Anyevent::RabbitMQ Perl QoS prefetch_count not working - perl

I've been trying to use RabbitMQ perl library Net::RabbitFoot which uses AnyEvent::RabbitMQ underneath. According to RabbitMQ Tutorial, setting prefetch_count to 1 should ensure fair dispatch, as in should not dispatch a message to a worker that is already busy on another message. However, the perl implementation Net::RabbitFoot, does not seem to work that way even after setting the qos as described here, line 54. It seems to just do vanilla round-robin dispatch and ends up dispatching to machine that is already executing a job. This is the qos implementation. Could you help me with figuring out why this is happening? Is it a bug in the library?
Thanks in advance.
This is my setup: 2 consumers attached to the same-named queue. When I dispatch a lot of messages, I see this pattern: Consumer 1: Msg1, Msg3, Msg5 ... Consumer 2: Msg2, Msg4, ... All messages are from the same queue. What happens now is if Msg3 hogs Consumer 1, still Msg5 is sent to Consumer 1 while Consumer 2 is sitting free.

vanilla round-robin? uh?
The prefetch_count=1 comes useful when there are many consumers attached to the same common queue. In fact by default the client libraries will prefetch many messages in one shot.
So the default odd effect, that you want to avoid by setting it to one, is that one client get most (or all) the messages, and other consumers get few or none, being the load unbalanced.
However you speak of "vanilla round-robin": that happens when you have different (probably unnamed/temporary) queues attached to a direct exchange, one per consumer. But in this way you have no way to balance the load dynamically.
If I'm guessing right you need to change your configuration and let all the consumers attach to the same named queue.
EDIT: from the comment of the OP, this is not the case.
Alternatively it's possible that your consumers are configured with auto-ack, or they do send the ACK before completing their job. In this case too the RabbitMQ client API thinks that it's free to get another message: you need to send the ack back only after the local task regarding that message has been completed.


How to handle out of order Zookeeper notifications?

I have multiple processes operating on an in-memory queue. That queue is a manifestation of sequential znodes created/deleted at Zookeeper.
When a znode is added, an equivalent item is added to the queue at all the involved processes. And also when a znode is removed, the equivalent item is removed from the queue at every involved process.
The addition and removal signals are expected to be balanced because every added item should eventually be removed.
I faced a situation when a znode was added and removed very quickly and the removal notification was received at one of the processes before the addition notificaiton. So an attempt to remove that item occurred but failed because it wasn't actually there, and then the addition signal was received which added the item but then it was never removed.
A simple solution would be to assert the existence of the equivalent znode after adding the item to the queue and that's good enough for me now but it doesn't seem as efficient as it can get.
My question is if there is a way to handle this scenario in a more efficient or "zookeeper way"?
You're trying to use ZooKeeper as a message queue which is not designed for. There's no ordering neither delivery guarantee in ZooKeeper for watcher notifications.
Instead you should use some messaging system like Kafka or RabbitMQ for this use case.

How to discard some number of messages in rabbitmQ

I have a use case where I need to get data from a queue on an exchange that I dont have control on.
the usecase is that from this queue I get messages constantly. Just wonder if in rabbitmq or by using/writing a plugin I can discard 90% of the messages at a time before saving them to my local datastore. The reason for this is that I'm not capable of storing all the messages but 10% of it.
Obviously one way is in my application to do so. but I wonder if there is a way to do it on rabbitmq level.
Just wonder if you have any thoughts/solutions on this.
If you don't have control of the exchange, you're pretty much limited to doing it in your app.
You can bulk-reject messages using a nack - here's the help page:
Due to the AMQP specs, a rabbitmq queue passes its messages to the connected consumers in a round robin algorithm. So if your code is the sole consumer of the rabbitmq queue & you want your application to neglect about 90% of recieved messages and process only remaining 10% then,....
connect to the same queue using 10 different consumers simultaneously (all may be written in same language or diff. dose not matter) and write your message processing logic in any one or two of them....abandon the rest 8/9 consumers(these will be used by rabbitmq [and conceptually by us] to drain off about 90% of messages)
You can simply consume the messages and do nothing about it. Using rabbitmqadmin is the easiest way to do this as below:
rabbitmqadmin get queue=queuename requeue=false count=1

