Add custom property to serialized object - rest

I'm developing RESTful API for a web service. And I need to expose some properties that do not belong to an entity itself.
For example I have a Pizza entity object, it has it's own size and name properties. I'm outputting it in JSON format with FOSRestBundle and JMSSerializer. I've setup properties annotations for this entity to expose needed properties via serialization groups and it's working great.
But I need to add some properties that do not belong to the entity itself. For example I want my pizza to have property: isFresh that is determined by some PizzaService::isFresh(Pizza $pizza) service. How do I do this?
Should I inject some additional logic to serialization process (if so how)?
Should I create a wrapper entity with properties that I want to expose from original entity plus additional external properties?
Should I add property isFresh to the original Pizza entity and populate in in the controller before serialization?
Should I return additional data independent of entity data (in a sibling JSON properties for example)?
In other words: what are the best practices around this issue? Could you provide examples? Thank you.

I think you can do that with the VirtualProperty annotation :
* #JMS\VirtualProperty
* #return boolean
public function isFresh (){
Edit : another solution with the Accessor annotation
/** #Accessor(getter="getIsFresh",setter="setIsFresh") */
private $isFresh;
// ...
public function getIsFresh()
return $this->isFresh;
public function setIsFresh($isFresh)
$this->isFresh= $isFresh;
In your controller, you call the setIsFresh method

I've decided to create my own class to serialize an entity.
Here's the example:
class PizzaSerializer implements ObjectSerializerInterface
/** #var PizzaService */
protected $pizzaService;
* #param PizzaService $pizzaService
public function __construct(PizzaService $pizzaService)
$this->pizzaService = $pizzaService;
* #param Pizza $pizza
* #return array
public function serialize(Pizza $pizza)
return [
'id' => $pizza->getId(),
'size' => $pizza->getSize(),
'name' => $pizza->getName(),
'isFresh' => $this->pizzaService->isFresh($pizza),
You just have to configure DC to inject PizzaService into the object serializer and then just call it like this from the controller:
$pizza = getPizzaFromSomewhere();
$pizzaSerializer = $this->get('');
return $pizzaSerializer->serialize($pizza);
The object serializer will return an array that can be easily converted to JSON, XML, YAML or any other format by using real serializer like JMS Serializer. FOSRestBundle will do this automatically if you configured it so.


TYPO3 Extension: How to make a relation to another extension’s model optional?

I have an events extension (for TYPO3 9 LTS and 10 LTS), say MyVendor\MyEvents and a Locations extension, say MyVendor\MyLocations.
The Model MyVendor\MyEvents\Domain\Model\Events has a property eventLocation which is defined to be an object of MyVendor\MyLocations\Domain\Model\Locations.
Now I want to make the relation to MyVendor\MyLocations\Domain\Model\Locations optional. I have found a way for the TCA to show a different form field in the backend depending on the MyLocations extension being installed. But I have no idea how to make all the type definitions in the Events model conditional. They are crucial for the extension to work:
namespace MyVendor\MyEvents\Domain\Model
class Events extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\AbstractEntity
* #var \MyVendor\MyLocations\Domain\Model\Locations
protected $eventLocation = NULL;
* #return \MyVendor\MyLocations\Domain\Model\Locations $eventLocation
public function getEventLocation()
return $this->eventLocation;
* #param \MyVendor\MyLocations\Domain\Model\Locations $eventLocation
* #return void
public function setEventLocation(\MyVendor\MyLocations\Domain\Model\Locations $eventLocation)
$this->eventLocation = $eventLocation;
In case MyVendor\MyLocations is loaded it needs to be defined as above, in case it isn’t loaded it should be just an integer.
In the TCA I am using if (TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::isLoaded('my_locations')) for showing a different field in the backend form for an event.
The Locations Model is in a separate extension because I am using it in a third extension as well.
In your events extension you could setup a repository for locations. Then you can map this repository to your location extensions model via TypoScript.

Symfony 4 setter injection in parent class

Just a quick question. I'm building some API. I was thinking about creating simple parent class that would deal with form requests.
So for example if you would like to easily handle form request you just extend this class and you get access to request object, request data extracted from that object and bunch of methods that do some things for you out of the box. It doesn't matter what and why exactly.
The problem is:
I send request through postman.
I try to use request object in class that extends parent class but instead of request I get null.
How do I set up the whole thing?:
Now in Symfony every controller is by default registered as a service so I override this definition like this:
#generic api form controller
- [setDependencies, ['#request_stack', '#App\Service\Serialization\Serializer']]
So as you can see I am using setter injection.
I extend above class in my other class. Let's call it PostController. So:
namespace App\Controller\Api;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack;
class ApiFormController
* #var Request
public $request;
* #param RequestStack $requestStack
public function setDependencies(
RequestStack $requestStack
) {
$this->request = $requestStack;
And now PostController:
public function get(int $post = null)
dump($this->request); exit;
I was expecting to get access like this and I think I understand why I don't have access to this object. I'm looking for some ideas how I could achieve this goal in cleanest possible way. I'm not expecting ready answers but hints.
I was thinking about using events to set it up in the background?
I also think it has something to do with the way I'm hooking up my controller as a service.
The core of it all: Symfony does not pick up service definition for subclasses. So if you define dependencies for a class and extend it in another class, you have to define the dependencies for this second class too.
The easiest way is to use the parent keyword for this, so your example would work in the following way:
- [setDependencies, ['#request_stack', '#App\Service\Serialization\Serializer']]
parent: App\Controller\Api\ApiFormController
If you are using autowiring, you can use #required to make Symfony call the setter automatically.
* #param RequestStack $requestStack
* #required
public function setDependencies(
RequestStack $requestStack
) {
$this->request = $requestStack;
This should do the trick.
I see several problems here.
If you want to inject dependencies in such a way you should define controller as service. You can read more here.
Routing should be something like this:
# config/routes.yaml
path: /
defaults: { _controller: App\Controller\Api\PostController:get }
Also, you should define PostController as service, not ApiFormController.
You injected RequestStack but type hint for the attribute is Request.
Instead of:
$this->request = $requestStack;
You need to use:
$this->request = $requestStack->getMasterRequest();

Can I use ORM without connecting entity to a database table

I have an Entity that pulls it's data from a REST web service. To keep thing consistent with the entities in my app that pull data from the database I have used ORM and overridden the find functions in the repository.
My problem is that ORM seems to demand a database table. When I run doctrine:schema:update it moans about needing an index for the entity then when I add one it creates me a table for the entity. I guess this will be a problem in the future as ORM will want to query the database and not the web service.
So... am I doing this wrong?
1, If I continue to use ORM how can I get it to stop needing the database table for a single entity.
2, If I forget ORM where do I put my data loading functions? Can I connect the entity to a repository without using ORM?
So... am I doing this wrong?
Yes. It doesn't make sense to use the ORM interfaces if you don't really want to use an ORM.
I think the best approach is NOT to think about implementation details at all. Introduce your own interfaces for repositories:
interface Products
* #param string $slug
* #return Product[]
public function findBySlug($slug);
interface Orders
* #param Product $product
* #return Order[]
public function findProductOrders(Product $product);
And implement them with either an ORM:
class DoctrineProducts implements Products
private $em;
public function __construct(EntityManager $em)
$this->em = $em;
public function findBySlug($slug)
return $this->em->createQueryBuilder()
// ...
or a Rest client:
class RestOrders implements Orders
private $httpClient;
public function __construct(HttpClient $httpClient)
$this->httpClient = $httpClient;
public function findProductOrders(Product $product)
$orders = $this->httpClient->get(sprintf('/product/%d/orders', $product->getId()));
$orders = $this->hydrateResponseToOrdersInSomeWay($orders);
return $orders;
You can even make some methods use the http client and some use the database in a single repository.
Register your repositories as services and use them rather then calling Doctrine::getRepository() directly:
class: DoctrineOrders
- #doctrine.orm.entity_manager
Always rely on your repository interfaces and never on a specific implementation. In other words, always use a repository interface type hint:
class DefaultController
private $orders;
public function __construct(Orders $orders)
$this->orders = $orders;
public function indexAction(Product $product)
$orders = $this->orders->findProductOrders($product);
// ...
If you don't register controllers as services:
class DefaultController extends Controller
public function indexAction(Product $product)
$orders = $this->get('repository.orders')->findProductOrders($product);
// ...
A huge advantage of this approach is that you can always change the implementation details later on. Mysql is not good enough for search anymore? Let's use elastic search, it's only a single repository!
If you need to call $product->getOrders() and fetch orders from the API behind the scenes it should still be possible with some help of doctrine's lazy loading and event listeners.

