sort by string length in Mongodb/pymongo - mongodb

I was wondering if anyone knows how to sort a mongodb find() result by string length.
I have tried something like{item.lenght:-1}) but obviously doesn't work. Can somebody help me and also suggest me a way to do the same thing but in pymongo?

There are lot of things ( and basic API ) I would personally love to see in the aggregation framework such as:
Math functions
log (as in logarithm)
Just to name a few.
And that is without resorting to obscure usages of the $mod operator or other means in such cases as "ceil" and "floor". But I digress.
Your "string length" falls into this category. Raise a JIRA issue about it. But for now you you can use mapReduce and the existing JavaScript functionality:
function() {
emit( this.item.length, this.item );
function(key,values) {
return values;
{ "out": { "inline": 1 } }
So while that does actually have the "mapReduce" funky style of returning a re-shaped document and with of course everything matching the same length in an array, what it does do is take advantage of the nature of "mapReduce" ( not just restricted to MongoDB ) and allows the emitted "key" value to be sorted in the response.

There is now a solution for this in MongoDB v3.4+ using the aggregation framework using $strLenBytes. Given the following document:
{_id: 0, name: "Bob"}
We can use
$project: {
byteLength: {$strLenBytes: "$name"}
Which will return 3 for the number of bytes.

No, actually is not possible.
I was dealing with a similar problem, what I did was to store the string length of every object as a property of the object itself. This bypassed the problem.
If you think that shall be implemented (I do) I recomend you to upvote the issue in JIRA, which, for some reason have not so many votes:


Best way to count documents in mongoDB

we have a collection with big amount of documents, lets say around 100k. We now want to count the number of documents which has the key x set.
If I try it with Collection.countDocuments({ x: { $exists: true }}) I get the result, but it creates instantly a warning in the console: Query Targeting: Scanned Objects / Returned has gone above 1000.
So, is there a better way to count the documents? There is a Index on the field, is it possible to get the length of the index?
Theres no real way of viewing the index trees in Mongo, what other people have linked you just returns the size of the tree, I'm not sure how useful that information is in this context.
Now to your question is this the best way to count?.
The answer is Yes ... -ish.
countDocuments is a wrapper function, it just simulates the following pipeline:
{ $match: <query> },
{ $group: { _id: null, n: { $sum: 1 } } } )
This pipeline is the most efficient way to go, but the difference between running this aggregation and using the wrapper function is about 100-200 milliseconds, depending on your machine spec.
Meaning if you're looking for "way" better performance you're not going to find it.
With that said this warning is stupid, it just means you have more than 1000 documents with that field. The true purpose of it is to alert you in the case you're trying to query 1-20 documents without a proper index.
You can use the indexSizes field returned by the stats() method.
The stats() method "Returns statistics about the collection".
See example here :
"indexSizes" : {
"_id_" : 237568,
"cuisine_1" : 143360,
"borough_1_cuisine_1" : 151552,
"borough_1_address.zipcode_1" : 151552
indexSize key return size as in space used in storing not count
Check With Explain if index getting used or not . (Update in question Also)
can use hint option to check the performance after specifying index
Or precalculate count by $inc operator might good option if possible in you use case
try cursor.count if its faster countDocument should been faster but no harm in checking

MapReduce function to return two outputs. MongoDB

I am currently using doing some basic mapReduce using MongoDB.
I currently have data that looks like this:
db.football_team.insert({name: "Tane Shane", weight: 93, gender: "m"});
db.football_team.insert({name: "Lily Jones", weight: 45, gender: "f"});
I want to create a mapReduce function to group data by gender and show
Total number of each gender, Male & Female
Average weight of each gender
I can create a map / reduce function to carry out each function seperately, just cant get my head around how to show output for both. I am guessing since the grouping is based on Gender, Map function should stay the same and just alter something ont he reduce section...
Work so far
var map1 = function()
{var key = this.gender;
emit(key, {count:1});}
var reduce1 = function(key, values)
{var sum=0;
return{count: sum};};
db.football_team.mapReduce(map1, reduce1, {out: "gender_stats"});
{"_id" : "f", "value" : {"count": 12} }
{"_id" : "m", "value" : {"count": 18} }
The key rule to "map/reduce" in any implementation is basically that the same shape of data needs to be emitted by the mapper as is also returned by the reducer. The key reason for this is part of how "map/reduce" conceptually works by quite possibly calling the reducer multiple times. Which basically means you can call your reducer function on output that was already emitted from a previous pass through the reducer along with other data from the mapper.
MongoDB can invoke the reduce function more than once for the same key. In this case, the previous output from the reduce function for that key will become one of the input values to the next reduce function invocation for that key.
That said, your best approach to "average" is therefore to total the data along with a count, and then simply divide the two. This actually adds another step to a "map/reduce" operation as a finalize function.
// mapper
function() {
emit(this.gender, { count: 1, weight: this.weight });
// reducer
function(key,values) {
var output = { count: 0, weight: 0 };
values.forEach(value => {
output.count += value.count;
output.weight += value.weight;
return output;
// options and finalize
"out": "gender_stats", // or { "inline": 1 } if you don't need another collection
"finalize": function(key,value) {
value.avg_weight = value.weight / value.count; // take an average
delete value.weight; // optionally remove the unwanted key
return value;
All fine because both mapper and reducer are emitting data with the same shape and also expecting input in that shape within the reducer itself. The finalize method of course is just invoked after all "reducing" is finally done and just processes each result.
As noted though, the aggregate() method actually does this far more effectively and in native coded methods which do not incur the overhead ( and potential security risks ) of server side JavaScript interpretation and execution:
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$gender",
"count": { "$sum": 1 },
"avg_weight": { "$avg": "$weight" }
And that's basically it. Moreover you can actually continue and do other things after a $group pipeline stage ( or any stage for that matter ) in ways that you cannot do with a MongoDB mapReduce implementation. Notably something like applying a $sort to the results:
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$gender",
"count": { "$sum": 1 },
"avg_weight": { "$avg": "$weight" }
{ "$sort": { "avg_weight": -1 } }
The only sorting allowed by mapReduce is solely that the key used with emit is always sorted in ascending order. But you cannot sort the aggregated result in output in any other way, without of course performing queries when output to another collection, or by working "in memory" with returned results from the server.
As a "side note" ( though an important one ), you probably should also consider in "learning" that the reality is the "server-side JavaScript" functionality of MongoDB is really a work-around more than being a feature. When MongoDB was first introduced, it applied a JavaScript engine for server execution mostly to make up for features which had not yet been implemented.
Thus to make up for the lack of the complete implementation of many query operators and aggregation functions which would come later, adding a JavaScript engine was a "quick fix" to allow certain things to be done with minimal implementation.
The result over the years is those JavaScript engine features are gradually being removed. The group() function of the API is removed. The eval() function of the API is deprecated and scheduled for removal at the next major version. The writing is basically "on the wall" for the limited future of these JavaScript on the server features, as the clear pattern is where the native features provide support for something, then the need to continue support for the JavaScript engine basically goes away.
The core wisdom here being that focusing on learning these JavaScript on the server features, is probably not really worth the time invested unless you have a pressing use case that currently cannot be solved by any other means.

Best way to create a mongo expression that never matches

What I am looking for is somehow the equivalent of doing in SQL:
WHERE 1 = 0
I'm looking for such a thing because I'm building a typesafe DSL to perform queries on my domain, supporting conjunctions and disjunctions. Sometimes it may be easier to add a query that never match anything, instead of dealing with it in the code.
For exemple, in my usecase:
In this case, it does not work as expected because sharedCategoryIds is empty, so it results in a query being $(), which does not filter anything.
For an empty list, I would rather build a query that never returns anything.
Is there an easy way to do such a thing, without any impact on performances?
I could probably add some query like { somefield: unexistingvalue } but I wonder if there is nothing better.
I expect the expression to be composable. I mean it should work in queries like $or(exp1,exp2,exp3) where exp1 is for exemple the expression that never match.
If you have any proposition, it would be nice to explain why one is better than others and how it affect the query engine performances (or not)
I think the best way to achieve what you want is to add {_id : -1}
db.coll.find({a : 1}) will be transformed into db.coll.find({a : 1, _id : -1}). This is simpler then all shx2 solutions (except of the last one with noScan which is nice).
Moreover _id field is already a primary index, so it will quickly realize that there is no such _id field in the collection.
P.S. if someone would be so smart to name their _id as -1, then you can do {_id : NaN}.
If there will be _id = NaN then you most probably need to redevelop your app.
I came up with a few ways to achieve that:
"P&!P": { $and: [ {X:0}, {X:{$ne:0}} ] }
Can't be "$in" an empty list: { X: {$in: []} }
Nothing can be this long { X: {$size: 9999999999999999} }
"noScan": db.coll.find({})._addSpecial("$maxScan", 0)
one more, using $where: { $where: function() {return 0} }

How can I get all the doc ids in MongoDB?

