How to control timing of the commands (MATLAB) - matlab

I have a loop that has a command I want to execute at a specific time, say 3 seconds from now. But I don't want to add a delay because I want my rest of the statements and the loop to execute continuously without delay. Is there any way I can store statements in a buffer to execute at a required time?

You need to set up a timer object. The "Display message using Timer"-Example shows exactly what you need.

Have you tried tic and toc? Like this:
executeFlag = 1;
while(1) % Your loop here.
if (toc > 3) && (executeFlag)
timedThing(); % The thing to run on a timer.
executeFlag = 0;
everythingElse(); % Everything else you need to do.
It's not pretty, but it will do the job. You can remove the executeFlag if you want the timed thing to run after a certain time.
Let me know if this doesn't do it for you, and I'll take another shot at it.


How I can evaluate a condition on next time-step in anylogic?

I am trying to write a code for one state to another state transition where the system will first store the initial model time and then will check a condition (used while loop). It will continue to run the loop until the condition is false and when the condition is false it will record the final model time. So, my main objective is to get the total time that while loop condition is true. The problem is, I don't know how to check the while loop every 1 time step, For example, I tried "wait (1);" in place of "???" section of the below code which is not correct. Can anyone please suggest how I can do this?
My transition code as below:
while ((thisPed.inState(walking) && thisPed.fieldOfVision.contains(pedX, pedY));
finalTime= time();
exposureTime = finalTime - initialTime;
you can't put while statements in a model that at the same time run with time steps... to do that you have many other ways..
For instance you can generate a transition that goes from that state to the same state (internally) and generate your code there every time step.
Another option is to use a conditional transition in the same way
BUt NOT a while loop

Is there a way to subtract/sum the elapsed time in Timer function with Matlab?

Say we have a call-back timer function call_time(obj, event). I want to know the elapsed time (delt_time) during the execution of timer function once it is started.
Furthermore, I want to use that elapsed time to decide if the function will be continued executing or be terminated (say delt_time > 60s). I want the timer function to determine the running time concurrently. By doing this way, the code knows when to terminate the program once it reaches to the threshold. Actually, I have asked a couple of similar questions on the basis of different ways that I have tried. But no answers yet.
Now I've tried
function call_time(obj, event)
event_time = event.Data.time;
event_time = event.Data.time - event_time;
while event_time < 60
%execute commands
if event_time > 60
%terminate execution
But it does not work.Below is how I call the timer function.
TimerHandle = timer;
TimerHandle.StartFcn = #(~,thisEvent)disp([thisEvent.Type ' executed '...
datestr(thisEvent.Data.time,'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS.FFF')]);
TimerHandle.TimerFcn = #call_time;
TimerHandle.StopFcn = #TimerCleanup;
TimerHandle.period = 10;
TimerHandle.ExecutionMode = 'fixedRate';
I also tried the way that Tom suggested. But not working as well.
function call_time(obj, event)
event_time = event.Data.time;
delta_time = event.Data.time - event_time;
while delta_time < 60
%execute commands
delta_time = event.Data.time - event_time;
fprintf('Elapsed %.2f sec\n', delta_time);
if delta_time > 60
%terminate execution
Assuming you want to track time since the callback entrance, you can use tic/toc:
function call_time(obj, event)
elapsed_sec = 0;
t = tic();
while elapsed_sec < 60
% execute commands, e.g. something time-consuming
A = randn(10000);
elapsed_sec = toc(t);
fprintf('Elapsed %.2f sec\n', elapsed_sec);
UPDATE on concurrency - Matlab execution is single-threaded, so nothing like this exists out of the box. You could spawn java treads and have one terminate another, but you would obviously not be able to run Matlab code inside (not easily, at least).
For a pure java solution, you can check out this question. If you really-really need to terminate Matlab code, you can use aforementioned Java solution, and call back from Java to Matlab via JMI / MatlabControl or MATLAB Engine API for Java (I am actually not even certain the thread would be terminated in this case). Even if it does work, this is unnecessarily more complicated than simply adding a bunch of toc checks between your statements.

