I Want to select a row or column of a table with the edit field component and do some actions on these data and show the result in the first cell of table ([1,1])
like this:
sum(A1:A20) or Max(AA5:AA10)
I want to write above order in the edit field component
and show the result of them in cell[A,1]
How can I do that?
Here's an implementation that might be similar to what you are attempting to achieve.
Any subset can be calculated using the command such as: Sum(A1:A2)U(B2:B3)
Where A indicates the columns apart of the set and B indicates the rows apart of the set.
Some more test functions include:
Sum(A1:A4) and
%Random data%
global Data;
Data = [1 2 3 4; 1 2 3 4; 1 2 3 4; 1 2 3 4; 1 2 3 4];
%Converting data into table%
Data = array2table(Data);
%Grabbing the size of the data%
[Number_Of_Rows, Number_Of_Columns] = size(Data);
%Creating arrays for setting the row and column names%
Row_Labels = strings(1,Number_Of_Rows);
Column_Labels = strings(1,Number_Of_Columns);
for Row_Scanner = 1: +1: Number_Of_Rows
Row_Labels(1,Row_Scanner) = ["B" + num2str(Row_Scanner)];
for Column_Scanner = 1: +1: Number_Of_Columns
Column_Labels(1,Column_Scanner) = ["A" + num2str(Column_Scanner)];
Row_Labels = cellstr(Row_Labels);
Column_Labels = cellstr(Column_Labels);
Main_Figure = uifigure;
Table = uitable(Main_Figure,'Data',Data);
Table.ColumnName = Column_Labels;
Table.RowName = Row_Labels;
%Callback function to update the table%
% Table.CellEditCallback = #(Table,event) Update_Table_Data(Table);
Selection_Field = uieditfield(Main_Figure,'text');
Field_Height = 20;
Field_Width = 100;
X_Position = 350;
Y_Position = 200;
Selection_Field.Position = [X_Position Y_Position Field_Width Field_Height];
Result_Label = uilabel(Main_Figure);
Result_Label.Position = [X_Position Y_Position-100 Field_Width Field_Height];
Selection_Field.ValueChangedFcn = #(Selection_Field,event) Compute_Value(Table,Selection_Field,Result_Label);
%Computing value
function [Data] = Compute_Value(Table,Selection_Field,Result_Label)
Data = Table.Data;
User_Input_Function = string(Selection_Field.Value);
Function = extractBefore(User_Input_Function,"(");
% fprintf("Function: %s \n",Function);
Key_Pairs = extractBetween(User_Input_Function,"(",")");
% fprintf("Key Pairs: (%s)\n", Key_Pairs);
Key_1 = extractBefore(Key_Pairs(1,1),":");
Key_2 = extractAfter(Key_Pairs(1,1),":");
if length(Key_Pairs) == 2
Key_3 = extractBefore(Key_Pairs(2,1),":");
Key_4 = extractAfter(Key_Pairs(2,1),":");
%Exracting the letters of each key
if contains(Key_1, "A") == 1
% fprintf("Function on columns\n")
Minimum_Column = str2num(extractAfter(Key_1,"A"));
Maximum_Column = str2num(extractAfter(Key_2,"A"));
Table_Subset = Data(1,Minimum_Column:Maximum_Column);
if contains(Key_1, "B") == 1
% fprintf("Function on rows\n")
Minimum_Row = str2num(extractAfter(Key_1,"B"));
Maximum_Row = str2num(extractAfter(Key_2,"B"));
Table_Subset = Data(Minimum_Row:Maximum_Row,1);
if length(Key_Pairs) == 2
Minimum_Column = str2num(extractAfter(Key_1,"A"));
Maximum_Column = str2num(extractAfter(Key_2,"A"));
Minimum_Row = str2num(extractAfter(Key_3,"B"));
Maximum_Row = str2num(extractAfter(Key_4,"B"));
Table_Subset = Data(Minimum_Row:Maximum_Row,Minimum_Column:Maximum_Column);
Table_Subset = table2array(Table_Subset);
%Statements for each function%
if (Function == 'Sum' || Function == 'sum')
fprintf("Computing sum\n");
Result_Sum = sum(Table_Subset,'all');
Result_Label.Text = "Result: " + num2str(Result_Sum);
if (Function == 'Max' || Function == 'max')
fprintf("Computing maximum\n");
Result_Max = max(Table_Subset);
Result_Label.Text = "Result: " + num2str(Result_Max);
if (Function == 'Min' || Function == 'min')
fprintf("Computing minimum\n");
Result_Min = min(Table_Subset);
Result_Label.Text = "Result: " + num2str(Result_Min);
I am trying to make a for-loop for the Matlab code below. I have named each column with JAN90, FEB90, etc. all the way up to AUG19, which can be found in a matrix named "data". At this point I need to change the month and year manually to obtain the result I want. Is there a way to iterate over the columns by the column name? Would it be easier to name the columns Var1, Var2 etc.?
data = readtable('Data.xlsx','ReadVariableNames',false);
data(1,:) = [];
data.Var2 = str2double(data.Var2);
data.Var3 = str2double(data.Var3);
data.Var4 = str2double(data.Var4);
data.Var5 = str2double(data.Var5);
data.Var6 = str2double(data.Var6);
data.Var7 = str2double(data.Var7);
data.Var8 = str2double(data.Var8);
data.Var9 = str2double(data.Var9);
data.Var10 = str2double(data.Var10);
data.Var11 = str2double(data.Var11);
data.Var12 = str2double(data.Var12);
data.Var13 = str2double(data.Var13);
data(:,1) = [];
data = table2array(data);
data = array2table(data.');
data = table2cell(data)
data = cell2table(data, 'VariableNames',{'JAN90','FEB90','MAR90','APR90','MAY90','JUN90','JUL90','AUG90'...
m = [1 2 3 6 12 24 36 60 84 120 240 360]';
for i=1:100
t = i;
data.X_1 = (1-exp(-m./t))./(m./t);
data.X_2 = ((1-exp(-m./t))./(m./t))-exp(-m./t);
model_1 = fitlm(data, 'FEB95 ~ X_1 + X_2');
RSS(100,:) = zeros ;
res = model_1.Residuals.Raw;
res(any(isnan(res), 2), :) = [];
RSS(i) = sum(res.^2);
RSS(:,2) = [1:1:100];
min = min(RSS(:,1));
t = find(RSS(:,1) == min)
data.X_1 = (1-exp(-m./t))./(m./t);
data.X_2 = ((1-exp(-m./t))./(m./t))-exp(-m./t);
model_1 = fitlm(data, 'FEB95 ~ X_1 + X_2')
res = model_1.Residuals.Raw;
res(any(isnan(res), 2), :) = [];
RSS = sum(res.^2)
intercept = model_1.Coefficients.Estimate(1,1);
beta_1 = model_1.Coefficients.Estimate(2,1);
beta_2 = model_1.Coefficients.Estimate(3,1);
Yhat = intercept + beta_1.*data.X_1 + beta_2.*data.X_2;
plot(m, Yhat)
hold on
scatter(m, data.FEB95)
I.e "FEB95" should be dynamic? Any suggestions?
Her is how I would approach your problem. First realize that VarNames=data.Properties.VariableNames will get a list of all column names in the table. You could then loop over this list. For example
for v=VarNames
current_column = v{1};
% ....
% Define the model spec for the current column
model_spec = [current_column ' ~ X_1 + X_2'];
% and create the model
model_1 = fitlm(data, model_spec);
% ... Continue computation ... and collect results in a table or array
Currently I have a txt file with data as shown below:
Temperature=20 Weight=120 Speed=65
Temperature=21 Weight=121 Speed=63
Temperature=18 Weight=117 Speed=78
Temperature=16 Weight=151 Speed=42
Temperature=15 Weight=101 Speed=51
I would like to read the value into a cell array and convert it as matrix.
Below is my code:
% At first I read the data into a 1 column array
tline = fgetl(fid);
tlines = cell(0,1);
while ischar(tline)
tlines{end+1,1} = tline;
tline = fgetl(fid);
% Then I check the size of the cell array
CellSize = size(tlines);
DataSize = CellSize(1,1);
% At last I setup a loop and literately read and input the values
Data = cell(0,3);
for i = 1:DataSize
Data{end+1,3} = textscan(tlines{i,1},'Temperature=%f Weight=%f Speed=%f');
However, I got 10x3 empty cell array.
[] [] *1x3cell*
[] [] *1x3cell*
[] [] *1x3cell*
[] [] *1x3cell*
[] [] *1x3cell*
[] [] *1x3cell*
[] [] *1x3cell*
[] [] *1x3cell*
[] [] *1x3cell*
[] [] *1x3cell*
I know the problem comes from the input of textscan value into the cell array. Can you help me fix the problem? Also how can I toss the empty value if the data doesn't contain the specific format.
The only mistake you made, was to index the content of Data using {}, and not the cells using (), see the help.
I modified the last part of your script:
% At last I setup a loop and literately read and input the values
Data = cell(DataSize, 3);
for i = 1:DataSize
Data(i, :) = textscan(tlines{i}, 'Temperature=%f Weight=%f Speed=%f')
Gives the following output:
Data =
[1,1] = [](0x1)
[2,1] = 20
[3,1] = [](0x1)
[4,1] = 21
[5,1] = [](0x1)
[6,1] = 18
[7,1] = [](0x1)
[8,1] = 16
[9,1] = [](0x1)
[10,1] = 15
[1,2] = [](0x1)
[2,2] = 120
[3,2] = [](0x1)
[4,2] = 121
[5,2] = [](0x1)
[6,2] = 117
[7,2] = [](0x1)
[8,2] = 151
[9,2] = [](0x1)
[10,2] = 101
[1,3] = [](0x1)
[2,3] = 65
[3,3] = [](0x1)
[4,3] = 63
[5,3] = [](0x1)
[6,3] = 78
[7,3] = [](0x1)
[8,3] = 42
[9,3] = [](0x1)
[10,3] = 51
Afterwards you could do:
% Clean up.
for i = DataSize:-1:1
if (isempty([Data{i, :}]))
Data(i, :) = [];
So that your output looks like this:
Data =
[1,1] = 20
[2,1] = 21
[3,1] = 18
[4,1] = 16
[5,1] = 15
[1,2] = 120
[2,2] = 121
[3,2] = 117
[4,2] = 151
[5,2] = 101
[1,3] = 65
[2,3] = 63
[3,3] = 78
[4,3] = 42
[5,3] = 51
Also, please don't do things like Data{end+1,3}, if the size is known in advance. I also modified this accordingly.
If you want to keep the header/name, this is not terribly elegant, but it will work:
fin = 'yourfilename.txt';
fid = fopen(fin);
stuff = textscan(fid, '%s');
stuff = stuff{:};
stuff = strrep(stuff, 'Temperature=', '');
stuff = strrep(stuff, 'Weight=', '');
stuff = strrep(stuff, 'Speed=', '');
len = length(stuff) / 4;
name = cell(1,len);
temp = NaN(1,len);
wt = NaN(1,len);
speed = NaN(1,len);
counter = 0;
for ii = 1:len
name(ii) = stuff(ii + counter);
temp(ii) = str2double(stuff(ii + counter +1));
wt(ii) = str2double(stuff(ii + counter +2));
speed(ii) = str2double(stuff(ii + counter +3));
counter = counter + 3;
name = cell2table(name', 'VariableNames', {'Name'});
temp = array2table(temp', 'VariableNames', {'Temperture'});
wt = array2table(wt', 'VariableNames', {'Weight'});
speed = array2table(speed', 'VariableNames', {'Speed'});
data = [name temp wt speed];