Get Data from 2 Tables using Join - postgresql

I have 2 tables :
1. transfer
2. data
in table data 2 records :
id name
1. 2 PQR
2. 3 XYZ
in table transfer 5 records :
id to from amount type
1. 1 2 3 100.00 C
2. 2 3 2 200.00 C
3. 3 2 3 150.00 D
4. 4 3 2 150.00 C
5. 5 2 3 300.00 D
now I want to form query that will take 2 in where condition and give me result
from transfer table that when 2 is in to column then from data should be shown
and when 2 is in from column then to data should be print.
And in result I want other columns that are amount and type.
I want data using join (Any), I am totally confused that how to perform this task.
Expected Result :
from/to amount type
3 100.00 C
3 200.00 C
3 150.00 D
3 300.00 D
Any Guidance on this..

Try Like this
case when "from"=2 then "to" when "to"=2 then "from" end "from/to"
,amount,type from transfer
Out put is
form/to amount type
3 100 C
3 200 C
3 150 D
3 150 C
3 100 D
select case when "from"=2 then when "to"=2 then end "from/to",
amount,type from transfer inner join data on ("to"
inner join data as d on("from"
Out put is
form/to amount type
XYZ 100 C
XYZ 200 C
XYZ 150 D
XYZ 150 C
XYZ 100 D
prove of working query:


kdb+ Q : select from table where column value =

How do i select all rows from a table where a specific column value equals something?
i have tried the following:
select from tablname where columnvalue = value
you could do:
q)table:([]a:1 2 3 4 5;b:`a`b`c`d`e;c:`hi`bye`bye`bye`hi)
a b c
1 a hi
2 b bye
3 c bye
4 d bye
5 e hi
q)select from table where c=`bye
a b c
2 b bye
3 c bye
4 d bye
You could do:
q)tbl:([] a:1 2 3;b:4 5 6;c:7 8 9)
a b c
1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9
q)select a from tbl

TSQL Pivot with combination result

I have data in SQL server 2005 table similar to below format.
OrderNo ProductId Sale
1 A £10
2 B £20
3 C £30
4 A £10
4 B £20
5 A £10
5 B £20
6 C £30
6 B £20
7 C £30
I need to write TSQL query that would give me result table in this format.
NoOfOrders 'A' SaleValue 'B' SaleValue 'C' SaleValue
Prod A (Only) 1 £10
Prod B (Only) 1 £20
Prod C (Only) 2 £60
Prod A & B 2 £20 £40
Prod A & C 0 £0 £0 £0
Prod B & C 1 £20 £30
Any idea greatly appreciated.
I'd suggest a three-step approach:
(1) SELECT distinct ProductID into a table variable.
(2) CROSS JOIN the table variable on itself to get all possible combinations.
(3) Craft a dynamic SQL statement to pivot it out.

Making a query in MS Access

I am having a problem with my query. I have 2 tables:
Table 1 is AutoCompany it has fields company and CodeCar. CodeCar can be 3 or 4 depending on the type of car that company has.
table 1: AutoCompany
company| CodeCar|
jora 3
jora 4
jora 3
ghita 3
ghita 3
ghita 4
gheorghe 4
gheorghe 3
gheorghe 3
Table 2 CodeCarCompanies has the codes:
car | codeCar
mers 3
vW 4
I need to select the companies with the count of the occurance of the 2 codeCars
resulting in something like this:
company | MERS| VW
jora 2 1
ghita 2 1
gheorghe 2 1
My attempt so far:
SELECT COUNT(dbo.AutoComany) AS MERS, dbo.Company, COUNT(dbo.AutoComany.
[CodeCar]) AS VW,
dbo.AutoComany ON dbo.АВТОМОБ.КодПредпр =
WHERE (dbo.CodeCarComapnies.[CodeCar] = 3)
GROUP BY, dbo.CodeCarComapnies.[CodeCar]
HAVING (dbo.CodeCarComapnies.[CodeCar] = 4)
In MS Access, I think you want:
Count(autocompany.codecar) AS CountOfCodeCar
FROM autocompany
INNER JOIN codecarcomapnies
ON autocompany.codecar = codecarcomapnies.codecar
WHERE autocompany.codecar IN ( 3, 4 )
The above was built using the MS Access query design window and the Sum Σ button
Edit re Comment
SELECT Sum(IIf([autocompany].[codecar]=3,1,0)) AS mers,
Sum(IIf([autocompany].[codecar]=4,1,0)) AS vw
FROM autocompany
TRANSFORM Count(autocompany.CodeCar) AS CountOfCodeCar
SELECT "Total" AS Total
FROM autocompany
INNER JOIN CodeCarComapnies
ON autocompany.CodeCar = CodeCarComapnies.codeCar
WHERE autocompany.CodeCar In (3,4)
GROUP BY "Total"

How to Sum Groups and provide totals in separate columns?

I have beek looking at this problem for a while and while i know i could do this programiticly in LINQ. I started thinking about solutions that would scale if this were a vary large data set. I'm building my experieance with SQL and believe there is a way to get the result with out performing an insert.
What I have is data that looks like this:
ids type total
A01 x 1
A01 x 2
A01 x 3
A01 y 4
B01 y 2
B01 x 3
B01 y 1
C01 x 1
C01 y 2
C01 x 5
C01 y 6
What I want is data that looks like this:
id x total y total
A01 6 4
B01 3 3
C01 6 8
I's my belief incorrect?
SUM(CASE type WHEN'x' THEN total ELSE 0 END),
SUM(CASE type WHEN 'y' THEN total ELSE 0 END)
Group by
Sorry hard to give full answer on phone
This is called a pivot table, and there are a number of ways to accomplish it.
If you're using SQL Server 2005 or later, the PIVOT operator (MSDN) is a neat option:
select id, [x], [y]
from temp d
PIVOT ( sum(total) for type in ([x],[y]) ) p

tsql sum data and include default values for missing data

I would like a query that will show a sum of columns with a default value for missing data. For example assume I have a table as follows:
id name
1 self
2 manager
3 peer
And a table as follows
id type_lookup_id value
1 1 1
2 1 4
3 2 9
4 2 1
5 2 9
6 1 5
7 2 6
8 1 2
9 1 1
After running a query I would like a result set as follows:
type_lookup_id value
1 13
2 25
3 0
I would like all rows in type_lookup table to be included in the result set - even if they don't appear in the data table.
It's a bit hard to read your data layout, but something like the following should do the trick:
SELECT tl.type_lookup_id,, sum(da.type_lookup_id) how_much
from type_lookup tl
left outer join data da
on da.type_lookup_id = tl.type_lookup_id
group by tl.type_lookup_id,
order by tl.type_lookup_id
...subsequently edited by changing count() to sum().