Glass Development Kit Javadoc in Eclipse - eclipse

I am unable to add the Javadoc for the Google Glass Development Kit (GDK) to either Eclipse or Android Studio; I'd love to be able to reference the GDK documentation right inside my IDE instead of just referencing the webpage.
Is there any way to do this? I'm aware of the typical way to add Javadoc to an Eclipse project, but I can't seem to find the actual documentation files for the GDK anywhere...
Thanks in advance!

Currently there is none for the small number of Google glass specific classes. The majority of classes are simple Android. (I understand from a talk with Jenny Murphy that the Google glass specific classes are implemented in native language and the java is just wrapper code.)
Perhaps this will change with the next GDK release (briefly saw indications of testing an XE15.2 version in the glass gdk issues, though that is hidden now).


How to insert visual elements inside the Java text editor of Eclipse?

I'd like to add extra visual elements inside the Java text editor of Eclipse, more specifically on top of classes and methods declarations. Things like indicators and links.
The best example is what Microsoft has done in Visual Studio with what they call CodeLens:
The closest solution I can think of is using Annotations (displayed in the rulers) but it's far from the user experience I want to have.
Are there any Eclipse plugins that have done this before?
Any pointers to give me somewhere to start?
Annotations are typically shown in the vertical and overview rulers (left and right), but they're not limited to them. Take a closer look at the documentation you linked to, particularly the mentions of AnnotationPainter, and then how it uses drawing strategies. I expect you'd need a rather complicated one, and I haven't even thought through how you'd generate the information in the first place, never mind adding it directly to the Annotation Model if you're not just going to stash it in a Marker on disk.
Of course, some of this looks like information you can already find through Team->Show Annotations (although that does use the ruler to let you find them by line).
Disclaimer, I'm the author of CodeLens Eclipse.
Eclipse doesn't provide Codelens feature, but it exists CodeLens Eclipse.
This project provides a CodeLens extension point to implement your own CodeLens. Today TypeScript, Java JDT CodeLens and lsp4e CodeLens are available. Here a little demo with Java JDT Editor:

Eclipse RCP or SWT/JFace demo or "examples with code"?

I learned the little I know of wxPython (as in: Python wrappers for wx widgets) from the absolutely outstanding demo app:
With that demo app, you get examples for many, many uses of the framework widgets: both code and running UI frames. It is absolutely amazing just how well that is done.
Is there anything even remotely close to that for Eclipse RCP or SWT/JFace?
I have to "port" a concept I developed in wx over to Java.. and I am not sure Swing would cut it. Eclipse RCP or SWT/JFace look extremely good but.. where's the material to help me get started? I Googled but I couldn't find anywhere something that I could download and run.. and see the code behind it!
Note: I could of course "download and run" Eclipse itself.. but that's way more complex that I can probably manage at the moment. There's the brilliance of wx demos: they are even gradual in complexity!
I would start with the vogella website. There you can find all you need to start with. As Alexey Romanov mentioned, the RCP Mail Template is also a really good example, but I'm not sure if Eclipse 4.x is used, but I doubt. So start learning the 4.x platform.
For SWT there is a Demo application showing all the components.For JFaces I also recommend you the JFace Snippets.
The canonical example is the RCP Mail Template (version 2.0). There are more examples listed here and JFace Snippets.

Why can't I find Java desktop application in Netbeans 7.1

I downloaded Netbeans 7.1 with all bundle from and installed it successfully on Windows 7.
But I can't find Java Desktop Application which should be under Java category when add new project as 7.0 does.
Where is it? Or what is the substitute one in 7.1? I need something to create GUI by dragging components.
Look here:
Support for [B]SAF (JSR 296, basically the framework that was behind your "Java Desktop Application" project template) has been abruptly dropped (for no valid reason, let me add).
However, as Bill says in his answer, it is not necessary to use the SAF in order to visually design a form. NetBeans swing-designer (known as Matisse) can be used to design any JFrame, JDialog, JPanel, etc.
You just have to
Right click -> New -> JFrame Form...
and you're ready to drag-and-drop!
(The features you'll be missing are the extra bells and whistles that such framework provided, like SAF Actions, windowing persistence, simplified management for long running Tasks and related visual feedback [now you have to get your hands dirty with the SwingWorker class], etc)
Java Desktop refers to an effort to create a standard or library (libraries) that never really produced anything of significance. I think its likely that they finally removed it from Netbeans.
Its easier to just create a new Java Application project, don't bother with a main, then create a new JFrame Form. That class will have a main for you to use, and you can also design the frame in the form. You can also create JPanel Form classes. Note: you can do this in just about any project in netbeans, there is nothing special about the projects for them.
its better to use NetBeans 7.0 for full support of swing components.
many tutorials and guides feature the "Java Desktop Application" (like the ones for JXMapKit : )
You can find something helpful to create CRUD desktop application in Java.
You can find it here.

Writing custom IDE on top of Eclipse

I wish to write my own Python IDE (just for the heck of it). I was wondering if I could use Eclipse as a foundation. This will save me from coding a whole lotta things (code editor, intellisense and so on).
To understand what I mean, please take a look at Visual Studio Isolated Shell. I'm essentially looking for something equivalent. Searching on Google hasn't helped. Is there anything like this available in Eclipse's case?
Yes. Eclipse is designed to have additional languages added and there is extensive support for this kind of plugin development. I'm surprised Googling didn't help - there's an entire site dedicated to a tutorial on the basics and a toolkit for developing such things

Good idea / Bad idea (/other ideas ?)

I have recently been asked to make an Eclipse Rcp view that would be "pretty".
In that purpose I had fist looked at Java2D (after my boss advised me so) before the client's query turned to be more like
"It would be smooth if you could do some flash or something ..."
From there JavaFx seemed appealing to me however I never had a chance to use it before. I then were wondering if before to dive "head first" anyone (who would have preferably used it seriously) had any advice, warning or any constructive comment to do about using this product in an RCP view (so based on SWT).
I really long to know if JavaFx meets it's promises.
Thanks in advance and have a good day !
[EDIT]I dont want an Eclipse Fancy skinning or to make views appear with light effects or in a CompizFusion way,
What I want is to display fancy animations and pretty visual effects within a specific view that will be called sometimes. (Sorry I wasn't clear in the first place :s)[/EDIT]
*I'll pass on the "What's pretty and what's not ?" and other "Tastes are a personnal thing" debates, here "pretty" simply means to qualify a view containing convoluted transparancies and subtle animations ...
Eclipse RCP can also be customized in the way it looks, e.g. when you dont want to have the Eclipsi-L&F. Its called Presentation API, I saw a quite amazing UI once in a presentation but I cannot find it right now. Anyway, I just want to point you the direction, since I personally havent used this API (yet).
There are also some "skins" available for download.
MP3 Manager
EDIT: Just found the slides. It goes quite into detail, but when you have a look at the last doesnt look like the Eclipse you know :-)
JavaFX uses Swing as default layout engine, so you'll gain nothing using it rather than Java2D.
On the other hand, using either your home-grown toolkit or Swing is generally a bad idea when working with Eclipse, as it already embeds the SWT toolkit. The main advantage of SWT over Swing is that it use the OS native widgets. Using another toolkit will lead to the following issues:
Poor integration with Eclipse look&feel.
Poor integration with Eclipse views and editors management.
The answer is simple. No, you can't use JavaFX yet. The problem is that JFX script can't be embedded into Swing nor Eclipse SWT. We already know about such an issues. (The is some kind of hack how to embed JFX into Swing APP only.)