Does Firebird have scalability problems in the single-digit GB range? - firebird

I'm working on setting up a project with another developer, a very experienced and capable coder whose skill and competence are not in question. Recently I sent him a demo of some work I had done, and he seemed a bit surprised that I had chosen a Firebird database. The conversation went something like this:
Him: Why did you pick Firebird? SQLite would be faster.
Me: SQLite is embedded only, and it doesn't scale well. Plus it's missing a lot of features, including stored proc support.
Him: Firebird has scalability problems too, when your database size gets beyond the amount of RAM available.
Me: What do you mean?
Him (direct quote from his email): Massive slowdowns. Apparently when the indexes + data don't fit RAM (physical RAM, not virtual RAM), it enters a "slow mode" of sorts, we've been able to alleviate it to some extent by increasing the memory usage values of FireBird conf, but then there is a risk of sudden "out of memory" failure if for some reason it can't acquire the memory (as contrarily to MSSQL or MySQL f.i., FireBird doesn't reserve the physical RAM at startup, only progressively). Also somewhere above 8 GB the slowdowns seem to stay regardless of memory, even on 24 GB machines. So we progressively migrate those to Oracle / MSSQL.
Now as I said, this is a very smart, capable developer. But on the other hand, we have the Firebird website's claim that people are using it in production for databases over 11 TB in size, which should be so impractical as to be impossible, for all intents and purposes, if what he says is true.
So I have to wonder, does this problem really exist in Firebird, or is he overlooking something, perhaps some configuration option he's not aware of? Is anyone familiar with the issue he's describing?

As I commented earlier, what the other developer describes could be attributed to a bug that surfaces in a combination between the Windows filesystem cache on Windows 64 bit and the fact that Firebird read its database file(s) with FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS. For some reason this would cause the filesystem cache to not release pages from its cache, causing it to grow potentially beyond the available physical memory (and eventually might even grow beyond the available virtual memory), see this blog post for details. This issue has been fixed in Firebird 2.1.5 and 2.5.2 with CORE-3971.
The case studies on list several examples of databases in tens or hundreds or gigabytes, and they don't seem to suffer from performance problems.
A company that offers Firebird recovery and performance optimization services did a test with a 1 terabyte database a while back. That page also lists three examples of relatively large Firebird databases.
Disclosure: I develop a database driver for Firebird, so I am probably a bit biased ;)


What does "mostly-memory" mean?

ArangoDB describus itself as a "mostly-memory" database, but I am not clear on the implications. The FAQ gives very little detail:
ArangoDB is a “mostly memory” database, which means that it
appreciates RAM very much and is most performing when it is not forced
to swap data to the hard disk.
I am looking at running ArangoDB on a Raspberry Pi to serve two or three users. What are the implications of "mostly-memory" in such a context?
If it is unplugged for some reason will I lose data?
It's mostly working in memory, but is also doing some work on disks.
More precisely, it works with memory-mapped files, so all the operations will eventually be saved to disk (or equivalent long-term storage), but because it doesn't wait (by default) for the persistence to disk to happen, it can benefit in performance from this.
The implications is that if you use this default you get better performance than you might expect otherwise, but if something brings it down before the save has happened (especially a sudden power failure) then you could lose data or have a corrupt database.
If you configure a collection for immediate synchronisation you protect against this, but the performance is affected.

Key Value storage without a file system?

I am working on an application, where we are writing lots and lots of key value pairs. On production the database size will run into hundreds of Terabytes, even multiple Petabytes. The keys are 20 bytes and the value is maximum 128 KB, and very rarely smaller than 4 KB. Right now we are using MongoDB. The performance is not very good, because obviously there is a lot of overhead going on here. MongoDB writes to the file system, which writes to the LVM, which further writes to a RAID 6 array.
Since our requirement is very basic, I think using a general purpose database system is hitting the performance. I was thinking of implementing a simple database system, where we could put the documents (or 'values') directly to the raw drive (actually the RAID array), and store the keys (and a pointer to where the value lives on the raw drive) in a fast in-memory database backed by an SSD. This will also speed-up the reads, as all there would not be no fragmentation (as opposed to using a filesystem.)
Although a document is rarely deleted, we would still have to maintain a pool of free space available on the device (something that the filesystem would have provided).
My question is, will this really provide any significant improvements? Also, are there any document storage systems that do something like this? Or anything similar, that we can use as a starting poing?
Apache Cassandra jumps to mind. It's the current elect NoSQL solution where massive scaling is concerned. It sees production usage at several large companies with massive scaling requirements. Having worked a little with it, I can say that it requires a little bit of time to rethink your data model to fit how it arranges its storage engine. The famously citied article "WTF is a supercolumn" gives a sound introduction to this. Caveat: Cassandra really only makes sense when you plan on storing huge datasets and distribution with no single point of failure is a mission critical requirement. With the way you've explained your data, it sounds like a fit.
Also, have you looked into redis at all, at least for saving key references? Your memory requirements far outstrip what a single instance would be able to handle but Redis can also be configured to shard. It isn't its primary use case but it sees production use at both Craigslist and Groupon
Also, have you done everything possible to optimize mongo, especially investigating how you could improve indexing? Mongo does save out to disk, but should be relatively performant when optimized to keep the hottest portion of the set in memory if able.
Is it possible to cache this data if its not too transient?
I would totally caution you against rolling your own with this. Just a fair warning. That's not a knock at you or anyone else, its just that I've personally had to maintain custom "data indexes" written by in house developers who got in way over their heads before. At my job we have a massive on disk key-value store that is a major performance bottleneck in our system that was written by a developer who has since separated from the company. It's frustrating to be stuck such a solution among the exciting NoSQL opportunities of today. Projects like the ones I cited above take advantage of the whole strength of the open source community to proof and optimize their use. That isn't something you will be able to attain working on your own solution unless you make a massive investment of time, effort and promotion. At the very least I'd encourage you to look at all your nosql options and maybe find a project you can contribute to rather than rolling your own. Writing a database server itself is definitely a nontrivial task that needs a huge team, especially with the requirements you've given (but should you end up doing so, I wish you luck! =) )
Late answer, but for future reference I think Spider does this

MongoDB consumes a lot of memory

For more than a month is my war with mongoDB. Until I lose =] ...
Battle 1. Battle 2.
And now a new problem. Again, not enough memory.
Initially, this was solved by simply increasing the memory at a rate of VPS. Then journal = false. But now I got to the top of your plan and continue to increase the memory is not possible.
For my base are lacking 4 GB of memory.
How should I choose a database for the project, was nowhere written that there are so many mongoDB memory. With about 10 million records in the mongoDB missing 4 GB of memory, when my MySQL database with 10 million easily copes with 1.4 GB of memory.
The problem as I understand it, a large number of index fields. But since I can not log into the database, respectively, can not remove them. They needed me in the early stages of development, now they are not important to me.
Tell me please, can I remove them somehow?
There is a dump of the database is completely whole folder database / data / db
On my PC with 4 GB of memory database does not start on a VPS with 4GB same.
As an alternative, I think to take a test period at some VPS / VDS to run mongo and delete keys.
Do you know a web hosting with a test period and 6 GB of memory?
Or if there is an alternative, could you say what?
The issues has very little to do with the size of your data set. MongoDB uses memory mapped files for its storage engine. As such it'll start swapping in pages of hot data into memory when it can and it does so fairly aggressively (or more accurately, the OS memory management does).
Basically it uses as much memory as is available to it and there's very little you can do to avoid it. All data pages (be it actual data or indexes) that are accessed during operation will be swapped into memory if there is space available.
There are plenty of references to this on the internet and on by the way. Saying it isn't mentioned anywhere isn't really true.

Has anyone used an object database with a large amount of data?

Object databases like MongoDB and db4o are getting lots of publicity lately. Everyone that plays with them seems to love it. I'm guessing that they are dealing with about 640K of data in their sample apps.
Has anyone tried to use an object database with a large amount of data (say, 50GB or more)? Are you able to still execute complex queries against it (like from a search screen)? How does it compare to your usual relational database of choice?
I'm just curious. I want to take the object database plunge, but I need to know if it'll work on something more than a sample app.
Someone just went into production with a 12 terabytes of data in MongoDB. The largest I knew of before that was 1 TB. Lots of people are keeping really large amounts of data in Mongo.
It's important to remember that Mongo works a lot like a relational database: you need the right indexes to get good performance. You can use explain() on queries and contact the user list for help with this.
When I started db4o back in 2000 I didn't have huge databases in mind. The key goal was to store any complex object very simply with one line of code and to do that good and fast with low ressource consumption, so it can run embedded and on mobile devices.
Over time we had many users that used db4o for webapps and with quite large amounts of data, going close to todays maximum database file size of 256GB (with a configured block size of 127 bytes). So to answer your question: Yes, db4o will work with 50GB, but you shouldn't plan to use it for terabytes of data (unless you can nicely split your data over multiple db4o databases, the setup costs for a single database are negligible, you can just call #openFile() )
db4o was acquired by Versant in 2008, because it's capabilites (embedded, low ressource-consumption, lightweight) make it a great complimentary product to Versant's high-end object database VOD. VOD scales for huge amounts of data and it does so much better than relational databases. I think it will merely chuckle over 50GB.
MongoDB powers SourceForge, The New York Times, and several other large databases...
You should read the MongoDB use cases. People who are just playing with technology are often just looking at how does this work and are not at the point where they can understand the limitations. For the right sorts of datasets and access patterns 50GB is nothing for MongoDB running on the right hardware.
These non-relational systems look at the trade-offs which RDBMs made, and changed them a bit. Consistency is not as important as other things in some situations so these solutions let you trade that off for something else. The trade-off is still relatively minor ms or maybe secs in some situations.
It is worth reading about the CAP theorem too.
I was looking at moving the API I have for sure with the stack overflow iphone app I wrote a while back to MongoDB from where it currently sits in a MySQL database. In raw form the SO CC dump is in the multi-gigabyte range and the way I constructed the documents for MongoDB resulted in a 10G+ database. It is arguable that I didn't construct the documents well but I didn't want to spend a ton of time doing this.
One of the very first things you will run into if you start down this path is the lack of 32 bit support. Of course everything is moving to 64 bit now but just something to keep in mind. I don't think any of the major document databases support paging in 32 bit mode and that is understandable from a code complexity standpoint.
To test what I wanted to do I used a 64 bit instance EC2 node. The second thing I ran into is that even though this machine had 7G of memory when the physical memory was exhausted things went from fast to not so fast. I'm not sure I didn't have something set up incorrectly at this point because the non-support of 32 bit system killed what I wanted to use it for but I still wanted to see what it looked like. Loading the same data dump into MySQL takes about 2 minutes on a much less powerful box but the script I used to load the two database works differently so I can't make a good comparison. Running only a subset of the data into MongoDB was much faster as long as it resulted in a database that was less than 7G.
I think my take away from it was that large databases will work just fine but you may have to think about how the data is structured more than you would with a traditional database if you want to maintain the high performance. I see a lot of people using MongoDB for logging and I can imagine that a lot of those databases are massive but at the same time they may not be doing a lot of random access so that may mask what performance would look like for more traditional applications.
A recent resource that might be helpful is the visual guide to nosql systems. There are a decent number of choices outside of MongoDB. I have used Redis as well although not with as large of a database.
Here's some benchmarks on db4o:
I think it ultimately depends on a lot of factors, including the complexity of the data, but db4o seems to certainly hang with the best of them.
Perhaps worth a mention.
The European Space Agency's Planck mission is running on the Versant Object Database.
It is a satelite with 74 onboard sensors launched last year which is mapping the infrarred spectrum of the universe and storing the information in a map segment model. It has been getting a ton of hype these days because of it's producing some of the coolest images ever seen of the universe.
Anyway, it has generated 25T of information stored in Versant and replicated across 3 continents. When the mission is complete next year, it will be a total of 50T
Probably also worth noting, object databases tend to be a lot smaller to hold the same information. It is because they are truly normalized, no data duplication for joins, no empty wasted column space and few indexes rather than 100's of them. You can find public information about testing ESA did to consider storage in multi-column relational database format -vs- using a proper object model and storing in the Versant object database. THey found they could save 75% disk space by using Versant.
Here is the implementation:
Here they talk about 3T -vs- 12T found in the testing
Also ... there are benchmarks which show Versant orders of magnitude faster on the analysis side of the mission.

Configuration Recommendations for a PostgreSQL Installation

I have a Windows Server 2003 machine which I will be using as a Postgres database server, the machine is a Dual Core 3.0Ghz Xeon with 4 GB ECC Memory and 4 x 120GB 10K RPM SAS Drives, all stripped.
I have read that the default Postgres install is configured to run nicely on a 486 with 32MB RAM, and I have read several web pages about configuration optimizations - but was hoping for something more concrete from my Stackoverflow peeps.
Generally, its only going to serve 1 database (potentially one or two more) but the catch is that the database has 1 table in particular which is massive (hundreds of millions of records with only a few coloumn). Presently, with the default configuration, it's not slow, but I think it could potentially be even faster.
Can people please give me some guidance and recomendations for configuration settings which you would use for a server such as this.
4*stripped drive was a bad idea — if any of this drives will fail then you'll loose all data, and even SAS drives sometimes fail — with 4 drivers it is 4 times more likely than with 1 drive; you should go for RAID 1+0.
Use the latest version of Postgres, 8.3.7 now; there are many performance improvements in every major version.
Set shared_buffers parameter in postgresql.conf to about 1/4 of your memory.
Set effective_cache_size to about 1/2 of your memory.
Set checkpoint_segments to about 32 (checkpoint every 512MB) and checkpoint_completion_target to about 0.8.
Set default_statistics_target to about 100.
Migrate to Enterprise Linux or FreeBSD: Postgres works much better on Unix type systems — Windows support is a recent addition, not very mature.
You can read more on this page: Tuning Your PostgreSQL Server — PostgreSQL Wiki
My experience suggests that (within limits) the hardware is typically the least important factor in database performance.
Assuming that you have enough memory to keep commonly used data in cache, then your CPU speed may vary 10-50% between a top-of the line machine and a common or garden box.
However, a missing index in an important search, or a poorly written recursive trigger could easily make a difference of 1,000% or 10,000% or more in your response times.
Without knowing exactly your table structure and row counts, I think anybody would suggest that your your hardware looks amply sufficient. It is only your database structure which will kill you. :)
Without knowing the specific queries and your index details, there's not much more we can do. And in general, even knowing the queries, it's often very difficult to optimize without actually installing and running the queries with realistic data sets.
Given the cost of the server, and the cost of your time, I think you need to invest thirty bucks in a book. Then install your database with test data, run the queries, and see what runs well and what runs badly. Fix, rinse, and repeat.
Both of these books are specific to SQL Server and both have high ratings: