I've updated xhtml2pdf 0.0.6, PyPDF2 1.21, and reportlab 3.1.8.
My pdf was fine when i used xhtml2pdf 0.0.5 and reportlab 2.7. Now all of my frame got border. I did remove "-pdf-frame-border" and tried to put "-pdf-frame-border:0" or "-pdf-frame-border:none", but it still display frame broder. Can anyone shed any lights? Thanks.
After a bit of poking around with reportlab.Version == 3.1.8, I was only successful by setting a white border.
#frame footer_frame {
-pdf-frame-content: footer_content;
left: 50pt; width: 512pt; top: 772pt; height: 20pt;
border: 0pt solid white;
Just revert ReportLab to 2.7 and it fixed the problem.
I am using Magento 2.4.5 and would like to make edit css of the icons in the layered navigation, need them smaller and put them in rows of 6.
I cannot find where I need to add/edit the css files for this part of the website. I tried Magento_Swatches\web\css\source_module.less but no result.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
If you are using the default Luma theme:
Note: First, you need to check the template file of the CSS source used.
You need to edit the CSS file: swatches.css or custom CSS if you have created one. Getting the correct element may it can give you a correct catch.
Could you adjust the width and height of the swatch div? Please remember to specify! an important rule in CSS.
.swatches-globo .swatch--gl .ul-swatches-list li:not(ul.ul-globo-dropdown-option li), .globo-swatch-product-detail .swatch--gl ul.value li:not(ul.ul-globo-dropdown-option li) {
display: block;
float: left;
margin: 0 10px 10px 0!important;
.swatches-globol .swatch--gl li .globo-size-medium, .globo-swatch-product-detail .globo-detail-size-medium {
width: 35px;
height: 35px;
.swatch-option.color {
min-width: 25px;
height: 25px;
I am using ag-theme-material. I migrated to Angular 9, and I had to migrate ag-grid to v.23.0.0. However, some of the styles got changed and I am not able to change them back. The biggest issue I have is the grid's header row used to be transparent (I was on version 20.2.0 before the upgrade):
.ag-header {
background-color: transparent;
This doesn't work anymore. It sets my header row background to white, and I can't see the headers because the text is white. If I change it to a specific color, it works, but it doesn't accept transparent. I've tried setting opacity to 0, using an image, nothing works!
So I added a variable in my SCSS file to override this theme parameter, as specified in their migration guideline - https://www.ag-grid.com/documentation/javascript/themes-v23-migration/.
$ag-theme-override-params: (
header-background-color: transparent
#import "~ag-grid-community/src/styles/ag-grid.scss";
#import "~ag-grid-community/src/styles/ag-theme-material/sass/legacy/ag-theme-material-v22-compat.scss";
But that doesn't work either. Now, I know this variable is doing its job because I am able to override the checkbox-checked-color using it...
Am I naming it wrong? What am I missing???
FYI for anyone facing the same problem, I tracked it down. In version 23, ag-grid has specified a background color (in a variable) in .ag-theme-material .ag-root-wrapper (it's part of _ag-theme-base-mixin.scss), and it overrides the CSS for ag-header class. So you have to set the background-color CSS property to transparent both in .ag-header and in ag-grid-angular .ag-root-wrapper.ag-layout-normal.ag-ltr.
ag-grid-angular {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.ag-root-wrapper.ag-layout-normal.ag-ltr {
background-color: transparent;
.ag-theme-material .ag-header {
background-color: transparent;
I want to set the height of page_stream_short but the css defaults to 250px;
Is it possible to set the height:
This is what iam doing:
.fan_box .page_stream_short { position:relative; height:525px
Guide me, what am i doing wrong
if you are using IE8 to view, you may be running into this problem: http://boardreader.com/thread/IE8_ignores_some_css_styles_in_fan_box_6cvuuX24v6.html
I have been using the following css code:
{ width: 488px;
height: 181px;
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 236px;
margin-left: -244px; //this being half the width
To ensure that the items on the page are centred. The problem is, when viewing this on an iphone (and i'm assuming similar on other smartphones) the left hand side of the page is chopped off! Does anyone know how I can resolve this issue and bring everything into fit?
Thank you!
You're moving the element to the left by 244px with that CSS, and the iphone screen being so small this is causing it to be cut off. Try this:
width: 488px;
height: 181px;
margin: 236px auto 0 auto;
The technique above to center a div is a little obsolete.
Use margin: auto, width to a fixed value (which you already have), and make the parent position:relative.
I created a group chat for the iPhone and its almost perfect. It uses the complete viewport by position various elements with:
#message-input {
background: white;
clear: both;
position: absolute;
margin: 0;
width: 100%;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
padding-right: 0;
which makes it look like this:
But when the keyboard pops everything shifts and a grey area appears below:
The height of that grey area is the height of the statusbar and the height of the Debug Console together (without the Debug Console is just the height of the statusbar).
Why does it insert this grey area and how can I avoid it?
#message-input:focus {
margin-bottom: -XXXpx;
Where XXX = height of problem grey area. Could be a quick fix for it...