How can I get an array of all the doc ids in MongoDB? I only need a set of ids but not the doc contents.
You can do this in the Mongo shell by calling map on the cursor like this:
var a = db.c.find({}, {_id:1}).map(function(item){ return item._id; })
The result is that a is an array of just the _id values.
The way it works in Node is similar.
(This is MongoDB Node driver v2.2, and Node v6.7.0)
.project( {_id: 1} )
.map(x => x._id)
Remember to put map before toArray as this map is NOT the JavaScript map function, but it is the one provided by MongoDB and it runs within the database before the cursor is returned.
One way is to simply use the runCommand API.
db.runCommand ( { distinct: "distinct", key: "_id" } )
which gives you something like this:
"values" : [
"stats" : {
"n" : 7,
"nscanned" : 7,
"nscannedObjects" : 0,
"timems" : 2,
"cursor" : "DistinctCursor"
"ok" : 1
However, there's an even nicer way using the actual distinct API:
var ids = db.distinct.distinct('_id', {}, {});
which just gives you an array of ids:
Not sure about the first version, but the latter is definitely supported in the Node.js driver (which I saw you mention you wanted to use). That would look something like this:
db.collection('c').distinct('_id', {}, {}, function (err, result) {
// result is your array of ids
I also was wondering how to do this with the MongoDB Node.JS driver, like #user2793120. Someone else said he should iterate through the results with .each which seemed highly inefficient to me. I used MongoDB's aggregation instead:
{$group: {_id:null, ids: {$addToSet: "$_id"}}}
The sorting phase is optional. The match one as well if you want all the collection's _ids. If you console.log the result, you'd see something like:
[ { _id: null, ids: [ '56e05a832f3caaf218b57a90', '56e05a832f3caaf218b57a91', '56e05a832f3caaf218b57a92' ] } ]
Then just use the contents of result[0].ids somewhere else.
The key part here is the $group section. You must define a value of null for _id (otherwise, the aggregation will crash), and create a new array field with all the _ids. If you don't mind having duplicated ids (according to your search criteria used in the $match phase, and assuming you are grouping a field other than _id which also has another document _id), you can use $push instead of $addToSet.
Another way to do this on mongo console could be:
var arr=[]
Hope that helps!!!
I struggled with this for a long time, and I'm answering this because I've got an important hint. It seemed obvious that:
would be the answer.
It worked, sort of. It would find the first 101 documents and then the application would pause. I didn't let it keep going. This was both in Java using MongoOperations and also on the Mongo command line.
I looked at the mongo logs and saw it's doing a colscan, on a big collection of big documents. I thought, crazy, I'm projecting the _id which is always indexed so why would it attempt a colscan?
I have no idea why it would do that, but the solution is simple:
or in Java:
Then it was able to proceed along as normal, using stream style:
createStreamFromIterator(, MortgageDocument.class)).
Mongo can do some good things and it can also get stuck in really confusing ways. At least that's my experience so far.
Try with an agregation pipeline, like this:
{ $match: { deletedAt: null }},
{ $group: { _id: "$_id"}}
this gona return a documents array with this structure
_id: ObjectId("5fc98977fda32e3458c97edd")
i had a similar requirement to get ids for a collection with 50+ million rows. I tried many ways. Fastest way to get the ids turned out to be to do mongoexport with just the ids.
One of the above examples worked for me, with a minor tweak. I left out the second object, as I tried using with my Mongoose schema.
const idArray = await Model.distinct('_id', {}, function (err, result) {
// result is your array of ids
return result;

Mongo complex sorting?

I know how to sort queries in MongoDB by multiple fields, e.g., db.coll.find().sort({a:1,b:-1}).
Can I sort with a user-defined function; e.g., supposing a and b are integers, by the difference between a and b (a-b)?
UPDATE: This answer appears to be out of date; it seems that custom sorting can be more or less achieved by using the $project function of the aggregation pipeline to transform the input documents prior to sorting. See also #Ari's answer.
I don't think this is possible directly; the sort documentation certainly doesn't mention any way to provide a custom compare function.
You're probably best off doing the sort in the client, but if you're really determined to do it on the server you might be able to use db.eval() to arrange to run the sort on the server (if your client supports it).
Server-side sort:
db.eval(function() {
return db.scratch.find().toArray().sort(function(doc1, doc2) {
return doc1.a - doc2.a
Versus the equivalent client-side sort:
db.scratch.find().toArray().sort(function(doc1, doc2) {
return doc1.a - doc2.b
Note that it's also possible to sort via an aggregation pipeline and by the $orderby operator (i.e. in addition to .sort()) however neither of these ways lets you provide a custom sort function either.
Ran into this and this is what I came up with:
$project: {
difference: { $subtract: ["$a", "$b"] }
// Add other keys in here as necessary
$sort: { difference: -1 }
Why don't create the field with this operation and sort on it ?