PayPal buy now button - force auto return (without setting via account) - paypal

I'm trying to setup a market place where users and buy and sell goods as quickly and simply as possible.
So far I've been able to just dynamically insert the seller's PayPal email into the button and it pays them. Unfortunately though I'm unable to redirect back to my site after this (even when setting the return value for the button) from what I understand this is because the Auto Return value needs to be set via each seller's PayPal backend, however I don't want to have to rely on them doing that.
Is there any way around this? If not, what's the next easiest way to set a system like this up? Extra points for linking to a good tutorial since PayPal's docs can be hard to navigate.
I am confirming payment in our system based on data getting redirect to my site (I know it's a bit risky without IPN but it'll work for now).

The return URL would work properly even without auto return on. However, the buyer has to first click Return to XXX to get directed to the auto return page. You can change the return text by setting the variable cbt
There are a few ways around this, but it will require you to either move away from Website Payments Standard and towards Express Checkout, or use IPN.
The only other option I can see is giving them a tutorial when setting their account up in your system that has them enable auto return.
Though, without IPN or EC someone could close the browser or tab and you would never have a confirmation.


Show the guest form before the Log in with Paypal in Express Checkout

Due to our workflow, we'd benefit from showing the Guest user form (the one where you have to fill in the credit card, address, name, etc) as the first step, and then let the user log in with Paypal, but only as a secondary action.
The absolute standard is the other way around (show the Paypal login and offer to continue without logging in). One of my colleagues said he has paid like that in other stores, but I guess it's already "something of the past".
Is there a way to reverse the steps and show the guest form first?
I contacted the Paypal Tech support and they pointed me to the right place. You have to add the parameter:
To your calls. They also told me to add SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole, but it didn't make a change in my case.

Inconsistent checkout screens for Paypal express checkout

We're developing an application that uses Paypal Express Checkout, and we're finding that we get two different landing pages. We're actually finding a problem that seems superficially similar to Can you force PayPal Payments Standard API to show credit card fields first?, but with a few differences:
Everything is fine with the sandbox, and we get exactly the appearance (credit card first) we want.
On the live site, about 50% of the time we get exactly the appearance (credit card first) we want.
Sometimes, we get a more "mobile-like" landing page, with the credit card stuff totally hidden in a "Check out as a guest" button, as shown.
This feels like a failing A/B test to me. We're sending exactly the variables in the question linked above, and as I said, all works fine with the older landing pages. I know there are also cookie issues, but in this case, we're seeing it even when Paypal is not able to identify an account and when cookies are cleared.
Does anybody know if there is anything we can do to work around this?
I can add code if needed, but the problem appears to be more data than logic.
I had the same question after I started to see users coming in from the 'new style' page.
I found the answer here:
Paypal express "order summary" page
I added the "force_sa=true" parameter to my Paypal URL:…
The new page is definitely weighted to appear more often on mobile devices. Without the parameter I get the new style page on a iPad after about 5 refreshes, with the parameter I can refresh as much as I like and never see the new page.
Obviously, PayPal will roll out the new page to everyone in the end, but this technique allows us a stop gap while we get ready for it ;-)
The screen pictured is PayPal's new checkout. It is only partially deployed at this point, you can think of it as A/B testing.
Regarding whether the customer sees "credit cards first", this mostly depends on whether they have a PayPal email stored in their browser cookie. If they do, the top "Log in to PayPal" section will be expanded, the email filled out, and they just need to type in their password and do about 3 clicks to complete the checkout..
If they do not have a PayPal email stored in their cookies, the bottom Create an Account or Pay as Guest section will be expanded. (If you want guest checkout, pass SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole in your initial SetExpressCheckout request).
The customer can always switch between the two expanded sections, it's just a "smart default" of sorts.
Try doing all your "credit cards first" testing in an incognito / private browsing window.

Paypal Cancelation - Recurring Payment

I have googled this for a while and I don't think I was able to get a clear cut answer.
We have an application that displays a Subscribe button. Once clicked, It takes the user to the Paypal website where s/he can complete the txn.
Later on, Paypal sends an IPN to our site indicating whether payment was successful. This integration is done by setting hidden html variables.
Now, there is a need to allow the user to cancel their subscription. So far, most of my readings indicate that the user must login to paypal and manage his/her subscription there.
In addition to that, I was able to find some other people mentioning that It would work with using CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile.
The problem is that the later requires ProfileId which is returned thru CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile. it looks like there is a gap. I would appreciate if somebody can pinpoint to the right direction.

Paypal doesn't send an answer to the return url

I have a strange problem, my paypal applications functions perfect with my sandboxbusiness paypal account but if I use a different bussines account, paypal calls my return URL after payment but with no answer string.
no error, no problems during payment process, simply there's a blank answer string. I'm not using AUTO RETURN, the customer must click on the return back button after payment.
someone can help me?
What method are you using using to return data back to your page? Are you using the variable "rm" or are you using PDT? Your other account may not be set up the same way as your other one that is working. If you are using PDT make sure that you have PDT setup the same on the other account and etc.

PayPal Donation button by Email ID

I want to get paypal button with default amount value by user email ID. So it will automatically use User Email ID registered with the website.
If I understand you correctly, you just need to make sure you're using a non-hosted button from PayPal so that you can see the values and dynamically set the business parameter based on the logged in user.
There are disadvantages to this, though, as people could see the form code, copy it, adjust it, and submit bogus values to your system. You could use IPN to help catch false orders, but it can be a hassle.
I would recommend using the Express Checkout API if you're familiar with web services. This ia a nice and secure way of doing what you need.