Emacs weird behaviour with key - emacs

I'm a Vim user, and I decided to give Emacs a try.
Now I get a weird problem with Emacs. I installed the Evil mode, which is awesome.
In my .emacs I have the follow setting:
(define-key evil-motion-state-map "\C-u" 'scroll-up-command)
This works well.
But what if I wanted to change it to spacebar or Return key?
(define-key evil-motion-state-map "<return>" 'scroll-up-command)
(define-key evil-motion-state-map "SPC" 'scroll-up-command)
Nothing spectular will happen, the return/Enter key and spacebar are behaving their standard behaviour. I looked around for the right keys, and it seems they're the rights keys. For example,
(global-set-key (kbd "<return>") 'save-buffer)
Works fine.
What am I doing wrong in Emacs/Evil with the Enter key?

Use (kbd "<return>"), not "<return>". Likewise, (kbd "SPC").
You probably want (kbd "RET"), not (kbd "<return>").
Binding C-u, as you did at first, is a bad idea. You do not want to do that, ever. Just use C-u as it was intended, for command universal-argument -- see the Emacs manual, node Arguments.


Can't map Ctrl + minus in Emacs in Mac OS X

I'm trying to map Ctrl + minus ("C--") to undo in Emacs 24.3 (from http://emacsformacosx.com) in Mac OS X 10.8.4, but I can't get it to work. There seems to be some very global key binding for decreasing the font size, which I can't seem to override. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
I have the following in my .emacs.
(global-set-key (kbd "C--") 'undo) ;; Doesn't work
(global-set-key (kbd "C-u") 'undo) ;; Just for testing, does work
When I press Ctrl+U, it triggers undo, but when I press Ctrl+minus, it decreases the font size. It might be simply that I should use something other than "C--", but it looks like it should work. I checked the key bindings (via C-h b) and there, C-u is bound to undo, but C-- is bound to text-scale-decrease. It would probably be possible to find where that key is bound and get some clue, but my Emacs-fu is too weak.
I'm using the graphical version of Emacs, not the terminal version.
With these type of problems I usually
try f1 k and right after the key combination that I'm having a problem with,
C-- in your case.
One of two things should happen:
Nothing happens - this means that the shortcut is being intercepted
at the level of the operating system.
It gives you a description of a function that's being called.
It's probable that it was set by either your major mode or one of the minor modes.
So you should investigate that as well, searching though the references
to this function, which is text-scale-decrease in you case.
After you find either global-set-key, or local-set-key or define-key
with this function, either comment it out, or better just
call the same function with same shortcut and nil in your ~/.emacs.
UPD: how to unset a key
When you find that some source that you're loading e.g. starter-kit is setting the key,
you just need to unset it later in the same way:
If it was set with (global-set-key (kbd "C--") 'text-scale-decrease),
you unset it with (global-set-key (kbd "C--") nil).
If it was set with (define-key markdown-mode-map (kbd "C--") 'text-scale-descrease),
you unset it with (define-key markdown-mode-map (kbd "C--") nil).
If it was set with
(add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook
(lambda()(local-set-key (kbd "C--") 'text-scale-descrease))
you unset with
(add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook
(lambda()(local-set-key (kbd "C--") nil))

emacs, flyspell, deactivate "C-." key binding

I have this little problem, I have some key bindings like so C-. C-x or C-. C-m. After I activate the flyspell-mode, I cannot use these commands. In my .emacs file I have the next 2 lines before
(global-unset-key (kbd "C-."))
(define-key (current-global-map) (kbd "C-.") nil)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-. C-l") 'global-linum-mode)
Then, my C-. C-l works, but it does not when the flyspell-mode is activated. The command bound to C-. is flyspell-auto-correct-word. I tried to deactivate it as follows:
;; first try
(defun flyspell-auto-correct-word-disable() (define-key (current-local-map) (kbd "C-.") nil))
(add-hook 'flyspell-mode-hook 'flyspell-auto-correct-word-disable)
;; second try
(define-key (current-global-map) [remap flyspell-auto-correct-word] nil)
None of the tries work, what can I do? I tried in Emacs 23 and 24 and I have the same issue.
What about:
(eval-after-load "flyspell"
'(define-key flyspell-mode-map (kbd "C-.") nil))
Your first solution is almost correct, but you have to remember that the current local map is set up by the major mode, not minor modes. The best option you have it to directly access flyspell-mode-map and modify it (another option would be to find it in minor-mode-map-alist but I think it would be needlessly complicated).
Also, I prefer putting such mode-specific settings within eval-after-load (which means they will be evaluated once) rather than in a hook (in which case the settings are evaluated multiple times: each time one buffer activates flyspell-mode). But this is a matter of preference and either way is fine.

Emacs: why does keybinding with M-S-[letter] set mark?