Save the debug state in matlab

I am looking for a way to save 'everything' in the matlab session when it is stopped for debugging.
function funmain
if a>1
function funsub(c)
b = c + 1;
function funsubsub(c)
c = c + 2; %Line with breakpoint
When I finally reach the line with the breakpoint, I can easily navigate all workspaces and see where all function calls are made.
The question
How can I preserve this situation?
When debugging nested programs that take a long time to run, I often find myself waiting for a long time to reach a breakpoint. And sometimes I just have to close matlab, or want to try some stuff and later return to this point, so therefore finding a way to store this state would be quite desirable. I work in Windows Server 2008, but would prefer a platform independant solution that does not require installation of any software.
What have I tried
1. Saving all variables in the workspace: This works sometimes, but often I will also need to navigate other workspaces
2. Saving all variables in the calling workspace: This is already better as I can run the lowest function again, but may still be insufficient. Doing this for all nested workspaces is not very convenient, and navigating the saved workspaces may be even worse.
Besides the mentioned inconveniences, this also doesn't allow me to see the exact route via which the breakpoint is reached. Therefore I hope there is a better solution!
Code structure example
The code looks a bit like this
function fmain
function fsub1
function fsub2
function fsub3
function fsubsub29
fsubsubsub292% The break may occur in here
The break can of course occur anywhere, and normally I would be able to navigate the workspace and all those above it.
What you're looking to implement is known as checkpointing code. This can be very useful on pieces of code that run for a very long time. Let's take a very simple example:
for i=1:1e6
f(i) = g(i) + i*2+5; % //do some stuff with f, not important for this example
This would obviously take a while on most machines so it would be a pain if it ran half way, and then you had to restart. So let's add a checkpoint!
i=1; % //start at 1
% //unless there is a previous checkpoint, in which case skip all those iterations
if exist('checkpoint.mat')==2
load('checkpoint.mat'); % //this will load f and i
while i<1e6+1
f(i) = g(i) + i*2+5;
if mod(i,1000)==0 % //let's save our state every 1000 iterations
delete('checkpoint.mat') % //make sure to remove it when we're done!
This allows you to quit your code midway through processing without losing all of that computation time. Deciding when and how often to checkpoint is the balance between performance and lost time!
Sample Code Implementation
Your Sample code would need to be updated as follows:
function fmain
sub1done=false; % //These really wouldn't be necessary if each function returns
sub2done=false; % //something, you could just check if the return exists
if exist('checkpoint_main.mat')==2, load('checkpoint_main.mat');end
if ~sub1done
fprintf('Entering fsub1\n');
fprintf('Finished with fsub1\n');
if ~sub2done
fprintf('Entering fsub2\n');
fprintf('Finished with fsub2\n');
if ~sub3done
fprintf('Entering fsub3\n');
fprintf('Finished with fsub3\n');
function fsub2
if exist('checkpoint_fsub2')==2, load('checkpoint_fsub2');end
if ~subsub21_done
fprintf('\tEntering fsubsub21\n');
fprintf('\tFinished with fsubsub21\n');
if ~subsub29_done
fprintf('\tEntering fsubsub29\n');
fprintf('\tFinished with fsubsub29\n');
function fsubsub29
if exist('checkpoint_fsubsub29.mat')==2,load('checkpoint_fsubsub29.mat');end
if ~subsubsub291_done
fprintf('\t\tEntering fsubsubsub291\n');
fprintf('\t\tFinished with fsubsubsub291\n');
if ~subsubsub292_done
fprintf('\t\tEntering fsubsubsub292\n');
fsubsubsub292% The break may occur in here
fprintf('\t\tFinished with fsubsubsub292\n')
So in this structure if you restarted the program after it was killed it would resume back to the last saved checkpoint. So for example if the program died in subsubsub291, the program would skip fsub1 altogether, just loading the result. And then it would skip subsub21 all the way down to subsub29 where it would enter subsub29. Then it would skip subsubsub291 and enter 292 where it left off, having loaded all of the variables in that workspace and in previous workspaces. So if you backed out of 292 into 29 you would have the same workspace as if the code just ran. Note that this will also print a nice tree structure as it enters and exits functions to help debug execution order.
After a bit of googling, I found that using putvar (custom function from here: ) solved this.

How to restart matlab script from where it left off?

I have a matlab script which executes 5 algorithm sequentially. All these 5 algorithms needs to run for 10 different initialization.
Whenever there is an error in i-th initialization, the script exit with an error message. I fix the issue(say, data issue) and start running the script again which executes from the first initialization.
I dont want to my code to run for previously executed initialization. ( from 1 run to i-1 the run)
One way is to reassign the value of index to start from i, which in turn require to modify the scrip everytime again and again.
Is there any way to restart the script from the i-th initialization onwards which dont require to modify the script?
I suggest that you use try and catch, and check which indexes succeeded.
function errorIndexes = myScript(indexes)
errorIndexes = [];
errors = {};
for i = indexes
%Do something
catch me
errorIndexes(end+1) = i;
errors{end+1} = me;
On the outside you should have a main file like that:
function RunMyScript()
if exist('unRunIndexes.mat','file')
unRunIndexes= load('unRunIndexes.mat');
unRunIndexes= 1:n;
unRunIndexes= myScript( indexes)
Another technique you might like to consider is checkpointing. I've used something similar with long-running (more than one day) loops operating in an environment where the machine could become unavailable at any time, e.g. distributed clusters of spare machines in a lab.
Basically, you check to see if a 'checkpoint' file exists before you start your loop. If it does than that suggests the loop did not finish successfully last time. It contains information on where the loop got up to as well as any other state that you need to get going again.
Here's a simplified example:
function myFunction()
numIter = 10;
startIter = 1;
checkpointFilename = 'checkpoint.mat';
% Check for presence of checkpoint file suggesting the last run did not
% complete
if exist(checkpointFilename, 'file')
s = load(checkpointFilename);
startIter = s.i;
fprintf('Restarting from iteration %d\n', startIter);
for i = startIter:numIter
fprintf('Starting iteration %d\n', i);
save(checkpointFilename, 'i');
% We succefully finished. Let's delete our checkpoint file
function expensiveComputation()
% Pretend to do lots of work!
Running and breaking out with ctrl-c part way through looks like this:
>> myFunction
Starting iteration 1
Starting iteration 2
Starting iteration 3
Starting iteration 4
Operation terminated by user during myFunction/expensiveComputation (line 27)
In myFunction (line 18)
>> myFunction
Restarting from iteration 4
Starting iteration 4
Starting iteration 5
You can type (in the command line):
for iter=l:n,
%%% copy - paste your code inside the loop

Controlling a matlab script (Pause, Reset)