RabbitMQ - Message order of delivery

I need to choose a new Queue broker for my new project.
This time I need a scalable queue that supports pub/sub, and keeping message ordering is a must.
I read Alexis comment: He writes:
"Indeed, we think RabbitMQ provides stronger ordering than Kafka"
I read the message ordering section in rabbitmq docs:
"Messages can be returned to the queue using AMQP methods that feature
a requeue
parameter (basic.recover, basic.reject and basic.nack), or due to a channel
closing while holding unacknowledged messages...With release 2.7.0 and later
it is still possible for individual consumers to observe messages out of
order if the queue has multiple subscribers. This is due to the actions of
other subscribers who may requeue messages. From the perspective of the queue
the messages are always held in the publication order."
If I need to handle messages by their order, I can only use rabbitMQ with an exclusive queue to each consumer?
Is RabbitMQ still considered a good solution for ordered message queuing?
Well, let's take a closer look at the scenario you are describing above. I think it's important to paste the documentation immediately prior to the snippet in your question to provide context:
Section 4.7 of the AMQP 0-9-1 core specification explains the
conditions under which ordering is guaranteed: messages published in
one channel, passing through one exchange and one queue and one
outgoing channel will be received in the same order that they were
sent. RabbitMQ offers stronger guarantees since release 2.7.0.
Messages can be returned to the queue using AMQP methods that feature
a requeue parameter (basic.recover, basic.reject and basic.nack), or
due to a channel closing while holding unacknowledged messages. Any of
these scenarios caused messages to be requeued at the back of the
queue for RabbitMQ releases earlier than 2.7.0. From RabbitMQ release
2.7.0, messages are always held in the queue in publication order, even in the presence of requeueing or channel closure. (emphasis added)
So, it is clear that RabbitMQ, from 2.7.0 onward, is making a rather drastic improvement over the original AMQP specification with regard to message ordering.
With multiple (parallel) consumers, order of processing cannot be guaranteed.
The third paragraph (pasted in the question) goes on to give a disclaimer, which I will paraphrase: "if you have multiple processors in the queue, there is no longer a guarantee that messages will be processed in order." All they are saying here is that RabbitMQ cannot defy the laws of mathematics.
Consider a line of customers at a bank. This particular bank prides itself on helping customers in the order they came into the bank. Customers line up in a queue, and are served by the next of 3 available tellers.
This morning, it so happened that all three tellers became available at the same time, and the next 3 customers approached. Suddenly, the first of the three tellers became violently ill, and could not finish serving the first customer in the line. By the time this happened, teller 2 had finished with customer 2 and teller 3 had already begun to serve customer 3.
Now, one of two things can happen. (1) The first customer in line can go back to the head of the line or (2) the first customer can pre-empt the third customer, causing that teller to stop working on the third customer and start working on the first. This type of pre-emption logic is not supported by RabbitMQ, nor any other message broker that I'm aware of. In either case, the first customer actually does not end up getting helped first - the second customer does, being lucky enough to get a good, fast teller off the bat. The only way to guarantee customers are helped in order is to have one teller helping customers one at a time, which will cause major customer service issues for the bank.
It is not possible to ensure that messages get handled in order in every possible case, given that you have multiple consumers. It doesn't matter if you have multiple queues, multiple exclusive consumers, different brokers, etc. - there is no way to guarantee a priori that messages are answered in order with multiple consumers. But RabbitMQ will make a best-effort.
Message ordering is preserved in Kafka, but only within partitions rather than globally. If your data need both global ordering and partitions, this does make things difficult. However, if you just need to make sure that all of the same events for the same user, etc... end up in the same partition so that they are properly ordered, you may do so. The producer is in charge of the partition that they write to, so if you are able to logically partition your data this may be preferable.
I think there are two things in this question which are not similar, consumption order and processing order.
Message Queues can -to a degree- give you a guarantee that messages will get consumed in order, they can't, however, give you any guarantees on the order of their processing.
The main difference here is that there are some aspects of message processing which cannot be determined at consumption time, for example:
As mentioned a consumer can fail while processing, here the message's consumption order was correct, however, the consumer failed to process it correctly, which will make it go back to the queue. At this point the consumption order is intact, but the processing order is not.
If by "processing" we mean that the message is now discarded and finished processing completely, then consider the case when your processing time is not linear, in other words processing one message takes longer than the other. For example, if message 3 takes longer to process than usual, then messages 4 and 5 might get consumed and finish processing before message 3 does.
So even if you managed to get the message back to the front of the queue (which by the way violates the consumption order) you still cannot guarantee they will also be processed in order.
If you want to process the messages in order:
Have only 1 consumer instance at all times, or a main consumer and several stand-by consumers.
Or don't use a messaging queue and do the processing in a synchronous blocking method, which might sound bad but in many cases and business requirements it is completely valid and sometimes even mission critical.
There are proper ways to guarantuee the order of messages within RabbitMQ subscriptions.
If you use multiple consumers, they will process the message using a shared ExecutorService. See also ConnectionFactory.setSharedExecutor(...). You could set a Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().
If you use one Consumer with a single queue, you can bind this queue using multiple bindingKeys (they may have wildcards). The messages will be placed into the queue in the same order that they were received by the message broker.
For example you have a single publisher that publishes messages where the order is important:
try (Connection connection2 = factory.newConnection();
Channel channel2 = connection.createChannel()) {
// publish messages alternating to two different topics
for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) {
final String routingKey = i % 2 == 0 ? routingEven : routingOdd;
channel2.basicPublish(exchange, routingKey, null, ("Hello" + i).getBytes(UTF_8));
You now might want to receive messages from both topics in a queue in the same order that they were published:
// declare a queue for the consumer
final String queueName = channel.queueDeclare().getQueue();
// we bind to queue with the two different routingKeys
final String routingEven = "even";
final String routingOdd = "odd";
channel.queueBind(queueName, exchange, routingEven);
channel.queueBind(queueName, exchange, routingOdd);
channel.basicConsume(queueName, true, new DefaultConsumer(channel) { ... });
The Consumer will now receive the messages in the order that they were published, regardless of the fact that you used different topics.
There are some good 5-Minute Tutorials in the RabbitMQ documentation that might be helpful:

