removing an entire subdocument mongodb - mongodb

This should be really easy but I cant seem to get it working;
I just need to remove a sub-document that I had accidentally run and introduced undesirable info in the sub-document.
I tried - db.test.remove({}, {dcoll10:{"$exists": true}, {multi: true}); but this didnt work.
Example of document and sub-doc (dcoll10) is given below;
"_id": "SSS",
"ts": { "$date": 1395927614611 },
"dcoll10": [
"_id": "SSS",
"type": "1813",
"gro": "0.1",
"_id": "SSS",
"type": "1813",
"gro": "0.1",
"assima" : [

It sounds like you want the $unset operator which is documented here:


MongoDB: $set specific fields for a document array elements only if not null

I have a collection with the following documents (for example):
"_id": {
"$oid": "61acefe999e03b9324czzzzz"
"matchId": {
"$oid": "61a392cc54e3752cc71zzzzz"
"logs": [
"actionType": "CREATE",
"data": {
"talent": {
"talentId": "qq",
"talentVersion": "2.10",
"firstName": "Joelle",
"lastName": "Doe",
"socialLinks": [
"type": "FACEBOOK",
"url": ""
"type": "LINKEDIN",
"url": ""
"webResults": [
"type": "VIDEO",
"date": "2021-11-28T14:31:40.728Z",
"link": "",
"title": "Et necessitatibus",
"platform": "Repellendus"
"createdBy": "DEVELOPER"
"actionType": "UPDATE",
"data": {
"talent": {
"firstName": "Joelle new",
"webResults": [
"type": "VIDEO",
"date": "2021-11-28T14:31:40.728Z",
"link": "",
"title": "Et necessitatibus",
"platform": "Repellendus"
"_id": {
"$oid": "61acefe999e03b9324caaaaa"
"matchId": {
"$oid": "61a392cc54e3752cc71zzzzz"
"logs": [....]
a brief breakdown: I have many objects like this one in the collection. they are a kind of an audit log for actions takes on other documents, 'Match(es)'. for example CREATE + the data, UPDATE + the data, etc.
As you can see, logs field of the document is an array of objects, each describing one of these actions.
data for each action may or may not contain specific fields, that in turn can also be an array of objects: socialLinks and webResults.
I'm trying to remove sensitive data from all of these documents with specified Match ids.
For each document, I want to go over the logs array field, and change the value of specific fields only if they exist, for example: change firstName to *****, same for lastName, if those appear. also, go over the socialLinks array if exists, and for each element inside it, if a field url exists, change it to ***** as well.
What I've tried so far are many minor variations for this query:
$set: {
'logs.$[].data.talent.socialLinks.$[].url': '*****',
'logs.$[].data.talent.webResults.$[].link': '*****',
'logs.$[].data.talent.webResults.$[].title': '*****',
'logs.$[].data.talent.firstName': '*****',
'logs.$[].data.talent.lastName': '*****',
and some play around with this kind of aggregation query:
$set: {
'talent.socialLinks.$[el].url': {
$cond: [{ $ne: ['el.url', null] },'*****', undefined],
resulting in errors like: message: "The path '' must exist in the document in order to apply array updates.",
But I just cant get it to work... :(
Would love an explanation on how to exactly achieve this kind of set-only-if-exists behaviour.
A working example would also be much appreciated, thx.
Would suggest using $\[<indentifier>\] (filtered positional operator) and arrayFilters to update the nested document(s) in the array field.
In arrayFilters, with $exists to check the existence of the certain document which matches the condition and to be updated.
$set: {
"logs.$[a].data.talent.socialLinks.$[].url": "*****",
"logs.$[b].data.talent.webResults.$[].link": "*****",
"logs.$[b].data.talent.webResults.$[].title": "*****",
"logs.$[c].data.talent.firstName": "*****",
"logs.$[d].data.talent.lastName": "*****",
arrayFilters: [
"": {
$exists: true
"": {
$exists: true
"": {
$exists: true
"": {
$exists: true
Sample Mongo Playground

MongoDB Query doesn't return with a sort

I have the query:
$or: [
{ _id: ObjectId("60b1e8dc9d0359001bb80441") },
{ _oid: ObjectId("60b1e8dc9d0359001bb80441") },
_id: 1,
which returns almost instantly.
But the moment I add a sort, the query doesn't return. The query just runs. The longest I could tolerate the query running was over 30 Min, so I'm not entirely sure if it does eventually return.
$or: [
{ _id: ObjectId("60b1e8dc9d0359001bb80441") },
{ _oid: ObjectId("60b1e8dc9d0359001bb80441") },
_id: 1,
.sort({ _id: -1 });
I have the following indexes:
"_oid" : 1
"_id" : 1
and this is what db.currentOp() returns:
"host": "xxxx:27017",
"desc": "conn387",
"connectionId": 387,
"client": "xxxx:55802",
"appName": "MongoDB Shell",
"clientMetadata": {
"application": {
"name": "MongoDB Shell"
"driver": {
"name": "MongoDB Internal Client",
"version": "4.0.5-18-g7e327a9017"
"os": {
"type": "Linux",
"name": "Ubuntu",
"architecture": "x86_64",
"version": "20.04"
"active": true,
"currentOpTime": "2021-09-24T15:26:54.286+0200",
"opid": 71111,
"secs_running": NumberLong(23),
"microsecs_running": NumberLong(23860504),
"op": "query",
"ns": "myDB.changes",
"command": {
"find": "changes",
"filter": {
"$or": [
"_id": ObjectId("60b1e8dc9d0359001bb80441")
"_oid": ObjectId("60b1e8dc9d0359001bb80441")
"sort": {
"_id": -1.0
"projection": {
"_id": 1.0
"lsid": {
"id": UUID("38c4c09b-d740-4e44-a5a5-b17e0e04f776")
"$readPreference": {
"mode": "secondaryPreferred"
"$db": "myDB"
"numYields": 1346,
"locks": {
"Global": "r",
"Database": "r",
"Collection": "r"
"waitingForLock": false,
"lockStats": {
"Global": {
"acquireCount": {
"r": NumberLong(2694)
"Database": {
"acquireCount": {
"r": NumberLong(1347)
"Collection": {
"acquireCount": {
"r": NumberLong(1347)
This wasn't always a problem, it's only recently started. I've also rebuilt the indexes, and nothing seems to work. I've tried using .explain(), and that also doesn't return.
Any suggestions would be welcome. For my situation, it's going to be much easier to make changes to the DB than it is to change the query.
This is happening due to the way Mongo chooses what's called a "winning plan", I recommend you read more on this in my other answer which explains this behavior. However it is interesting to see if the Mongo team will consider this specific behavior a feature or a bug.
Basically the $or operator has some special qualities, as specified:
When evaluating the clauses in the $or expression, MongoDB either performs a collection scan or, if all the clauses are supported by indexes, MongoDB performs index scans. That is, for MongoDB to use indexes to evaluate an $or expression, all the clauses in the $or expression must be supported by indexes. Otherwise, MongoDB will perform a collection scan.
It seems that the addition of the sort is disrupting the usage this quality, meaning you're running a collection scan all of a sudden.
What I recommend you do is use the aggregation pipeline instead of the query language, I personally find it has more stable behavior and it might work there. If not maybe just do the sorting in code ..
The server can use a separate index for each branch of the $or, but in order to avoid doing an in-memory sort the indexes used would have to find the documents in the sort order so a merge-sort can be used instead.
For this query, an index on {_id:1} would find documents matching the first branch, and return them in the proper order. For the second branch, and index on {oid:1, _id:1} would do the same.
If you have both of those indexes, the server should be able to find the matching documents quickly, and return them without needing to perform an explicit sort.

Unable to search for a specific date inside mongodb using MongoDB Compass

I have the following document entry:
"_id": {
"$oid": "5f0f876df0127d7d1612139c"
"stream": [{
"$numberLong": "1594638000000"
}, 8213.9, 8224, 8213.8, 8224, 18.1126896],
"asset": "BTC/EUR",
"timeframe": "5m",
"date": {
"$date": "2020-07-13T11:00:00.000Z"
"__v": 0
No matter what I have tried, I'm not able to return this specific entry when I search for the date.
I tried:
{"date":{"$date":new Date("2020-07-13T10:55:00.000+00:00")}}
No success.
The correct query was:
Also there is some nasty bug in Compass.

MongoDB, remove nested doc in an array

I have the following structure in MongoDB and I try to remove the documents that contains specific tags. I can't seem to be able to get the $pull work.
In this example, I would like to pull the nested doc that has has tags :["BB"]
Any help will be appreciated !
"_id": 123,
"socialItems": {
"facebook": [{
"name": "firstFacebook",
"id": 2
}, {
"name": "secondFB",
"id": 43
"instagram": [{
"name": "firstNstagram",
"id": 4
"pc": [{
"name": "firstPC",
"id": 55,
"tags": [
}, {
"name": "secondPC",
"id": 66,
"tags": [
I assume you are trying to drop the nested 'pc' doc, from the array? You also don't mention if you're using a specific driver for this, so I've assumed you're running this in the Mongo shell.
The following will remove documents from the 'pc' property, when containing the 'BB' tag.
db.collectionName.update({'socialItems.pc.tags': 'BB'}, {$pull: {'socialItems.pc': {tags: 'BB'}}})

Find specific mongoldb document from nested array

This is my document in MongoDB:
"_id": {
"$oid": "566193b0c9b5290f234242"
"name": "fake-name-1",
"profiles": [
"real-name": "fake-name-1",
"color": "fake-color-1"
"real-name": "fake-name-2",
"color": "fake-color-2",
"active": true
"real-name": "fake-name-3",
"color": "fake-color-3"
I'm real newbie to MondoDb, and are trying to find the document where profiles contains a real-name with "MArtin43221" and active = true.
How do I create a search query for this?
I've tried:
{"profiles": ["real-name":"MArtin43221", "active":true]}
Try elemMatch:
db.collection.find({"profiles": {$elemMatch:{"real-name":"MArtin43221", "active":true}}})