When create my index MongoDB - mongodb

that might seems a stupid question, but when should I create an index on my collection ?
To be more explicit, I was wondering if I just have to create it once, when I create my collection, and then it will be updated automatically when I add some new documents. Or do I have to regenerate it regularly in background ?

The index will be kept up-to-date by MongoDB as you update/insert documents.
Performance-wise, do not create an index until you need it (to speed up queries). And when doing massive bulk-inserts, it may be more efficient to drop the index and recreate it after you are done inserting.

MongoDB will maintain any and all indexes itself, in other words only once.
This does, however, mean you need to be careful about just what indexes you ensure as each index will create significant overhead while performing write operations. The more indexes you have the more MongoDB will have to update to do a single write.


Does MongoDB not update index entries upon document deletion?

we're using MongoDb 4.0 with Spring Data MongoDB and we noticed that when doing some housekeeping by batch-deleting millions of documents using external Studio3T that all index entries on all indexes stayed untouched. I read lots of MongoDb documentation regarding this but couldn't find any reference to that circumstance.
If this code does not trigger an index update, then which code does?
Query query = new Query();
// Does not remove index entries
mongoTemplate.findAllAndRemove(query, MyModel.class);
// Does not either
mongoTemplate.remove(query, MyModel.class);
// Does not either
Having an effective mechanic of removing documents for housekeeping purposes and having their index entries removed at the same time is important to us as the Index size is growing and does not fit in memory anymore. Therefore we're required to scale up our hardware here which is more expensive unnecessarily.
I know there are ways to trigger this manually, e. g. dropping indexes and recreating them, or using the compact administrative function. However in a 24/7 onlineshop use case this seems rather unpractical.

How, When and Where Should MongoDB Index Types be Used?

Can any one help me when it is important to use MongoDB Index and where it can be used. Also I need advantages disadvantages of using MongoDB Index?
Can anyone help me when it is important to use MongoDB Index and where it can be used?
Indexes provide efficient access to your data.
Without having indexes in place for your queries, the query can scan more number of documents that it is expected to return. Having good indexes in place avoid scanning collections and more documents that what's required to return.
A well-designed set of indexes that cater the incoming queries to your database can significantly improve the performance of your database.
Also, I need disadvantages of using MongoDB Index
Indexes need memory and space to store. If the indexes are part of your working set. they will be stored in memory. Meaning that you may need sufficient memory to store indexes in-memory along with frequently accessed data.
Every update, delete and write operation needs update to the index data structure. Having too many indexes on a collection that involves keys in write, update or delete operation needs update to an existing index. It adds the penalty to write operations.
Having large number of compound index take more time to restore index in large datasets.

MongoDB: what’s happend when the mongodb drop indexes

MongoDB create index be slow in the large data collections,it's easy to understand. But why drop indexes operation so fast? Is there any changes of the data structure after executing drop indexes operation?
Creating a new index on a collection is like create an new collection which is arranged as B-Tree so you can do search on the key fields quickly. This will look like copying part of the collection.
So for deleting index, it will like deleting a collection, mongo just remove the index collection, and then it's done.
I am not sure if you know how file system work or not but you can consider this problem in the same way.When you copy file to a disk , it will take time. But if you remove file from a disk, it takes little time because file system just mark it unused, need almost zero time.

MongoDB 3.X : Does it make sense to have only one collection per database

Since MongoDB 3.x introduces lock per record and not on collection or database, does it make sense to write all of your data to single collection with one extra identifier field "documentType".
It will help simulate "join" through map-reduce operation.
Couchbase does the same thing with "buckets" instead of collection.
Does anybody see any disadvatanges with this approach ?
There's one big general-case disadvantage: indexes.
With Mongo, you generally want to set up indexes so that most, if not all, queries you make, use them. So in addition to the one on _id, you'll set up indexes on the primary fields you search by (often compounded with those you sort by).
If you're storing everything in one single collection, that means you need to have all those indexes on that collection. Which means two things:
The indexes are be bigger, since there's more documents to index. Granted, this can be somewhat mitigated by using sparse indexes.
Inserting or modifying documents in the collection requires Mongo to update all these indexes (where it'd just update the relevant indexes in the standard use-many-collections approach). This kills your write performance.
Furthermore, if you have in your application a query that somehow doesn't use one of those many indexes, it needs to scan through the entire collection, which is O(n) where n is the number of documents in the collection -- in your case, that means the number of documents in the entire database.
Collections are cheap. Use them ;)

How often shall we reindex the geospatial data in mongodb?

I wonder if it is a must of reindexing the geospatial data in mongodb if there are some new geo-data has been inserted in order to search them? Say we have a document,which looks like:
{user:'a',loc:[363.236,-45.365]}, and it is indexed. Later on, I inserted document b, which looks like: {user:'b',loc:{42.3654,-56.3}}. In order to search, do I have to reindex (using ensureIndex()) the collection every time when a new document is inserted? Will the frequent reindexing affect the overall application performance?
You only need to ensureIndex once; after that MongoDB maintains the index on every insert. I'm not 100% sure the index is maintained for deletes though - I imagine it must do.
You can defragment an index and rebuild it to make it smaller, hence the existence of the functionality. A useful post: