Ext JS - Panel not resizing on window resize - extjs4.2

I have used the EventManager.onWindowResize event to handle window resize to adjust my layout. It works fine only for the Viewport. I want my inner commponents, viz. Grids and Panels to be adjusted accordingly. Is there a way to achieve this? I have written custom code to handle the resize individually for every component. Which works fine for my grids and panels. But, the panel headers don't resize! They are just stuck there.
My layout is as follows:
[Form Panel]
[Panel containing Grid] [Panel containing Grid]
[/Form Panel]
The Grids resize but not the Panel which contains the Grid. Moreover, I've used anchor, but my percent widths are ignored.
Any default way to implement resize?

Used anchor layout everywhere. The Viewport required some JS code, but anchor solved my problem. Thanks everyone for their inputs.


Panels Vs LayoutPanles in GWT

I'm a newbie to GWT.And i wonder when to use panels and when to use layout panels.I'm really confused.Can anyone provide a legit use case , where we need to use panels instead of layout panels and vice versa?.Thanks.
When you need a child to take its initial size from a parent and then resize when a parent resizes, use a LayoutPanel or another panel that implements ProvidesResize() interface. This way, for example, you can split the browser window into top menu and main area parts, and make the main area change its size as the browser windows is resized.
When you want a panel to take its size from its own content, use HTMLPanel or FlowPanel.

Enabling form resizing

I have a existing form where the resizing is disabled. I tried to change the property Border Style to bsSizeable and border icons to [biSystemMenu,biMinimize,biMaximize]. I am able to resize but the controls inside the form is not sized accordingly. Any help would be appreciated.
The border style and icons control whether the form is resizable, but the controls on a form don't automatically move unless you've configured them to do so. Change their Align, Anchors, or Constraints properties, which all affect the size and position differently. You can also handle the form's OnResize event and arrange the controls however you want.

Adjusting height of GWT Panels based on content

We have many screens where different types of GWT panels are used.
One common problem across many screens is that, content size is derived at runtime. So, if I define a height for a panel(Vertical/Horizontal/DockPanel) and when any new components are getting added within panel or content is more, panel height remains the same. So we are not able to see the contents. UI look and feel becomes worst.
How do we handle the height problems? Do we have to manually code to adjust every panel/widget height when something gets changed in screen. Is it not a very bad way of coding?
Also, now we have datagrids at some places, if no of records are very less, we see a huge space left out below datagrid, not sure how do we handle these cases?
Updated below with few examples as per the comment:
Do you mean to say that whenever we know that content grows vertically, we can always choose FlowPanel. Because, some of the screens we have used Vertical panel/Horizontal Panel and inside that when user clicks something a new fields getting added and shown. So Vertical Panel/Horizontal Panel height automatically not getting adjusted. One more example is that we have main Vertical Panel within a Dock Layout Panel content area and inside that there are some widgets whose content may vary. So now if I use a FlowPanel to the content which varies in size, what about outer panels? Will get it adjusted? Again to say the kind of panels we have used - Dock Layout Panel is used with fixed header, footer, left menu and Content area. A scroll panel is used within Content area. All our different widgets go inside this which is mix and match of horizontal/vertical/datagrids..etc.
In GWT (and HTML) you can either set the height of a panel or let it expand naturally. In general, once you set the height of something, you lose the ability to let it expand naturally.
Some Panels in GWT implicitly set their own height (or require that you set their height) and so are never good choices for dynamically sized content. LayoutPanels and ScrollPanels, for example, can never adjust dynamically, and expect you to provide size information programmatically. FlowPanels and HTMLPanels, on the other hand, are great for dynamic heights and would rather you not set their height explicitly.
If you want a scrolling panel, of course you have to define how high it should be - how else could it know when to scroll and when to just get bigger? But, you can put a FlowPanel (which expands automatically) inside a ScrollPanel (which you have set at 800px or whatever). Then, as you add content to the FlowPanel, it will expand inside the ScrollPanel. Users can then scroll to see different parts of the FlowPanel.
Trouble-shooting tips:
Make sure you aren't setting the height on panels that you want to expand naturally
Make sure you ARE setting the height on panels that should always be the same size
Try using FlowPanels instead of Horizontal/VerticalPanels
*LayoutPanels and AbsolutePanels always need explicit sizes and can never grow dynamically as you add more content. Anything you want to grow with content should probably be a FlowPanel or HTMLPanel.

Impossible custom layout in gwt?

I want to create a custom panel/layout and it's seeming pretty impossible at this point. I need the components to start in the upper left corner and stack downward until they fill the panel vertically, then wrap to the top of the next column and so on until they eventually fill the screen and create a horizontal scrollbar. After an entire day of trying I've decided it's only possible by abusing GWT (and I assume the whole web browser) adding crippling complexity and terrible performance. Please let me know if I'm missing something and layout like this is possible. Thank you!
Lame solution: Have a small (almost invisible) AbsolutePanel where every string is displayed within a div and measured (getClientWidth/height()). Then each panel can calculate it's size based on the strinsg, borders, padding, etc. it contains. Once each panel knows it's size, they can be layed out relative to the sizes of the other panels in the contianer.
Check out FlexTable, which allows you to specify the row,column for the widget to be added

How to set initial size of a TreeViewer?

I'm using a TreeViewer within a jface WizardPage and the initial input into the tree causes the WizardPage to grow vertically so that it can show all of the tree's values. When expanding one of the tree's values, then the vertical scrollbar works as expected. I'd like to be able to set the tree's size initially so that it is fixed and the scrollbar is already shown when the WizardPage is first drawn, but doing this isn't particularly obvious to me - the setSize method on the TreeViewer's Tree doesn't seem to do anything.
Any help would be appreciated!
Just for the records for this old question:
We solve this problem in our applications by using an own layout manager which we can set fixed sizes for certain controls (with Swing we had done that by using component.setPreferredSize(size)). If no such fixed size is used, we calculate the preferred size of the control while performing the layout. This prevents making controls getting more and more space depending on the control's content when the user resizes the application window or dialog.