True Vault blob store - blobstorage

i am working on true vault blob store. truevault is complete working fine but creating problem in uploading and downloading pdf or any other file. i download the source code from Github i cannot view any message or file name. if any idea about true vault or any one worked on this api kindly help me. thanx
// blobs
$response = $blobs->upload("input_file_1.bin");
$blobId = $response["blob_id"];
$blobs->upload("input_file_2.bin", $blobId); // replace existing
$blobs->download($blobId, "output_file.bin");

first parameter in upload method is local file path, same for second parameter in download method. I will add better explanation to the documentation.


Azure storage Rest Api File service

I am trying to upload with Http request a file (not a blob) in Azure File service.
I have successfully uploaded a blob with Http request. I am using the same Authentication method (SharedKey). Inside documentation I found that I had to first create and then write a file.
The Create File operation creates a new file or replaces a file. Note
that calling Create File only initializes the file. To add content to
a file, call the Put Range operation
Is it correct. Does anyone knows any other option. It seems a bit wrong to me. Does anyone has an example in .net?
(I even tried this workflow but i got a 400 error)
I guess you were expecting the Create File API works like Put Block Blob which uploads the content in the request body. Actually Create File is similar to Put Page/Append Blob. It requires you to initialize the resource first and then update the content. You can refer to the sample that #Michael pointed in the comment.

Google Cloud Storage : PUT Object vs POST Object to upload file.?

Can any one please explain me what is main difference between PUT Object vs POST Object to upload file.
What are advantages and disadvantages of using each ??
Use POST if you cannot set the Authorization header -- generally because you are uploading with an HTML form.
Use PUT for everything else.

Google Drive: Automatically convert files on upload?

Is it possible to get Google Drive to automatically convert uploaded documents to the native format?
I know it works with manual upload (i.e. Google Drive can auto-convert files you upload via the website), but I want to avoid having to upload every file by hand.
I'd prefer to use the API, or better yet, dump the files in my ~/Google Drive folder.
Using the API, you can pass the convert=true parameter to files.insert. The uploaded file will attempt to be converted to a native Google Docs format.
Sure, see this answer. Note you can upload a text file or a csv file and set its content type to google doc or google sheets respectively, and google will attempt to convert it. I have tested this for text -> doc and it works. You will need to set the const contentType at the start of the code to one of the supported google mimetypes.

google cloud storage sample not working

anyone else having an issue getting google cloud storage API sample to work?
I followed all the directions which are very straight forward. You simply paste the code form the sample and it should work. However you do have to update your bucket names. I am updating this line
# TODO: Change to a bucket your app can write to.
READ_PATH = '/gs/bucket/obj'
READ_PATH = 'gs://mybucketname'
it does not work?
I updated it as such because that's how i access my bucket via gsutil
Anyone got this to work?
In the Files API, the path does not follow the gs:// URL scheme. As the example states, you need to make it:

integration uairship?

I am integrating urban airship in my app i had following all the steps in given link
( but the problem here is i am getting an error that AirshipConfig.plist file is not found,can some one help me
thanx in advance
All you have to do is create a .plist file with that name, but here is my AirshipConfig.plist file. You just have to fill in your application key and secret.
There should already be a sample file AirshipConfig.plist as part of the download. However you need to rename the file from AirshipConfig.plist.sample to AirshipConfig.plist and edit the contents (eg, add in application key and secret)