Is it possible to post a status to your facebook wall through a url query? - facebook

In twitter it's possible by doing: IS MY MESSAGE IT NEEDS ENCODING
Then it will bring up twitter with that message, and let you choose whether or not you want to tweet it.
I was wondering if there's a similar way with facebook posting a message through a link?

Yes - and you don't need an app registered to do so! The only down side, is that you have to include a URL.
The query is simply:<URL>&t=<text>
For example -
Both the URL and the text will have to be URL encoded. As I said, it won't work without a URL.

Yes, you have the Feed Dialog that does the same. But of course you must have an app registered on
URL Redirection:
(replace app_id and redirect_uri with that of yours)
For the list of available parameters, check here


Facebook share dialog (URL Redirection) get response/feedback on redirect uri (redirect_uri)

I'm using Facebook's share dialog with URL Redirection as shown here:
Everything works fine, but the problem I'm having is that I need to get some kind of response or feedback in the redirect uri to know whether the user has published or cancelled the share.
I thought the post_id would be included as query string when redirecting. But this is not the case... I just get a trailing #_=_
So... is it possible to get somehow the response or some kind of feedback when redirecting to know whether the user has actually published the post or not?
Please also note that I cannot use the FB.ui API as the callback is
not working at all when using it inside a web mobile view.

Making a facebook status post using a URL/GET request

I am trying to make a windows phone app using cocos2d-x WP8 port.
I wanted to post the final score of the player on Facebook if he presses the Facebook share button in the app.
So I tried the method explained here:
Post to facebook status with a URL / GET request? (or post)
The link for twitter is working fine, but for facebook, the text that I want to share does not appear in the text area of post. Any help will be appreciated, thanks.
The Facebook sharer to this date is a resurrected version of the sharer from 2011. The only possible parameter to set is the u parameter. Fix the metadata of the URL being referenced to modify title data (i.e. you must own the URL to modify for use with sharer.php, otherwise you will be forced to use the title the owner of the URL used).

twitter hyperlink expand

I am working on Twitter Application, in it I get user tweets and if user share URL in it then it open in WebView.
But problem is that Twitter returns hyperlink like,
I want to convert it in its original form as I have posted like
Twitter Developer See other similar threads also in the same forum.
Use expanded_url instead of url from returned entities.
I know there are some applications online that let you retrive the original url, you could maybe parse the response from them.
I think you could also do it, by doing a http request to the short url and see what adress you are redirected to.

Notifications URL of Facebook comments show no comments

I'm using Joomla in my site and I had installed Facebook Connect. My problem is that when I receive a notification that someone has replied my post, the URL is modified, so I can't see any comment.
Original Website is
URL of the notification is
How can I correct this problem?
You should specify the href of the comments plugin to your page URL. For example, use the base URL if your pages' base URL is always the current page URL.

Facebook comment/like url

Am having difficulty with the url for the facebook comment and like plugins. if I put in a simple url like "" it works fine but my app is on a subdomain and uses querystrings to differentiate between different page states. So a sample url would be something like "facebook/". However it appears facebook doesn't like this and keeps saying it is unreachable.
I can't believe facebook would limit the scope like this. Someone else must have encountered this. Any suggestions?
Facebook posts have an id something like 123456789012345_123456789012345.
The part prior to the underscore is the page id. The part after is the post id. The URL would be, or
Check your URL in Facebook's Debug Tool and this will show the tags Facebook is detecting on your page -in particular check your og:url tag isn't ommitting the URL parameters