How to access RabbitMq publicly - centos

I have installed & setup the Rabbitmq on Centos remote server. Later I created an file "rabbitmq.config" and added the line
[{rabbit, [{loopback_users, []}]}]
and then restarted the rabbitmq server. Again tried to login the rabbitmq management web interface from my local machine using the guest credentials, but getting
login failed
error message.What is the proper way to empty the loopback user settings for Rabbitmq in Centos.

First of all connect to your rabbitmq server machine using ssh client so as to be able to run rabbitmqctl (like puTTY) & get into the sbin directory of rabbit installation
you need to create a user for any vhost on that system (here I use default vhost "/")
$ rabbitmqctl add_user yourName yourPass
Set the permissions for that user for default vhost
$ rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / yourName ".*" ".*" ".*"
Set the administrator tag for this user (to enable him access the management pluggin)
$ rabbitmqctl set_user_tags yourName administrator
... and you are ready to login to your rabbitmq management gui using yourName and yourPass from any browser by pointing it to http://"*********":15672 where ***** is your server IP
hope it helps...

There is an example config file, on centos do:
cp /usr/share/doc/rabbitmq-server-3.4.2/rabbitmq.config.example /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config
Find and remove comments (and comma):
{loopback_users, []}
Then, stop rabbitmq:
rabbitmqctl stop
Now start the server:
service rabbitmq-server start
Now user "guest" can access from anywhere.

Since RabbitMQ 3.3.0 there you can't use default guest/guest credentials except via localhost, (see release notes for 3.3.0 for details).
As a possible solution you can (and probably should) create custom secured user to be used for monitoring, management, etc.
Also you can use proxy setup.
if you enabled loopback_users check that proper config loaded (for running NODENAME), it is well-formed (has valid syntax and ended with .), management plugin activated and started and no firewall blocking rules exists.
Check that default user is guest, it exists and has default (guest) password. If you use some library to access to RabbitMQ, check that it has the same defaults as remote (guest:guest) or specify them explicitly.


GCloud auth login: Ports 8085 and 8184 possible blocked

I have installed and uninstalled and reinstalled GCloud on MACOS Monterey (Chipset M1) and I'm facing the next situation: When I run in Terminal gcloud auth login, it displays the next message:
WARNING: Failed to start a local webserver listening on any port between 8085 and 8184. Please check your firewall settings or locally running programs that may be blocking or using those ports.
WARNING: Defaulting to --no-browser mode.
You are authorizing gcloud CLI without access to a web browser. Please run the following command on a machine with a web browser and copy its output back here. Make sure the installed gcloud version is 372.0.0 or newer.
I have tried in many ways to install: The last one was this:
curl | bash
exec -l $SHELL #restart shell
But I still facing that message.
Anybody couls help me with this?
This happens because my Internet provider has blocked these ports. There will be to make some fixes to the router.
Patch solution for this:
gcloud auth login --no-launch-browser
Follow the instructions given on Terminal

Can't create user for ceph dashboard

I'm trying to create a user for ceph dashboard with admin role. Version is Nautilus 14.2.19 and deployed with manuel installation.
I've installed dashboard module, installed all dependencies and enabled it. My dashboard is reachable from the monitor ip and default port of 8443.
When I run te command:
ceph dashboard ac-user-create <user> <pw> administrator
I get the following error:
Please specify the file containing the password/secret with "-i" option.
After digging for information about this it says there must be a file in bcrypt format. Is there a default created file for this? Or if it's needed to create one how can I do it?
Nevermind, it seems you just need to create a text file and write your password in it.
When you run the command like this:
ceph dashboard ac-user-create <user> -i /file/location administrator
It creates the user and applies the password in an encrypted format.

Cannot login to keycloak admin console when running in domain cluster mode

Following the documentation guide, I have booted up a master and slave and I can see it connected via the logs:
Boot up master
$ --host-config=host-master.xml
Boot up slave
$ --host-config=host-slave.xml
I've also followed the steps to set up the admin user via the Further research indicated that I should use the script to add an initial admin user:
./ -u john
Press ctrl-d (Unix) or ctrl-z (Windows) to exit
Added 'john' to '../standalone/configuration/keycloak-add-user.json', restart server to load user
Reran the master and slave, but cannot login to admin console.
However, what's interesting is when I tried to boot up in standalone mode I was able to the admin console as john:
Is this a bug or am I missing something (most likely) that's not in the documentation?
Thanks in advance...
Figured it out, hope this helps somebody.
Before you start in domain cluster mode:
./domain --host-config=host-master.xml
./domain --host-config=host-slave.xml
you must first create the admin so you can log in to admin console using the --sc tag, otherwise only adds the admin user for the standalone mode. To do that:
./ --sc ../domain/servers/server-one/configuration -u john -p password
if configuration folder does not exist, then create the directory.
The ./ script seems to be a little outdated. Currently (as of Keycloak 12.0.2 version) it creates keycloak-add-user.json file in ./domain/configuration/ directory - That is wrong!
The file should be in ./domain/servers/server-one/configuration.
Now you just have to move the file to that directory, restart the server and it should work properly.
I found this solution on this 2-year old email thread:

How to get MONGO_URL from command line Meteor Up deployment?

