Internationalization in SAPUI5 - sapui5

I have problem with Internationalization in SAPUI5.
I have a folder i18n and it has a file and inside it has NAME=app name
SERVER= server name
I have a shell and inside onInit I have this code :
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.resource.ResourceModel({bundleUrl:"./i18n/"});
sap.ui.getCore().setModel(oModel, "i18n");
then I go to my View and and use it in my shell like this:
oShell = new sap.ui.ux3.Shell({
this works fine.But when I go to another view and use it to get the server address it doesn't work for example i go to another controller and use it like this:
var URL="{i18n>SERVER}";
this code doesn't get resolved and stay the same as it is.

You are trying to bind the value to a varaible, what you need to do is read from the bundle directly, one way to get the value is
var URL = sap.ui.getCore().getModel("i18n").getResourceBundle().getText("SERVER");


How to dynamically load a JAR file with Vert.x JavaScript?

Using Vert.x JavaScript (3.8.4), I want to dynamically load a JAR file at runtime. This is necessary because that file might not exist when my Vert.x application gets started. Ideally, I would like to be able to use code like this:
// load custom JAR file
// use class from dynamically loaded package
var instance = new com.mydynamicpackage.MyCustomClass();
How can I achieve this?
You might find this answer to be helpful:
How to access external JAR files from JavaScript using Rhino and Eclipse?
Another approach that is valid would be to provide the jar with other means, i.e. not via a javascript implementation, to check afterwards, if it is available and then deal with the case if it is not.
java.lang.Class.forName( 'com.mydynamicpackage.MyCustomClass' )
This will throw an error, if MyCustomClass does not exist.
Loading jars at runtime might not be a good idea if you cannot determine they are loaded from a not trustworthy source. This is at least true for the java world.
Based on this answer, I have created the following JavaScript function for dynamically loading a class from a JAR file:
var requireJavaClass=(function(){
var cache={};
var ClassLoader=java.lang.ClassLoader;
return function(classname,jarpath){
var c=cache[classname];
if (c) return c;
if (jarpath) {
var cl=ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
method.invoke(cl,new File(jarpath).toURI().toURL());
return cache[classname]=Java.type(classname);
The equivalent to the snippet I posted in the my question would be:
var MyCustomClass=requireJavaClass("com.mydynamicpackage.MyCustomClass","path/to/dynamic.jar");
var instance = new MyCustomClass();
So far, I have only tested this with Vert.x 3.8.5 running in JRE8, i.e. I can't say if this also works in older Vert.x versions or with JRE9+.

