Elasticsearch: Find substring match - autocomplete

I want to perform both exact word match and partial word/substring match. For example if I search for "men's shaver" then I should be able to find "men's shaver" in the result. But in case case I search for "en's shaver" then also I should be able to find "men's shaver" in the result.
I using following settings and mappings:
Index settings:
PUT /my_index
"settings": {
"number_of_shards": 1,
"analysis": {
"filter": {
"autocomplete_filter": {
"type": "edge_ngram",
"min_gram": 1,
"max_gram": 20
"analyzer": {
"autocomplete": {
"type": "custom",
"tokenizer": "standard",
"filter": [
PUT /my_index/my_type/_mapping
"my_type": {
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"index_analyzer": "autocomplete",
"search_analyzer": "standard"
Insert records:
POST /my_index/my_type/_bulk
{ "index": { "_id": 1 }}
{ "name": "men's shaver" }
{ "index": { "_id": 2 }}
{ "name": "women's shaver" }
1. To search by exact phrase match --> "men's"
POST /my_index/my_type/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"name": "men's"
Above query returns "men's shaver" in the return result.
2. To search by Partial word match --> "en's"
POST /my_index/my_type/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"name": "en's"
Above query DOES NOT return anything.
I have also tried following query
POST /my_index/my_type/_search
"query": {
"wildcard": {
"name": {
"value": "%en's%"
Still not getting anything.
I figured it is because of "edge_ngram" type filter on Index which is not able to find "partial word/sbustring match".
I tried "n-gram" type filter as well but it is slowing down the search alot.
Please suggest me how to achieve both excact phrase match and partial phrase match using same index setting.

To search for partial field matches and exact matches, it will work better if you define the fields as "not analyzed" or as keywords (rather than text), then use a wildcard query.
See also this.
To use a wildcard query, append * on both ends of the string you are searching for:
POST /my_index/my_type/_search
"query": {
"wildcard": {
"name": {
"value": "*en's*"
To use with case insensitivity, use a custom analyzer with a lowercase filter and keyword tokenizer.
Custom Analyzer:
"custom_analyzer": {
"tokenizer": "keyword",
"filter": ["lowercase"]
Make the search string lowercase
If you get search string as AsD: change it to *asd*

The answer given by #BlackPOP will work, but it uses the wildcard approach, which is not preferred as it has a performance issue and if abused can create a huge domino effect (performance issue) in the Elastic cluster.
I have written a detailed blog on partial search/autocomplete covering the latest options available in Elasticsearch as of today (Dec 2020) with performance in mind. For more trade-off information please refer to this answer.
IMHO a better approach will be to use the customized n-gram tokenizer according to use-case, which will have already tokens needed for search term so it will be faster, although it will have a bigger index size, but you size is not that costly and speed will be better with more control on how exactly you want substring search to work.
Also size can be controlled if you are conservative in defining the min and max gram in tokenizer setting.

By searching with any string or substring Use:
query: {
or: [{
match_phrase_prefix: {
name: str
}, {
match_phrase_prefix: {
surname: str
Happy coding with Elastic Search....


Some documents not appear in atlas-search when query by few letters

I have a collection. The document structure is,
model: {
name: 'string name'
I have enabled atlas search, Also created a search index for model.name field. Search works fine, But the only issue is couldn't get results for very minimal query letters.
I have a document,
model: {
name: "space1duplicate"
If I query space, I couldn't get the result.
index: 'search_index',
compound: {
must: [
text: {
query: 'space',
path: 'model.name'
But If I query space1duplica, It returns the result.
During indexing, full text search engine tokenizes the input by splitting up text into searchable chunks. Check out the relevant section in the documentation.
By default Atlas Search does not split words by digits, but if you need that, try to define a custom analyzer with the regex tokenizer and use it for your field:
"mappings": {
"dynamic": false,
"fields": {
"name": [
"analyzer": "digitSplitter",
"type": "string"
"analyzers": [
"charFilters": [],
"name": "digitSplitter",
"tokenFilters": [],
"tokenizer": {
"pattern": "[0-9]+",
"type": "regexSplit"
Also note that you can use multiple analyzers for string fields, if needed.
Atlas search uses Lucene to do the job. Documentation on mongodb site is mostly focused on mongo specific syntax to pass the query to Lucene and might be a bit confusing if you are not familiar with its query language.
First of all, there are number of tokenizers and analizers available, each serve specific purpose. You really need include index definition when you ask quetions about atlas search.
Default tokeniser uses word separators to build the index, then removes endings to store stems, again depending on language, English by default.
So in order to find "space1duplicate" by beginning of the word you can use "autocomplete" analizer with nGram tokens. The index should be created as following:
"mappings": {
"dynamic": false,
"fields": {
"name": {
"tokenization": "nGram",
"type": "autocomplete"
"storedSource": {
"include": [
Once it's indexed (you may need to wait a bit you you have larger dataset), you can find the document with following search:
index: 'search_index',
compound: {
must: [
autocomplete: {
query: 'spa',
path: 'name'

What is the indexing strategy for a variable query?

The most common use case for this would probably be a user table, with name, lname, email, phone.
I might search for name contains "paul", email contains 2#yahoo"
I might search for phone = 01234567890
I might search for email = "foo#bar.com"
It is my understanding that in a mongo index works in order. So an index that looks like
name:1, lname:1, email:1, phone:1 wouldn't work for any of the above queries?
What's the best indexing strategy to account for search tables like this?
so, paul you will need to create an index definition before you can run the query. Creating your first search index definition in the collection view in Atlas Data Explorer can be tricky.
Here's what I would recommend for an index definition based on those docs:
"mappings": {
"fields": {
"email": {
"analyzer": "lucene.keyword",
"type": "string"
"phone": {
"analyzer": "lucene.keyword",
"type": "string"
"name": {
"analyzer": "lucene.keyword",
"type": "string"
"lname": {
"analyzer": "lucene.keyword",
"type": "string"
Here is what I would recommend for a contains-style query on the email and name fields:
$search: {
index: 'default',
compound: {
must: [{
wildcard: {
query: '*paul*',
path: 'name'
wildcard: {
query: '*2#yahoo*',
path: 'email'
Should be a lightning fast query, even for a large index, and as one of multiple clauses as you have described. Let me know if you have any more trouble. There's lot of features like highlighting that should be helpful as well. Note that this query is a single clause. If you want multiple clauses as you have described, embed this clause in a compound operator as seen here.

Elasticsearch java high level client group by and max

I am using Scala 2.12 and Elasticsearch 6.5. Using the high level java client to query the ES.
Required Data is as E.g. Simple example of Documents has 2 sets of data (published 2 times) with different id and timestamp.
id: id_123 and id_234 (Theese are 2 different ids of required documents) and timestamp(representation only) 10 AM (for id_123) and 11 AM (for id_234).
So I just need those documents which are latest among these i.e. 11 AM one.
I have some filter conditions and then need to group on field1 and take the max of field2 (which is timestamp).
val searchRequest = new SearchRequest("index_name")
val searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder()
val qb = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()
.must(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("myfield.date", "2019-07-02"))
.must(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("myfield.data", "1111"))
.should(QueryBuilders.regexpQuery("myOtherFieldId", "myregex1"))
.should(QueryBuilders.regexpQuery("myOtherFieldId", "myregex2"))
val myAgg = AggregationBuilders.terms("group_by_Id").field("field1.Id").subAggregation(AggregationBuilders.max("timestamp").field("field1.timeStamp"))
val searchResponse = client.search(searchRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT)
Basically, all works good if I do not use the aggregation.
When I use the aggregation, I am getting the following error:
ElasticsearchException[Elasticsearch exception [type=illegal_argument_exception, reason=Expected numeric type on field [field1.timeStamp], but got [keyword]]]
So what am I missing here?
I am basically looking for SQL-like query, which has fileter (where, AND/OR clause) and then group by a field (Id) and take documents only where timeStamp is max.
I tried the above query in cURL via command prompt and get the same error when using "max" on aggregaation.
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": { "myfield.date" : "2019-07-02" }
"match": { "myfield.data" : "1111" }
"bool": {
"should": [
"regexp": { "myOtherFieldId": "myregex1" }
"regexp": { "myOtherFieldId": "myregex2" }
"aggs": {
"NAME" : {
"terms": {
"field": "field1.Id"
"aggs": {
"NAME": {
"max" : {
"field": "field1.timeStamp"
"size": "10000"
I am getting the same error.
I tried to check the mappings of the index.
It is showing as keyword. So how to do max on such fields?
Adding the relevant mappings:
I think I need to aggregate (timeStamp) on keyword.
Please note that timeStamp is a subfield i.e. under field1. So below syntax for keyword doesn't seem to work or I am missing something else.
"aggs": {
"NAME" : {
"terms": {
"field": "field1.Id"
"aggs": {
"NAME": {
"max" : {
"field": "field1.timeStamp.keyword"
It fails now saying:
"Invalid aggregator order path [field1.timeStamp]. Unknown aggregation [field1]"

