Fitting plot into plot window - ipython

Making a histogram on my own, the sum of each bars is 1. So each bar is smaller than 1. Why don't they fit into the plot window? How can I achieve this?
yaxis().bounds = [0,1]
This only sets the axis, but doesn't fit my plot. Is there no proper documentation for bokeh, I am getting mad on such simple problems.
from bokeh.plotting import *
from __future__ import division
from bokeh.plotting import rect
balkenbreite = 5
mitten = [10,20,30,40]
werte = [10,15,10,5]
anteil = []
sumVal = sum(werte)
for i in range(len(werte)):
for i in range(len(anteil)):
anteil[i] = werte[i]/sumVal
print anteil
rect([mitten[0]],[anteil[0]/2], width=balkenbreite, height=anteil[0], plot_width=400, color = "#ff1200", plot_height=400, tools="pan")
for i in range(len(mitten)):
if i==0: continue
rect([mitten[i]],[anteil[i]/2], width=balkenbreite, height=anteil[i], plot_width=400, color = "#ff1200", plot_height=400)
yaxis()[0].bounds = [0,1]

Note (4/8/2014): Bokeh is still under early but active development, so these kinds of questions are to be expected for the time being. We hope to answer them as quickly as possible as we continue to expand our documentation, but in the meantime you may find the tutorials to be helpful.
To the question at hand: currently plot ranges can be set with the Range1d object, which is assigned to the x_range or y_range keyword arguments. These can be set on the figure() instance.
These three lines should fix the issue:
from bokeh.objects import Range1d
yr = Range1d(start=0, end=1)
Edit: here's a screenshot of what I imagine you want.

the above answer from kpsfire answers the question, but I did want to make some additional remarks. The Bokeh docs site at currently has many full code examples in a live gallery, an extensive API reference for both the python and javascript, user's and developer's guides, and a fairly substantial tutorial that has been well-received at a few different conferences. I think we at least have a decent start. :)
That said! There is always room for improvement and additions, and the best way to make sure the docs get better is to listen to feedback from users letting us know the areas that are lacking. Sometimes we can get tunnel-vision and forget what it is like approaching Bokeh as brand-new.
We do actively try to monitor SO for questions about Bokeh, but a more direct way to pose issues like this is to message the Bokeh mailing list at: Alternatively, submitting an issue on the GitHub issue tracker may be the best way to make sure an issue does not get overlooked. It is located at
I have opened a PR for refreshing the docs before our upcoming release. I have added information about plot ranges and will add some other additional topics as well. You can monitor progress at:
Expect these changes to show up on later this week. Thanks for your feedback and thanks for your interest in Bokeh!


Google Charts trendline y-intercept

I've been trying to force a trendline through 0,0 for my scatter graph, but I can't seem to find a way to do this.
From the docs here, they don't give any information on it:
But, I know there are lots of undocumented stuff in charts.
This is an example of what i am trying to do within Google charts(Done within excel)
The red dotted liner is the trendline, on the left is the default liniear regression that Google charts can give, but in many situations you would want to force a Y-intercept, in this example its forced to be at 0
No, you should NOT need values to force an intercept. This is a pretty standard option in graphing programs. Unfortunately, I don't see where Google Sheets gives you the option, which is one reason I don't recommend it for serious data analysis.
It's odd that the LINEST function allows you to force a zero Y-Intercept, but the trend-line tool in the Chart Editor does not. Excel offers a checkbox to force the line through the origin. (Of course, one should exercise caution when doing so. You really have to know something about the data your analyzing.)

Matlab: How to interact with a graph to define a range via GUIs

I'm currently trying to make a GUI that will allow a user to select a range of x-values, limited to a set of predefined "markers" that can appear on the graph of some data. The Matlab program has a bunch of data that's already delimited with some number of markers, and will ask the user to choose two of these markers as a start and stop point, and then continue from there.
My question is whether or not Matlab has a built-in function or object that will place some kind of interactive marker on the plot (preferably on the bottom of the graph so that it doesn't obscure the data) that the user can click on so that I can get a call-back function from it and see which marker the user chose (and also perhaps have the ability to change its color and such to represent its selection).
Preferably the answer will not involve any add-ons, but any answer and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Here is a very simple example using ginput, which asks the user to select a starting and ending points from which to plot the data.
close all
x = 1:15*pi;
uiwait(msgbox('Select a start and finish point'))
a = zeros(1,2);
[a,~] = ginput(2);
xStart = a(1);
xFinish = a(2);
set(gca,'XLim',[xStart xFinish],'XTick',round(xStart):1:round(xFinish))
Is it something like this you had in mind? Do you really need a callback or is this sufficient? If not could you elaborate on what kind of markers you would need?
Hope that helps!

How to visualize correlation matrix as a schemaball in Matlab

I have 42 variables and I have calculated the correlation matrix for them in Matlab. Now I would like to visualize it with a schemaball. Does anyone have any suggestions / experiences how this could be done in Matlab? The following pictures will explain my point better:
In the pictures each parabola between variables would mean the strength of correlation between them. The thicker the line is, the more correlation. I prefer the style of picture 1 more than the style in picture 2 where I have used different colors to highlight the strength of correlation.
Kinda finished I guess.. code can be found here at github.
Documentation is included in the file.
The yellow/magenta color (for positive/negative correlation) is configurable, as well as the fontsize of the labels and the angles at which the labels are plotted, so you can get fancy if you want and not distribute them evenly along the perimeter/group some/...
If you want to actually print these graphs or use them outside matlab, I suggest using vector formats (eg eps). It's also annoying that the text resizes when you zoom in/out, but I don't know of any way to fix that without hacking the zoom function :/
schemaball % demo
schemaball(arrayfun(#num2str,1:10,'uni',false), rand(10).^8,11,[0.1587 0.8750],[0.8333 1],2*pi*sin(linspace(0,pi/2-pi/20,10)))
schemaball(arrayfun(#num2str,1:50,'uni',false), rand(50).^50,9)
I finished and submitted my version to the FEX: schemaball and will update the link asap.
There are a some differences with Gunther Struyf's contribution:
You can return the handles to the graphic object for full manual customization
Labels are oriented to allow maximum left-to-rigth readability
The figure stretches to fit labels in, leaving the axes unchanged
Syntax requires only correlations matrix (but allows optional inputs)
Optimized for performance.
Follow examples of demo, custom labels and creative customization.
Note: the first figure was exported with saveas(), all others with export_fig.
x = rand(10).^3;
x(:,3) = 1.3*mean(x,2);
schemaball(x, {'Hi','how','is','your','day?', 'Do','you','like','schemaballs?','NO!!'})
h = schemaball;
set(h.l(~isnan(h.l)), 'LineWidth',1.2)
set(h.s, 'MarkerEdgeColor','red','LineWidth',2,'SizeData',100)
set(h.t, 'EdgeColor','white','LineWidth',1)
The default colormap:
To improve on screen rendering you can launch MATLAB with the experimental -hgVersion 2 switch which produces anti/aliased graphics by default now (source: HG2 update | Undocumented Matlab). However, if you try to save the figure, the file will have the usual old anti-aliased rendering, so here's a printscreen image of Gunther's schemaball:
Important update:
You can do this in Matlab now with the FileExchange submission:
There is an exmample by Matlab in here:
Which gives this kind of beautiful plots:
Coincidentally, Cleve Moler (MathWorks Chief Mathematician) showed an example of just this sort of plot on his most recent blog post (not nearly as beautiful as the ones in your example, and the connecting lines are straight rather than parabolic, but it looks functional). Unfortunately he didn't include the code directly, but if you leave him a comment on the post he's usually very willing to share things.
What might be even nicer for you is that he also applies (and this time includes) code to permute the rows/columns of the array in order to maximize the spatial proximity of highly connected nodes, rather than randomly ordering them around the circumference. You end up with a 'crescent'-shaped envelope of connecting lines, with the thick bit of the crescent representing the most highly connected nodes.
Unfortunately however, I suspect that if you need to enhance his code to get the very narrow, high-resolution lines in your example plots, then MATLAB's currently non-anti-aliased graphics aren't quite up to it yet.
I've recently been experimenting with MATLAB data and the D3 visualization library for similar graphs - there are several related types of circular visualizations you may be interested in and many of them are interactive. Another helpful, well-baked, and freely available option is Circos which is probably responsible for most of the prettier versions of these graphs you've seen in popular press.

How to manually segment and label ROIs in an image in Matlab?

I'm a newbie to Matlab. I'm basically attempting to manually segment a set of images and then manually label those segments also. I looked into the imfreehand(), but I'm unable to do this using imfreehand().
Basically, I want to follow the following steps :
Manually segment various ROIs on the image (imfreehand only lets me draw one segment I think?)
Assign labels to all those segments
Save the segments and corresponding labels to be used further (not sure what format they would be stored in, I think imfreehand would give me the position and I could store that along with the labels?)
Hopefully use these labelled segments in the images to form a training dataset for a neural network.
If there is some other tool or software which would help me do this, then any pointers would be very much appreciated. (Also I am new to stackoverflow, so if there is any way I could improve on the question to make it clearer, please let me know!) Thanks!
Derek Hoiem, a computer vision research at the University of Illinois, wrote an object labelling tool which does pretty much exactly what you asked for. You can download it from his page:

D3.js pie chart labels for slices not tweening

When I click on the various hyperlinks to tween my chart: while the pie's slices are tweening but I cannot figure out how to bring along each slice's label.
A mostly working JSfiddle is here:
Thanks in advance for any insights you can provide me. I promise to update the fiddle with whatever solution we discover as I imagine this effect is of interest to a great many D3'ers.
The main issue here is in your updateChart function - while you rebound the data to arcs, you did not do so for sliceLabel: (second line added); // recompute angles, rebind data;
One other small thing - your slice label text selection seems a little bit strange:
var sliceLabel = label_group.selectAll("text.value")
but you are creating no text with class = "value"; this doesn't really end up affecting much, but might cause problems in other implementations - selectAll("text") or selectAll("text.arcLabel") might be more appropriate here.
updated fiddle at