Symfony2 - Customizing buttons out of forms - forms

I have problem with forms and page layouts. I render my page by:
{% block body -%}
{{ form(edit_form, {'style': 'horizontal'}) }}
<ul class="record_actions">
<a href="{{ path('organization') }}">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default">Back to the list</button>
{{ form(delete_form) }}
{% endblock %}
I have some style on ul record_actions. It looks like this:
My problem is with update button. I would like to put it into <ul> tags with 2 other buttons. Is there some possibility to put it outside of form? I like, how the form looks with {{ form(edit_form, {'style': 'horizontal'}) }}. So I wouldn't like to customize every part by {{form_widget}}. Or is there possibility to render all form and then render just this button?

Updated answer
Let's take a hypothetical controller method - where I have defined two forms edit_form and delete_form. Don't worry about these too much, they are just proof of concept. The important thing here is that I have two forms that I am sending to the template to be rendered:
// Foo\BarBundle\Controller\BazController
public function editAction()
// a placeholder 'edit' form
$editForm = $this->createFormBuilder()
->add('name', 'text')
->add('email', 'email')
->add('send', 'submit')
// a placeholder 'delete' form
$deleteForm = $this->createFormBuilder(['id' => 1])
->add('id', 'hidden')
// assign form views to template
return [
'edit_form' => $editForm->createView(),
'delete_form' => $deleteForm->createView(),
Next the template. We have two forms to render: edit_form and delete_form. There are a couple of issues we need to consider - rendering a form within a form is not allowed so we cannot render delete_form inside edit_form or vice versa.
However we can, as I explained below, with the HTML5 form attribute place form elements outside of a <form> context and still link them to that form (with the aforementioned IE* limitations). So let's do that, and suggest a workaround in due course.
The least invasive thing to do is to render the delete_form after the edit_form but place the edit_form delete button inside edit_form.
I don't know if you are using a CSS framewok to help you with layout - I am assuming Bootstrap 2.* here so you might have to update your markup - either way the idea should be clear enough:
<div class="row">
{{ form_start(edit_form, {'attr': {'id': 'edit-form'}}) }}
<div class="span4">
<ul class="record_actions">
<li>{{ form_widget(edit_form.send)}}</li>
<li><button id="delete-form-submit" form="delete-form">
<div class="span4">
{{ form_rest(edit_form) }}
{{ form_end(edit_form) }}
{{ form(delete_form, {'attr': {'id': 'delete-form'}, 'method': 'GET'}) }}
The above HTML yields a layout similar to the following:
A few points of explanation:
I have created a two-column layout for the form. The .record_actions buttons are rendered on the left column - this is essential - but they are floated right using Bootstrap's .pull-right in this case.
Update button: the first thing I want to do is render the submit button in ul.record_actions where I want it: <li>{{ form_widget(edit_form.send)}}</li>
Delete button: I have not defined a submit button on the delete_form because I want to explicitly create it outside of the context of the delete_form, instead placing it where I have. Note that I defined a form attribute on this element called delete-form. This links this element to delete_form instead of edit_form: <li><button id="delete-form-submit" form="delete-form">Delete</button></li>
Remaining fields: in the second column I can dump all the remaining edit_form fields implicitly with {{ form_rest(edit_form) }}, as per #Kix's suggestion!
Delete form Finally, we render the delete_form outside the edit_form with {{ form(delete_form, {'attr': {'id': 'delete-form'}, 'method': 'GET'}) }}. A couple of things to note here - we are explicitly adding an id for the form with {'attr': {'id': 'delete-form'}. This is important as it is the attribute that the delete button refers to. In this case I also added 'method': 'GET' to test on my machine. You will probably want to leave this out (in which case it defaults to POST)
There you have it... This should help you define your preferred layout.
But, we still need to address IE. If you are using jQuery, you could add a click handler to the delete button, which we've assigned the id #delete-form-submit. Note that the following is a suggestion and is not tested:
$(function() {
if ($.browser.msie) { // #see:
$('#delete-form-submit').on('click', function(e) {
Now you need to worry about IE users with JS disabled... or not! ;) Hope this helps.
Original answer
I would argue that your issue is possible Symfony agnostic... Let me explain:
Do you create your form's submit button with the form builder? I assume so since you do not explicitly create one in the twig snippet you pasted above.
This is totally fine of course. I usually just define my Twig form templates like so, which I gather is the older way to do it (since the 2.4 docs don't appear to suggest the following):
<form class="form-horizontal" action="{{ path('foo_edit') }}" method="post" {{ form_enctype(edit_form) }}>
{{ form_widget(edit_form) }}
<input type="submit">
This way is totally acceptable in my view - you just don't define the submit button.
Of course this does not solve your problem, because you want to "break out" of the form. But you can actually do this with HTML5 with the form attribute, which allows you to link disparate tags to a specific tag. A generic example:
<form id="foo">
<input type="text" name="username">
<li><input type="submit" form="foo">
Note that the submit button is outside form#foo but the form attribute still links to it.
Obviously its usefulness is restricted to the range of browsers you want to support, as it's a HTML5 feature.
I checked - it has pretty wide browser support, except.... drumroll IE. Up to and including IE10 apparently. I would assume that this is a dealbreaker unfortunately.
kix's approach above could work well however, print out the individual form widgets you want explicitly and then use form_rest. I would add to this and say it might not exactly work with the HTML layout you have above - iirc you have to print out any fields explicitly before you call form_rest.

