singular value decomposition and low rank tensorial approximation - matlab

according this article
matrix can be approximated by one rank matrices using tensorial approximation,i know that in matlab kronecker product plays same role as tensorial product,function is kron,now let us suppose that we have following matrix
a=[2 1 3;4 3 5]
a =
2 1 3
4 3 5
SVD of this matrix is
[U E V]=svd(a)
U =
-0.4641 -0.8858
-0.8858 0.4641
E =
7.9764 0 0
0 0.6142 0
V =
-0.5606 0.1382 -0.8165
-0.3913 0.8247 0.4082
-0.7298 -0.5484 0.4082
please help me to implement algorithm with using tensorial approximation reconstructs original matrix in matlab languages,how can i apply tensorial product?like this
or?thanks in advance

I'm not quite sure about the Tensorial interpretation but the closest rank-1 approximation to the matrix is essentially the outer-product of the two dominant singular vectors amplified by the singular value.
In simple words, if [U E V] = svd(X), then the closest rank-1 approximation to X is the outer-product of the first singular vectors multiplied by the first singular value.
In MATLAB, you could do this as:
Which yields:
ans =
2.0752 1.4487 2.7017
3.9606 2.7649 5.1563
Also, mathematically speaking, the kronecker product of a row vector and a column vector is essentially their outer product. So, you could do the same thing using Kronecker products as:
Which yields the same answer.


What does the operation A'\B' do if A and B are both row vectors of the same size?

[1 2 1]'\[1 2 3]' This is a numerical example. This example gives an answer of 1.333
From the documentation:
x = A\B
If A is a rectangular m-by-n matrix with m ~= n, and B is a matrix with m rows, then A\B returns a least-squares solution to the system of equations A*x= B.
Furthermore the ' compute the conjugate transposed of a matrix. In your case you have two real matrices so you just get the transposed each time.

Perform LU decomposition without pivoting in MATLAB

How can I implement the function lu(A) in MATLAB so that L*U is directly A and I also get the real L matrix?
When I use [L,U] = lu(A), MATLAB doesn't give me the right L matrix. When I use [L,U,P] = lu(A), I need to implement P*A = L*U, but I only want to multiply L*U to receive A.
MATLAB's lu always performs pivoting by default. If you had for example a diagonal coefficient that was equal to 0 when you tried to do the conventional LU decomposition algorithm, it will not work as the diagonal coefficients are required when performing the Gaussian elimination to create the upper triangular matrix U so you would get a divide by zero error. Pivoting is required to ensure that the decomposition is stable.
However, if you can guarantee that the diagonal coefficients of your matrix are non-zero, it is very simple but you will have to write this on your own. All you have to do is perform Gaussian elimination on the matrix and reduce the matrix into reduced echelon form. The result reduced echelon form matrix is U while the coefficients required to remove the lower triangular part of L in Gaussian elimination would be placed in the lower triangular half to make U.
Something like this could work, assuming your matrix is stored in A. Remember that I'm assuming a square matrix here. The implementation of the non-pivoting LU decomposition algorithm is placed in a MATLAB function file called lu_nopivot:
function [L, U] = lu_nopivot(A)
n = size(A, 1); % Obtain number of rows (should equal number of columns)
L = eye(n); % Start L off as identity and populate the lower triangular half slowly
for k = 1 : n
% For each row k, access columns from k+1 to the end and divide by
% the diagonal coefficient at A(k ,k)
L(k + 1 : n, k) = A(k + 1 : n, k) / A(k, k);
% For each row k+1 to the end, perform Gaussian elimination
% In the end, A will contain U
for l = k + 1 : n
A(l, :) = A(l, :) - L(l, k) * A(k, :);
U = A;
As a running example, suppose we have the following 3 x 3 matrix:
>> rng(123)
>> A = randi(10, 3, 3)
A =
7 6 10
3 8 7
3 5 5
Running the algorithm gives us:
>> [L,U] = lu_nopivot(A)
L =
1.0000 0 0
0.4286 1.0000 0
0.4286 0.4474 1.0000
U =
7.0000 6.0000 10.0000
0 5.4286 2.7143
0 0 -0.5000
Multiplying L and U together gives:
>> L*U
ans =
7 6 10
3 8 7
3 5 5
... which is the original matrix A.
You could use this hack (though as already mentioned, you might lose numerical stability):
[L, U] = lu(sparse(A), 0)
You might want to consider doing LDU decomposition instead of unpivoted LU. See, LU without pivoting is numerically unstable - even for matrices that are full rank and invertible. The simple algorithm provided above shows why - there is division by each diagonal element of the matrix involved. Thus, if there is a zero anywhere on the diagonal, decomposition fails, even though the matrix could still be non-singular.
Wikipedia talks a little about LDU decomposition here:
without citing an algorithm. It cites the following textbook for proof of existence:
Horn, Roger A.; Johnson, Charles R. (1985), Matrix Analysis, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-38632-6. See Section 3.5.
LDU is guaranteed to exist (at least for an invertible matrix), it is numerically stable, and it is also unique (provided that both L and U are constrained to have unit elements on the diagonal).
Then, if for any reason "D" gets in your way, you can absorb the diagonal matrix D into either L (L:=LD) or U (U:=DU), or split it symmetrically between L and U (such as L:=L*sqrt(D) and U:=sqrt(D)*U), or however you want to do it. There is an infinite number of ways to split LDU into LU, and this is why LU decomposition is not unique.

