How to get a project from Github to Unity - github

I'm new to both unity and github, how would I go about getting a unity project my group has been working on from github to Unity? I apologize if this is a simplistic question my google searches didn't turn up much.

Just do a
git clone <PROJECT_URL>
A folder with the project contents will be created in the current path. Then you just open it with Unity.
You'll have an Assets folder somewhere inside your project folder, the parent of this Asset folder should be the Unity project folder, so just browse to it on Unity and open it.

#Roberto's answer presupposes that you are familiar with GitHub / the command line.
If you aren't and aren't planning to continue to use GitHub for collaboration, you could also just download a zip archive of the repository (= the project's main "directory"). You'll find a "Download ZIP" button on the righthand side of the repository's main page.
See also:
How do I download code from this github site
How do I clone a github project to run locally?

This can be a little intimidating for new gamedev's who have not been using source control.
Install some sort of tool that supports git.
There are two flavors : command line tools and GUI tools. Some examples would be gitbash, github for windows, or mac os X developer tools includes a git commandline as well. In my experience many documentation examples seem to refer to command line as it is more universal across computing platforms so you may want to use that even if it seems 'harder' at first. The rest of my instructions assume you use a command line tool.
Get the URL for the code to clone.
Navigate in a web browser to the code repository (on Github, Bitbucket, or wherever it is). Usually in the upper right hand corner is a download or clone button. Often it has a drop down arrow that will allow you to get a URL or a zip download. If you want to actively participate in submitting code grab the URL and proceed to the next step. If you just want to download it once and check it out for fun grab the zip.
Clone the repo in your command line tool
Open your command line tool.
Navigate to a folder that you wish to store source code in such as C:\source or D:\repos using the cd commands (you may wish to google this if your not familiar with it as it varies a tiny bit between platforms and the command line you may be using)
Now you want to execute the clone command. Some git repos will have included the clone command in the url you copied, others will not. The end command will look similar to this
git clone FolderIWantItToGoIn
Hit enter, and it will clone the project. This may take a few minutes if the game project has large files it may take a bit longer.
Potential large assets work arounds
In some cases projects have some very large assets they do not commit to source code. If so you should receive special instructions where to download those.
Hopefully those file instructions are detailed, but if they only mention where to get the files then after step 3 download the files and insert them into the folder under Assets/ will usually be the correct thing to do.
Open UnityHub and open the project in the appropriate version of Unity 3d.
Note that many projects choose a particular version of Unity. Hopefully your team told you what version to use. If not check in the folder you made under ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt . In this file it will say what version of unity was used like this:
m_EditorVersion: 2020.3.8f1
So in Unity Hub click "Add" and select the folder you cloned the project into.
This will return you to the Projects view.
In the projects view select the version noted above in the "Unity version" column with a small grey triangle drop down.
Then click on the project name to open it.
In Unity, go to the Assets menu and select "Open C# Project" and make sure that your code editor loads without error.
Finally, in Unity 3d, open whatever scene file is indicated as the one you should work in and hit Play at the top and you should be able to play the game without error (assuming they checked it in with no errors of course).

In case if you are looking for JAR files of all the dependencies you have in android project. Assuming you have added needed dependencies in you build gradle file(including your github projects), Compile/Make once and Look at Project->External libraries in android studio. You will find list of all downloaded jar files, Copy those and paste it in Unity assets/android/libs path.

Open up your github repository like*Yourname*/*YourGame*
Then click Code=>Download Zip
Then unzip folder
After that Open up UnityHub and and select open project
Open Unity then click File=> Open Project
Then chose your project folder that it.


How to prevent resetting of the files present in Packages section in Unity

I am working with Vuforia in Unity 2019.2.5f1 and building the project for Android. I have some Vuforia related files in the Packages section which I have edited to make some part of the project work. Everything works fine and the changes made in that file are visible when I run the project in my device directly by using the Build and Run option.
However, I also want to do some additional stuff in the project using Android Studio. For that, I export the project by checking the Export Project option in Build settings. The exporting is done fine, but the Package file in which I made some changes, is reset to its original data. The exported project (which is an Android Studio project) does not reflect the changes as well. Other files present in Assets section work fine and changes are visible, but not the files present in the Packages section.
Basically, I have a file in the Packages section which I need to change, but the changes are not reflected in the exported project. But, are visible when I run the project directly from Unity in my device. I want those files not to reset. I need some guidance on how to achieve this.
I am not very experienced in Unity. Any help in this regard is appreciated.
In short: Do not edit anything in the Packages .. they get recompiled/imported automatically and in simple words: You can't prevent it.
What you can do however is copy the entire according folder from the Library over into the Assets and thereby make them local files you can then edit. See Embedded Dependencies
As mentioned in this thread by Unity Technologies (22.05.2019)
Yes, currently the way to develop a package is to copy/move it to your project's Packages folder.
Also see Copying a Unity package from the cache for further information.
In general no changes should be necessary to a Package directly. Maybe you should rather implement your own script and only copy the original content and then rather make your changes their?

How to open downloaded project?

I've downloaded example project in defold site. it's zip file, how to import it to defold? Do I must create new project and drag all file into it?
Sorry if this is beginner question, thank before.
I assume you mean these example projects?
If so, follow these steps:
Create a new project in Defold (from and open it in the editor
"game.project" in the Project Explorer and select Show in Finder
(Mac) or Show in Explorer (PC)
Download and unpack the examples
archive you want
Drag the contents of the archive to the location of
the new project in the Finder/Explorer and replace the files in the
project The editor will pick up the new files and you are ready to
Alternatively you can add a project as a library dependency in your project ('importing' the files for read-only use). If so – add the zip url to the "dependencies" in the project section in "game.project" in Defold. See more about library usage here.
When you open a project for the first time or download, you need to create a "branch", whch is a copy of the project on your computer. Click "New branch" and name your local working copy (like "my work" or similar).
Also Check Your project compatiboly woth your OS Linux/ Windows and 32 bit or 62 bit.
You can learn basic thing from here .
Make sure you are using the latest editor and make sure to clear your browser cache.

How do I start using source control with an existing project?

So I'm working on my first website in Eclipse. It is very simple only shows some text and an input box currently that does nothing, all this eclipse stuff is in my project folder. I've set it up to use Apache Tomcat 9 which is also in my project folder.
Now I think that I shouldn't just push my top level project folder as if I do this, everytime I open up the project in Eclipse, Sourcetree will show 50 or so files modified (.metadata files and such), so I'm guessing that I shouldn't have pushed these to start with.
I've since reset all my commits and am now wondering which files are necessary to upload to github?
You should add all source files to git: the actual code that runs your site (PHP, JavaScript, HTML, whatever it is), along with things like CSS. Don't include config files or files auto generated by the IDE (Eclipse in your case). You can use a .gitignore file to tell git not to pay attention to certain files, types of files, or directories. A guide to .gitignore files can be found here.

XPAGES: Build path contains duplicate entry: 'org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER'

I am trying to run an Xpage locally (in Chrome if it makes any difference) from a local NSF and am receiving the error:
Build path contains duplicate entry: 'org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER'
I have copied all the ExtLib Features and Plugins to the correct directories as required.
Anonymous is set to Author.
I cannot find any information on how to resolve this. There was an open ticket on OpenNTF 6 years ago but no resolution.
As Jesse Gallagher pointed out on Twitter, you can access the .classpath file without going through the ODP setup via the Navigator perspective. I would still recommend setting up source control since it gives you:
local change history in DDE (even if you don't use the ODP in git/hg)
the ability to track any changing file during development, aka- a rogue change to your .classpath file (I recommend installing Cameron Gregor's Swiper plugin)
is fairly easy to set up
as a developer, version control is the best way to cover your butt
I believe you quite literally have a duplicate entry in your NSF's build class path. This has to do with the Eclipse version Domino Designer is based on is being confused by its defined class path. I recommend the following:
if you don't have it set up already, set up source control for your NSF
open the (hidden) file .classpath, which can be found in the root of your On Disk Project (ODP) folder with a trusty text editor (Notepad++, etc.)
search for org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER
if you find more than one, you will need to deconflict your class path (aka- remove one; it may be best to make a backup of the file)
if you don't have "Build Automatically" checked (in your Project menu), you may need to open Package Explorer and right-click your ODP, then perform a "Sync with NSF"
You should be able to de-conflict your build path via the Project > Build Path screen, but this is an easy way to search the whole thing in one shot.
Here's an example the .classpath file from a working app.
An example of a situation where others (using gradle, in this case) ran into a duplicate issue with org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER.
Setting up source control with an NSF, right-click NSF, Team Development, Set Up Source Control:
Note: If you need a little more info on how to set up source control or want to know more about where to park the ODP (aka- if you haven't done this before), I recommend checking out David Leedy's Notes in 9 episode 131: Using SourceTree for Better XPages Source Control. Even if you don't use SourceTree, it's worth it to understand that the ODP should not be placed in your Notes Data directory, etc.

Sharing eclipse project over SVN

We want to share an eclipse Qt project via an SVN repository.
Of course we need to share the .pro file of Qt to be able to build the project.
The problem is, that without the project files you can not handle the project in eclipse but we cannot use the same as they contain local references.
Also it would be nice to use the Eclipse SVN plugin to manage this.
I already tried to check out the project and create a Qt project on Checkout but this overwrites the checked-out project file.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
These are some lines from the .cproject file that are autogenerated, so I can not change the absolute paths:
<storageModule moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.pathentry">
<pathentry base-path="/usr/include/qt4" include="" kind="inc" path="" system="true"/>
<pathentry base-path="/usr/include/qt4" include="QtWebKit" kind="inc" path="" system="true"/>
There are 2 rules for Subversion (independent of Eclipse, should be the same all the time):
If the tool will regenerate a file, and you don't have to change it:
==> don't check it in your version management (may it Subversion, Git, CVS, ...).
If the file contains parts that are manually changed by a user
==> it should be checked into version management.
If you have the second case (not clear from your question), you should try to change the paths to be relative, so that others could use your project at the same location.
If you cannot change that, stick to the location in the file system. Every developer has to use an identical setup.
If you have to support different operating systems, and the files generated by the tooling are not compliant (shame on the tool makers), you should hold templates for all operating systems in your version management, and should initially (manually) make a copy, depending on the operating system you are working in.
If you have to change that file for some purpose, you have to change the templates as well and should remember that all developers have to make a new copy after that.
Sorry, I don't know Qt and have never developed in a C-environment on different platforms, so my tips are pretty vague.
Finally I found following solution:
No .cproject .project file in SVN!
Import the code files from SVN (also the .pro file for Qt)
Eclipse will ask you to create a project, so create a Qt Project with the same name (or some else, but you will then have to delete the files)
When the project was created, revert it (right MB on the Project in Project Explorer -> Team -> Revert) to the state of the repo checkout
Done, now you can work with the project