You can always render some widgets in places specific to your layout using
{{ form_widget(delete_form.yourWidgetName) }}
and then let Symfony complete the form with
{{ form_rest(delete_form) }}


how we use onsubmit to call a js function with symfony2

I have:
{{ form_start(form, {'action': path('admin_user_edit_exec',{'user_id':id,'babis':'777'}),'attr': {'class': 'smart-form userform','id':'formid'} } ) }}
I want to add smthing like: onsubmit:"return validateForm()"
to call a js function but struggling with syntax,everywhere tried to put the onsubmit.
Form stopped working, where i should put it?
There's no problem about rendering that attribute in the html tag. You can do it the same way you'd do it with any other attribute (class, id ...).
For instance (I've changed the action a bit to adapt it to my SF installation):
{{ form_start(form, {'action': path('_demo_hello',{'name':5}),'attr': {'class': 'smart-form userform','id':'formid', 'onsubmit':'return validateForm();'} } ) }}
would render:
<form name="contact" method="post" action="/symfony/web/app_dev.php/demo/hello/5" class="smart-form userform" id="formid" onsubmit="return validateForm();">
If you have the js function validateForm well set up, it should work. Anyway, if it didn't, that would be a problem related to your js and not to SF.
As pointed out in the comments, it'd be better practice to attach the submit event to the element using js instead of adding it in the HTML tag. You can do that using either jQuery or pure js (which is pretty straightforward too, no need to rely on jQuery always).

Symfony, output form field more than once

I have a tabbed form and I want to output a form field more than once. Say I have a tab called "individual" and another called "company". In the first tab I want to have the fields "name"and "address". In the second tab I want to have the fields "company" and "address", so I want to show the address form field twice (the user would select if they are an individual or a company by selecting the tab). But when I try to do this Symfony will not render the second address field because it has already been output.
Is there a way to override this behavior and have symfony output this field twice?
Unfortunately it seems that Symfony2 ( at least v2.2 and 2.3 ) only allow to render a form once because of Symfony2 form's internal handling ( token, id etc ).
The only way I have found is "tinkering", use twig set to capture form into a twig variable and then you will be able to use it more than once, ex :
{% set twig_form %}
<form method="POST" name="payment" action="{{ url('form_action') }}" {{ form_enctype(form) }}>
<label>My label</label>{{form_widget(form.input)}}
{% endset %}
<button type="submit"></button>
<button type="submit"></button>

How to auto-fill form with URL params in Symfony2

I have a view in Symfony 2.3 that shows a full list of employee likes and dislikes. I am trying to create a simple form at the top of this view to filter the list by employee by name.
I have currently created the form within a twig template using regular HTML and some TWIG conditional statements to check if the employee_name GET param matches one of the employees. This solution works but isn't ideal.
<form action="{{ path('report') }}" method="GET">
<select id='employee_name' name='employee_name'>
<option value='John' {% if app.request.get("employee_name") == 'John' %} selected {% endif %}>John</option>
<option value='Aaron' {% if app.request.get("employee_name") == 'Aaron' %} selected {% endif %}>Aaron</option>
<option value='Sam' {% if app.request.get("employee_name") == 'Sam' %} selected {% endif %}>Sam</option>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
My question is, is there a way to write the above form using the Form Builder and still have it auto-fill the fields when submitting? I'd like my filter form to be scalable and reusable. Perhaps it be would better to just use an Twig Include? Suggestions welcome.
Sure. Just create the form with the form builder and render it in Twig. Since you're using the GET method and if you're calling $form->handleRequest($request), the form will have the right values selected based on GET parameters.

theme div on user register / user login form

where is this nested div construction defined, that the user-login form doesnt has:
<div class="form-item form-type-password form-item-pass-pass1 password-parent">
<input>Password Input</input>
<div>Password Strength</div>
<input>Password Confirm</input>
i have looked in, the user-module folder but no luck. as stated, the user-login form is printed plain without any nesting like this, so where is this determination done?
This is added with js. Look into ROOT/modules/user/user.js for the code.

Form tag attributes in Symfony2 / Twig

When I want to add some attributes to symfony2 form elements I can just use the "attr" attribute. But how can I give some id / class / style / other to the starting form tag itself?
{{ form_widget(, { 'attr': {'class': 'foo'} }) }}
This is the correct syntax for a form widget with the class foo. In other words a form field in your form.
You can apply the same for the <form> tag.
This is done by rendering
{{ form_start(form, { 'attr': {'class': 'foo', 'id': 'bar', ... } }) }}
See this short documentation on form_start here
Renders the start tag of a form. This helper takes care of printing the configured method and target action of the form. It will also include the correct enctype property if the form contains upload fields.
You might also be interested in form variables. They are documented here. All in all there is a whole documentation on all functions and variables you can use here
I wouldn't recommend you to use inline styles. Just do the styling with the ID and/or class you gave the form.