Recovering original matrix from Eigenvalue Decomposition

According to Wikipedia the eigenvalue decomposition should be such that:
See section Computational Methods by diagonalization:
Sp that if matrix A is decomposed such that it has Eigenvector V and Eigenvalues D, then A=VDV'.
A=[1 2; 3 4];
However in Matlab, A and RepA are not equal?
Why is this?
In general, the formula is:
RepA = V*D*inv(V);
or, written for better numeric accuracy in MATLAB,
RepA = V*D/V;
When A is symmetric, then the V matrix will turn out to be orthogonal, which will make inv(V) = V.'. A is NOT symmetric, so you need the actual inverse.
Try it:
A=[1 2; 2 3]; % Symmetric
RepA = V*D*V';

Eigen vector in SVD

Im going to compute the eigen value and eigen vector from my Matrix data fro the classification.
The rows represent the different classes and the columns represent the features.
So, for example if I have
[2 3 4]
[3 2 4]
[4 5 6]
[8 9 0]
I have to use SVD instead of PCA because the matrix is not square.
What I have done are:
Compute the mean for each row. So I have
Substract my matrix X with the Mean
[2-M1 3-M1 4-M1]
[3-M2 2-M2 4-M2]
[4-M3 5-M3 6-M3]
[8-M4 9-M4 0-M4]
Covariance Matrix = (Substract*Substract^t)/(4-1)
[U,S,V] = svd(X)
Are all my step right? By compute the mean for each row (as the classes)?
If I want to project my data into eigen space (for dimensionality reduction), which is the eigen vector (U or V)??
You can do PCA whether your matrix is square or not. In fact, your matrix is rarely square because it has a form n*p where n is the number of observations and p is the number of features. Thus you can use MATLAB's pricomp function
[W, pc] = princomp(data);
where W is a weight matrix and pc is the principal component score. You can see your data projected into the principal component space by,
which shows your data in the first- and second- principal component directions.

Find a matrix that gives same result when multiplied by a constant or another matrix

I have got a problem like A*x=lambda*x, where A is of order d*d, x is of order d*c and lambda is a constant. A and lambda are known and the matrix x is unknown.
Is there any way to solve this problem in matlab?? (Like eigen values but x is a d*c matrix instead of being a vector).
If I've understood you correctly, there will not necessarily be any solutions for x. If A*x=lambda*x, then any column y of x satisfies A*y=lambda*y, so the columns of x are simply eigenvectors of A corresponding to the eigenvalue lambda, and there will only be any solutions if lambda is in fact an eigenvalue.
From the documentation:
[V,D] = eig(A) produces matrices of eigenvalues (D) and eigenvectors
(V) of matrix A, so that A*V = V*D. Matrix D is the canonical form of
A — a diagonal matrix with A's eigenvalues on the main diagonal.
Matrix V is the modal matrix — its columns are the eigenvectors of A.
You can use this to check if lambda is an eigenvalue, and find any corresponding eigenvectors.
You can transform this problem. Write x as vector by by using x(:) (has size d*c x 1). Then A can be rewritten to a d*c x d*c matrix which has c versions of A along the diagonal.
Now it's a simple eigenvalue problem.
Its actually trivial. Your requirement is that A*X = lambda*X, where X is an array. Effectively, look at what happens for a single column of X. If An array X exists, then it is true that
A*X(:,i) = lambda*X(:,i)
And this must be true for the SAME value of lambda for all columns of X. Essentially, this means that X(:,i) is an eigenvector of A, with corresponding eigenvalue lambda. More importantly, it means that EVERY column of X has the same eigenvalue as every other column.
So a trivial solution to this problem is to simply have a matrix X with identical columns, as long as that column is an eigenvector of A. If an eigenvalue has multiplicity greater than one (therefore there are multiple eigenvectors with the same eigenvalue) then the columns of X may be any linear combination of those eigenvectors.
Try it in practice. I'll pick some simple matrix A.
>> A = [2 3;3 2];
>> [V,D] = eig(A)
V =
-0.70711 0.70711
0.70711 0.70711
D =
-1 0
0 5
The second column of V is an eigenvector, with eigenvalue of 5. We can arbitrarily scale an eigenvector by any constant. So now pick the vector vec, and create a matrix with replicated columns.
>> vec = [1;1];
>> A*[vec,vec,vec]
ans =
5 5 5
5 5 5
This should surprise nobody.