Can't Install New Relic in my app - eclipse

I have already installed New Relic 3. I followed the steps on the website. However, I always encounter this error when I right click my project and Install New Relic.
What might be the problem in my project? Thanks!

This looks like a permissions issue on the project folder. Make sure that you have full permissions/rights to read/write/execute on the project folder and the error should no longer appear. Similar messages can also appear if the project folder was moved and eclipse was not updated to reference the new location.


Subversion with Eclipse for android

Okay I am starting to give up with this. I have been trying to setup sebversion in Eclipse for my android project. I have been following the following tutorial
I got the following:
Created a repository called myRep
Created a project under with source files myRep/TestProject and attached it to trunk
installed subclipse and got it to grab the repository
Now when, it says "Checkout as a project configured using the new project wizard", I get to choose the type of project. If I choose android application project then it creates a default android project and nothing is checked out. But when I choose General Project, it does grab the whole thing in the following structure
Repositony->TestProject->Trunk->All my android files and folders
However I want it to be android project so I can compile and run it. I did a lot of googling and I need your help pleeease!
Never mind, I figured it out. Apperently, when you choose the repository you have to right click and click refresh and it will show you a list of Folders (stupid eclipse does not do it automatically). Then you choose your project and create it as a new project. Voilla, you get it compiling and running

Difficulties adding ShareKit to project

Okay, so I seem to be having a bit of difficulty in adding ShareKit to my project.
I've downloaded the latest version via Git. I'm dragging and dropping the 'ShareKit' folder from Finder because you can't do it drag and drop from the xcode project.
I've figured out how to ignore ARC by setting ShareKit files to -fno-objc-arc in my Target > Build Phases> Compile Sources. So that gets rid of my arc warnings.
However, how do I get my "Submodules" folder to come along too? In the ShareKit project it doesn't appear in the xcode folder hierarchy, but it is in the project folder and you can access it through Finder. Sharekit's demo project compiles fine.
So without Submodules, I get errors like "SSKeyChain.h not found" ( among others. So I drag and drop the entire Submodules folder into my project, and that solves some, but creates others. The Submodules folder is very convoluted and I'll see errors referring to lines trying to import Cocoa/Cocoa.h, which is for mac and not iOS I believe. Some of the Submodules files are looking for files like "SampleAPIKey.h" and if they're not there, hell if I know why they aren't.
Has anyone had experience with figuring out how to do this?
Note: Wednesday, September 19, 2012
In a project that I use ShareKit, after building in Xcode 4.5, in I was getting a number of warnings and additionally a fatal error when trying to build for the iOS 6 Simulator. After having problems updating the ShareKit code via the instructions in the ShareKit github FAQ I decided to remove and then read SK to my project from scratch. The new install instructions that on github are greatly revised and following step by step worked without a hitch, so the work around that I previously provided is most likely out of date.
End of note Wednesday, September 19, 2012
I had some difficulty doing this myself but did get it working. Assuming that you are using Xcode 4.x make sure that you follow the directions in Step 2 of the install instructions re that version, but it took a number of tries as the instructions were not perfectly clear to me.
What worked for me was to 1) drag the Submodules/ShareKit.xcodeproj file from the Finder to the project I was adding SK to at the bottom of the tree navigator UNDER the other groups and NOT adding it as if it was an additional project necessitating creating a workspace, 2) then, I dragged the Classes/ShareKit folder from the tree under the newly dragged ShareKit.xcodeproject into the main project tree and when prompted choose "Create folder references for any added folders", and finally 3) delete the ShareKit.xcodeproject and click "Remove Reference Only".
Hope this helps.

Eclipse: fully remove an old project?

I run eclipse on Ubuntu 11.10. I originally created a project in folder foo. I subsequently deleted that project to re-organise folders and I now want to create a new project in folder foo/bar but Eclipse won't let me because it says the the new directory is a sub-directory of an existing project.
How can I force Eclipse to forget about the original project so that I can create the new one?
In general, the deleting the project from the "/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects" should work, but if you're using 'working sets', you might have the problem I had once, which is basically have a 'ghost' project in your workspace that you can't delete because it says "this project doesn't exist anymore".
If this is your problem, try to delete an entry for your 'ghost project' in the file:
"/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/workingsets.xml" (on MacOS).
Delete the project from /.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects and not the whole .metadata folder will save all other projects and config.
I have also encountered this problem, except it's been in Windows. I didn't want to completely remove the .metadata folder and none of the other solutions fixed it.
I managed to fix it by removing the file workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.safetable\org.eclipse.core.resources while Eclipse was closed. The file gets saved when closing Eclipse so I guess it is cached while Eclipse is open.
Go to your workspace folder using some file manager (you can find your workspace location, be clicking File -> Swich Workspace...) and delete your foo folder, or simple remove its contents (.project file being most important). Then you should be able to create your new project.
I finally managed to fix it by deleting the workspace/.metadata directory. This resolves the problem but has the side effect of making eclipse forget everything about the workspace so I'm not sure it's a recommended way of fixing the problem.
I am running Eclipse Kepler on OS X Mountain Lion, and I had a similar problem. I deleted a project and tried to recreate it in the same location. Eclipse gave me an error saying that the project already existed. I discovered that if I close Eclipse after deleting a project, then reopen it, Eclipse finally 'forgets' the deleted project and allows me to re-create it.
(This question was posted over 1.5 years ago, and I'm guessing that Bruno already tried this and it didn't work. I just want to let others know that this solution worked for me now on Kepler.)
I had the same problem, with Egit and repositories that I deleted and imported back again, instead of importing as general project choose import as existing project.
maybe you can try to delete the folders:
If the Project was in a working set before you deleted it, you might have to manually remove it from the set.
Instead of deleting any file, rename it, so if whatever you try doesn't work, you can revert.

gwt-dev-mac.jar is missing?

I'm trying to use IntelliJ IDEA for GWT development on Mac OS X, and checked out a project from subversion a coworker created on Windows. The Project file came with paths to GWT ("C:..."), which obviously don't work for me.
When I change the GWT facet path in the Module Settings dialog it complains that the directory i've chosen isn't a valid GWT SDK folder because it's missing gwt-dev-mac.jar
But I can't find such a file anywhere on my machine.
When I rename "gwt-dev.jar" to "gwt-dev-mac.jar" and try to run the project, I get the error: "Unknown argument: -style" when it tries to run GWTShell.
I read this link, but I'm not sure what to do about it:
What's going on here?
I'm dumb... when I updated IntelliJ I dragged the new application into my applications folder and assumed it would replace the old one.
It appeared with the typical greyed-out look because I hadn't started it yet... so I was still using IntelliJ 8.something. and not noticing.
Problem solved with version 9 with the addition of the "Fix" and "Create Artifact" features that appear where the error used to.

Is there any Eclipse plugin which autobackup a project every so and so minutes to an email a/c?

Is there any Eclipse plugin which autobackup a project every so and so minutes to an email a/c?
After doing some research, I found that such a feature is already present in Eclipse. Eclipse stores every new edit in a file in the following backup folder present in the workspace folder .metadata:
{Eclipse root directory}/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.history/
The backup can also be accessed from right clicking a file and choosing "Restore from Local History...". However, when it comes to emailing the code, there is no such function that comes with default version of Eclipse, so I guess I do need to learn Eclipse Plugin.
Here are some relevant links:
Take a look at Subversive/Subclipse
Installing a CVS would do it, but any backup utility software running in the background would also work.