Play2 - adding scala nature couses errors - eclipse

i installed Play2 plugin for eclipse, and whem I am trying to add scala nature to project i receive error message -> "The import views.html.index cannot be resolved". I was trying to recompile, clean, refresh, rebuild it, but nothing works. If I remove scala nature from project everything works fine. Maybe you have some ideas how i can fix this issue?

Not a fix but a workaround for this Scala + Eclipse problem is creating a 2nd project for only editing the template files.
run 'activator clean eclipse'
remove Scala nature from main project
create new Scala project in Eclipse (File -> New -> Project -> Scala Wizards -> Scala Project
--> use default settings
--> don't switch to Scala view
in a Linux shell remove all files and folders from the new project except for .project and .settings
create a folder 'app' (or the root Java source folder in the main project
create a symling from your main project views folder into the new projects app folder named 'views'
create a symlink from the main project bin folder to the new project, named 'bin'
create a symlink from .classpath to the new project
in Eclipse refresh the project
edit new projects properties
--> Java Build Path -> Source, check if the app folder is the source folder


Eclipse and Intellij project with GitHub

I am trying to set a project that can be used by developers using Intellij or Eclipse on Github. I am not sure I am doing it right.
I know I need the .classpath and project from Eclipse and *.iml for Intellij but I have concerns about the project structure (I am using Maven). In Intellij, everything is fine and I can commit the project as I usually do and the top level contains src folders, pom.xml and so on. With Eclipse the top level is the project folder itself and then inside that folder, I see the pom.xml and src folder.
I am looking for details and found this other SO (eclipse intellij can use Github for same project) but this is really about the file and not the structure.
Can you please help with the project structure ?
All you have to push are only src folder and pom.xml file. All another files and folders should be added to .gitignore. Then you can clone repository and open it in Eclipse or Intellij as existing project (in Intellij: New -> Project from existing sources) or just open it from version control: New -> Project from version control -> git. Also you can add this instructions to file.

Eclipse: "declared package does not match the expected package", but buildpath does define the declared package

In a maven project called my-project, eclipse keeps telling me
The declared package "com.myself" does not match the expected package ""
although I verified that in the project's build path, I have an entry:
Included: **/*.java
Excluded: (None)
Native library location: (None)
Ignore optional compile problems: No
What could be the problem then?
What is the easiest way to fix the problem?
I suspect that something is wrong with the eclipse settings files, because after importing the project to the workspace and converting it to a maven project, I had to change the folder structure manually in to get the conventional folder structure of a maven web project. But it could be that during those changes, something was not understood properly by eclipse.
Also, maven is able to build my project (from within eclipse, as well as from the command line).
I'm just getting those compilation error from eclipse.
P.S. I've already tried project > clean, but it did not help.
Set my-project/src/main/java as the source folder (Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Project -> Add Folder). Remove the old source folder.
Restart eclipse if necessary.
Simply put, Eclipse thinks that your project begins at my-project/src. Therefore, it expects all packages to descend from there, starting with
Looks like the project is still not in maven nature...
Follow the steps:
Right Click on the project folder -> Maven -> Update Project...
OR, open the command prompt, go to the root project directory, and type the following command:
mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse
I copied the project folder to some place outside of my eclipse workspace.
Then I deleted the project from the eclipse project explorer and the workspace.
Now I created a new java project with the same name, and imported the original project that I saved at (1).
Tah dah! no compilation errors.

Importing maven sourceproject into eclipse

I have imported my maven project in eclipse using Import Maven project. It got import in eclipse project explorer, but all the source folder are opening as files and folders, its not opening as java source folder. Since its opening as files and folder, it doesnot have compilation unit, found very difficult to code using it.
What do I need to do inorder to make the source folder as java source folder so that I can code easily?
Select the project and from the context menu choose Maven -> Update Project Configuration (This menu item gets reworded across various maven releases so look for something similar). You may also need to choose Update Dependencies.
In the shell/command line, execute mvn eclipse:eclipse

Eclipse - Adding a Jar File to a existing Project

I am running Eclipse 3.7. I am currently working on a Plug-In Project for a Application called Team Center. I was recently made aware of a jar file of SWT Widgets named Opal. So I am trying to figure out how to add the Jar File to my existing project. I have tried many different ways to do this. Nothing has worked so far.
Here are some of the things I have tried.
Made a lib directory in my current project copied the jar file
Build Path Configure -> Libraries -> Added the Jar
Runtime tab -> Add -> selected the lib/jar file -> update build path
My project still compiles, but at runtime it fails and I get can't load proxied handler errors
I have tried to create a plugin project just for the Jar File, then add the opal plugin to required Plug-ins. If the Opal project is closed, that reflects with the Opal plugin in my project.
Here is the way my current project works. It is a plug-in project and when I finish or change code.
Build Project
Deployable plug-ins and fragments
Select my project plug-in
Then I copy the project.jar to the TeamCenter Application plug-ins directory
I am assuming that somehow I have to include the opal.jar in the project.jar. But right now I am at a total lost on how to do it.
In Eclipse Plugin Project click on your MANIFEST.MF file and go to the runtime tab. There should be a section "Classpath". Try to add your lib there.
I've tried it and it has worked for me. I've executed following steps:
create new Plug-In project
create new lib folder in it
copy opal lib to the folder
open the MANIFEST.MF, go to the Runtime tab and add the lib to the Classpath section
check whether the lib folder is recognized of the build process (Build tab and lib folder should be checked)
Create new Run Configuration (Run -> Run Configuration... -> double click on OSGi Framework)
on Bundles tab check the new made project (Workspace section) and uncheck Target Platform for now
mark the new project and click on the button Add Required Bundles on the right side
now some needed bundles to run your project should be checked in the Target Platform section
click Apply, then Run and your OSGi env will be started
check in your plugin. check lib folder should be included there.
open plugin.xml or MANIFEST.MF in editor, you see build Tab. In the binary build, make sure your lib folder is checked.

How to convert IntelliJ project to Eclipse?

I have one IntelliJ project and I want to open it in Eclipse, so what should I do?
There is an export to eclipse option in Intellij Under file menu.
This option will generate you the necessary .project and .classpath files that will be used by eclipse. Personally, I would remove any IDE dependencies using some dependency management systems like Maven or Apache IVY. ( Is system the right term?)
I had the same issue and (I don't have Intellij) but doc_180's comment pointed me in the right direction. Here is a simple solution. In Eclipse create a new blank Android project. Copy the .project and .classpath files and the .settings folder to the Intellij folder. Edit the .project file and change the name of the project.
You should now be able to Import the project in Eclipse by right clicking and selecting "Import->Existing Project into Workspace".
I see this is an old question, but thought I should add this answer for others Googling it like me ;)
Without access to IntelliJ to export and convert the project, try the following.
In STS or Eclipse create an empty project first, then, select File -> Import and choose General -> File System. In the resulting dialog box, select the root folder of the IntelliJ project as source and the empty project as the destination.
For unit tests, add the test folder as a source folder to the build path (right-click on the folder, select Build Path -> Use as Source Folder).
The projects I import this way run without any further modifications, including the tests.
Eclipse and Intellij create different project structure each other (Output path, Source Code etc...). You can export the current project to Eclipse environment.
File -> Export -> Project to Eclipse