How do I find the right NuGet package for my framework version - nuget

I need the Microsoft ASP.Net Web Pages NuGet package, but I need the version which targets .net 4.0
How do I figure this out?
Is there a way to figure this out for any given NuGet Package?

The later versions of the Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages NuGet package only support .NET 4.5
The older version 2.0.30506.0 supports .NET 4.0
To figure this out I used the NuGet Package Explorer, displayed the list of package versions and opened a few of the NuGet packages to see what .NET frameworks they support. As far as I am aware you cannot get the supported .NET frameworks from the metadata returned by the OData feed. The only way I know is to look inside the NuGet package itself.


Why is the latest stable version of Newtonsoft showing in Nuget Package Manager as 12.0.3 in one project and as 9.0.1 in another?

In my class library, Manage Nuget Packages shows the latest stable version of Newtonsoft as 12.0.3. In another application that references the class library, Manage Nuget Packages shows the latest stable version of Newtonsoft as 9.0.1
What would explain that difference, and how is it fixed in Visual Studio 2019? When I try to compile the application, it fails with the error that the class library's version of Newtonsoft is newer.
EDIT: I think I've found the reason: in the top right corner of the window the package source for the application was not but Visual Studio Offline Sources.
Why is the latest stable version of Newtonsoft showing in Nuget
Package Manager as 12.0.3 in one project and as 9.0.1 in another?
When you install a nuget package, you should select the right nuget package source.
As it shows that, Visual Studio Offline Sources is your local nuget caches. It is required that you download the corresponding nuget version and then exist in this data source. So it depends on you and not all versions of the package are fully displayed. is the ultimate destination for developers releasing nuget packages. You can find every version of the package here. So you should check this link.
Check and enable that link.
Then, open Nuget Package Manager UI and choose and you can find it.

Nugets packages from .net Standard 2.0 projects not showing in NuGet packages tab in TeamCity

We have a .net solution that contains .net standard 2.0 projects and .net framework projects.
On each build with TeamCity we have a step with NuGet Installer to restore the nuget packages for solution (nuget version 4.3.0). The step works fine, it restores the nuget packages but on Nuget Packages tab at Used Packages section we see only the nugets from .net framework projects.
Only the .net framework projects have packages.config file, the .net standard 2.0 ones doesn't have this files because nuget package manager uses PackageReference by default (as stated here so the nugets used are included in .csproj files.
What can be done in order for nuget packages for .net standard 2.0 projects show up on on Nuget Packages tab at Used Packages section ?
Thank you,
Seems is a known issue of TeamCity, and if we need it fixed we should vote for it here:
If anyone else has a workaround till is fixed please post it :)

Nuget Package supporting multiple versions of their dependency

I'm looking for some experience or thoughts on the following problem.
I have a Nuget Package (EntityFrameworkExtras 1.2.0) thats hosted on the main Nuget Feed.
This package has a dependency on EntityFramework. Everything was hunky dorey until EntityFramework 6 was released.
A change in the EntityFramework code means that my package no longer works with EntityFramework 6 and onwards.
I'm trying to consider how best to deal with this problem, i foresee two options:
1) Maintain 2 versions of the Package
So, i would have one version of the package that is compiled with EntityFramework 5.0.0 and the .nuspec would
dictate that it is dependant on EntityFramework [0.0.0 - 5.0.0]
I would introduce a new package called EntityFrameworkExtras (ef6). This package would be compiled in EntityFramework 6.0.0
and the .nuspec would dictate that it is dependant on EntityFramework [6.0.0 >= *]
2) Have a new version of the current package that would support EntityFramework 6.0
so the currently version would support EntityFramework 5.0.0 and less
and i would add a new version of the package (version 2.0.0) that would depend on EntityFramework 6.0.0 [6.0.0 >= *]
I went for option 1) in the end. I believe this is an easier option for the user of the packages because its clear what each of the package's dependencies are.
I also believe its easier to use the nuget commands when working with different packages, rather then attempting to be aware that different versions of one package have different dependency versions.
Also from a development perspective it cleaner and easier to develop and fix bugs on the different packages. Finally, it would make a continuous integration environment easier to implement, because each package would be consider a different project.

How can I add libraries to Xamarin Mono for Android project in VS2010?

I am working on a mono for Android application (my very first) that consumes a web api. In the documentation at there are examples on using different libraries such as RestSharp and Json.Net.
However, when I try to install these libraries via Nuget in my VS2010 project it failes with the following message:
Install failed. Rolling back... Could not install package
'Newtonsoft.Json 4.5.9'. You are trying to install this package into a
project that targets 'MonoAndroid,Version=v2.2', but the package does
not contain any assembly references that are compatible with that
framework. For more information, contact the package author.
How can I include such libraries in my project?
Thanks in advance.
This error message indicates those libraries are not compatible with Mono for Android. You should ask the manufacturer of the libraries if they have a MfA compatible version. If you have the source code of the libraries you could also try to make a MfA library, using linked source files, yourself.
Not sure if you've tried this but if you're using xamarin studio and right click the component folder in your Android app project choosing add component should be able to solve your problem. This will add a reference to the component that is added. Components seem like they are mono compatible packages and what's good for your case is that there are components for both RestSharp and Json.Net:

Referencing a .net 3.5 version of a nuget package from a .net 4 project

I want to make my .net 4 project load the .net 3.5 version of a nuget package so that other .net 3.5 references don't get the nuget dll overwritten in the output directory.
Yikes! If the package has a .NET 3.5 and a .NET 4 version of the DLL, there's no real way to do that other than changing your project to target 3.5 itself.
I can think of a couple of workarounds though. They're not ideal, but they'd probably work.
After you install the nuget package, go into the "packages" directory (it'll be next to your solution (.sln) file. Find the package. Delete the "\lib\net40" folder. This way, NuGet will reference the next version down. You'll have to manually change the assembly reference. Note if you even upgrade this package, you'll have to do this again.
You could create a custom version of this package that only contains your 3.5 version of the DLL. Perhaps put this up in a custom feed at and install it from there.
One of those ought to work.