hornetq - view the available queues

I'm working with an application that requires the use of hornet-q's.
It's kind of hit or miss for some reason. When I create a queue, the first message to that queue works, but a second does not, so I've tried using a new queue for each connection to the REST API that is running on JBOSS. Sometimes this is okay, sometimes I get 412 - precondition failed (when the same name is used more than once) or just simply 500 internal errors.
The application has a /api/hornet-queue/queues/ path, but it doesn't allow GET requests.
Is there another way to tell what queues are open?
you are leaking a consumer and the message is being held on the consumer..
Either reuse the same consumer, or close the consumer.
in case you require to close consumers like this, set consumer-window-size to 0, so you won't cache messages and waste resoruces.

MSMQ as a job queue

I am trying to implement job queue with MSMQ to save up some time on me implementing it in SQL. After reading around I realized MSMQ might not offer what I am after. Could you please advice me if my plan is realistic using MSMQ or recommend an alternative ?
I have number of processes picking up jobs from a queue (I might need to scale out in the future), once job is picked up processing follows, during this time job is locked to other processes by status, if needed job is chucked back (status changes again) to the queue for further processing, but physically the job still sits in the queue until completed.
MSMQ doesn't let me to keep the message in the queue while working on it, eg I can peek or read. Read takes message out of queue and peek doesn't allow changing the message (status).
Thank you
Using MSMQ as a datastore is probably bad as it's not designed for storage at all. Unless the queues are transactional the messages may not even get written to disk.
Certainly updating queue items in-situ is not supported for the reasons you state.
If you don't want a full blown relational DB you could use an in-memory cache of some kind, like memcached, or a cheap object db like raven.
Take a look at RabbitMQ, or many of the other messages queues. Most offer this functionality out of the box.
For example. RabbitMQ calls what you are describing, Work Queues. Multiple consumers can pull from the same queue and not pull the same item. Furthermore, if you use acknowledgements and the processing fails, the item is not removed from the queue.
.net examples:
EDIT: After using MSMQ myself, it would probably work very well for what you are doing, as far as I can tell. The key is to use transactions and multiple queues. For example, each status should have it's own queue. It's fairly safe to "move" messages from one queue to another since it occurs within a transaction. This moving of messages is essentially your change of status.
We also use the Message Extension byte array for storing message metadata, like status. This way we don't have to alter the actual message when moving it to another queue.
MSMQ and queues in general, require a different set of patterns than what most programmers are use to. Keep that in mind.
Perhaps, if you can give more information on why you need to peek for messages that are currently in process, there would be a way to handle that scenario with MSMQ. You could always add a database for additional tracking.