Why doesn't this Cloudant/couchdb $regex query work?

I am trying to pull (and delete) all records from our database that don't have a URL with the word 'box' in it. This is the query I'm using:
"selector": {
"$not": {
"url": {
"$regex": ".*box.*"
"limit": 50
This query returns no records. But if I remove the $not, I get all records that do have the word 'box' in the url, but that's the opposite of what I want. Why do I get no results when adding the $not?
I have tried adding a simple base to the query like "_id":{"$gte":0} but that doesn't help.
from the Cloudant doc:
You can create more complex selector expressions by combining
operators. However, for Cloudant NoSQL DB Query indexes of type json,
you cannot use 'combination' or 'array logical' operators such as
$regex as the basis of a query.
$not is a combination operator and therefore cannot be the basis of a query
i am able to get the following to work:
"index": {
"fields": ["url"]
"name" : "url-json-index",
"type" : "json"
"selector": {
"url": {
"$not": {
"$regex": ".*box.*"
"limit": 50,
"use_index": "url-json-index"
if you are still seeing problems, can you provide the output from _/explain and the indexes you have in place.
The "no results" issue is due to a bug in text indexes that has been recently fixed. However, neither $not nor $regex operators are able to take advantage of global indexes so will always result in a full database or index scan.
The way to optimise this query is to use a partial index. A partial index filters documents at indexing time rather than at query time, creating an index over a subset of the database. You then need to tell the _find endpoint to explicitly use the partial index. For example, create an index which only includes documents not matching your regex:
POST /<db>/_index
"index": {
"partial_filter_selector": {
"url": {
"$not": {
"$regex": ".*box.*"
"fields": ["type"]
"ddoc" : "url-not-box",
"type" : "json"
then at query time:
"selector": {
"url": {
"$not": {
"$regex": ".*box.*"
"limit": 50,
"use_index": "url-not-box"
You can see how many documents are scanned to fulfil the query in the Cloudant UI - the execution statistics are displayed in a popup underneath the query text area.
You may also find this This article about partial indexes helpful.

RemoteTransportException, Fielddata is disabled on text fields when doing aggregation on text field

I am migrating from 2.x to 5.x
I am adding values to the index like this
indexInto (indexName / indexType) id someKey source foo
however I would also want to fetch all values by field:
def getValues(tag: String) ={
client execute {
search(indexName / indexType) query ("_field_names", tag) aggregations (termsAggregation( "agg") field tag size 1)
But I am getting this exception :
nested: IllegalArgumentException[Fielddata is disabled on text fields
by default. Set fielddata=true on [my_tag] in order to load fielddata
in memory by uninverting the inverted index. Note that this can
however use significant memory.];
I am thought maybe to use keyword as shown here , but the fields are not known in advanced (sent by the user) so I cannot use perpend mappings
By default all the unknown fields will be indexed/added to elasticsearch as text fields which are not specified in the mappings.
If you will take a look at mappings of such a field, you can see there a field is enabled with for such fields with type 'keyword' and these fields are indexed but not analyzed.
GET new_index2/_mappings
"new_index2": {
"mappings": {
"type": {
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "text",
"fields": {
"keyword": {
"type": "keyword",
"ignore_above": 256
so you can use the fields values for the text fields for aggregations like the following
POST new_index2/_search
"aggs": {
"NAME": {
"terms": {
"field": "name.fields",
"size": 10
Check name.fields
So your scala query can work if you can shift to fields value.
def getValues(tag: String) = {
client.execute {
search(indexName / indexType)
.query("_field_name", tag)
.aggregations {
termsAgg("agg", "field_name.fields")
Hope this helps.