I'm experimenting with new bindings for basic movement in Emacs. Borrowing from this page and ErgoEmacs, this remapping works as expected:
(global-set-key (kbd "M-i") 'previous-line)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-k") 'next-line)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-j") 'backward-char)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-l") 'forward-char)
But defining a Shift-Alt combination gives an unwanted side-effect.
(global-set-key (kbd "M-I") 'cua-scroll-down)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-K") 'cua-scroll-up)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-J") 'backward-word)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-L") 'forward-word)
Running describe-key (C-h k) shows that the bindings were successful. And these bindings move point as they should, but for some reason it sets the mark at my original position, and gives me a highlighted region as I move the point.
How do I correct this?
This has something to do with cua-mode. When I disable cua-mode, the problem disappears. Unfortunately, disabling cua-mode is not a desirable solution.
This is a bug in Emacs. It's tracked as bug#11221, title 'cua-mode activates the mark for shifted bindings'. From the discussion on the mailing list, it sounds like there will be a fix to cua-base.el.
It's indeed likely triggered by shift-select-mode, but it looks like a bug: shift-select-mode should pay attention to the fact that the command is bound to a shifted key. Try to reproduce the problem without using CUA and then please report it with M-x report-emacs-bug.
That's because of the shift selection. You can disable it by setting shift-select-mode to nil.

Setting shortcuts keys in specific modes in Emacs (e.g. ido)

I have two problems which are somewhat related I believe:
1) In IDO I'd like to change ido-restrict-to-matches to samething else than C-SPC or C-#. Unfortunately I do not know how to tell emacs that I want a different shortcut (say C-0).
2) I'd like to protect my C-; but whenever flyspell-mode is running it overtakes C-;. My definition is in .emacs as:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-;") 'mark-paragraph)
but apparently flyspell overwrites this... (although even then, if I look in the help M-h k C-; it does say mark-paragraph)
Could somebody please tell me how to bind/unbind keys in these conditions? It has to work without modifying ido.el and flyspell.el and re-building, right?
Thanks very much!
Flyspell provides a customization for the C-; binding, so you can either M-x customize RET flyspell-auto-correct-binding RET or put something like this in your ~/.emacs:
(setq flyspell-auto-correct-binding (kbd "C-~")) ; or a binding of your choice
As for ido, your question is slightly confusing, because it implies there are times when you're using ido outside the minibuffer...
The documentation in ido.el contains the following advice:
;; To modify the keybindings, use the ido-setup-hook. For example:
;;(add-hook 'ido-setup-hook 'ido-my-keys)
;;(defun ido-my-keys ()
;; "Add my keybindings for ido."
;; (define-key ido-completion-map " " 'ido-next-match)
;; )
Using that knowledge, you can change the key bindings like this in your own "ido-my-keys" function:
(define-key ido-completion-map (kbd "C-SPC") nil)
(define-key ido-completion-map (kbd "C-#") nil)
(define-key ido-completion-map (kbd "C-0") 'ido-restrict-to-matches)
There's an additional ido hook specifically for the minibuffer, too, but it's not clear why you would need that: ido-minibuffer-setup-hook.

emacs -- keybind questions

I have successfully used Ctrl+Shift+Up ' Ctrl+Shift+down '
Ctrl+Shift+left' Ctrl+Shift+Right to different commands. But when I
tried to use Ctrl+s to the command save-buffer and Ctrl+Shift+s, which
is equivalent to Ctrl+S, to another command, it has some problem.
save-buffer works fine, but when I type Ctrl+Shift+s, it excute
the command save-buffer. I used Ctrl+q to find the control sequences of
Ctrl+s and Ctrl+Shift+S, I get the same result, which is ^S.
I expect that I will get ^s for Ctrl+s, but it doesn't.
Anyone knows the reason?
Another queston is: I use Ctrl+c for the command killing-ring-save. In this
case, all commands (which are of large number) begin with Ctrl+c don't work now.
Is there a way to replace the prefix Ctrl+c by another customized prefix?
I may pose my question in the wrong direction. I use ctrl+c as
killing-ring-save. It works fine in emacs (no mode). But if I open a .c file (C-mode), then
when I type Ctrl+c, it waits me to type another key. I think in this case,
ctrl+c is regarded as a prefix. In this case, I need the following modifications:
Using a custom defined prefix, say Ctrl+a, as Ctrl+c ; Remove the
prefix Ctrl+c ; Using Ctrl+c as killing-ring-save.
I add the following to my ~/.emacs :
(global-set-key (kbd "C-a") mode-specific-map)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c") 'kill-ring-save)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-f") 'isearch-forward)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-v") 'yank)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-s") 'save-buffer)
(defun my-c-initialization-hook ()
(define-key c-mode-base-map (kbd "C-a") mode-specific-map)
(define-key c-mode-base-map (kbd "C-c") 'kill-ring-save))
(add-hook 'c-initialization-hook 'my-c-initialization-hook)
But this doesn't work. Ctrl+c is still regarded as a prefix, so I can't use it
as kill-ring-save. Furthermore, if I type Ctrl+a Ctrl+c, it said it's not
defined. (I thought it will have the same result as I type Ctrl+c Ctrl+c)
The C-c binding is tricky, CUA mode solves it well, by only making it do kill-ring-save when you have a region marked.
First, Control-S is an ASCII control character -- ^s and ^S are the same character.
Keys are something different from characters, however, and if you are using Emacs with a window manager then you can distinguish the keys C-s and C-S-s. The latter is Control-Shift-s.
The problem you are hitting is that if you do not explicitly bind the shifted version of a letter key, then the shifted letter key uses the binding of the unshifted key. This is a "feature".
So you need to bind both C-s and C-S-s.
(global-set-key (kbd "C-s") 'save-buffer)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-S-s") 'another-command)
If you're running emacs in a terminal, then the reason for the shift-ctl-c issue could be the terminal driver. In that case, give the command stty stop undef, then run emacs again, and see if it affects the problem. Also, see if you get same problem with shift-ctl-other letters