I am trying to create a matlab script (m-file) which shall be controlled by an external VBA script.
The matlab script shall do the same operation every time (even params change, but this is not the matter in this case) for a certain number of loops.
If I see it right, I can use matlab funktions in VBA like this:
My main problem is how to implement the matlab part of this the moment my control part looks like this:
run = 1;
reset = 0;
while run ~= 0 % Loop until external reset of 'run' to '0'
if reset ~= 0
doReset(); % Reset the parameters for the processing
reset = 0;
disp('I did a reset');
disp('I am processing');
disp('I am done');
The reset part works very fine while changing the value by the script, but when I manually try to change the value of 'run' or 'reset' to any other value in my workspace, nothing script doen't abort, neither does the reset-if do it's work...
this seems to me that the script doesn't recognize any changes in the workspace?!
later the variables 'run' and 'reset' shall be set or unset by the VBA script.
Is there any plausible reason why I can't abort the loop by hand?
Thanks for any advice!
greets, poeschlorn
It seems that the script loads the variables once before starting and never again during there a possibility to have explicit access to a workspace variable?
Edit 2:
I use Matlab 2010b with no additional Toolboxes at the moment
Edit 3:
I found out, that there are several 'workspaces' or RAMs in Matlab. If my function is running, the variables are stored in 'base' (?) workspace, which is not the matlab workspace on which you can click and change every value. So I have to get access to this ominous 'base' space and change the flag 'run' to zero.
I assume your problem is simply that your loop is blocking execution of the external interface. While the loop runs you cannot access the other interfaces.
I wanted to do a similar thing -- allow control of a matlab loop by an external program (either Ruby or another matlab instance). The most flexible solution by far was using UDP. There is a great toolbox called PNET for matlab, and I assume VB must have a socket library too. I simply open a UDP port on both sides, and use simple text commands to control and give feedback.
obj.conn = pnet('udpsocket', 9999);
command = '';
while run ~= 0
nBytes = pnet(obj.conn, 'readpacket');
if nBytes > 0
command = pnet(obj.conn, 'read', nBytes, 'string');
switch command
case '--reset--'
doReset(); % Reset the parameters for the processing
reset = 0;
disp('I did a reset');
case '--abort--'
run = 0;
disp('Going to abort');
case '--echo--'
pnet(obj.conn, 'write', '--echo--');
pnet(obj.conn, 'writepacket', remoteAddress, remotePort);
This way I can build my own extensible control interface without worrying about blocking from the loop, it can work cross-platform and cross-language, can work within a machine or across the network.
To talk between two UDP clients, you need to set up two complimentary UDP ports, both are clients (this example is all in matlab, pretend obj here is a structure, in my case it is a class i wrap around the pnet functionality):
obj = struct();
obj.success = 0;
obj.client1Port = 9999;
obj.client2Port = 9998;
obj.client1Address = '';
obj.client2Address = '';
obj.conn1 = pnet('udpsocket', obj.client1Port);
obj.conn2 = pnet('udpsocket', obj.client2Port);
pnet(obj.conn1, 'write', '--echo--')
pnet(obj.conn1, 'writepacket', obj.client2Address, obj.client2Port);
nBytes = pnet(obj.conn2, 'readpacket');
if nBytes > 0
command = pnet(obj.conn2, 'read', nBytes, 'string');
if regexpi(command,'--echo--')
obj.success = obj.success+1;
fprintf('Client 2 recieved this message: %s\n',command);
pnet(obj.conn2, 'write', '--echo--')
pnet(obj.conn2, 'writepacket', obj.client1Address, obj.client1Port);
nBytes = pnet(obj.conn1, 'readpacket');
if nBytes > 0
command = pnet(obj.conn1, 'read', nBytes, 'string');
if regexpi(command,'--echo--')
obj.success = obj.success+1;
fprintf('Client 1 got this back: %s\n',command);
if obj.success == 2
fprintf('\nWe both sent and received messages!\n');
Is your script a script m-file or a function?
If it's a function, you'll be losing the scope of the workspace variables which is why it's not working. I'd turn your code into a function like this:
function processRun(run,reset)
while run ~= 0 % Loop until external reset of 'run' to '0'
if reset ~= 0
doReset; % Reset the parameters for the processing
reset = 0;
disp('I did a reset');
disp('I am processing');
[run,reset] = doProcess;
You can then set the values of run and reset evertime you call the function from VBA.
If you have a script, try removing the run and reset lines from the top, and set their values in the workspace before you run the script. I think you're overwriting your workspace values by running the script file.
Sorry, I don't have enough rep to make a comment so I'll quote it here:
#Adam Leadbetter: Thanks, this makes sense. The only thing I habe trouble with is how to pause (after this reset and then resume) the script when it has been started by run=1 as param... – poeschlorn Feb 25 at 7:17
If you want to break out of the loop once reset has been set to one, and then wait for the loop to continue again once run = 1 that is pretty much the same as just starting over again?
function processRun()
run = 1;
while run ~= 1
run = doProcess();
if doProcess() returns 0 then the function processRun() will end (like the behaviour you want to have when reset), the next time processRun is called it starts over, with "reset"/default values.
Or am I missing something?