Answering to a mailing list - email

This might be a dumb question but I really can't figure out how to reply to ANY existing thread or post on the llvm mailing list ( As far as I've understood I can post threads to, but how to reply to one particular post? There's no reply button, not even in the google groups page I'm subscribed to


how I can validate subscribers list?

I have list of subscribers from my old blog. Now I want to resubscribe users to my new blog. But when I upload list to MailChimp I've been banned. From support, I know that my list isn't clean, like lots of dead mails in it. How I can improve list quality to finally start sending mailings?
You may use email validation service, like mailcheck it's not unique service, but comparing to others they do contact enrichment. Like showing you Surname of yours prospect. It also could be helpful.

how to leave or unsubscribe google forum groups

By mistake, I joined one google groups forum, which I was just checking the forum and now I am getting the unnecessary mail. Can anyone pls tell me how to leave google forum groups. unsubscribe
The question is off-topic but a quick google search found this:

FbChatBot mark message as Read

i am developing fb chat bot, and i want to mark the message as read so that when the moderator of our fb page view the message part, they won't see so many unread messages even though the fb chat bot has already replied that user and they don't need to click that message just to mark it as "read".
How can i achieve this? I am trying to use this API: but it doesn't work.
You can not mark message as read (as of now), but the best way I deal with this is to use Handover Protocol
When your bot reply the message, it won't appear in INBOX, but it goes to DONE box instead.
When bot cannot answer, you can let your bot pass thread to INBOX. Then the moderator of page manually answer it. (and mark as DONE afterward)
Follow the instruction here to set it up:
(Note: You can pass thread to page inbox and then take thread back immediately. I will notify to INBOX, but your bot can still work with users.)
When you use the API you sent here (Facebook's Send API), you only mark the message as "seen" from the bot on the Messenger Chat that you have with your users. This doesn't affect the messages inside your Page's inbox.
Unfortunately, there is no way to mark messages as read inside your Page's inbox.
Is this new feature of fb bot? Thanks btw! I will try to check this.
Is there any side effects in Marking the message as done ???
To answer your question:
There are some bugs within the Inbox/Pages Manager mobile app. You won't see the messages in DONE folder if your admins are using Pages Manager mobile app for now.
I've reported the issue and working with them to solve it. However, you can still see those messages in DONE folder if you use a computer and go into your page's Inbox.
NOTE: It seems that messages moved to Inbox will be marked as seen (not bolded). This may be a little confusing if your admins don't mark each conversation as DONE after admin finishes conversation with the users.

Facebook - How to send automated private messages to friends now (Oct. 2015)?

I was researching this topic and I found that there was an answer in StackOverflow in 2013. It uses "send dialog" api of Facebook.
However it couldn't send automated/pre-filled message on behalf of the user. Is it still true now as of Oct. 2015?
Another similar question was asked here in 2012.
First of all, prefilling is not allowed according to the platform policy. That being said, the Chat API is gone and there is no alternative. You can't send messages with any API anymore, you can only use the Send or Message Dialogs. See official docs for more information about those.
Automated messages to friends would ALWAYS be spam, so there is a good reason why it is not possible and not allowed.

Notification of facebook comment replies

I have searched high and low for an answer without any luck.
Here is my situation:
I have set up fb comment box on my website.
When anyone makes on comment on my website, I am notified in my personal profile, the notification takes me straight to the comment moderator tool, where I can see the comment and and find out which page on my website has been commented.
All that seems to be working ok.
What is not working is, when I reply to a comment made on my website, the person that made the original comment is not receiving a notification of my reply.
Is this a function that is not available?
If it is available where can I find the information to implement it ?
If people are not receiving notifications of my replies, one they could think that I am rude, second it defeats the whole object of creating engaging threads on the website.
Thank you so much, I have been trying for months to find this answer.
This is still a problem as of 2017. It seems that the only way is to tag a person in a reply for her to receive a notification.