I am currently deploying to Digital Ocean using Meteor Up. If I don't specify a MONGO_URL in the mup.json, can I get the value from the command line while the website is running, i.e. I don't want to shutdown the site?
If I go to the app directory and run meteor mongo --url, I get the following error:
mongo: Meteor isn't running a local MongoDB server.
This command only works while Meteor is running your application
locally. Start your application first. (This error will also occur if
you asked Meteor to use a different MongoDB server with $MONGO_URL when
you ran your application.)
If you're trying to connect to the database of an app you deployed
with 'meteor deploy', specify your site's name with this command.
Even if I run the app from the app directory, it will only give the localhost MONGO_URL. I need the MONGO_URL for the deployed app.
I have also taken a look at a similar question as suggested by some of the answers. I disagree that it is "impossible" to get the MONGO_URL without some other program running on the server. It's not as if we are defying the laws of physics here, folks. Fundamentally, there should be a way to access it. Just because no one has yet figured it out doesn't mean it is impossible.
meteor mongo --url should return the URL.
Try opening another shell in the app directory and running that command.
Meteor Up packages your app in production mode with meteor build so that it runs via node rather than the meteor command line interface. Among other things, this means meteor foo won't work on the remote server (at least not by default). So what you're really looking for is a way to access mongo itself remotely.
I recently set up mongo on an AWS EC2 instance and listed some lessons learned here: Some details of how you do it are going to be different on Digital Ocean, but these are the main things you have to take care of once mongo itself is installed:
Public IP/DNS Address: This is probably fine already since you can deploy to the server.
Port Security Rules: You need to make sure port 27017 is open for TCP access, at least from your IP address. MongoDB also has an http interface you can set up; if you want to use that you'll need to open 28017 as well.
/etc/mongod.conf (file location may differ depending on Linux flavor):
Uncomment port=27017 to make sure you have the default port (I don't think this is actually necessary, but it made me feel better and it's good to know where to change the default port...).
Comment out bind_ip= in order to listen to external interfaces (e.g. remote connections).
Uncomment httpinterface=true if you want to use the http interface.
You may have to restart the mongod host via sudo service mongod restart. That's a problem if you can't have downtime, but I don't know of a way around that if you change the config file.
Create User: You need to create an admin and/or user to access the database remotely.
Once you've done all of that, you should be able to access the database from your local machine (assuming you have the mongo client installed locally) by running
mongo -u username -p
where is the URL or IP address of your remote server, mup-app-name is the appName parameter from your mup.json file, username is the user you created to access the database, and you'll be prompted for that user's password after you run the command (or you could put it after -p on the same line, depending on the password).
There may also be a way to do this by setting up nginx to reverse-proxy on your remote server, but I've never done it and that's just me speculating.

Bootstrapping issues in Chef

I have setup a basic infrastructure using chef. This includes a local chef server(ubuntu based), workstation and an ubuntu based server(to be used as the node). Please note that the entire infrastructure lies behind the firewall in my office network. And I have made necessary proxy settings for the servers to access the internet.
So here is the problem - When I try to bootstrap the node using -
knife bootstrap <node's ip> --sudo -x <username> -P <password> -N "<name>"
i get the following error
<node's ip> --2014-02-19 10:47:10--
<node's ip> Resolving (
<node's ip>1 Connecting to (||:443... failed:Connection refused.
<node's ip> bash: line 83: chef-client: command not found
I was not able to find a solution to this. However I came across the knife[:bootstrap_proxy] = "http://username:password#proxyIP:port/" setting that can be added to knife.rb . I did this (by entering my office proxy details) and then the connection during bootstrap was successfull and the chef client was downloaded on the node. However this setting only defines the proxy that should be used by the node. So, this led to the http_proxy = "http://username:password#proxyIP:port/" being set in client.rb. But because I have already made all the proxy settings in my server, the chef client failed to launch. So I manually removed the http_proxy and https_proxy settings from client.rb and ran the command chef-client which was then successful.
I have two questions -
1) why did knife[:bootstrap_proxy] = "http://username:password#proxyIP:port/" work? because it only defines the proxy that should be used by the node.
2) Also, alll the proxy setting for the node has already been done. I do not want any proxy settings in client.rb. How do I achieve this?
Please help!
When it comes to your client.rb I'd suggest looking into
It's a wrapper script for client.rb(s).
Not sure about your knife[:bootstrap_proxy] though. Ideally that cookbook should take care of it. If you are still stumpped you can run chef-client -VV and knife -VV to see exactly what it's doing.