How to pass a parameter through to a Rest Service in Xpages

XPages Dojo Data Grid and Custom REST Service
*** Note: Mine is an XPINC application!
I've managed to get the above method working, but I want to pass a parameter through to the Rest Service in order to build a better return set.
In the above example it the script looks like this:
var jsonStore = new
var dataStore ={objectStore: jsonStore});
But, I want to do something like this:
var jsonStore = new
var dataStore ={objectStore: jsonStore});
I've tried a number of methods, but no success.
Method 1 - Use Request/View/SessionScope variable
On the "CURRENT_PAGE_NAME_HERE.xsp" I've added a "xp:this.beforePageLoad" event to create Scope variable to hold para1 and para2 taken from the paramValues of the URL.
I thought a simple requestScope would store them so I could pick them up when the "CURRENT_PAGE_NAME_HERE.xsp/gridData" was called. However, the Rest Service is called in the "onClientLoad" event of the page and the Scope variables don't seem to be available at this time.
Method 2 - Inline Javascript
I've also tried "${javascript:viewScope.para1;}" to pass it through:
var jsonStore = new
var dataStore ={objectStore: jsonStore});
This didn't work.
Method 3 - Hardcoding
I have hardcoded the values.
var jsonStore = new
var dataStore ={objectStore: jsonStore});
This works! But, only for Apples & Oranges
I'm starting to look at using an Environment Variable to pass the values, but this just seems to be more of a hack than a solution.
Any help or guidance would be appriciated.
You may have a couple of things to check.
First thing is that you need to use # instead of $ to avoid
evaluating the expression on page load
In some cases you cannot inject SSJS into the CSJS - if this is "evaluated" at page load time. You could be hitting this.... An easy
way to check is to create a couple of local variables and assign the
values from your SSJS. That'll make it easy to debug in the browser.
I guess you could do something like this (and then you can set a breakpoint in your browser and see if the values are as expected).
var p1 = "#{javascript:viewScope.para1;}";
var p2 = "#{javascript:viewScope.para2;}";
var jsonStore = new
{target:"CURRENT_PAGE_NAME_HERE.xsp/gridData?OpenXpage&para1=" + p1 + "&para2=" + p2}
var dataStore ={objectStore: jsonStore});
If this does not work then I suggest creating a script block in the beginning of your page with a simple little "getter" method for each variable (or the entire arg. string) and then use the SSJS there.
Happy coding!
As this is an XPINC appplication, I felt it was safe to just use an Environment Variable.
On the view action button that calls the XPage, I write the Environment variable down onto the system. Then when I open the Xpage in the client, the Rest Service is hardwired to:
var param1:String = session.getEnvironmentString("Param!");
I still think this feels more like a hack, but with Notes, I'm getting used to it. LOL

How to change a file name of a google form bu Apps script

For a google spreadsheet it is easy to change the filename by using this script:
var file = SpreadsheetApp.openById(Idfile);
file.rename("new name");
Logical to me for change file name of a form:
var form = FormApp.openById(Idform);
form.rename("new name");
However this does not work!
Who knows the solution to change a filename of a google form by using apps script?
How about this method?
DriveApp.getFileById(id).setName("new name");
This method can also rename Spreadsheet.
Reference :

When does a model get updated after the model data has changed?

There is a method named updateBindings(true?) in openui5. But I'm not sure when I have to invoke it. Sometimes, setting the modified data to a model causes view changes, which indicates the underlying model data actually gets changed. Sometimes it won't work.
The first example demonstrates that the model doesn't get changed without updateBindings(true).,css,output
The second example derives from the first one. But the model gets updated even without updateBindings(true).,css,output
So, what's the difference between the two examples? When do I need to invoke updateBindings(true) on a model so that it will get updated? What's the intent of the parameter true passed to updateBindings()?
If you add a console print in your formatter function
formatter : function(books) {
return books[0];
you can see that in the first example the function is not executed.
This because if you change a leaf property the linked conponent in thew view (using data-binding) receive the change event only if it bind exactly the leaf property.
Instead to use getData
var data = oModel.getData();
data.books[0] = "my book";
you can use getProperty
var data = oModel.getProperty("/");
data.books[0] = "my book";
//oModel.setProperty("/", data);
In this mode the last line is not required

Dynamically setting view directory

I am making a customer portal application using ZF. And the portal needs to work for different company brands. So I need to use all of the same backend code/controllers/etc, but dynamically change the view directory based off of the hostname.
Right now my view directory structure looks something like this:
and so on.
I am using the addScriptPath() function in bootstrap.php like so
protected function _initView()
$view = new Zend_View();
$view->env = APPLICATION_ENV;
$view->addScriptPath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/views/scripts/brand1');
$view->addHelperPath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/views/helpers');
However when this is run, it is looking for all views using /views/scripts/brand1/(action).phtml instead of looking for views using the correct scheme /view/scripts/brand1/(controller)/(action).phtml
tl;dr is it possible to dynamically choose the view directory and have it work like the default /views/scripts/(controller)/(action).phtml behavior?
I knew I would find the answer after I posted here. In case anyone else encounters the same problem, the solution was using:
$view->setBasePath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/views/brand1');
And then modifying the directory structure to: