Query for field in subdocument - mongodb

An example of the schema i have;
{ "_id" : 1234,
“dealershipName”: “Eric’s Mongo Cars”,
“cars”: [
{“year”: 2013,
“make”: “10gen”,
“model”: “MongoCar”,
“vin”: 3928056,
“mechanicNotes”: “Runs great!”},
{“year”: 1985,
“make”: “DeLorean”,
“model”: “DMC-12”,
“vin”: 8056309,
“mechanicNotes”: “Great Scott!”}
I wish to query and return only the value "vin" in "_id : 1234". Any suggestion is much appreciated.

You can use the field selection parameter with dot notation to constrain the output to just the desired field:
db.test.find({_id: 1234}, {_id: 0, 'cars.vin': 1})
"cars" : [
"vin" : 3928056
"vin" : 8056309
Or if you just want an array of vin values you can use aggregate:
// Find the matching doc
{$match: {_id: 1234}},
// Duplicate it, once per cars element
{$unwind: '$cars'},
// Group it back together, adding each cars.vin value as an element of a vin array
{$group: {_id: '$_id', vin: {$push: '$cars.vin'}}},
// Only include the vin field in the output
{$project: {_id: 0, vin: 1}}
"result" : [
"vin" : [
"ok" : 1

If by query, you mean get the values of the vins in javascript, you could read the json into a string called theString (or any other name) and do something like:
var f = [], obj = JSON.parse(theString);
obj.cars.forEach(function(item) { f.push(item.vin) });
If your json above is part of a larger collection, then you'd need an outer loop.


How to store a list of values from mongo subdocument

I have a collection with documents like this
"_id" : ObjectId("59de9454e4b03289d79eeab4"),
"type" : "Draft",
"payload" : [
"_id" : "ABC",
"_id" :"DEF",
how should i store the _Id values in a variable like
result: ["ABC","DEF"]
I tried a query like this, but is not working
var result = []
db.request.find({"_id" : ObjectId("59de9454e4b03289d79eeab4")}).forEach(function(u) { result.push(u.headers.payload._id) })
Your input doc is a tad malformed but if payload is a single field subfield of headers i.e. it is not an array, and you want to do a $match or otherwise filter the material before you extract the _id values and you want all the _id values (not a distinct set) and returned neatly in a field called result then this does the trick:
{$match: {"_id": 1}}
,{$project: {result: {$map: {
input: "$headers.payload",
as: "z",
in: "$$z._id"

Select data where the range between two different fields contains a given number

I want to make a find query on my database for documents that have an input value between or equal to these 2 fields, LOC_CEP_INI and LOC_CEP_FIM
Example: user input a number to the system with value : 69923994, then I use this input to search my database for all documents that have this value between the range of the fields LOC_CEP_INI and LOC_CEP_FIM.
One of my documents (in this example this document is selected by the query because the input is inside the range):
"_id" : ObjectId("570d57de457405a61b183ac6"),
"LOC_CEP_FIM" : 69923999, //this field is number
"LOC_CEP_INI" : 69900001, // this field is number
"LOC_NU" : "00000016",
"MUN_NU" : "1200401",
"UFE_SG" : "AC",
"create_date" : ISODate("2016-04-12T20:17:34.397Z"),
"__v" : 0
db.collection.find( { field: { $gt: value1, $lt: value2 } } );
refer this mongo provide range facility with $gt and $lt .
You have to invert your field names and query value.
LOC_CEP_INI: {$gte: 69923997},
LOC_CEP_FIM: {$lte: 69923997}
For your query example to work, you would need your documents to hold an array property, and that each item in this prop hold a 69923997 prop. Mongo would then check that this 69923997 prop has a value that is both between "LOC_CEP_INI" and "LOC_CEP_FIM" for each item in your array prop.
Also I'm not sure whether you want LOC_CEP_INI <= 69923997 <= LOC_CEP_FIM or the contrary, so you might need to switch the $gte and $lte conditions.
db.zipcodes.find( {
"LOC_CEP_INI": { "$lte": 69900002 },
"LOC_CEP_FIM": { "$gte": 69900002 } })
Here is the logic use it as per the need:
{ "$match": { _id: ObjectId(session._id)}},
{ $project: {
checkout_list: {
$filter: {
input: "$checkout_list",
as: "checkout_list",
cond: {
$and: [
{ $gte: [ "$$checkout_list.createdAt", new Date(date1) ] },
{ $lt: [ "$$checkout_list.createdAt", new Date(date2) ] }
Here i use filter, because of some reason data query on nested data is not gets succeed in mongodb

Most frequent word in MongoDB collection

I got a MongoDB collection where each entry has a product field containing a string array. What i would like to do is find the most frequent word in the whole collection. Any ideas on how to do that ?
Here is a sample object:
"_id" : ObjectId("55e02d333b88f425f84191af"),
"product" : [
" x bla y "
"hash_key" : "ecfe355b2f45dfbaf361cff4d314d4cc",
"price" : [
"image" : "image_url"
Looking at the sample object, what I would like to do is count "x", "bla" and "y" singularly.
I recently had to do something similar. I had a collection of objects and each object had a list of keywords. To count the frequency of each keyword, I used the following aggregation pipeline, which uses the MongoDB version 4.4 $accumulator group operation.
{$match: {available: true}}, // Some criteria to filter the documents
{ _id: 0, keywords: 1}}, // Only keep keywords
{_id: null, keywords: // Accumulate keywords into one array
{$accumulator: {
init: function(){return new Array()},
accumulate: function(state, value){return state.concat(value)},
accumulateArgs: ["$keywords"],
merge: function(state1, state2){return state1.concat(state2)},
lang: "js"}}}},
{$unwind: "$keywords"}, // Split array into fields
{$group: {_id: "$keywords", freq: {$sum: 1}}}, // Group keywords and count frequencies
{$sort: {freq: -1}}, // Sort in reverse order
{$limit: 5} // Take first five
I have no idea if this is the most efficient solution. However, it solved the problem for me.

how to use mongodb aggregate and retrieve entire documents

I am seriously baffled by mongodb's aggregate function. All I want is to find the newest document in my collection. Let's say each record has a field "created"
$group: {
yields the correct result, but I want the entire document in the result? How would I do that?
This is the structure of the document:
"_id" : ObjectId("52310da847cf343c8c000093"),
"created" : 1389073358,
"image" : ObjectId("52cb93dd47cf348786d63af2"),
"images" : [
"organization" : ObjectId("522949d347cf3402c3000001"),
"published" : 1392601521,
"status" : "PUBLISHED",
"tags" : [ ],
"updated" : 1392601521,
"user_id" : ObjectId("52214ce847cf344902000000")
In the documentation i found that the $$ROOT expression addresses this problem.
From the DOC:
query = [
'$sort': {
'created': -1
$group: {
$group: {
'otherFields':{ $push: { fields: $ROOT } }
I think I figured it out. For example, I have a collection containing an array of images (or pointers). Now I want to find the document with the most images
{$unwind: "$images"},
{$group:{_id:"$_id", 'imagecount':{$sum:1}}},
{$group:{_id:"$_id",'max':{$max: "$imagecount"}}},
now the final array will contain the document with the most images. Since images is an array, I use $unwind, I then group by document id and $sum:1, pipe that into a $group that finds the max, pipe it into reverse $sort for max and $group out the first result. Finally I fetchOne the document and push it into the results array.
You should be using db.collection.find() rather than db.collection.aggregate():

How to remove duplicate entries from an array?

In the following example, "Algorithms in C++" is present twice.
The $unset modifier can remove a particular field but how to remove an entry from a field?
"_id" : ObjectId("4f6cd3c47156522f4f45b26f"),
"favorites" : {
"books" : [
"Algorithms in C++",
"The Art of Computer Programming",
"Graph Theory",
"Algorithms in C++"
"name" : "robert"
As of MongoDB 2.2 you can use the aggregation framework with an $unwind, $group and $project stage to achieve this:
db.users.aggregate([{$unwind: '$favorites.books'},
{$group: {_id: '$_id',
books: {$addToSet: '$favorites.books'},
name: {$first: '$name'}}},
{$project: {'favorites.books': '$books', name: '$name'}}
Note the need for the $project to rename the favorites field, since $group aggregate fields cannot be nested.
The easiest solution is to use setUnion (Mongo 2.6+):
{'$addFields': {'favorites.books': {'$setUnion': ['$favorites.books', []]}}}
Another (more lengthy) version that is based on the idea from #kynan's answer, but preserves all the other fields without explicitly specifying them (Mongo 3.4+):
> db.users.aggregate([
{'$unwind': {
'path': '$favorites.books',
// output the document even if its list of books is empty
'preserveNullAndEmptyArrays': true
{'$group': {
'_id': '$_id',
'books': {'$addToSet': '$favorites.books'},
// arbitrary name that doesn't exist on any document
'_other_fields': {'$first': '$$ROOT'},
// the field, in the resulting document, has the value from the last document merged for the field. (c) docs
// so the new deduped array value will be used
'$replaceRoot': {'newRoot': {'$mergeObjects': ['$_other_fields', "$$ROOT"]}}
// this stage wouldn't be necessary if the field wasn't nested
{'$addFields': {'favorites.books': '$books'}},
{'$project': {'_other_fields': 0, 'books': 0}}
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4f6cd3c47156522f4f45b26f"), "name" : "robert", "favorites" :
{ "books" : [ "The Art of Computer Programmning", "Graph Theory", "Algorithms in C++" ] } }
What you have to do is use map reduce to detect and count duplicate tags .. then use $set to replace the entire books based on { "_id" : ObjectId("4f6cd3c47156522f4f45b26f"),
This has been discussed sevel times here .. please seee
Removing duplicate records using MapReduce
Fast way to find duplicates on indexed column in mongodb
How to remove duplicate record in MongoDB by MapReduce?
function unique(arr) {
var hash = {}, result = [];
for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; ++i) {
if (!hash.hasOwnProperty(arr[i])) {
hash[arr[i]] = true;
return result;
db.collection.find({}).forEach(function (doc) {
db.collection.update({ _id: doc._id }, { $set: { "favorites.books": unique(doc.favorites.books) } });
Starting in Mongo 4.4, the $function aggregation operator allows applying a custom javascript function to implement behaviour not supported by the MongoDB Query Language.
For instance, in order to remove duplicates from an array:
// {
// "favorites" : { "books" : [
// "Algorithms in C++",
// "The Art of Computer Programming",
// "Graph Theory",
// "Algorithms in C++"
// ]},
// "name" : "robert"
// }
{ $set:
{ "favorites.books":
{ $function: {
body: function(books) { return books.filter((v, i, a) => a.indexOf(v) === i) },
args: ["$favorites.books"],
lang: "js"
// {
// "favorites" : { "books" : [
// "Algorithms in C++",
// "The Art of Computer Programming",
// "Graph Theory"
// ]},
// "name" : "robert"
// }
This has the advantages of:
keeping the original order of the array (if that's not a requirement, then prefer #Dennis Golomazov's $setUnion answer)
being more efficient than a combination of expensive $unwind and $group stages.
$function takes 3 parameters:
body, which is the function to apply, whose parameter is the array to modify.
args, which contains the fields from the record that the body function takes as parameter. In our case "$favorites.books".
lang, which is the language in which the body function is written. Only js is currently available.