the array, we'd like to free the memory, however, doing this causes occasional segmentation faults.
Here is the Matlab library (bugtest.m)::
function x = bugtest(y)
x = y.^2;
Here is the command we used to build it (creating, and libbugtest.h)::
mcc -v -W lib:libbugtest -T link:lib bugtest.m
Here is our C test program (bug_destroyarray.c)::
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mclmcrrt.h"
#include "libbugtest.h"
#define TESTS 15000
int main(int argc, char **argv)
const char *opts[] = {"-nojvm", "-singleCompThread"};
mclInitializeApplication(opts, 2);
mxArray *output;
mxArray *input;
double *data;
bool result;
int count;
for (count = 0; count < TESTS; count++) {
input = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(4, 1, mxREAL);
data = mxGetPr(input); data[0] = 0.5; data[1] = 0.2; data[2] = 0.2; data[3] = 0.1;
output = NULL;
result = mlfBugtest(1, &output, input);
if (result) {
Here is how we compile the C program (creating bug_destroyarray)::
mbuild -v bug_destroyarray.c
We believe that mxDestroyArray(output) is problematic.
We run the following to test crashing:
On each of the 32 cluster nodes.
Run bug_destroyarray.
Monitor output for segmentation faults.
Roughly 10% of the time there is a crash. If this is independent across nodes
then you might suppose it is crashing roughly 0.3% of the time.
When we take out that problematic line we are unable to cause it to crash.
However memory usage gradually increases when this line is not included.
From the research we've done, it seems we are not supposed to destroy the array returned, if not, how do we stop from leaking memory?
Okay, I know this is a little old now, but in case it helps clarify things for anyone passing by ...
Amro provides the most pertinent information, but to expand upon it, IF you don't call the mxDestroyArray function as things stand, then you WILL leak memory, because you've set output to NULL and so the mlf function won't try to call mxDestroyArray. The corollary of this is that if you've called mxDestroyArray AND then try to call the mlf function AND output is NOT NULL, then the mlf function WILL try to call mxDestroyArray on output. The question then is to what does output point? It's a bit of a dark corner what happens to output after passing it to mxDestroyArray. I'd say it's an unwarranted assumption that it's set to NULL; it's certainly not documented that mxDestroyArray sets its argument to NULL. Therefore, I suspect what is happening is that in between your call to mxDestroyArray and the code re-executing the mlf function, something else has been allocated the memory pointed to by output and so your mlf function tries to free memory belonging to something else. Voila, seg fault. And of course this will only happen if that memory has been reallocated. Sometimes you'll get lucky, sometimes not.
The golden rule is if you're calling mxDestroyArray yourself for something that is going to be re-used, set the pointer to NULL immediately afterwards. You only really need to destroy stuff at the end of your function anyway, because you can safely re-use output variables in mlf calls.
A few notes:
I don't see singleCompThread in the list of allowed options for mclInitializeApplication.
The recommended way to compile your C program is to dynamically link against the compiled library:
mbuild -v -I. bug_destroyarray.c -L. -lbugtest
At the top of your C program, just include the generated header file, it will include other headers in turn. From looking at the generated header, it has:
#pragma implementation "mclmcrrt.h"
#include "mclmcrrt.h"
I dont know the exact meaning of this pragma line, but maybe it matters with GCC compilers..
The fact that both mlx/mlf generated functions return booleans is undocumented. But looking at the header files, both signatures do indeed return a bool:
extern bool mlxBugtest(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, mxArray *prhs[]);
extern bool mlfBugtest(int nargout, mxArray** x, mxArray* y);
I tried your code and it works just fine with no segfaults. As I dont have access to a cluster of computers, my testing was only done on my local machine (WinXP with R2013a).
I had to remove both MCR initialization options for it to work (specifically the nojvm caused a runtime error). Below is the full code with slight modifications. It took around 10 seconds to run:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "libbugtest.h"
#define TESTS 15000
int main()
mxArray *output, *input;
double *data;
int count;
bool result;
if( !mclInitializeApplication(NULL,0) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize the application.\n");
if ( !libbugtestInitialize() ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize the library.\n");
for (count = 0; count < TESTS; count++) {
input = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(4, 1, mxREAL);
data = mxGetPr(input);
data[0] = 0.5; data[1] = 0.2; data[2] = 0.2; data[3] = 0.1;
output = NULL;
result = mlfBugtest(1, &output, input);
if (!result) {
fprintf(stderr, "call failed on count=%d\n", count);
mxDestroyArray(output); output = NULL;
mxDestroyArray(input); input = NULL;
Also the compilation step is a bit different on Windows, since we statically link against the import lib (which inserts a stub to dynamically load the DLL on runtime):
mbuild -v -I. bug_destroyarray.c libbugtest.lib
Thanks for the detailed reply Amro.
We tried changing our compilation steps to the recommended ones, with no success.
The following fixed our seg-faulting problem:
Do not set output = NULL at each iteration, instead do it once outside of the loop.
Do not call mxDestroyArray(output) inside the loop, reference: here.
Our misunderstanding was that (it seems) you are supposed to reuse mxArray pointers which you pass to MATLAB functions. It makes things slightly cumbersome on our side as we need to be careful reusing this pointer.
However, memory is completely stable, and we've not had a crash since.

realloc():invalid next size

so I have some code that works fine with small text files but crashes with larger ones. The point of the code is to take a file and a parameter n, parse through the code and save everything in a 2d array in chucks of size n. So buffer[0][0]through [0][n-1] should hold n characters, and buffer[1][0]through [1][n-1] should hold the next n chunk, and so on. My code works when the file only has a few words, but with a larger file I get an error saying realloc():invalid next size. Any ideas why? Here is my code.
void bsort(int n)
int numwords= 0;
int numlets=0;
char ** buffer=(char**)malloc(numwords*n);
while (!feof(stdin))
char l= getchar();
if (l!= EOF)
if (numlets%n==0)
printf("Allocation error!");
buffer[numwords-1]= (char*) malloc (n);
// printf("%c", buffer[numwords-1][numlets%n]);
int i,j;
for (i=0; i < numwords; i++)
for(j=0; j< n; j++)
It looks as if each time you get a character, you are reallocating your buffer. That seems a little off to me. Have you thought of allocating some space, doing a memset to \0, and just managing the current size and buffer size separately?
It may be that realloc is having issues with a pointer to nothing at first. If it fails after the first character input, you might be having issues with your first malloc(). Pre-allocating some space would solve that.
AFAIK, malloc(0) is not guaranteed to return a useful pointer you can realloc().
The documentation only guarantees that malloc(0) returns either null or a pointer that can safely be used to call free().

error messages when writing Mex files, problem with array output from functions?

I am more of a Matlab programmer, and have not used C in years! Now I have to write some code in C and have it called from Matlab via the mexFunction command. So far so good. But my code requires many function calls where both the argument and the return values are arrays. For this I am using pointer returns. But I have run into about a million difficulties, once one is fixed another is created.
example of the sort code is as follows (the actual code is massive)
#include "mex.h"
#include "math.h"
int Slength=95;
double innercfunction(double q,double y)
int i;
double X;
double *c1function(double q,double Sim[])
double *F12=malloc(Slength);
int i;
double vdummy,qdummy;
return F12;
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *prhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray *plhs[])
double *q=mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
double *Sim=mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
double *SS=c1function(q,Sim);
i save it as help_file.c and compile from THE MATLAB workspace as:
mex -g help_file.c
to which i get the following error:
help_file.c: In function ‘mexFunction’:
help_file.c:38: error: incompatible type for argument 1 of ‘c1function’
help_file.c:17: note: expected ‘double’ but argument is of type ‘double *’
i tried initially passing Sim[i] instead of vdummy, that did not work which is why I defined the dummy variable in the first place.
I imagine this is a trivial problem, but I would still appreciate peoples help on this.
The prototype of clfunction requires you to pass a scalar double as the first argument; you're passing a pointer-to-double q, hence the compiler error. Are you expecting prhs[0] to contain a scalar? If so, you could use q[0] to extract the value; or else, you could use mxGetScalar(prhs[0]) which returns a scalar-double ( ).
However, I'm not sure that fixing that would make your mex file work as expected. I would suggest taking some time to read the mex examples here:
In particular, your current mex file isn't going to produce any output arguments since you aren't assigning to the left-hand side plhs.