Symfony 2.4.2 - Pass the entity manager between controllers in different bundles

I'm having a problem with passing the entity manager between two layers of controllers.
The system I'm building has the following structure:
2 Bundles:
Core Bundle (let's call it Backend Controller)
This is the bundle that contains all the Models (entities) and business rules/logic.
API Bundle (call it Frontend controller)
Is responsible for checking the permissions of passed in api keys and communicating with the Core bundle to get the info.
Here's an example with the User controllers and entities:
UserController.php in APIBundle:
namespace Acme\Bundle\APIBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Acme\Bundle\CoreBundle\Controller\UserController as User;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase;
class UserController extends BaseController implements AuthenticatedController
public function readAction(Request $request) {
$user = new User($this->getDoctrine()->getManager());
return $this->response($user);
UserController.php in CoreBundle:
namespace Acme\Bundle\CoreBundle\Controller;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Acme\Bundle\CoreBundle\Entity\User;
class UserController extends BaseController
function __construct($em) {
$this->entity = new User();
* Get userId
* #return integer
public function getUserId()
return $this->entity->userId;
* Set firstName
* #param string $firstName
* #return User
public function setFirstName($firstName)
$this->entity->firstName = $firstName;
return $this;
// ...
public function load($id) {
if (!$this->entity instanceof \Acme\Bundle\CoreBundle\Entity\BaseEntity) {
throw new \Exception('invalid entity argument');
$this->entity = $this->em->getRepository('AcmeCoreBundle:User')->find($id);
Please, tell me if I'm doing this right. It seems strange to pass the entity manager between the controllers every time.
Maybe there's a better way of doing that?
Does the idea between the separation of the bundles make sense?
Thank you, every idea is greatly appreciated.
If CoreBundle UserController is never accessed through HTTP nor do its methods return instances of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response then it's not really a controller.
You should better define it as a service, as in CoreBundle\Service\User, and inject the EntityManager through the DI container.
class: Acme\CoreBundle\Service\User
arguments: [#doctrine.orm.entity_manager]
It will then be available from Acme\Bundle\APIBundle\Controller\UserController with the following:
$user = $this->get('corebundle.userservice');
Of course, you can also define Acme\Bundle\APIBundle\Controller\UserController as a service on its own, then inject 'corebundle.userservice', for convenience.
I suggest you read the Symfony docs on Dependency Injection.
Search to get entity manager in Entity class is a wrong way !
In CoreBundle, you use the UserController.php same as an Entity class.
Read docs to understand how to properly use repository in symfony.
In UserController of APIBundle you must call a custom repository function. This repository is declare in your entity.

is it possible to override doctrine2 persistentobject magic getters and setting

Can anybody tell me whether its posible to override doctrine2 persistentobject magic getters\setters? i'd like to do the below:-
public function setDob($dob)
$this->dob= new \Date($date);
however my entity is defined as:-
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\PersistentObject;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
* User
* #ORM\Table(name="user")
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="Ajfit\Repository\User")
* #ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks
class User extends \Doctrine\Common\Persistence\PersistentObject
* #var date $dob
* #ORM\Column(name="dob", type="date")
protected $dob;
the public function setDob does not get called when I create the entity using:-
public function getNewRecord() {
return $this->metadata->newInstance();
I get the below error:-
Notice:- array to string conversion ...Doctrine\DBAL\Statement.php on line 98
Any help would be much apprieciated.
__call of PersistentObject#__call will not be called if you defined the setDob method.
What you're doing there is creating a new instance via metadata. What you are doing there is probably assuming that __construct or any setter/getter should be called by the ORM. Doctrine avoids to call any methods on your object when generating it via metadata/hydration (check ClassMetadataInfo#newInstance to see how it is done) as it does only know it's fields.
This allows you to be completely independent from Doctrine's logic.
About the notice, that is a completely different issue coming from Doctrine\DBAL\Statement, which suggests me that you have probably some wrong parameter binding in a query. That should be handled separately.